A Plain Answer® Podcasts

Below are the recent broadcasts of A Plain Answer®.

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A Plain Answer: A Capable Quartermaster Needed for Our Nation - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 10/26/2024
A Capable Quartermaster Needed for Our Nation - Pastor Al Baker

"First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity." 1 Timothy 2:1,2. How does this verse help guide us as we go to the polls over the next days? Our guest wrote an article which makes the point: "as you think about the coming national, state, and local elections you should consider the candidates for each office and ask yourself this question, “Which candidates for President, Senator, Congressman, Governor, Mayor, etc. give the best hope for my family and me to live a prosperous and peaceful life with all godliness and dignity?” Which are willing and able to restrain the evil of drug related crime, sex trafficking, illegal immigration, and abortion? Which candidates will strive to limit the size of local, state, and federal government? Which candidates will keep us out of war?" Participants: Rev. Dr. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Fireside Chat - Being Salt and Light and the Election - Pastor John Vance
Air Date: 10/19/2024
Fireside Chat - Being Salt and Light and the Election - Pastor John Vance

Christians are to be salt and light in this world. We are to bring every thought captive to the Lord Jesus. The hard part is to realize that we are called to this in the midst of a world that is dirty, broken and sometimes hard to live in. We are redeemed and look forward to the certain future hope. AND at the same time, we have obligations to make this world a better place. We should seek to improve our own domain of responsibility to bless others and especially our children and grandchildren. So, we are not to walk around as zombies being so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good! Today we have a fireside chat with a seasoned pastor about the upcoming election and other matters. It's hard to believe that there are Christians who feel that they cannot vote in this election. Some have a tendency to look for perfection in their candidate. If he is not perfect then, they feel they cannot vote. Or others feel that the system is so rigged that its no use to vote. The electronic voting machines can be hacked (in fact they can), or some states have made it almost a crime to question the election results. Whatever the reason, many Christians will not be voting. And that is a shame because for our Constitutional Republic to work, we need the input of everyone. Today we sit back and chat about these things. Join us for what is hopefully a thoughtful discussion. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: JAARS and Hurricane Helene - Jeremiah Diedrich
Air Date: 10/12/2024
JAARS and Hurricane Helene - Jeremiah Diedrich

JAARS stands for Jungle Aviation and Relay Service. It's a Christian Mission Aviation Organization. Today we talk with one of their helicopter pilots. He discusses how the group reduces barriers, eases burdens and delivers God’s Word to people. JAARS trains, equips, deploys and sustains individuals, teams and stations to aid in the work of proclaiming the gospel to the whole creation. Of particular focus for this interview, was JAARS' recent interactions with the people ravaged by hurricane Helene in Western North Carolina. Our guest discusses various trips that his team took, and also the initial aerial reconnaissance trip to assess damages. He describes some of the massive damages to the area. A highpoint in the discussion is the beauty of the local churches in the area, as they make a remarkable difference for Christ. JAARS especially helps these churches as the teams work together. For more information please visit https://www.jaars.org/ Participants: Jeremiah Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: From Communism and its Kinds to Christ and His Kingdom - Pastor Bill Shishko
Air Date: 10/5/2024
From Communism and its Kinds to Christ and His Kingdom - Pastor Bill Shishko

Today we have a personal story that our guest shares with us. Many of you know Pastor Bill Shishko. He is sometimes a speaker on Proclamation. He also participates on Holding All Things Together with his segment, A Visit to the Pastor's Study. But did you know that Pastor Bill for a short time in his younger years, held to the idealistic and anti-biblical theories of Communism? He notes that Communism is indeed, a false religion. Today he is very transparent with us and shares this part of his life story. Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Practical Implications of God's Eternal Electing Love - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 9/28/2024
The Practical Implications of God's Eternal Electing Love - Pastor Al Baker

Today's interview is based on an article from "Forget None of His Benefits." One paragraph says this: "When you face tribulation, distress, peril, or the uncertainty of life in a fallen world, what should you do? In his great epistle to the Romans Paul lays out the universality of sin (Rom.1:1-3:23). From there he takes up the remedy which is our justification by faith, illustrated in the life of Abraham (Rom.4) and expounded with great care in Romans 5. He then tells us that the Law came in that transgression might increase and where sin increased, grace abounded all the more (Rom.5:20). Paul anticipates two objections and handles them in Romans 6 and 7. Where sin increases Paul makes clear that if we are in Christ then sin still shall not be master over us (Rom.6:14), and while the Law incites us to sin we must still say that the Law is holy and the commandment is holy and righteous and good (Rom.7:12). From there Paul teaches us that if we are in Christ we are never again under the condemnation of sin. He goes on to say that God predestined, called, justified, and glorified us, His elect, demonstrating His eternal and electing love." Today, we talk with the author of this article and include his contact information. His number is 860-748-5918 or email al.baker1952@gmail.com. He says that he would love to hear from you and encourage you in your walk with Jesus. Participants: Pastor Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Evangelical Vote, Persecution, The Church, God's Love - Pastor John Vance
Air Date: 9/21/2024
A Plain Answer: The Evangelical Vote, Persecution, The Church, God's Love - Pastor John Vance

Today we cover a variety of subjects. Are some Evangelicals turning to the left, politically? How is this even possible if they hold to the biblical faith? What about persecution of Christians around the world? And what to do when you feel like not going to church? Why is it important to immerse yourself in the fellowship of God's people at church and come under the preaching of God's word, and the sacraments observed. Our guest points out that God's love is deeper than His judgment. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Evangelical Reformed Church in Gdansk Poland - Jola Bartosik
Air Date: 9/14/2024
The Evangelical Reformed Church in Gdansk Poland - Jola Bartosik

Today we focus on church planting in Poland. Our guest is the wife of a pastor from Gdansk Poland of the Evangelical Reformed Church in Gdansk. The church started in 2005 as a mission church. When they first started, there was only one family. Over time, the church grew. In Poland there are many who attend Roman Catholic churches. The Catholic culture helps with the morality for sure. However, its not clear how many folks are truly born again, having a profound sense of sins forgiven, and knowing the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our guest's husband was very busy with a variety of outreaches into the community. Our guest and her husband and family opened their home to a refugee Christian Ukrainian family that was displaced as a result of the Ukrainian/Russia war. A big blessing was the fellowship that they had with this family. They did not know their language, and did not share their culture really. But they found that the people immediately felt like family to them, because of the common Christian faith and knowing the Lord Jesus. For more information about this Protestant work please use this link: http://gdansk.reformacja.pl/english/ Participants: Jola Bartosik, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Reminiscing About 9-11 and God's Providence - Gerry Wisz
Air Date: 9/7/2024
Reminiscing About 9-11 and God's Providence - Gerry Wisz

What do you recall about the 9-11 terrorists attacks? On September 11 2001, there were four coordinated Islamist Suicide attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States. 19 terrorists hijacked four commercial jets scheduled to travel from the East Coast to California. Two of the planes targeted the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Today we reflect back on this time with a friend of Redeemer's, Gerry Wisz. Gerry was scheduled to be on the 106 floor of the North Tower that day. Through an unusual providence, he did not go there. The interruption saved his life. Tune in to join us for this week's A Plain Answer. Participants: Gerry Wisz, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: What is the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Air Date: 8/31/2024
What is the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner

Today we talk with the President, Founder, and National Spokesman for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. The Alliance focuses on three main points: 1. Biblical earth stewardship 2.Economic development for the poor and 3. Proclamation and defense of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We talk also about the kind words that Megan Basham had to say about the Alliance, in her recent book "Shepherds for Sale." For more information, please visit https://cornwallalliance.org/ Saturday 8/31 is the last day for their matching grant program. Participants: Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Kingdom of God - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 8/24/2024
The Kingdom of God - Dr. Peter Hammond

Our guest today says that "the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is all about the King of kings and the Lord of lords. His Crown, His Coming, His Cross, His Great Commission, His plan and purpose for the nations and what we can do to be faithful subjects, servants and soldiers of His eternal Kingdom." Our guest explains that so often, the way the gospel is preached today is - I am the star, and God is a supporting actor. Good point! Our guest gives an example of the outworking of God's kingdom in history: "When Queen Victoria was asked by a visiting African prince: “What is the secret of Britain’s greatness?” she handed him a Bible and stated: “The Bible is the source of Britain’s greatness.” “He will not fail nor be discouraged, till He has established justice in the earth; and the coastlands shall wait for His Law.” Isaiah 42:4" Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The New Birth - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 8/17/2024
The New Birth - Pastor Al Baker

Are you familiar with the "New Birth?" When folks discuss it, one of the passages that comes to mind is found in the gospel of John, chapter 3. Jesus was talking with a man named Nicodemus. He had come to Jesus at night and said “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.” Jesus told him that he needed to be born again. That didn't make sense to Nicodemus, who replied: “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” To that, Jesus answered: “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” Today we discuss the new birth. We mention a blog that Pastor Al offers - it is titled Forget None of His Benefits. Here is the link: https://fnohb.home.blog/author/fnohb/ Participants: Pastor Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: PsyWar - Enforcing the New World Order - Discussion - Dr. Robert Malone
Air Date: 8/10/2024
PsyWar - Enforcing the New World Order - Discussion - Dr. Robert Malone

Do you remember what happened during the COVID-19 pandemic? Remember how some proven/tested solutions were advocated and then all of the sudden, those few brave doctors and nurses were essentially shut down and cancelled? Do you remember how a hospital ship was sent to NY to help with isolating COVID patients, and then the ship was sent back? Do you remember how senior COVID patients were placed into nursing homes by the NY and Michigan governors? The narrative was tightly controlled. Normal middle class people had their voices silenced. It was at a minimum, very strange, and at a deeper level, we know that something else was taking place. Something far more nefarious. Remember how our "system" made available a "vaccine" only to learn that it was not adequately tested, and yet people were forced to have this mRNA concoction shot into their veins? Remember all the nurses, and pilots and police and first responders who objected to the untested "vaccine?" We remember. Now, there are worldwide reports finally flowing in. The adverse affects were intentionally covered up. There was one doctor who understood the technology involved, more than others. In fact, he was the inventor of mRNA technology. But the "system" shut him down. His views were silenced. The media did not want to listen to him. Why? It was maddening. Today we talk with that doctor. Through this whole mad scenario, he kept a cool head and was willing to talk with people who wanted to think about this with an open mind. He was the inventor of mRNA, and yet he was not in favor of the so called "vaccine." Since he and his wife had to live through a harrowing three and a half years of being mistreated by the media, politicians, and others, he is certainly motivated to speak on what happened and what was the root cause. The root cause as it turns out, is based on what some have called "5th generation warfare" techniques. As an MD he knew far more than media pundits. As the inventor it added an extra layer of expertise. So, he wrote a book documenting what he and his wife researched as to the cause and effect of this mistreatment. What he found is not for the weak of heart. He worked on this with his PhD wife and they have thoroughly documented their findings in a book that is coming out in September. He joins us today to reveal some of their findings. For more information, see https://www.malone.news/ Participants: Dr. Robert Malone, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How Has It Come to This in France? - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 8/3/2024
How Has It Come to This in France? - Pastor Al Baker

The Olympics in France run from 26 July to 11 August. Unfortunately, the Opening Ceremony was offensive for most Christians. If you do a quick internet search, you will see the phrases "Drag Performers, Ridicule of Last Supper, Mockery to Christianity, Pornographic Corruptions of Christianity, Drag Queen at Center Behind (fake) alter, Rainbow Mafia, and Christ was mocked." This gives you an idea of the collision of worldviews involved. Basically Paganism vs. Christianity. This blasphemous opening ceremony at the Olympics in Paris causes us to pause and ask how could it come to this and what can we learn from it? Today we look at an article that was posted on the website Forget None of His Benefits (https://fnohb.home.blog/author/fnohb/) We interview the Author of the piece titled "How Has It Come to This in France?" Our author takes us back into the history of France and the year starting 1509 when John Calvin was born. He writes: "John Calvin was born in Noyon, France in 1509 and was converted to Christ while studying at the Universities of Paris and Bourges. By the age of twenty-six he had written the first edition of his Institutes of the Christian Religion. He fled France because of a growing opposition from the Roman Catholic Church and made his way to Geneva in 1536 at the age of twenty-seven. Soon he began preaching verse by verse through books of the Bible. Not much later Calvin met resistance from leaders in Geneva and fled to Strasbourg where he pastored a church of six hundred Huguenots (French Protestants)." We discuss the Reformation movement, Why sometimes a movement of God's grace begins strong and good, but then sees deterioration. Sin is a big part of the reason for such failures. As our guest asserts in his article, "France’s only hope is the transforming power of the gospel which takes out the proud, rebellious, wicked heart and replaces it, through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, with the heart of Jesus which loves God and hates sin. This is France’s only hope. This is our only hope." Participants: Pastor Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Security Ministry in Light of the St James Massacre - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 7/27/2024
A Security Ministry in Light of the St James Massacre - Dr. Peter Hammond

Today we consider the case of terrorists coming into a Christian church, the devastation, and how one man stood up to them and as a result, many lives were saved. This is a real account, and our guest came on the scene directly following the attack. They just came through the 31st anniversary of this terrible attack on Christians in Cape Town South Africa that occurred on July 25, 1993. Listen to the accounts of people who selflessly gave their lives so that others could live. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13 Website: https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/ Link to book mentioned: https://www.christianlibertybooks.co.za/item/security_and_survival_handbook_updated Here is a link to the ebook: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/804158 peter@frontline.org.za is Peter's email address. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: End the Fed - An Illegal and Destructive Enterprise - Dr. Shawn Ritenour
Air Date: 7/20/2024
End the Fed - An Illegal and Destructive Enterprise - Dr. Shawn Ritenour

Our guest today advocates for ending the Federal Reserve. His article in the American Spectator has the subtitle of: "Any other business monopoly guilty of breaking Federal law and sowing economic destruction would immediately be shut down." Interested in what he has to say? Mind you, this is not some off-the-wall random comment, but a well thought out position by a Professor of Economics who holds a Ph.D. in the subject matter. One point our guest makes in his article is: "The Federal Reserve is the monopolist of all monopolists. It has the sole privilege of issuing bank notes accepted as legal tender in the United States. Defenders of the necessity of the Fed forget that money, as an economic good, can be produced competitively just us well as soft drinks, celery, shoes, gasoline, or smart phones. Just as we do not need a central shoe producer to ensure the optimal quantity and quality of shoes, we also do not need a central bank maintaining some supposed optimal money supply ensuring stable prices or magnitude of spending." Out guest makes the point that the Fed has miserably failed the charge it has been given by the Congress. Has the Fed maintained price stability during its almost 110-year tenure? No, it has not. The dollar has lost over 97 percent of its purchasing power since the Fed’s creation. The Fed has a legal mandate to promote stable prices, but, "the Federal Reserve explicitly targets a 2 percent rate of annual price increase." Therefore, the Fed is breaking the law. 2 percent is not stable. 0 percent would be stable. Our guest is Professor of Economics at Grove City College. Participants: Dr. Shawn Ritenour, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Tale of Two Revolutions - Dr. Jerry Newcombe
Air Date: 7/13/2024
A Tale of Two Revolutions - Dr. Jerry Newcombe

"Another July 4th is now behind us, but another July 14th (Bastille Day, the initial act of the French Revolution) lies ahead of us. Superficially, the two "revolutions" – those of the Americans and the French, which occurred just over a decade apart – may seem like two sides of the same coin. But they are not. The conflicts were very different in their foundations and very different in their effects. And God is at the heart of that. In the simplest of terms: The American Revolution was pro-God. The French Revolution was anti-God." So begins an article that appeared in WorldNetDaily on July 9. https://www.wnd.com/2024/07/tale-2-revolutions/ Today, we discuss this article with the author. Participants: Dr. Jerry Newcombe, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Playing the Long Game - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 7/6/2024
Playing the Long Game - Pastor Al Baker

"No longer will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his days. For the youth will die at the age of one hundred, and the one who does not reach the age of one hundred will be thought accursed." Isaiah 65:20. How do you think about evangelism and gospel growth in this world? Is it short term or long term? The Isaiah verse above tells of a time while people still die, but their life span is much greater. In other words, this promise is not for the eschaton, but occurs in history, prior to the last day. We have gotten so used to short term thinking that we fail to see the long term promises of God for His world. Our guest today, is an evangelistic preacher. He writes in an article that we consider today: "...just look carefully at the Great Commission of Jesus. “And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age,’” (Mt.28:18-20). Our job is to preach the gospel and expect conversions, and from what we have seen in the passages just cited, there shall be a multitude of people which no one can number from every tongue, tribe, people, and nation who are in the church of Jesus Christ (Rev.7:9)." Prior to his present ministry, our guest was the organizing pastor of Christ Community Presbyterian Church, West Hartford, Connecticut, serving there for nine years; and before that he was the pastor for ten years of Golden Isles Presbyterian Church, St. Simons Island, Georgia. He's long been actively involved in foreign missions to Central and South America, Africa, India, Great Britain, Europe, Japan, and Indonesia, also traveling extensively around the United States preaching in churches and in the streets. Participants: Rev. Dr. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: There is No Sacred-Secular Distinction - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 6/29/2024
There is No Sacred-Secular Distinction - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

Today we discuss the topic of the so-called Sacred-Secular Distinction. Our guest wrote an article with subheading: "The goal of modern secularism is to get the church out of every aspect of society except its own sanctuary. Many Christians agree." Our guest describes the word "secular," and how its usage has changed over time. Years ago, one goal of Christians (esp. Roman Catholic) was to get everything outside the church into contact with the church. Now, it appears the goal is to get the church out of every aspect of society except its own sanctuary. The earlier practice of wanting civil rulers to simply submit to hierarchical sacramentarianism, was neither evangelical either. So we see a motion from a medieval Roman paradigm, to the modern social order. Neither is evangelical Reformation Christianity. There is a further dynamic - that is, many (not all), Christians agree with the arrangement of a Christian-Secularist distinction. In an effort to keep the sacred order of the family and church safe from the public order, these well-meaning Christians feel that Christianity shouldn't concern itself with matters like education, entertainment, music, technology, politics, wider culture. The concern is that in doing so, would compromise the sacred, churchly order, and would amount to idolatry. They seem to think that God Himself demands this. Our guest wrote an article about this whole topic. He asserts that the Bible knows nothing of a sacred-secular distinction, but rather only of a sacred-profane distinction. He asserts that "this means all that is not dedicated to the Lord and subjugated to his authority is a profanation of his good creation and common grace and biblical will." So the goal then is to see everything to be God-honoring and Christian. He cites Psalm 96:11-12 which says: "Let the heavens rejoice, let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy." Our guests' point is that the obvious cure for our widespread social disease is the erasure of the line between sacred and secular and instead, the creation of a line between sacred and profane. He says the sacred is under Christ's authority, and the profane is rebellion against His authority. There is no third status. The article is here: https://substack.com/home/post/p-144456530 During our discussion we ask of any suggested books for further reading - included were John Eidsmoe "Christianity and the Constitution:" published by Baker. M.E. Bradford (pamphlet) "Religion and the Framers." Herb Schlossberg "Idols for Destruction." Abraham Kuyper "Lectures on Calvinism." P. Andrew Sandlin "Christian Culture, and Introduction." Participants: Dan Elmendorf, Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

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A Plain Answer: Children - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 6/22/2024
Children - Dr. John Vance

Today we consider the subject of children. In Mark's gospel it says: "Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them." Mark 10:13-16 Jesus loves children and so should we. Jesus includes children in the fellowship, and so should we. Once again we have our fellow board member with us to talk about this world. Today, we chose children because we want to consider the importance of passing on the "baton of faith" to our covenant children. We talk about practical things like enjoying nature with our children or grandchildren. We discuss training these little ones, and just enjoying life with them. Also covered is the danger to children that our open border presents. There is a real and present danger that our precious children face that they will be kidnapped by an illegal alien, and perhaps raped and killed. Stories are in the news daily now, of this sort of thing happening. We must practice an increased awareness of our surroundings and be ready to protect our families from the onslaught. Also of great concern is the sexualization of our children by others who mean to do them harm. Parents and Grandparents have great responsibility to raise our children and grandchildren in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Welfare and the Georgia Center for Opportunity - Randy Hicks
Air Date: 6/15/2024
Welfare and the Georgia Center for Opportunity - Randy Hicks

Is welfare helping our country? The original intentions for welfare was as a temporary safety net for those who were unfortunate to have lost a job, or got disabled, or a breadwinner died or left the home, etc. It was not ever intended originally, to become a way of life. The group we interview today stresses education, employment and family, as they work to help remove barriers to these areas. Our guest shares an original quote of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The quote shows that he saw welfare as a temporary thing. He didn't want it to be permanent. We look at the case of Utah, which integrated its workforce services with welfare services in the 1990's. So, in Utah, when an individual seeks government assistance, the first step is to help him re-enter the workforce, if he is able, before providing monetary benefits. Unfortunately our federal government passed a law in 2000, that made it almost impossible for states to integrate workforce and welfare services as Utah did. Most of our discussion today focuses on work, one of the three tiers of the group's threefold emphasis. The website is foropportunity.org Today we interview the President and CEO of the Georgia Center for Opportunity. Participants: Randy Hicks, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Evangelism and the Heart of God - Pastor Paul Murphy
Air Date: 6/8/2024
Evangelism and the Heart of God - Pastor Paul Murphy

Christians are commanded to make disciples of all nations. Today we talk with the Pastor of Evangelism at Messiah's Reformed Fellowship in Manhattan. He wants to see people organically equipped to do evangelism. We talk about the Great Commission in Matthew 28. That extends to us today. Our guest emphasizes making disciples, and not just decisions. Our guest says that every church is a missionary church. The church's meets at the Anderson Hall of Calvary Church. Calvary Church is located at 61 Gramercy Park N., New York, NY. 2152 Ralph Ave. #554 Brooklyn, NY 11234 They have two services on Sunday. They have a catechism service at 10:30 am and a main service at 11:30 am. Our guest is open to you contacting him. His email address is ptmurphy@merfnyc.org Participants: Rev. Paul Murphy, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Time - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 6/1/2024
Time - Dr. John Vance

Time seems to pass by more quickly the older you get. When we were kids, it seemed that days were fairly long, and summer time went on and on. As we grew older though, our vacations seemed very short and before we knew it, we were right back at work again. As a young family, we had kids and messes, and maybe a dog and cat. Some of us raised chickens, and on top of all that, the dad was at work, perhaps driving a long ways. And the weeks, months and years passed by seemingly quickly. Before we knew it, we found ourselves with a different life situation. Some retired and others changed to a completely different job. You get the drift. Time moves on, whether we feel ready for it or not. Today we talk with a seasoned pastor who has ministered to people for many years. He has helped families in their time of need, and overseen funerals. He has preached regularly, and baptized family members. And now, we are both older. We take a bit of "time," and reflect on these things. Our guest draws us to look at some of the perspectives of St. Augustine. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Memorial Day Coming up, and the American Revolution Spiritual Convictions - Dr. Jerry Newcombe
Air Date: 5/25/2024
Memorial Day Coming up, and the American Revolution Spiritual Convictions - Dr. Jerry Newcombe

In light of Memorial Day that is coming up this Monday, here is one area that is worthy of remembrance. While eventually, Memorial Day would honor U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces, today's subject matter really is the foundation. For without an America, there would be no U.S. military. So, as we pause on this Memorial Day weekend, let us ponder the very foundations of our country. What were the Christian principles upon which we were founded? What are some of the original quotations of these founding fathers? How did the pastors of that day handle the call to defend themselves from violent overreach by Britain? Examples are telling. Our guest today is the Executive Director of Providence Forum. https://providenceforum.org/ Participants: Dr. Jerry Newcombe, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Psalm 82 - Pastor Bill Shishko
Air Date: 5/18/2024
Psalm 82 - Pastor Bill Shishko

Have you ever considered Psalm 82? Today we talk with one of the Advisors here at Redeemer Broadcasting. He unpacks this very encouraging Psalm for us. Maybe you have been longing for godly justice to be carried out in history as we see things crumbling. Well, don't let anyone convince you that God's plan does not include justice this side of eternity. Scripture itself, gives us examples to the contrary. Listen today as our pastor friend explains. Here is a cut and paste of the entire psalm: "1 God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He judges among the gods. 2 How long will you judge unjustly, And show partiality to the wicked? Selah 3 Defend the poor and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and needy. 4 Deliver the poor and needy; Free them from the hand of the wicked. 5 They do not know, nor do they understand; They walk about in darkness; All the foundations of the earth are unstable. 6 I said, “You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High. 7 But you shall die like men, And fall like one of the princes.” 8 Arise, O God, judge the earth; For You shall inherit all nations." Participants: Pastor Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Campus Protests, the Family and Social Responsibility - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 5/11/2024
Campus Protests, the Family and Social Responsibility - Dr. John Vance

Recently we have seen encampments of students protesting on various campuses. They have some common elements. The students appear to bully those who disagree with them. Individual interviews are not terribly coherent. They supposedly are upset at Israel defending itself against Hamas, a terrorist organization that attacked Israel on October 7, 2023. Israel suffered 1,139 people killed in these brutal attacks. Rockets from Hamas were seen pouring into Israel. Hamas has troubled Israel for years. Now, this conflict is brought to America more and more - both due to America's support of Israel, albeit weakly via the present administration. But also by these students who have clearly sided with Hamas. Some of these radicalized students have supposedly adopted Islam, and have been photographed in the typical worship postures that accompany their religion. There is a commonality between these campus encampments and the violence with what we witnessed back in 2020, with BLM. In that year, and roughly the same monthly timeframe, we saw riots triggered by the unfortunate death of George Floyd. Total property damage then was somewhere in the range of $1 to $2 Billion. Both then, and now, there were violent responses that were conveniently triggered approximately 6 months prior to a national election. Both in 2020 and now in 2024, one party is clearly ahead and the consensus by the other side seems to be that all efforts to thwart a legitimate win are acceptable, including violence, theft, cheating, bullying, and a take over of nearly all media. Such tactics seem to come from the old Communist playbook and are very familiar to those who have studied and observed such things since the 1960s. Contrasted with all of this trespassing and destruction of property, is the Christian family. The Christian family is much more fundamental than the state, and much more important. Stable Christian families are one of the greatest blessings to a peaceful commonwealth. We also look at the appropriateness of applying God's word to the real world of daily life. We look at the well known Shorter Catechism which says: Q. 3. What do the Scriptures principally teach? A. The Scriptures principally teach what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man. We note that we do pretty well with the first half of this answer - our churches teach well, the tri-unity of God and His attributes. We seem to come up short on the second half that deals with the duty that God requires of man. So, we discuss this a little. Mention is made of St. Augustine and his emphasis in the midst of Roman rule. Our guest ends with words of wisdom and encouragement for Christian families. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Gospel Comes with a House Key - Dr. Rosaria Butterfield
Air Date: 5/4/2024
The Gospel Comes with a House Key - Dr. Rosaria Butterfield

This interview was originally recorded nearly six years ago, yet is directly applicable to our present time. Since the recording, our guest has authored another book titled: Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age. We are privileged to hear the story of how hospitality was used of the Lord, as a proximate means, to win Rosaria Butterfield to Himself. As she explains, her book is about simply being ourselves and loving our neighbors, inviting them into our homes - into our lives. She makes the distinction that she is not advocating "preaching the world to the church." But what happens to the family when our children see Christ powerfully at work in the lives of wounded people that cross our paths and whom the Lord sovereignly changes? This sort of thing profoundly and positively affects our children. We also discuss the idea of building our lives so that there is margin. We are all so busy - how do we do that? Her book is titled: "The Gospel Comes with a House Key: Practicing Radically Ordinary Hospitality in Our Post-Christian World." You can find the book at rosariabutterfield.com, or Crossway(https://www.crossway.org/books/the-gospel-comes-with-a-house-key-hcj/), or Amazon. From an article she wrote: "Radically ordinary hospitality—those who live it—see strangers as neighbors and neighbors as family of God. They recoil at reducing a person to a category or a label. They see God’s image reflected in the eyes of every human being on earth. They know they are like meth addicts and sex-trade workers. They take their own sin seriously—including the sin of selfishness and pride. They take God’s holiness and goodness seriously. They use the Bible as a lifeline, with no exceptions." Participants: Dr. Rosaria Butterfield, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How Shall We View the Current Immigration Crisis? - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 4/27/2024
How Shall We View the Current Immigration Crisis? - Pastor Al Baker

The massive influx of illegal aliens has placed an unsustainable burden on our state infrastructures and welfare systems. There are also murders taking place now, such as the recent murder of college student Laken Riley on the University of Georgia campus. Drugs are flowing in - particularly Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid drug. The end goal of the people driving this breaking of US law is a group of people who want all illegals to have voting rights. They have not paid taxes. Many expect handouts. Crime is through the roof, and they want more. So, in light of all that, its understandable that the American public is very concerned. Meanwhile our own Congress has approved massive amounts of money for Ukraine to essentially secure their border, while ours is left wide open. Does the Bible have anything to say about all this? Yes, it does. Today we look at the general equity of passages that address it. We also look into the idea of welfare for people who are not willing to work. What does the Bible say? Participants: Rev. Dr. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Climate Change - Marc Morano
Air Date: 4/20/2024
Climate Change - Marc Morano

Today we interview a man who has spent years researching climate change, environmental, and energy issues. He's also traveled to Greenland in 2007 to investigate global warming claims. He comes at this from the position of an investigative journalist, and follows the data no matter where it leads. We discuss the fact that climate always changes. We look at recent as well as older history to get a rounded out picture of the facts. Our guest includes the medieval warm period. We go back further to the Roman warming. We discuss the role that CO2 has. We discuss the stories that many of us had to endure in the late 60's and early 70's when the "experts" assured us of a future, soon-to-come global cooling, leading potentially to an ice age. The "solutions" then, to this global cooling, were the same as they are for global warming! We cover the roughly 1000 scientists who have now come out and declare they are skeptical of the catastrophic claims of the climate change alarmists. We talk about the danger that faces climate scientists if they come out and express a different opinion than the typical "approved" narrative. The danger is real and includes being "cancelled" and would directly affect their careers. Occasionally one of them retires and becomes curiously honest about climate change. Our guest runs a website at https://www.climatedepot.com/ He also has written a book available on Amazon titled The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change. A more recent book deals with the Green New Deal. Participants: Marc Morano, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Five Traits of a Healthy Family - Dr. Gary Chapman
Air Date: 4/13/2024
The Five Traits of a Healthy Family - Dr. Gary Chapman

What does a healthy family "look" like? So many younger folks today have a difficult time when they jump into marriage, because they were not blessed with being raised in a functional family. We see many single parent families. Drugs are often involved. Often the Dad will leave his home and go elsewhere. He is an absent Dad, and it tends to destroy the coherency of the family. Today, we are blessed to talk with the author of the book: "5 Traits of a Healthy Family: Steps You Can Take to Grow Closer, Communicate Better, and Change the World Together." The book discusses: A heart for service, Husbands and wives who relate intimately, Parents who guide their children, Children who obey and honor their parents, and Husbands who love and lead. Participants: Dr. Gary Chapman, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Made in the Image of God, The Trinity and Yet Forgetting God in our Society - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 4/6/2024
Made in the Image of God, The Trinity and Yet Forgetting God in our Society - Dr. John Vance

Scriptures tell us that we are made in the image of God. Genesis 1:27 says "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." We are the only creatures on earth that that are made in this way. The animals are not created this way. Also, God is Trinity. While the word itself is not found in the Bible, the concept is found throughout its pages. Tertullian (c. 155 – c. 220 AD) is perhaps most famous for being the first writer in Latin known to use the term trinity. There is a certain dignity that mankind possesses. Our guest reminds us that the Shorter Catechism, Question 10 and its answer: Q: How did God create man? A: God created man male and female, after his own image, in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness, with dominion over the creatures. Man is rational and God had him name the animals. This fact guides our view of education. Man is spiritual and therefore can have fellowship with God. We can communicate with God directly, via prayer. God communicates with us too, and especially does so using the word of God, the Bible. He also shows His handiwork in creation. His providence in daily life is a strong indication of His presence in this world. The modern world is at war against God. We were reminded of this recently, with President Biden’s latest attack, on Easter Sunday (of all times). There was a direct affront to our core faith and values. By declaring Easter Sunday a trans day of visibility — while at the same time banning religious-themed designs. This was not just a slap in the face to Christians, but an assault on religious liberty itself. It shows beyond doubt that we are in a spiritual war. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph. 6:12 The election now falls into this categorization as well. Not that we picked this fight - we didn't, but it has been foisted upon us. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Book of Esther and CHAIM - Rev. Rick Anderson
Air Date: 3/30/2024
The Book of Esther and CHAIM - Rev. Rick Anderson

Today we talk with Rev. Richard Anderson - an ordained Presbyterian minister from a Conservative Jewish Background. He serves as a senior missionary for CHAIM. Today, Rick looks at the Book of Esther in the Bible, and highlights some of its main points to us. To Contact Rick Anderson, his home phone number is 856-461-5669. The website for CHAIM is chaim.org Rick was converted to Messiah Jesus as he reflected on the passage in Isaiah 53. Here is that text, including a few previous verses that precede it: Isaiah 52:13-53:12 - Of Whom Does the Prophet Speak? Isa 52:13 Behold, my servant shall act wisely; he shall be high and lifted up, and shall be exalted. Isa 52:14 As many were astonished at you— his appearance was so marred, beyond human semblance, and his form beyond that of the children of mankind— Isa 52:15 so shall he sprinkle many nations. Kings shall shut their mouths because of him, for that which has not been told them they see, and that which they have not heard they understand. Isa 53:1 Who has believed what he has heard from us? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? Isa 53:2 For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him. Isa 53:3 He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Isa 53:4 Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. Isa 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. Isa 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isa 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth. Isa 53:8 By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people? Isa 53:9 And they made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death, although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth. Isa 53:10 Yet it was the will of the LORD to crush him; he has put him to grief; when his soul makes an offering for guilt, he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days; the will of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. Isa 53:11 Out of the anguish of his soul he shall see and be satisfied; by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant, make many to be accounted righteous, and he shall bear their iniquities. Isa 53:12 Therefore I will divide him a portion with the many, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong, because he poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors. Rick is an evangelist and would be willing to speak with anyone who calls him. Participants: Rev. Rick Anderson, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Climate and Energy - The Case for Realism - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Air Date: 3/23/2024
Climate and Energy - The Case for Realism - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner

Not long ago, an American president said the climate change is more frightening than nuclear war. Often the natural changes in our climate is seen in apocalyptic terms. Today, we'll discuss a new book that is now out: "Climate and Energy - The Case for Realism. The book is edited by our guest, Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, along with Dr. David R. Legates. Information about this book is found at cornwallalliance.org The book is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-a-Million. In the book, find out more information on the real causes of "global warming," and how sensitive the climate is to greenhouse gases. Find out how the sun, oceans, and rain play a key role in climate change. And, what are the benefits of human-generated CO2? Find out why the abandonment of fossil fuels would leave developing countries permanently impoverished and doom millions to an early death. Participants: Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Northern Frontier Camp - Chris Studley
Air Date: 3/16/2024
Northern Frontier Camp - Chris Studley

"Northern Frontier provides programs that guide groups of boys and young men through adventure-packed, action-filled experiences that draw young people closer to God… and equip them to be leaders of tomorrow. In addition, through programs designed specifically for them, Northern Frontier seeks to nurture and develop the relationship between fathers and sons." To learn more, please visit https://northernfrontier.org/ Email the director here: cstudley@northernfrontier.org Participants: Chris Studley, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Multiplying Disciples and Churches - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 3/9/2024
Multiplying Disciples and Churches - Pastor Al Baker

"The church has one purpose – to make disciples of all the nations by going out to meet people who do not know Jesus, to evangelize them, resulting in their baptism, and to teach them to obey all that Jesus and His apostles and prophets say (Mt.28:18-20). We all know that, but how shall we get this work done? Paul instructs Timothy, “And the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also,” (2 Tim.2:2). The model of ministry in Scripture is multiplication, but we almost always try to do ministry by addition. This approach is pedantic, too costly, too slow, and fraught with heavy-handed leadership or good men who often succumb to the temptation of celebrity pastor." Today we talk with the pastor who authored that quote in the Devotional, "Forget None of His Benefits." This latest episode discusses the biblical model of multiplying disciples. As opposed to having an "attraction model," or a "Build it and they will come" model, it is essential that we shift our main focus from merely a large church staff, a large building, attractive programs, and concentrate our efforts on low level, one-on-one discipleship. As part of this discipleship, teach those under our care, to multiple the effort - that of making more disciples. This is want we saw happened in the early church, with 120 in the Upper Room just prior to Pentecost to 100,000 at the end of the fist century (according to missiologists). Participants: Rev. Dr. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Well Being - Cattle and Beef - Dr. Robert Malone
Air Date: 3/2/2024
Well Being - Cattle and Beef - Dr. Robert Malone

Today we look at farms, cattle and beef. How much of your meat comes from a local farm near you? That would be the ideal. Our guest is a medical doctor and scientist. He also runs his own farm and understands the nuances of farming. Our guest wrote an article and in that article he brought out the fact that: "We are about to see the price of American beef go off the charts. Why? Because there is a beef shortage, for which there is no end in sight. US cattle herds have shrunk to a 73 year low- the lowest numbers since 1951." Farmers are a rare breed, and they are not being replaced as they age out. One quote: "the latest census numbers show the number of farmers over the age of 65 is outpacing younger farmers. Almost 1.3 million farmers are now at or beyond retirement age, while just 300,000 farmers are under the age of 35." We have a serious situation that we are facing. Participants: Dr. Robert Malone, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Evangelism - Pastor Paul Murphy
Air Date: 2/24/2024
Evangelism - Pastor Paul Murphy

Today, our guest tells us that conversions in Reformed and Presbyterian churches are lower than they should be. He personally is involved in evangelism, and finds that it is invigorating, fulfilling, and is being used of God, to bring people into the kingdom. The church that he is a part of, was formed in response to the spiritual challenges of the 9/11 attack. At that time there was door to door evangelism going on in NYC where he lives. Over time, people soon got more involved in pastoral care and did not have enough time to keep up with evangelism. To reach pastor Murphy, his email is ptmurphy@merfnyc.org Participants: Pastor Paul Murphy, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Lent - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 2/17/2024
Lent - Dr. John Vance

Today we consider the season of Lent. Is Lent only a Roman Catholic construct, or do Protestants celebrate it as well? Our guest notes the early seeds of Lent going back to the 325AD canon from the Nicene Creed time frame. Lent is a period of 40 days, composed of weekdays. It is a time of spiritual discipline. Focus is made on prayer, dedication to Christ, often fasting, and a conscious effort to conform my mind to the mind of Christ. Historically, it was a time of preparation for baptism, by new converts. During this time, the converts would be catechized. It is also a time of solidarity with other Christians, worldwide. While the Orthodox church choses a slightly different time to celebrate - namely March 18 to May 7, it nevertheless ties us together as Christians who hold to the Nicene Creed. Both the western and eastern traditions see Lent concluding on Easter Sunday. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Valentine's Day and How Not to Indoctrinate our Children to Death - Alex Newman
Air Date: 2/10/2024
Valentine's Day and How Not to Indoctrinate our Children to Death - Alex Newman

Next week is Valentine's Day. When we think of Valentine's Day we think also about a loving home with a husband and wife. Children are a natural part of such a home. But what about the care of these little souls? God charges us to provide for our families and if we don't, He says we are worse than an infidel. "if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." 1 Tim. 5:8 A major way of providing is the upbringing of our children, including their education and training in the fear and admonition of the Lord. But is it even possible to obey the Lord if we allow our little ones to be trained and educated by pagans? What about letting them into the influence of those who are sexual perverts? Is that proper for a Christian? Today we launch our discussion of this with announcing a book that is available, written by our guest. The book's title is "Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Government Schools’ War on Faith, Family, & Freedom – And How to Stop It" Its available on Amazon and also on https://libertysentinel.org/savechildren/ Participants: Alex Newman, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Fragility of our Electric Grid and Power Generation - Robert Bryce
Air Date: 2/3/2024
The Fragility of our Electric Grid and Power Generation - Robert Bryce

Did you know that our electric generation and the grid it powers in America, is fragile? It has gotten more fragile over the past decade as we have foolishly replaced reliable energy sources with part-time unreliable sources. Meanwhile, places like China, are embracing energy sources that are 100% reliable. They are putting us to shame. The cost of our electric has been going up, while there has been a 13 fold increase in blackouts since the year 2000. Our guest today has given over 300 keynote or invited lectures to groups ranging from the Marine Corps War College to the Sydney Institute. He is an author, podcast host, journalist, and public speaker. He has addressed sessions of the Senate multiple times. He writes to a substack here: https://robertbryce.substack.com/ Here is the link to the series our guest mentions: https://juicetheseries.com/ Participants: Robert Bryce, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: God's Work in Africa - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 1/27/2024
God's Work in Africa - Dr. Peter Hammond

God is at work all over the world. He is bringing the nations to Himself. We don't see it sometimes because of our presuppositions that tell us it isn't possible. But it is. And it is happening. "For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet." 1 Cor. 15:25. Years ago, Puritan John Winthrop quoted Matthew's Gospel (5:14) "a city on a hill cannot be hid," -- Winthrop warned his fellow Puritans that their new community would be "as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us", meaning, if the Puritans failed to uphold their covenant with God, then their sins and errors would be exposed for all the world to see: "So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause him to withdraw his present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword through the world". America has broken God's law and we really are under His curse unless we repent. Its only going to get worse. But it doesn't need to. Revival and reformation is God's perfect will for us. We who live in America sometimes think that the world revolves around our 332 million people. Well, it doesn't. How proud that is. It is also wrong. If we can pause for just a minute and stop watching the corporate media, we do well to observe what God is doing in other countries around the world. Today we consider Africa. Consider the church growth in Africa - its higher than the rest of the world. in 1800 there were less than 5 million Christian in Africa. In 1900, the number rose to 7.5 million. In 1979 this rose to 115 million. Now, in 2024, this number is 680 million Christians in Africa. By 2050, the number is anticipated to be 1.2 Billion Christians in Africa. That means there will likely be more Christians in Africa than the rest of the world combined. That assumes the growth rate stays the same in the other countries (which it may not). Our guest runs a mission by the name of Frontline Mission. www.FrontlineMissionSA.org He reports that the greatest need is for bibles and teachers. You can support this missions work - For overseas supporters (like us) wishing to donate to this good work, use this: "Our South African account: Bank Name/Credit Institution: First Rand Bank Bank Street Address: Bank City, floor 2 Place: 4 First Place, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2000 Account Number: 50170589260 Account Name: Frontline Fellowship Street Address: 28 Park Road Rondebosch Place: Cape Town, 7700, South Africa Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for" A perhaps easier way to donate is here: https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/donate.html Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Disease X and Fear Mongering - Dr. Robert Malone
Air Date: 1/20/2024
Disease X and Fear Mongering - Dr. Robert Malone

Have you heard of Disease X? Did you know that it is a fictional disease? USA Today had a a recent article that said: "Disease X doesn't exit, at least not yet. That's why health officials are taking the steps to ensure the world is prepared for an unknown deadly virus that could trigger another pandemic." Does that statement make sense to you? A CBS article claims that this "hypothetical virus (is) 20 times deadlier than COCID-19." Oh really? Why not 100x deadlier? Do you see the arbitrariness involved here? And its an arbitrariness that is going to cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Dollars that we don't have. On today's program, we talk with an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He talks about the current hype over Disease X and the resultant fear mongering that is being pushed. He discussed a bill in Congress that expands the priorities of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) "to specifically include viral threats that have the potential to cause a pandemic." See his substack here: rwmalonemd.substack.com So, this is a make believe disease at this point, and yet we are spending tons of money to fight it. The World Health Organization (WHO) appears to be using Disease X as a propaganda driver to drive fear of an imaginary infectious disease. Worse yet, this fear results in getting public and governmental compliance for a new pandemic treaty, and more money for the WHO. Highly likely will be more public compliance for public health measures, such as masking, social distancing, vaccines and lock-downs. Participants: Dr. Robert Malone, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Fight - Laugh - Feast - The Story Behind Crosspolitic - Pastor Toby Sumpter
Air Date: 1/13/2024
Fight - Laugh - Feast - The Story Behind Crosspolitic - Pastor Toby Sumpter

There exists a website and Podcast which describes itself this way: "We mix the taboo formula of faith, culture, and politics to bring the clarity of the gospel into muddle America. We are a community of Christians who desire to see the Lordship of Christ in every corner of our culture, reigning over every politician, and changing every individual for our good and His glory." The site is at crosspolitic.com The fellas who run it, are having a lot of fun, while dealing with serious cultural issues. Today we talk with one of the men who run this site and podcast. Our guest is an ordained pastor and trained teacher. Participants: Pastor Toby Sumpter, Dan Elmendorf PS, here is a picture of the studio that Crosspolitic uses, and the men involved - Toby Sumpter, Chocolate Knox and Gabe Rench https://twitter.com/Chocolate_Knox/header_photo

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A Plain Answer: Open Border and Infectious Diseases - Dr. Robert Malone
Air Date: 1/6/2024
Open Border and Infectious Diseases - Dr. Robert Malone

By having an open border, with unvetted people coming across by the millions, America has opened herself to infectious diseases in a way that we have not seen for years. This is much worse than the COVID situation was. The fatality rate of Yellow Fever, is much higher than the fatality rate for COVID. The International Red Cross has been facilitating this flood of illegal immigrants. The people are directed to discard any ID or medical records that that they have. Then they are being shipped all over the United States. There's no comparison of this with respect to COVID. This is much, much worse. The reason for the true infectious diseases has nothing to do with so called "climate change." It has to do with our open border and things like mosquitoes. Aedes mosquitoes are visually distinctive because they have noticeable black and white markings on their bodies and legs. Today we talk with a medical doctor who has expertise in infectious diseases and vaccinations. Participants: Dr. Robert Malone, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Holy Spirit and Evangelism - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 12/30/2023
The Holy Spirit and Evangelism - Pastor Al Baker

This year of 2023 has come to an end. This is our last A Plain Answer Broadcast of the year. Do you feel enabled for service to God? Do you know the presence of the Triune God in your everyday life? Today we talk with a seasoned pastor and evangelist. He encourages us by reminding us that God hears the cries of His people who seek Him earnestly. He shares a memory device that he uses - an acronym with the letters PYOB. Pray - Ask for the Holy Spirit. Y - Yield by presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice (Rom. 12:1-2). O - Obey like in Acts 5. B - Believe God's promises. Our guest sends out a regular email called "Forget None of His Benefits." Its available for free by simply requesting it. See: https://fnohb.home.blog/ To request our guest for a weekend of Prayer and Preaching, use the email al.baker1952@gmail.com Participants: Rev. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Optimism and the Christian Life - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 12/23/2023
Optimism and the Christian Life - Dr. John Vance

How is your overall perspective doing lately? Are you discouraged? Fearful? The likelihood of war is certainly on the horizon. Our country is being invaded with millions of unvetted illegal aliens, many of which are of fighting age. We see daily examples of violence in the streets. Not only in cities, but now, grocery stores. Our savings are being violated by the simple fact of severe inflation, which acts as a sort of tax. Billions of dollars are being sent overseas to support a proxy war with Russia because Ukraine's border has been violated. Yet, our own border is not seen worthy of protecting. The American dollar which once was the reserve currency, is close to failing. The price of goods has driven many families to cut back. Credit card debt is through the roof. You get the picture! It would be natural to feel deep despair at this time. Yet, as our guest today emphasizes, "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." Fact is, we have a Savior. None of these events take Him by surprise as He upholds our world and our personal lives. Despite the bad news from around the world, it is possible to have real Christian optimism at this time. Join us today, to be uplifted. Our Lord is Sovereign and he will most assuredly see us through! Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Reliable Electrical Power Generation - Dave Walsh
Air Date: 12/16/2023
Reliable Electrical Power Generation - Dave Walsh

When you turn on your lights and adjust your thermostat, do you expect it to work? We kind of take things for granted now a days, as in the past, our electric supply was just assumed to be reliable. Yet, going forward, we are almost certain to see interruptions in our once reliable supply. Power generation plants which were designed to run 24x7 are being shut down, and in their place are "green" replacements that cannot possibly produce power all the time. There is no storage of energy at our local electric utilities. You use power that was generated a mere milliseconds earlier. Today we have an honest look at power generation, and we do that "in light of" the most recent information available, regarding replacement technologies that come to us with much hype but with no ability to delivery reliable power to communities. Our guest is President of Takota Group. Participants: Dave Walsh, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Advent, its Origins and Practice - Rev. Duane Garner
Air Date: 12/9/2023
Advent, its Origins and Practice - Rev. Duane Garner

Advent started on Sunday, December 3, 2023, and ends on Christmas Day. Today, we talk about this season of Advent. It is distinct from Christmas, actually. The origin of this event on the church calendar stretches all the way back to the early times in Christendom. It really is not necessarily tied to a "Roman Catholic" perspective. Advent, (from Latin adventus, “coming”), in the Christian church calendar, is the period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas and also of preparation for the Second Coming of Christ. Our guest explains that we do have the liberty of setting aside times of observance. There is a connection to the 4th day of creation. Participants: Rev. Duane Garner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Conversion of Mitsuo Fuchida and How to Live Godly - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 12/2/2023
The Conversion of Mitsuo Fuchida and How to Live Godly - Dr. Peter Hammond

Today we review the gripping story of Mitsuo Fuchida. Back on December 7, 1941, Mitsuo led the first wave of the air attacks on Pearl Harbor. He was a Captain in the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service. Following WWII, Fuchida was introduced to the gospel through the testimony of Jacob DeShazer. There is both a book written on this remarkable story and a tract. The tract is available through Peter Hammond's ministry at www.FrontlineMissionSA.org Our guest closes out our discussion by sharing from his latest letter on how to fail in life, vs. how to succeed - that is, how to glorify God with your life. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond

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Christ the King Sunday - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 11/25/2023
Christ the King Sunday - Dr. John Vance

Are you aware of the church calendar? Its important as our secular calendar picks up some of the salient features of the church calendar. A couple of these events are Christmas and Easter for example. But one key date not mentioned by our secular calendar is "Christ the King Sunday." Colossians 1 speaks to the Preeminence of Jesus and His Lordship over all creation. Christ the King Sunday celebrates the coming reign of Christ as King of the Earth and his completion of the renewed creation that marks the fullness of the Kingdom of God. We are reminded that the Christians' allegiance is to our spiritual ruler in heaven as opposed to earthly supremacy. At the same time, Christ's rule affects the whole world in history prior to the eschaton. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Short DNA Fragment Contamination of Vaccine - Dr. Robert Malone
Air Date: 11/18/2023
Short DNA Fragment Contamination of Vaccine - Dr. Robert Malone

Today we discuss "adulteration" of the COVID vaccine. Basically, it is contamination that is not otherwise disclosed. If the contamination exceeds allowed specifications, and the packaging does not disclose (i.e., consumer not aware), then it meets the criteria for "adulteration." So if that happens, there is a process the FDA has set, such that they issue a requirement that the manufacturer places a hold on the product. It then could lead to the vaccination being withdrawn from the market. In our guest's opinion, such criteria has been met for adulteration. If its proved that Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca are guilty of this, then there is a possibility of DNA migration, and these companies are liable. In this recent COVID case, we do know that processes were bypassed and the vaccine was sent to market. If the contamination did get into the vaccine, a question arises, as to whether it was accidental or intentional. Our guest is familiar with circular DNA plasmas produced by bacteria as a source of DNA to make the RNA. Then to get rid of the DNA, you use enzymes. That part appears to have not been well developed as a process. It appears that a rushed switch took place. FDA did not force them to do the work as it was jammed through under the assumption that we would have a national crisis. A 3.4% mortality rate (sound familiar?) was used in event 201 war game planning in fall of 2019. This was needed when the insiders became aware that there was some kind of escape of a virus. The WHO took the 3.4% number to be fact - but it was based on modelling, not measured data. This gives you a flavor of our discussion today. Participants: Dr. Robert Malone, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Graciously Proclaiming God's Word to the LGBTQ Community
Air Date: 11/11/2023
Graciously Proclaiming God's Word to the LGBTQ Community

Earlier this month of November, there was an important conference held in Iowa at Redeemer United Reformed Church. It was the 4th Annual Reformation Conference, put on by Reformation Gospel Ministries. The Conference focused on reaching LGBTQ people biblically. The title of the conference was "A Fresh Way Forward." Our friend Pastor Al Baker spoke at the conference. He is an evangelist with Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship. Al gave three talks, and they were: 1. Reaching the LGBTQ Community Biblically (the biblical mandate to reach them). 2. Reaching the LGBTQ Community Theologically (the theological grounds why they need to repent of their sinful thinking and living). 3. Reaching the LGBTQ Community Practically (How to approach the LGBTQ community with the gospel of Jesus Christ). And then there was a Q&A Session. The group that put this on was ReformationGospelMinistries.org. Pastor Al's lectures are found here: Session 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvedeYs-yHI Session 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV7OGnTSYBE Session 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6tBT19kXWk Participants: Pastor Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The New Birth - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 11/4/2023
The New Birth - Pastor Al Baker

Are you familiar with the "New Birth?" When folks discuss it, one of the passages that comes to mind is found in the gospel of John, chapter 3. Jesus was talking with a man named Nicodemus. He had come to Jesus at night and said “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.” Jesus told him that he needed to be born again. That didn't make sense to Nicodemus, who replied: “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” To that, Jesus answered: “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” Today we discuss the new birth. We mention a blog that Pastor Al offers - it is titled Forget None of His Benefits. Here is the link: https://fnohb.home.blog/author/fnohb/ Participants: Pastor Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Reformation: Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 10/28/2023
The Reformation: Dr. Peter Hammond

What is the Reformation? What role did the Scriptures translated into the language of the people, play in this timeframe? A good deal prior to Martin Luther, we see John Wycliffe, an English theologian in the 1300s known best for his role in translating the Bible into the common language. Later Martin Luther was a German priest, theologian, author, hymnwriter, professor, and Augustinian friar. He was the seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation, and his theological beliefs form the basis of Lutheranism. Luther was ordained to the priesthood in 1507. Historians usually date the start of the Protestant Reformation to the 1517 publication of Martin Luther's “95 Theses.” Our guest today points out some salient features of the Reformation. A Biblical understanding of holiness was evident during this important time. People learned to serve God in every area of life. Our guest points out the Five solas: sola scriptura (Scripture alone), solus Christus (Christ alone), sola fide (faith alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (glory to God alone). Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Israel at War with Hamas and other Common Threads - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 10/21/2023
Israel at War with Hamas and other Common Threads - Dr. Peter Hammond

The Hamas Terrorist group attacked Israel on Saturday, Oct. 7. In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared "we are at war." About 1,400 people, most of them civilians, have been killed since Hamas launched the coordinated, multi-fronted attack from the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian territory it has controlled for years. As in many wars, there is unfortunate examples of free nations supporting the terrorists, for whatever reason. In this case, the United States' President Joe Biden has sent 6 Billion dollars of our tax money to Iran. Problem is, Iran is a known supporter of terrorists, including Hamas. Iran has said in the past that they want to wipe Israel from off the map. To send money to Iran at this juncture is not merely a tone-death and tragic action, it betrays a deep and dark underside of our current administration. So, today we cover this tragic terrorist attack, but we do something more. We talk with a man who years ago was trained in the military, and then went into missions full time. He experienced first hand what terrorist do, and how they think. He has personally talked with Marxist and Muslim terrorists groups. He has observed their fanatical hatred. He is keen to observe their use of catch phrases and how they manipulate the media into a propagation outlet for their own evil plans. He is of the opinion that we should never give anything to terrorists. We must stop supporting those who supports terrorism. Our guest understands the delicate balance, highly nuanced, that must be maintained between seeking peace, and yet remaining well-armed. He points out that funding has been flowing from America that ends up in the hands of Hamas. Also funding from others, such as Qatar and Turkey. We are heading towards war as U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced Sunday that he has ordered American military ships, including an aircraft carrier and additional aircraft, to move closer to the eastern Mediterranean in response to Hamas' unprecedented, multi-fronted attack on Israel. Pray that level heads with prevail and yet at the same time, that terrorists can be dealt a severe blow. Here is the website that he mentions: https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/ Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Climate Uncertainty and Risk - Dr. Judith Curry
Air Date: 10/14/2023
Climate Uncertainty and Risk - Dr. Judith Curry

Dr. Judith Curry is an American climatologist and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She talks to us about some of the topics in her book: Climate Uncertainty and Risk: Rethinking Our Response. "World leaders have made a forceful statement that climate change is the greatest challenge facing humanity in the 21st century. However, little progress has been made in implementing policies to address climate change." We discuss CO2 , power generation, and practical issues such as reliability of power and the extreme costs of prematurely eliminating gasoline-powered vehicles. For those who are concerned about it, what is a good and safe source of energy that has a zero "carbon" footprint? Participants: Dr. Judith Curry, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Some Current Events and the Christian Home - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 10/7/2023
Some Current Events and the Christian Home - Dr. John Vance

We just came through an interesting week in terms of Washington DC. The House voted 216-210 to vacate the Speaker's Chair. It was the first time in U.S. history that a speaker of the House has been voted out of office. There were a number of issues that led 8 of the Republicans in the House to vote this way. We discuss some of them in this episode. We also discuss the current trend of "lawfare," as used against one's political enemies. Our concern is multifaceted, but we feel that it will likely go full circle to include those now using it for their advantage and that with time, they too, will be targets of this perverted system. in other words, "be careful what you wish for." Later in the discussion we take a look at the Christian home and raising children. We feel that its very likely that we are entering into a time of a great awakening. May God have mercy! Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Christian Home - Pastor Ben Miller
Air Date: 9/30/2023
The Christian Home - Pastor Ben Miller

God has blessed Christian parents with children to raise up to His honor and glory. We are to see them trained and then to see them go out and replicate the process as He blesses His world through them. Today we talk with a pastor who has four children. His oldest is age 20 and youngest is ag 13. We discuss talking with our children and listening carefully. Examples are given of how to handle when disruptions occur in communication. We avoid a cookie cutter approach. Even in education, its clear that one rigid model does not necessarily work for all families. As you listen to this interview, ask yourself "how" you view your children. That is - what assumptions do you bring into your perception of your children. In particular, their spiritual life. Do you raise them as Christians? Or do you raise them as pagans, awaiting the (almost magical) day that they have a crisis experience and to you, they change their spiritual status? Our guest relates a practice that his own dad practiced then there was a breakdown in communication in his home, growing up, and how his Dad reacted and what he did. Be encouraged, dear parent. While raising "kids" is hard work, its a process well worth the time and effort. Participants: Pastor Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Responding to Challenges and Two Muggings Within 10 Minutes - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 9/22/2023
Responding to Challenges and Two Muggings Within 10 Minutes - Dr. Peter Hammond

Our guest today is very familiar with the Continent of Africa. He has been involved in missionary activity there for decades. He has distributed Bibles to many countries within Africa, and has experienced the persecution that comes with such activity. There currently are more than 100 million churchgoers in Africa who do not have a copy of the Bible, or even a New Testament. Most pastors have no access to a library or a study Bible. That makes the greatest need evangelically speaking, in Africa, to be Bibles and Bible Teaching. Literature and leadership training are key areas of need as well. The churches need protection from deception and distraction, and that can only come through the scriptures and sound biblical teaching. Our guest is working to distribute Bibles as well as good Christian literature. Frontline Fellowship Priority Projects can be supported by going to https://www.givesendgo.com/frontlinefellowship Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Power the Future - Fossil Fuels - Daniel Turner
Air Date: 9/16/2023
Power the Future - Fossil Fuels - Daniel Turner

To hear the average corporate newscast talk about fossil fuels, you'd think that they are something extremely evil, that we need to rid the world of as soon as possible. Then, when you sit at your desk and type at your keyboard, or ride in your car with its doors and tires, or you sit in an emergency room - just look around. Do you see plastics? Yes, they are all over the place. Fact is, plastics come from oil. Or suppose you have just lost your power, and the lines and poles are down. Trucks from the utility company come out - guess what. They are all powered by fossil fuels. Or suppose you want to heat your house this winter and you don't use a wood stove. That heat is coming mostly from fossil fuels. Even if you use electric heat (currently more expensive per BTU), that heat comes from fossil fuels. If you do happen to heat with electric, up to 60% comes from fossil fuels. This is not a curse. It is a blessing. Embrace it. Today our guest is the Founder and Executive Director of Power the Future. To reach our guest via email, use daniel@powerthefuture.com Participants: Daniel Turner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Update on COVID-19 - Dr. Robert Malone
Air Date: 9/9/2023
Update on COVID-19 - Dr. Robert Malone

We are hearing "chatter" regarding COVID-19 plans this fall and winter. Our guest is a physician and scientist. He is an expert on COVID and the remedies. He understands mRNA vaccines, as he was one of the inventors. However he takes a stand that the current vaccine and boosters are "toxic." One group of people are heading towards wanting people to mask up again. The White House website says regarding COVID-19: “The Administration will work with Congress to secure the necessary funding to: Launch an effort to vaccinate America’s youngest children, then they list 11 other highlights, including outreach, a new website and combating misinformation. Newscasters talk of the administration planning to make the vaccination mandatory. However, not all leaders march in lockstep to the plans of this administration. Our guest hosts an important Substack where he posts all his well-researched articles. It is found at https://substack.com/@rwmalonemd Our guest recommends getting your vitamin D levels checked. As we approach fall and winter, people typically don't get exposed to sunlight as much. This degrades their vitamin D level. Without sufficient vitamin D, it can open you up to more susceptibility to getting COVID, RSV and Influenza. Practical advice here. Participants: Dr. Robert Malone, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Labor Day and Our Calling - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 9/2/2023
Labor Day and Our Calling - Dr. John Vance

How do you view your work? Paul writes: "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Cor. 10:31 Are you aware of the calling that God has given to you? Today we share some reflections on the subject of work. Monday is Labor Day. We are sorry for our culture that we have fallen into the trap of a welfare mentality. This is causing us to be enslaved as a people, and is helping to destroy the fabric of our society. It is against all sane cultural health, and leads to spiritual decay. God calls his people to work. An early command was the "Cultural Mandate." This is the the command to exercise dominion over the earth, subdue it, and develop its latent potential (Gen. 1:26-28; cf. Gen 2:15). God calls all humans, as those made in his image, to fill the earth with his glory through creating what we commonly call culture. Our guest today is a fellow board member. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Political Correctness and American History - Jerry Newcombe
Air Date: 8/26/2023
Political Correctness and American History - Jerry Newcombe

We often hear of new attacks on America as founded. We are witnessing our nation's Judeo-Christian roots being chipped away at it seems on a weekly basis. Our guest today, describes this destruction of our roots, as "American Amnesia," in a recent article. Our discussion starts off with reference to a town near San Francisco, which is named in honor of Concord, MA - where the original "shot heard round the world" was fired. There is a school in this California town which previously, had an image of a Minuteman, holding his rifle, as its logo. Well, no surprise, political correctness as taken its toll with the school board voting to replace that image with a bear. Some wanted a name that was more "gender inclusive." Others were offended with "showcasing a firearm." Our author notes: "Political Correctness, 1. American History, 0." Fact is, we know that Christian ministers played a key role in the American War for Independence. To be offended is really a shame. The Minuteman image is iconic and has come to "represent liberty to countless millions of Americans for generations." Original article here: https://www.wnd.com/2023/08/casualty-wokeism-concord-repudiates-minuteman/ Providence Forum here: https://providenceforum.org/ Participants: Dr. Jerry Newcombe, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: An Introduction to Pacific Justice Institute - Brad Dacus
Air Date: 8/19/2023
An Introduction to Pacific Justice Institute - Brad Dacus

Today we talk to a legal non-profit, who has the mission to defend – without charge – the religious freedoms, parental rights, and other civil liberties of people who cannot defend themselves. They work diligently to provide their clients with dedicated, exceptional legal support completely funded by generous supporters. Learn how to prepare yourself on what to do when Child Protective Services overreach and try to take your child away. There is a section on the website to submit a form to access the guidelines of what to do should you find yourself in this kind of a situation. Another area they work on is religious free speech. In the states of CA and NY especially, Christians had their churches shut down by the state during COVID. All the while Home Depot, bars, strip joints, etc. were open. This very clear violation of separation of church from state control happened. Learn what PJI did in California, and how their case went all the way to the Supreme Court, and they won against Gavin Newsome. It was major win. This is a legal group that represents their clients for free. So, they do need your support if you believe in their mission. The website address is pji.org Participants: Brad Dacus, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Enjoying the Lutheran Hour - Dr. Michael Zeigler
Air Date: 8/12/2023
Enjoying the Lutheran Hour - Dr. Michael Zeigler

Today, we have the privilege of talking with the speaker of the Lutheran Hour. We discuss his background of being raised in a military family. Even now, our guest, besides being an ordained minister in The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, he remains active in the Air Force Reserves. We talk about how he thinks as he prepares his sermon for air play. We talk about how important it is to talk to the person, and not just a larger entity. Being in the Reserves is an advantage for our guest, because it keeps him close to other people, feet on the ground, and it makes him more relatable to people. We also discuss how we are to see ourselves, those of us who are not pastors, and have a wide variety of jobs. Participants: Dr. Michael Zeigler, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Calling, Work, Fulfillment - Dr. James Thrasher
Air Date: 8/5/2023
Calling, Work, Fulfillment - Dr. James Thrasher

An Opinion Editorial was published recently, by Grove City College. It read in part: "As you reached for the alarm this morning what were your first thoughts? Did this endless work ritual conjure up depressing emotions causing you to bury your head in the pillow? Did you immediately ask yourself, what is the point of this meaningless and useless drudgery, other than bringing home a paycheck? Join millions of Americans if you said, “I can’t take it anymore.” Welcome to the vocational calling disaster: it’s not working. And that’s not “working.” It’s not working because all the research studies overwhelmingly show that most people dislike or hate their jobs. Yahoo! says that American workers hate their jobs so much that nearly half wouldn’t wish it on their worst enemy. Something is terribly wrong. That’s not “working” because we’re clueless on why we work. Work is not about us. Work has meaning and purpose because it matters to God, now and eternally. Colossians 3:23 says, “whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” We must look beyond ourselves and acknowledge that work is an opportunity to serve God and others. So, what is the purpose of work and how does one find true meaning, satisfaction, and fulfillment through employment? All of life is to honor Christ. This, then, is the proper starting point for realizing a true understanding of work. Embracing a biblical view of calling and vocation is the only thing that provides intrinsic motivation and truly enlivens the call to work." Today, we talk with the author of this piece, Dr. Jim Thrasher. To contact Dr. Thrasher directly, his email is thrasherjt@gcc.edu Also, here is the link to today's article by Dr. Thrasher: https://www.faithandfreedom.com/its-not-working/ Participants: Dr. James Thrasher, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Baptism and the Visibility Paradigm - Rev. Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 7/29/2023
Baptism and the Visibility Paradigm - Rev. Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

Christian baptism derives its significance from the administration of a very visible, literal act in or by ordinary water. As we read Romans 6, we see that living as a Christian is possible only in vital union with the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ. The visible instrument of this union is baptism (Cf. Romans 6:3). Typically, baptism is memorialized with a visible certificate. Again, our baptism is a visible, tactile, dateable act. For the Apostle Paul, baptism marks union with Christ. While regeneration is an internal transformation, baptism is an external transition, and the latter is just as important as the former. Today, we discuss Christian baptism. We do so broadly, including subjects being young and old, and including all modes. Here is his substack, and the article we talk about: https://pandrewsandlin.substack.com/p/baptism-and-the-visibility-paradigmParticipants: Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: For What Does it Profit a Man - Hemingway vs Perseverance of the Saints - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 7/22/2023
For What Does it Profit a Man - Hemingway vs Perseverance of the Saints - Pastor Al Baker

Today, we discuss the real case of a man who grew up in a Christian home, and for a while, seemed to love and serve Christ. His grandparents were missionaries, his father was a committed churchman and even a friend of D.L. Moody. But this young man would turn away from the things of God and walk his own way. He achieved the praise of men. He was an adulterer, and lived as a tough guy. He was a big game hunter and loved his alcohol. As it turns out, he embraced a false bravado. He ended his highly acclaimed life, with suicide. We discuss this case in light of the Scripture. We understand by contrast, that there are truly saved people who God has accepted as His Beloved. They are effectually called and sanctified by His Spirit. Of this group of people, they do not totally or finally fall from a state of grace. They persevere to the end and are eternally saved. We discuss this with respect to street evangelism that our guest practices. When he sees a person repent of their sins and confess Christ, he realizes that only God sees their heart. He considers them to be a "hopeful convert." Some of the people who have come to faith have been a slave to all manners of sin. Its best to leave the inward reality to Christ and simply see if they end of living for Christ or not. If they remain loving and serving Christ for the long haul, then they likely are truly saved. Our guest also ministers in some very dangerous places. He asks or our prayers as he soon will embark on one such mission in a very dark place as he teaches others how to plant churches. For more information see: https://www.refglobal.org/ Participants: Rev. Dr. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Greatest Border Crisis in US History - Todd Bensman
Air Date: 7/15/2023
The Greatest Border Crisis in US History - Todd Bensman

Illegal immigrants continue to cross our southern border at the rate of about 200 thousand people each month. Today's guest explains that since around May of this year, the Biden administration has a new strategy. They meet the people on the Mexico side and help them break our immigration laws as they give the illegals "entry permits," encouraging them to walk across our bridges. Whereas prior to this, the illegal aliens came between ports of entry. The drones are fooled because many of these bridges have sun awnings over them, and you cannot see the massive migration crisis that is occurring. We reflect on what 200K people look like in terms of sheer numbers, and how towns and cities in America are forced to give food, clothing, shelter, etc. to all these people. The migrants enter illegally, despite having Biden's "entry permits." It was the administration itself along with the illegal alien who are breaking our laws. We have a crisis on our hands. We talk about the Christian response to this. The answer is not to continue to give our tax money to these law breaking immigrants. We contrast what is happening to the case of legitimate immigrants, who fill our their paperwork, pay their fees, wait and wait, then finally gain legal entrance to America. This second group have entered properly, and we have no problem with that. We note that for this second group of folks who have entered legally, that for them, watching how the Biden administration is treating the illegals, is like a double even triple slap in the face. Fairness goes to the wayside in such a lawless approach. We also talk about the Christian response if we were given the opportunity to work with illegal aliens. At a higher level, we all must work to assure that illegal aliens are deported. That is the proper, law abiding thing to do. Participants: Todd Bensman, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Climate Change - Marc Morano
Air Date: 7/8/2023
Climate Change - Marc Morano

Today we interview a man who has spent years researching climate change, environmental, and energy issues. He's also traveled to Greenland in 2007 to investigate global warming claims. He comes at this from the position of an investigative journalist, and follows the data no matter where it leads. We discuss the fact that climate always changes. We look at recent as well as older history to get a rounded out picture of the facts. Our guest includes the medieval warm period. We go back further to the Roman warming. We discuss the role that CO2 has. We discuss the stories that many of us had to endure in the late 60's and early 70's when the "experts" assured us of a future, soon-to-come global cooling, leading potentially to an ice age. The "solutions" then, to this global cooling, were the same as they are for global warming! We cover the roughly 1000 scientists who have now come out and declare they are skeptical of the catastrophic claims of the climate change alarmists. We talk about the danger that faces climate scientists if they come out and express a different opinion than the typical "approved" narrative. The danger is real and includes being "cancelled" and would directly affect their careers. Occasionally one of them retires and becomes curiously honest about climate change. Our guest runs a website at https://www.climatedepot.com/ He also has written a book available on Amazon titled The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change. A more recent book deals with the Green New Deal. Participants: Marc Morano, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Reflections on Independence Day - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 7/1/2023
Reflections on Independence Day - Dr. John Vance

As we anticipate the coming celebration of Independence Day, we pause to reflect back on our nation's beginnings. With a brief mention of some of the timeline of the acts (Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Quartering Act, etc.) leading to our conflict with Britain, we consider a major, overriding event known as the First Great Awakening. Our guest rightly notes that without this spiritual awakening, there would have been no war for Independence. We also take note of the slow emotional temperature that rose in those days of the mid-1700's, in which people increasingly "had quite enough" of the elitist pressure that resulted in quashing people's rights and freedoms. There obviously is an analog in our own time. After the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, there were a number of battles with Britain. Some of these in 1777, were Princeton, NJ, Oriskany, NY, Bennington, VT, Brandywine, PA, Saratoga, NY - a very extensive list, that we only touch the surface of. We mention a key speech of Patrick Henry, given March 23, 1775. Our guest helps us remember the events of a Lutheran minister by the name of Rev. Muhlenberg. He saw a connection between the gospel and the freedom it instills - outward freedom in the land. His convictions led to his involvement as a Continental Army soldier. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Endowed By Their Creator - Dr. Jerry Newcombe
Air Date: 6/24/2023
Endowed By Their Creator - Dr. Jerry Newcombe

"“Endowed by Their Creator” is a new documentary in the Foundation of American Liberty series by Writer, Director, and Executive Producer Jerry Newcombe of Providence Forum. This special highlights the Declaration of Independence, America’s birth certificate, which was radical in its day and is still radical in our day. Most importantly, it declares that our rights come from God. Therefore, they are non-negotiable. What Christian sources influenced this beautiful document? Learn more about the Mecklenburg Declaration of 1775, the writings of William Blackstone, John Locke, and more. “Endowed by Their Creator” also examines the contrast between the godless French Revolution and the pro-Christian American War for Independence, including the Founders’ vision of no separation between God and government. Rich in content, the documentary features historical documents and quotes, with expert commentary." Today, our guest is the producer of this documentary, Dr. Jerry Newcombe

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A Plain Answer: Father's Day, Pastoring, Culture - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 6/17/2023
Father's Day, Pastoring, Culture - Dr. John Vance

This Sunday is Father's Day. We exchange some thoughts back and forth as we reflect on our fathers. Our guest is a retired pastor and board member here at Redeemer. Our guest mentions not only his father but also his grandfather. One conclusion we reach is the importance of taking this Father's Day and communicating our love for our Dad's if your Dad is still alive. Try and talk with him, and gain as much wisdom that you can from him. And then we extend our reflections on Father's Day into our culture. One outstanding need in our day is for fathers in the home. Broken homes lead to society brokenness and ills. Towards the end of our discussion we briefly discuss the necessity of the new birth. Receive Christ as your Lord and Savior, and all of life changes for you. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Great Reset: Dr. Michael Rectenwald
Air Date: 6/10/2023
The Great Reset: Dr. Michael Rectenwald

"The idea of resetting capitalism suggests that capitalism had previously been pure. But the Great Reset is the culmination of a much longer collectivization process and democratic socialist project, with their corresponding growth of the state." Mises Institute Wire. "The Great Reset combines resets in all conceivable domains of human life: economic, environmental, geopolitical, governmental, industrial, technological, social, and individual." (Presented at "The Great Reset?" Hillsdale College's Center for Constructive Alternatives. Sunday, November 7, 2021, at 4 PM). Today, we talk with the author of the new book: "The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda ." The book was available December 2022. As our guest explains, he lays out a plan to counter the Great Reset with practical steps, documented towards the end of his book. Participants: Dr. Michael Rectenwald, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Revival Prayer and God's Work in this World - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 6/3/2023
Revival Prayer and God's Work in this World - Pastor Al Baker

What is revival prayer? Today we talk with the author of the book by this title "Revival Prayer: A Needed Paradigm Shift in Today's Church: Expanded Edition" https://a.co/d/g626hKQ Our guest uses the example of Mark 9, after Jesus came down from the mountain. The disciples were having trouble casting demons out of a boy. Jesus said, this kind comes out only by prayer and fasting. The demon they were dealing with in this boy was apparently very virulent. In our day, we also are dealing with evil that is more virulent than our forefathers experienced. When you go out in the streets today, you will experience profound hostility to the gospel of Christ. Out guest makes reference to "the intolerable burden," which is an intense agony, grief and alarm at the status quo. Participants: Pastor Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Must Fossil Fuel Extraction be Stopped to Limit Global Warming? - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Air Date: 5/27/2023
Must Fossil Fuel Extraction be Stopped to Limit Global Warming? - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner

Today we talk about fossil fuel. Our guest considers the position held by Earth.com, an environmental activist website, and interacts with the science. Should we stop fossil fuel extraction in an attempt to limit global warming? Initially you may ask yourself, as a Christian, why should I even consider such a question? Secondly, is the earth delicate and nurturing, or is it more robust and at times violent? What is "raw" nature really like? What has God called us to do in His word with respect to the world and its animals, raw materials, etc.? It's these sort of considerations that are needed as we go down the path of the stewardship of creation. The modern move to impact nature as little as possible - that view, comes from some upfront assumptions. God gives human beings good guidance, that applies to us today. What are these requirements? Our guest explains. After that initial set of questions, our guest gets into the question at hand of working with the earth to extract energy. He discusses human flourishing and what that means. Our guest points out that different forms of energy are high density sources while others are low density. The higher the density that you start with, the lower the cost. Our guest also points out uncomfortable facts about countries which are attempting to embrace 100% renewable energy, such as Germany. How are they doing? Fact is, Germany, after spending nearly half a trillion dollars, in 20 years went from getting 84 percent of their primary energy from fossil fuels to 76 percent. And that was using the "low laying fruit" as it were. Then he asks, "Can you tell me how you'd go from 76 percent fossil to zero by 2030, or 2035?" The reality is what it is. If Germany's not going to do it, developing nations certainly aren't. This fact ties into the discussion of some countries signing on to the Paris Climate agreement and what they really do. "...there is no enforcement mechanism in either the Paris agreement or the Glasgow pact; that both China and India, which together constitute 35% of the world's population, have every intention to increase their consumption of fossil fuels for decades to come — and are absolutely justified in doing so to ensure that their 2.8 billion people can flourish. Indeed, most of the world's developing countries, with their additional 2.3 billion people, have the same intention. With no enforcement mechanism and no buy-in to the agenda by developing countries with their 63% of the world's population, the target is simply unattainable." We also talk about whether or not Carbon Dioxide is truly dangerous. It is a green house gas, yes, but is that so bad? The phrase "carbon" is bandied about (it sounds dirty you see), yet we know it is carbon dioxide. Trees and all plants love it. How does it really tie in to human flourishing? These are just a couple simple questions using accurate terms that are worthy of asking it seems. Our guest also touches upon the side-effects of fossil fuel use. "...what about the side-effects of fossil fuel use — global warming and sea level rise, driven by carbon dioxide emissions? The warming happens primarily toward the poles (especially the North Pole), primarily in winter, and primarily at night. That means already high temperatures (toward the equator, in summer, in daylight) but cold temperatures that raise global average temperature, and that's good news, because extreme cold kills 20 times as many people per day as extreme heat. The sea-level rise, at a rate of about a 1 to 1.5 feet per century, is slow enough for us to adapt at a cost that is a small fraction of global GDP." Our guest mentions the book: State of the Climate 2021. Participants: Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Ascension, Pentecost, Crowd Psychology, The Durham Report, Hope - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 5/20/2023
Ascension, Pentecost, Crowd Psychology, The Durham Report, Hope - Dr. John Vance

The Ascension of Jesus is celebrated in the Christian Church. It follows 39 days after the Resurrection. Ascension day was this past Thursday. We regularly worship on Sunday, and so, this is Ascension Sunday. We also discuss Pentecost, which comes one week following the Ascension. Our discussion then turns to consider the crowd emotions that were evident when Stephen was stoned. These same emotions are seen today. Finally, we talk just a bit about the Durham report. Finally we discuss Christian hope. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: God Turns the Hearts of Fathers to the Children and the Hearts of Children to their Fathers - Pastor Toby Sumpter
Air Date: 5/13/2023
God Turns the Hearts of Fathers to the Children and the Hearts of Children to their Fathers - Pastor Toby Sumpter

Have you ever pondered the final words of the Old Testament? Here they are: “Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, Which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, With the statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” This promise is for us today! God wants to turn your heart, Dad, to your children. In fact if this happens, He says he will not strike the earth with a curse. Participants: Pastor Toby Sumpter, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Highlights from Matthew 12 and 13 - Rev. Duane Garner
Air Date: 5/6/2023
Highlights from Matthew 12 and 13 - Rev. Duane Garner

"But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty." Mt. 13:23 Today we will talk about some of the parables from the book of Matthew in the New Testament. As you listen to the discussion, ask yourself: "what kind of soil am I?" To listen to some of these sermons of Pastor Duane, here is the link: https://christkirknc.com/sermon-search/ Participants: Rev. Duane Garner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: An Update on COVID, Society and the Influence of Big Players - Dr. Robert Malone
Air Date: 4/29/2023
An Update on COVID, Society and the Influence of Big Players - Dr. Robert Malone

There are many powerful entities that control the information related to COVID. One of the big players in the news industry is the financial backing controlled by Blackrock. For example, Blackrock has increased its ownership position in Fox Corporation to 15.1% of the Fox Corporation. The Family Trust Murdoch still owns 19% of the company and other smaller institutional investors own the rest. This data comes from an article authored by our guest. If you add in Vanguard, the percentage controlling Fox is even higher. But then you find out that these two entities own 16% of CBS, 13% of Comcast (which owns NBC, MSNBC, CNBC and the Sky media group) and 12% of CNN, and 12% of Disney. Its no wonder the messaging from these seemingly varied platforms all seem to track the leftist talking points. These narratives do not help promote Christianity, and are typically what we call "woke." You may wonder why we touch upon this, when talking with an expert on mRNA and who is a medical doctor. Its because medicine and science have been cramped as they attempt to tell their solutions and reports, all the while being de-platformed by this virtual conglomerate. You may recall that there was a Jewish doctor who successfully treated his patients who caught COVID. This was Vladimir Zelenko, the doctor from an Orthodox enclave near New York City. He had a combination of inexpensive treatments that worked very well, as long as they were used at the early onset of COVID. His views and the science behind them were pretty much shut down because what he discovered did not fit the narrative of the power players at the time. The above corporations, which essentially act together, consistently promoted doubt, if not outright censorship of Dr. Zelenko's peer-reviewed findings. It was unconscionable as we think back how a solution was intentionally shut down so that essentially, pharmaceuticals would maintain control and make tons of money. This all at the expense of healing the public! People died because they did not have the simple medicine that could have helped them. Come to find out, the pharmaceuticals were buying lots of air time over the stations. Wow. Its stunning. So - that's why early in our discussion, we have consideration of Blackrock's involvement. We touch upon the fact that the COVID vaccines were approved without any clinical trials. Not just approved but then, often forced upon people so that they had to either give up their medical autonomy, or give up their jobs. We discuss some more recent findings about face masks. Participants: Dr. Robert Malone, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Narrative Matters for High Crime Communities - Dr. Walter E. Williams
Air Date: 4/22/2023
Narrative Matters for High Crime Communities - Dr. Walter E. Williams

Today we re-air an older interview with the late, Dr. Walter E. Williams. We see high crime in some key cities such as Chicago, and even more locally, Newburgh, NY. The common narrative blames this high rate of crime on poverty and racial discrimination. In the year this was recorded, the former year there were close to 800 homicides in Chicago alone (So far this year, its over 500). Yet in the 1950's this was not the case, and people were far poorer and there was more discrimination. Our guest points to the family as key to reducing crime, and not welfare. The welfare state and the coddling of criminals is hurting the cities, not helping them. Yet we see small cities, even Kingston, NY pushing to make themselves a "sanctuary city!" This is insanity. It will raise the crime rate and call for more welfare. No thinking leader would do that to its people if they really wanted to serve the law-abiding citizens. Setting up sanctuary cities is a violation of federal law. We also talk about economics - what does a free market system look like by way of a simple illustration? Participants: Dr. Walter E. Williams, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Committee for A Constructive Tomorrow - Craig Rucker
Air Date: 4/15/2023
Committee for A Constructive Tomorrow - Craig Rucker

Today we talk with the President and Co-Founder of CFACT. They work to enhance the fruitfulness of the earth and all of its inhabitants. CFACT provides education as it works with various sectors of the public with important facts and practical solutions regarding environmental concerns. They work to help people find better ways to provide for food, water, energy and other essential human services. CFACT promotes the use of safe, affordable technologies and the pursuit of economic policies that reduce pollution and waste, and maximize the use of resources. And they also work towards protecting the earth, through through wise stewardship of the land and its wildlife. Initially in our discussion, we take up the item of Wind farms off the east coast. Our guest understands the whale habitat, and points out that whales have been dying as powerful sonar is being used to determine where to place these 720' tall wind turbines. This interferes with the natural sonar that whales use. This wind turbine program is also in violation of the Environmental Protection Act. There has been a 400% increase in whales being beached. We also discuss other forms of energy. Our guest embraces all forms. Participants: Craig Rucker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Christ - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 4/8/2023
The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Christ - Dr. John Vance

We are living at a dark time. We see videos in news feeds of people who are acting satanic and dressed satanic. This reminds us of the darkness that Jesus dealt with on the cross of Calvary. Today we discuss the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our guess today is a fellow board member and pastor. He also spent time teaching at the university level. So, what is the solution to the darkness all around us? Does your own heart ache for resolution? Is there any hope for us? Listen today as we explore the weight and glory of what Christ has accomplished for us, His people. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Kingdom of God - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 4/1/2023
The Kingdom of God - Dr. Peter Hammond

"...the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is all about the King of kings and the Lord of lords. His Crown, His Coming, His Cross, His Great Commission, His plan and purpose for the nations and what we can do to be faithful subjects, servants and soldiers of His eternal Kingdom." So reads part of a paper that is the basis for our discussion today, with the Founder and Director of Frontline Fellowship, in Cape Town, South Africa. We spend a few minutes talking with this dear brother, about his recent experience with a stroke. Mercifully, God restored his health. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Middle East Reformed Fellowship and its Work - Rev. Victor Atallah
Air Date: 3/25/2023
Middle East Reformed Fellowship and its Work - Rev. Victor Atallah

Middle East Reformed Fellowship (MERF) is an evangelical Christian missionary organization which serves in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia on behalf of Reformed and Presbyterian Family of Churches and believers worldwide. Their website is at MERF.org. They work among the twenty-two nations of the Arab League and other Muslim areas in Africa and Asia. They use radio and internet to get out the good news of Christ. Participants: Rev. Victor Atallah, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Blessed are the Well-Armed Peacemakers - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 3/18/2023
Blessed are the Well-Armed Peacemakers - Dr. Paul Kengor

Today, we talk with a professor at Grove City College who is the executive director of the College's The Center for Vision and Values. He reviews William Inboden's recent book, The Peacemaker: Ronald Reagan, the Cold War, and the World on the Brink. Our guest has written eight books on Reagan, so this new book was of special interest to him. We didn't have nearly enough time to do Inboden's book justice, but we do talk about the life of Reagan, and one of his principles - that of peace through strength. We talk about Reagan deploying Pershing II intermediate-range nuclear forces (INFs) in Europe. This had the intended effect of driving the Soviet Union to the peace table. Gorbachev and Reagan met at the Washington Summit in December 1987, where they signed the INF Treaty. "As Inboden’s book might put it (his opening epigraph is Matt. 5:9), “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Reagan, indeed, had sought to peacefully win the Cold War. And he was driven by a religious sense to literally do God’s will on behalf of peace." Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Desolation of Darkness - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 3/11/2023
A Plain Answer: The Desolation of Darkness - Pastor Al Baker

"The Satanic Temple in Boston is sponsoring SatanCon, 2023, April 28-30, and the theme is Hexennacht in Boston, which in German means “Witches Night,”, the ancient pagan holiday of May Eve.[1] On the agenda for SatanCon, 2023are panel discussions on paganism, a satanic wedding, satanic rituals, and a satanic marketplace where people can presumably buy fetishes, as well as lectures on “Reclaiming the Trans Body” and “Satanism and Self-Pleasure.” The temple leaders hope in due time to gain access to after school programs in public schools with “After School Satan Clubs”, patterning them after Christian Good News Clubs." So begins an important article on the blog site Forget None of His Benefits. Today, we talk with the author of this piece. Maybe you too, feel the weight of our culture as it descends into a dark period. Yes, there are demon possessed people. Yes, there are those who are dabbling in this dark world of the occult. But...but! There is victory in Jesus as He alone is embraced. Hear today about the alternative to demonic forces, as you embrace the reality of Jesus. He is Lord of all, and He shares His glory with no one. He can and will deliver you, as you embrace Him, confessing your sins and throwing yourself on His mercies. Learn about the Syrophoenician woman and her prayer. Learn what happened as Jesus came to her pagan region. Are you at the end of your rope, as it were? There is hope. For more reading, please see: https://fnohb.home.blog/ Participants: Pastor Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Delusional Thinking and its Remedy - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 3/4/2023
Delusional Thinking and its Remedy - Dr. John Vance

Some people are not making sense. Some are unable to observe reality and come to rational conclusions. Today we talk about the ailment of delusional thinking. It seems to be on the rise. Just take the simple example of mask wearing. We still see people driving in their car, all alone, with a mask on. Or someone outside in the fresh air, with a snow shovel, perhaps 500 feet away from the nearest house and with no one around! Something is out of whack. This is just one of many examples. Today we interview a pastor who has many years of experience in working with people and preaching to them. Also he worked in a local university, teaching philosophy and religion. He's seen a lot and has some helpful contemporary observations. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Social-Emotional Learning vs. a Christ-Centered Approach - Alex Newman
Air Date: 2/25/2023
Social-Emotional Learning vs. a Christ-Centered Approach - Alex Newman

Today we explore the alarming latest trends in education that is dominated by new agers and Communists. These folks are transforming the values of children. The genesis of this (Castle) came out of the Fetzer Institute. These are based on the teachings of Alice Bailey. The tendency today is towards a very occult/New Age spirituality, but not Christian spirituality. There is a much better option - to either homeschool, or go with a private Christian school. Both are wonderful options, and may save your child's spiritual life and most certainly help them to mature in Christ. A website is mentioned: https://www.publicschoolexit.com/. Participants: Alex Newman, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Desire to be God, The COVID Vaccine, 5th Generation Warfare - Dr. Robert W. Malone
Air Date: 2/18/2023
The Desire to be God, The COVID Vaccine, 5th Generation Warfare - Dr. Robert W. Malone

This is a multipart discussion. Our guest begins by talking about mankind trying to make himself to be God (thus replacing the Triune God of the Scriptures). We see the scientific advances assuming that if a scientist can do something - anything, then he or she should be able to do it, no matter the consequences. They ignore all morality. This mindset of man becoming a god himself, is at the root of people believing its ok to change the biological reality of gender via use of science and medicine. And so, now, gender is considered to be a "fluid concept." Much more of this discussion is found at: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/the-desire-to-be-god Our guest is an expert on the mRNA vaccine. In fact his early work basically entitles him to be considered the inventor of it. Yet, despite all that, he does not recommend the COVID vaccine. He and 17,000 other doctors have stood against it. He says it has a toxicity to it. The corporate media is just beginning to show the other side of this issue. Many people are becoming disabled, sick, or dying. Much more is expected to come forth on this. Finally, he talks with us about something called 5th Generation Warfare. He rightly points out that we have been subject to 5th Generation Warfare as we went through the COVID pandemic. Listen to find out more. During our discussion we also wander into the topics of farming and homeschooling. Participants: Dr. Robert W. Malone, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Children in Worship - Rev. Duane Garner
Air Date: 2/11/2023
Children in Worship - Rev. Duane Garner

Do your children join you in the worship service, or do you send them off away from the assembled people of God? Its certainly popular today to have things like children's church and such. We certainly need nurseries for mothers who are nursing, and for noisy children. But increasingly, at least here at the ministry, we are seeing a renewed interest in integrated worship. The children who join their parents for worship as a family, are able to grow up spiritually and be a part of the covenant renewal worship service. It was Jesus Himself who said: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Today we talk about children in the worship service. Our guest is a pastor, whose church practices this sort of wholesome worship. (See: https://christkirknc.com/) We find that integrated worship works very well, and there are ways to help the child learn how to be in the service without undue distractions to others. Participants: Rev. Duane Garner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Parental Discipline - Pastor Bill Smith
Air Date: 2/4/2023
Parental Discipline - Pastor Bill Smith

Are you interested in the practice of wisdom as expressed in the book of Proverbs? Today's guest has written a commentary piece on wisdom as it applies to raising up children. He writes: "The discipline of wisdom is the training of mind and body to produce a specific character that will cause you to fulfill your God-given purpose and enjoy God's promised rewards." Parents are given by God as a primary source of discipline in their children's lives. Parents are shepherd-kings with God-given authority. The goal is to bring order to the world. Today's discussion is practical and Bible-based. Participants: Pastor Bill Smith, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Our State of Affairs - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 1/28/2023
Our State of Affairs - Dr. John Vance

How would you describe our state of affairs in America? And once we attempt to describe it, is there something we can do which will assist our nation to go down the right road that will please God? Our guest today is a retired pastor. He served for over 40 years - mostly in the Hudson Valley of New York State. Now he is filling pulpits in his new home area of West Virginia. He is also teaching Sunday School regularly. What is the intersection of the freedom of religion in a culture and its overall health and that of human flourishing? Do you remember what life was like say, back in the 50's? Many of you were not born then, but some of you were! What was the general consensus of the populace in those days, as compared with culture in America today? Participants: Pastor Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The New Birth - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 1/21/2023
The New Birth - Pastor Al Baker

Are you familiar with the "New Birth?" When folks discuss it, one of the passages that comes to mind is found in the gospel of John, chapter 3. Jesus was talking with a man named Nicodemus. He had come to Jesus at night and said “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.” Jesus told him that he needed to be born again. That didn't make sense to Nicodemus, who replied: “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” To that, Jesus answered: “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” Today we discuss the new birth. We mention a blog that Pastor Al offers - it is titled Forget None of His Benefits. Here is the link: https://fnohb.home.blog/author/fnohb/ Participants: Pastor Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Riches and Your Heart - Pastor Ben Miller
Air Date: 1/14/2023
Riches and Your Heart - Pastor Ben Miller

Are you rich? You may think that since you don't have a million dollars, or a luxurious estate, you are not rich. But what if you were in Afghanistan today and you were being hunted? What if you had trouble finding food because you happened to live in Venezuela or North Korea? As we reflect on it, we find that we are much richer than we at first think. The book of James in the Bible has much practical teaching as concerns our duty that is required of us by God. In the fifth chapter it talks about being rich. Particularly if we are rich and have ignored the poor, or worse, have fraudulently withheld wages from those who worked for us. God says that the cries of those who we have defrauded actually reach the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. Truth be known, many of us live in luxury if we are honest with ourselves. The effect of this is to "fatten" our hearts. We increasingly practice a self-indulgence. Such a situation is seen by God as being equivalent to wearing garments that are moth-eaten. Or having silver or gold that is corroded. God says that if we are rich and we place our hopes and comfort and security on our riches, then we need to weep and howl for the miseries that are coming on us. Sobering isn't it? Today we talk with the organizing pastor of Trinity Church in Syosset, NY. Trinity Church is now in its twelfth year. The church is located at 231 Jackson Ave. in Syosset, and meets at 1:00 PM each Sunday. Participants: Pastor Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: When Putin Got into Reaganomics - Dr. Richard Vedder
Air Date: 1/7/2023
When Putin Got into Reaganomics - Dr. Richard Vedder

Today we talk with an American economist, historian, author, and columnist. He is professor emeritus of economics at Ohio University and senior fellow at The Independent Institute. Our topic is Russia under Putin. Our guest sees a Putin I and a Putin II. Putin I spans the time of 2000 - 2008. During that time in Russia, GDP rose annually 7.2% per year. During this time, Russia adopted a popular low flat-rate income tax, with a 13 percent rate. This policy was recommended to Putin by a group of 5 economists that met in Russia with its leaders, including Putin. No surprise, that was one of the key reasons that the economy took off and was really good for a while. Not surprisingly, the dramatic reduction in income tax rates, led total tax revenues to rise sharply! Within two years of the introduction of the new tax code, tax revenues had risen by 50 percent! The underground economy shrunk dramatically. We talk about this and our guest makes applications to America and looks at some states which have no general state income tax. These states by and large, are thriving. People are leaving the tax-heavy states for the more freer states. Putin II covers the years 2012, and 2014-2019. Putin II has not been a promoter of freedom nearly as much and the country is suffering. They also had the COVID pandemic to contend with. Under Putin II, the GDP rose by only 1% per year. Participants: Dr. Richard K. Vedder and Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: The Coming of Christ and Cosmic Victory - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 12/31/2022
The Coming of Christ and Cosmic Victory - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

Romans 5:20 reminds us that "where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.." Our guest encourages us that "the coming of Christ was nothing less than a cosmic victory when Christ was born into the world." The victory of Christ comes in time and history. Adam fell into sin, yet God chose to use the 2nd Adam, the God-man Jesus, to cast down Satan, crushing his head. As it says in Genesis "he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” Genesis 3:15b In the New Testament book of Acts, Peter asserts “For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he says himself: ‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” ' Acts 2:34-35 Today we pause and consider the wonderful promises that are associated with Christ's reign after His first coming and prior to His second. Participants: Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Peace on Earth - The Christmas Truce in the Trenches - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 12/24/2022
Peace on Earth - The Christmas Truce in the Trenches - Dr. Peter Hammond

"On Christmas Eve 1914, a spontaneous cease-fire was observed across the whole of the Western Front. The Christmas Truce of the First World War, a singular event unprecedented in the history of warfare, initially received widespread media coverage in the New York Times of 31 December 1914, followed by British newspapers, such as the Mirror, The Illustrated London News and the Times, which printed front page photographs of British and German troops mingling and singing Christmas carols." So begins an article by our guest today. We discuss the unprecedented cease fire that occurred on Christmas Eve of 1914, during World War I. We see a glimpse of the power of Christ as His birth is celebrated, even in times of war. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Deb Elmendorf, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Advent and Hope - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 12/17/2022
Advent and Hope - Dr. John Vance

We are told to rejoice in hope: "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Rom. 12:12. Today we have a hope-filled discussion on the theme of Christ's coming to earth as a baby and then having lived a perfect life, and then being the sinless Savior who died for us. Jesus came as a weak and helpless babe, dependent on a mother and father. The Hebrew name “Emmanuel” literally means “God is with us.” The world has been irreversibly changed by the coming of Jesus Christ. Can you imagine what the world would be like, if Christ had not come? The repercussions are huge - even affecting medicine, science, law, economics, etc. Someday, things will be wrapped up. Advent has both a long look and a shorter look. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Desperately Needed - Another Work of the Holy Spirit - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 12/10/2022
Desperately Needed - Another Work of the Holy Spirit - Pastor Al Baker

In our current culture we are seeing a rise in satanic activity, polluted art, sexually bizarre expressions, and generally speaking, an active and bold attack on anything Christian. Our guest today is active in Christian evangelism. He used to live in the Northeast, and now lives in Alabama. He has seen areas that are very cold to the gospel and areas that on the surface are more Christian-like, and yet overall, there is a profound need for a work of the Holy Spirit. He opens by sharing some statistics of how bad things are in Europe and then extends to the United States. We talk about the First Great Awakening. We discuss Handel's Messiah and some of the details leading up to the creation of that great oratorio. Our guest happens to be a member of the Vanguard Presbytery, so we ask him what characterizes that group. We discuss how in any work of the Holy Spirit in history, it seems there are always detractors and what we do about that - how do we handle it? We share the view that a mighty revival is needed in our day, and one that results in societal impact and transformation of culture. Participants: Pastor Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Cultural Confusion and Christian Hope - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 12/3/2022
Cultural Confusion and Christian Hope - Dr. John Vance

We have confusion in our culture and confusion in our politics. If you were to diagram the interrelation of Faith in God, Culture and Politics, our guest suggests that Faith in God is at the top, which then flows to culture, which then flows down to politics. Reference is made to Francis A. Schaeffer, an American evangelical theologian, philosopher, and Presbyterian pastor. Our guest emphasizes Schaeffer's role a philosopher. We discuss the God's word as it was given to the exiles in Babylon (BC 598-38) and recorded in Jeremiah 19:5-7: "Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce. Take wives and have sons and daughters; take wives for your sons, and give your daughters in marriage, that they may bear sons and daughters; multiply there, and do not decrease. But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare." This admonition still applies today, for our lives. God wants us to put our heads down, work, build houses, live in them, plant gardens, and eat of the produce. We are to marry and have kids, and provide for our families, so that our children can have children of their own. Further, we are to seek the welfare of the cities and towns where the Lord has placed us. As we seek their welfare, we will find our own welfare. We also discuss the basic and very early Christian Creed: "Jesus is Lord." Finally, we close our discussion talking about Christian education for our children. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Indians, The Pilgrims and Evangelism - Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 11/26/2022
The Indians, The Pilgrims and Evangelism - Rev. Mark Diedrich

We just celebrated Thanksgiving here in America. Central to it all is the notion of giving thanks to the Triune God of the Scriptures for His many blessings. The original Thanksgiving had both Pilgrims and Indians present. Today we look a bit closer at the Indians and the role they played. We also consider the efforts to evangelize the Indians. Did you also know, that at first, the Pilgrims were required by their sponsors, to implement a communal warehouse of sorts? Everyone shared from the resources. That did not work out however. There was no incentive for hard work. Once the Pilgrims changed to a free market system, then they got themselves on track and started to realize profit and soon were able to pay back what they owed to the investors in London, etc. Another word would be Socialism - it was tried and did not work! Communism in an early form fell flat on its face. We also learn what happened after the first winter. The Pilgrims were able to help their Indian friends later on. Our guest today has his Th.M. in the area of the Indians and evangelism of them in Colonial times. Participants" Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Historic Optimism - Bruce Gore
Air Date: 11/19/2022
Historic Optimism - Bruce Gore

How many times have you heard predictions of Jesus' return that are associated with a date? Plenty for us. Today we take an honest look at the words of scripture as it relates to kingdom growth in history. Our guest has taught Bible for many years. he received his MA and JD. For a while he practiced law and continues to teach Bible. He taught at Whitworth University, where he served on the adjunct faculty for over 30 years. Participants: Bruce Gore, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Dunkirk Christian or a D-Day Christian - Pastor Ben Miller
Air Date: 11/12/2022
A Dunkirk Christian or a D-Day Christian - Pastor Ben Miller

Today's guest makes an analogy for us, to illustrate the perspective that we can have as we live day by day and serve the Lord in whatever calling and sphere that He has given us. On one hand, we can take the perspective of hunkering down, waiting for the attack, and hoping to be rescued. There is much to commend this approach, particularly as we are in the midst of cultural battles, and we are "out-gunned" at almost every level. If we focus on our feelings, its very easy to get into this mode of passively waiting in our prison of suffering, looking forward to being delivered. And indeed deliverance will come, we are assured. On the other hand, there is even more to commend a Great Commission perspective, or as our guest illustrates, a D-Day perspective. Yesterday was Veteran's Day as it turns out, and we often think of the service and sacrifice of those brave soldiers who served this country so that we could have freedom. Especially, freedom to live and worship. This second perspective focuses on D-Day as an illustration of the Christian life and the spiritual warfare that God calls us to. Historically, on D-Day, June 6, 1944, was the World War 2 invasion of Normandy France. It involved more than 160,000 allied troops landing along a 50-mile stretch of heavily fortified French coastline, to fight Nazi Germany. It involved more than 5000 ships, 13000 aircraft and by God's grace, allowed the Allies to gain a foot-hold in Continental Europe. Ultimately, Hitler was defeated. So, what kind of Christians are we to be? Maybe you have no choice. You may be imprisoned in some way. You have nothing to do but wait. Or perhaps, God has given you a task that is immediately before you, and a task that is God ordained just for you to do! Your work (your calling) may seem to be insignificant. But is is not! Your work today may consist in raising children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. You may not receive any accolades for your work. "Just another dirty diaper, just another mess on the floor, just another bill to pay with little to no funds to work with." But there is a purpose and God has placed you right where you are, to serve Him, glorify Him, and to in a way, "take the beach." We don't do this alone. We are part of our church, and work with other Christians in our various callings, in this great advance that Christ is performing in the earth, such that it will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. Participants: Pastor Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 11/5/2022
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted - Dr. Peter Hammond

November 6 is the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians. These persecuted believers ask that we pray for them and that they remain faithful to Christ and not give in. Today's guest describes the agony that occurred in Angola. "On numerous occasions, communist Cuban soldiers in Angola have placed the heads of cattle, or an AK47, on altars or pulpits demanding that the Christians commit idolatry and bow before them. They have walked into services and taken the Bible off the pulpit and thrown it by the door and demanded: “You may all leave - one by one - just spit on the Bible and you can go free. If you don't - we will kill you!”" He further describes Communist troops having burst into church services declaring: “You Christians - you say that you worship the Lamb - well here is a lamb!” The Cubans taunted the worshippers as they started pouring the blood of this lamb over the believers saying the blood of the lamb is shed amongst you - worship the lamb! The head of the lamb was placed mockingly on the pulpit and people were dragged and forced to their knees to bow down before it. Yet despite such terrible persecution, the gospel has been spreading. He points out that the aim of much persecution is not to kill Christians, but rather to intimidate the Christian. Its to persuade these believers to compromise. Some who have been sent to prison are able to praise God through the whole ordeal. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Roe Reversal, Gratitude, Singing God's Songs, A Covenant Renewal Pattern - Dr. Uri Brito
Air Date: 10/29/2022
Roe Reversal, Gratitude, Singing God's Songs, A Covenant Renewal Pattern - Dr. Uri Brito

The reversal of Roe v. Wade at the federal level is an answer to prayer. No longer does the United States proclaim that abortion is a right protected by the Constitution. Many churches rejoice in this news and we feel like part of a heavy load has been lifted. Our guest today, is a pastor of a church. His congregants have been singing in joy to the Lord for this reversal. Yet, it is not much different than the gratitude they ordinarily express in songs to God, each Lord's day. Our guest explains the elements of worship that appear in a service of covenant renewal. Many churches have adopted this approach, and while a bit liturgical, they are finding that younger families especially, are seeking out and benefiting from such a full-orbed worship service that is saturated with Scripture and the scriptural model of worship. God wants us to express our gratitude to Him, both personally and in family worship in church corporately, each Sunday. For more information about Pastor Brito, see: https://uribrito.com/. Participants: Dr. Uri Brito, Dan Elmendorf (Also in the studio was Deb Elmendorf)

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A Plain Answer: The Great Reset - Dr. Michael Rectenwald
Air Date: 10/22/2022
The Great Reset - Dr. Michael Rectenwald

"The idea of resetting capitalism suggests that capitalism had previously been pure. But the Great Reset is the culmination of a much longer collectivization process and democratic socialist project, with their corresponding growth of the state." Mises Institute Wire. "The Great Reset combines resets in all conceivable domains of human life: economic, environmental, geopolitical, governmental, industrial, technological, social, and individual." (Presented at "The Great Reset?" Hillsdale College's Center for Constructive Alternatives. Sunday, November 7, 2021, at 4 PM). Today, we talk with the author of the new book: "The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda ." The book will be available in December. As our guest explains, he lays out a plan to counter the Great Reset with practical steps, documented towards the end of his book. Participants: Dr. Michael Rectenwald, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Remembering God's Smuggler - Brother Andrew - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 10/15/2022
Remembering God's Smuggler - Brother Andrew - Dr. Peter Hammond

"Andrew van der Bijl, known throughout the world as Brother Andrew, God's Smuggler, passed into eternity on Tuesday, 27 September 2022, at age 94. This will certainly be his most important and exciting journey. Brother Andrew was a Dutch Christian missionary who dedicated his life to smuggling Bibles to persecuted Christians, behind the Iron Curtain, in communist Eastern Europe. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, he refocused his energies on serving persecuted Christians in the Muslim Middle East." So reads the beginning of an article on Brother Andrew. Today we talk with the author. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Dreadful Nature of Indwelling Sin - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 10/8/2022
The Dreadful Nature of Indwelling Sin - Pastor Al Baker

This interview is based on an article. The piece includes this quote: "In preaching about original sin which never leaves us until we reach the glory of heaven, George Whitefield, the great 18th century evangelist said, “When the sinner is first awakened, he begins to wonder—How came I to be so wicked? The Spirit of God then strikes in, and shows that he has no good thing in him by nature. . . that he is altogether abominable. . . that God would be just to damn him, just to cut him off, though he never had committed one actual sin in his life. . . And if you have never felt the weight of original sin, do not call yourselves Christians. I am verily persuaded original sin is the greatest burden of a true convert; this ever grieves the regenerate soul, the sanctified soul. The indwelling of sin in the heart is the burden of a converted soul.” If you need to contact Pastor Al, his email address is al.baker1952@gmail.com Participants: Pastor Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Narrative Matters for High Crime Neighborhoods- Dr. Walter E. Williams
Air Date: 10/1/2022
Narrative Matters for High Crime Neighborhoods- Dr. Walter E. Williams

Today we re-air an older interview with the late, Dr. Walter E. Williams. We see high crime in some key cities such as Chicago, and even more locally, Newburgh, NY. The common narrative blames this high rate of crime on poverty and racial discrimination. In the year this was recorded, the former year there were close to 800 homicides in Chicago alone (So far this year, its over 500). Yet in the 1950's this was not the case, and people were far poorer and there was more discrimination. Our guest points to the family as key to reducing crime, and not welfare. The welfare state and the coddling of criminals is hurting the cities, not helping them. Yet we see small cities, even Kingston, NY pushing to make themselves a "sanctuary city!" This is insanity. It will raise the crime rate and call for more welfare. No thinking leader would do that to its people if they really wanted to serve the law-abiding citizens. Setting up sanctuary cities is a violation of federal law. We also talk about economics - what does a free market system look like by way of a simple illustration? Participants: Dr. Walter E. Williams, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The New Anti-Agricultural Movement - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Air Date: 9/24/2022
The New Anti-Agricultural Movement - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner

"There is a new movement against farming. This is no random grassroots movement. It’s a global one with political interests. This new collective strategy proposes to reduce agricultural production, reduce livestock numbers, and ban plant growth-enhancing fertilizers. The objective, they claim, is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide. They say this will “save” the planet from climate catastrophe. But the proposed actions threaten to increase food prices, cause shortages of staple crops, and increase global food insecurity." So begins the article that is the basis for this interview. We talk about an example in the Hudson Valley where a farm was bought out, but for some reason, the land is not producing really, any food. Why? We talk about population and food and so-called global warming. We talk about electric vehicles. This is kind of like a fireside chat. Participants: Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Church Planting in Western Suffolk County - Pastor Bill Shishko
Air Date: 9/17/2022
Church Planting in Western Suffolk County - Pastor Bill Shishko

Why should we do church planting today, in this toxic, partially pagan environment? Christians are being cancelled. Crime is on the rise. Why go through it all, just to receive more pushback from society? Today we talk with a pastor who frankly is of a age that many pastors start thinking about retirement. But not this man! Praise God, a mighty work is happening in Western Suffolk County of NY. God is moving! God is demonstrating that "I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." When the Triune God gets a hold of a heart, converts it, and then that person gets folded in to a caring church, they experience a bit of heaven on earth. It is absolutely wonderful. Learn what is happening in Western Suffolk County as God builds His church. Participants: Pastor Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Christian Perspective on the War in Ukraine - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 9/10/2022
A Christian Perspective on the War in Ukraine - Dr. Peter Hammond

The war in Ukraine is grievous. There are many Christians on both sides of the conflict - Ukraine and Russia. The war could have been avoided. Russia said they did not want missiles in their backyard as it were. This is similar to the situation in the 60's when there were USSR Nuclear tipped missiles in Cuba. Years ago, Russia wanted to join NATO. If this had been allowed to occur, she would have been an ally as we face a much larger enemy, namely the CCP. Yes, its complicated, and we are not siding with Russia. Neither are we siding with Ukraine. Ukraine it has been proven, has biological weapons laboratories in their country. This poses a real threat to that region, and as we now know from our experience with Wuhan, a real threat to the world. Putin , as it turned out, reached out to the world after about one week of war, and sought a peaceful solution. Why wasn't this pursued? Instead, America is guilt of propping up Ukraine and engaging in a proxy war with Russia. This will not end well. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The CCP is at War with America - Frank Gaffney
Air Date: 9/3/2022
The CCP is at War with America - Frank Gaffney

The Center for Security Policy has released a new “Team B” product – an exercise in competitive analysis that strongly challenges the Director of National Intelligence’s September 2021 conclusion that the provenance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be determined. This team concluded the following revelations: There is no evidence that the virus emerged naturally; There is, by contrast, significant circumstantial evidence that it came from a PRC biological weapons laboratory; The virus was deliberately unleashed on the world by the Chinese Communist Party when it allowed millions of travelers from Wuhan to fly internationally, even as it was locking down movement within China. Participants: Frank Gaffney, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Defenders of the West - Raymond Ibrahim
Air Date: 8/27/2022
Defenders of the West - Raymond Ibrahim

From a Simon and Schuster write-up: “In Defenders of the West, the author of Sword and Scimitar follows up with vivid and dramatic profiles of eight extraordinary warriors—some saints, some sinners—who defended the Christian West against Islamic invasions. Discover the real Count Dracula, Spain’s El Cid, England’s Richard Lionheart, and many other historical figures, whose true and original claim to fame revolved around their defiant stance against jihadist aggression. With sixteen full color pages of photos and illustrations, Defenders of the West is an instructive and inspiring read. Whereas Sword and Scimitar revolved around decisive battles, Defenders of the West revolves around decisive men.” Today we talk with the author of this book. He explains some of his personal habits – how he reads the New Testament in the original Greek, and how he is fluent in Arabic. Of significance is the scholarly practice he used, that of working with original source documents. Participants: Raymond Ibrahim, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: UN Agenda 2030 and our Land and Food Supply - Alex Newman
Air Date: 8/20/2022
UN Agenda 2030 and our Land and Food Supply - Alex Newman

What if you found out that there is a plan in existence, believed by people in powerful positions, that resulted in your land being made part of a collective? That is, you could no longer own your land? What if this same plan proposed that the collective would control your food supply. Further that the plan weighed in on how many children you could have. And that the plan stipulated vaccinations policy. You might think this would make a good theme for a horror movie out of Hollywood. Well, problem is, UN Agenda 2030 has these sorts of elements to it. AND! Some important world leaders (we might say "Kings") have signed off on this Marxist nonsense. Want to learn more? We've connected with an expert who talks to us today, about these issues and others. We take some time talking about education. Take careful note. This directly affects your children and whether or not they will be given the opportunity to grow up confessing the Christian faith, or whether they will be brainwashed with a pagan faith. I know, this is the sort of stuff that conspiracy theories are made of. But this is not what you think. This is exactly what Psalm 2 warns us of: "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying, "Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us."" Ps. 2:2-3 Participants: Alex Newman, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World - Pastor Ben Miller
Air Date: 8/13/2022
How the Christian Revolution Remade the World - Pastor Ben Miller

How many times have you heard the notion that we are living in a "Post-Christian world?" Many I suppose. But are we? Really. Today we review an article written by Brad Littlejohn. He is reviewing a book by Tom Holland, an acclaimed British historian. Holland asserts that a truly post-Christian world would be far darker and more terrifying than the twilight zone we currently inhabit. He argues that our current culture wars represent the confused shadow-boxing of rival Christian institutions, with the woke as well as the born-again representing variants of Protestant fundamentalism. Hollands says that "to live in a Western country is to live in a society still utterly saturated by Christian concepts and assumptions." Participants: Pastor Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Technical and Historical Background of the mRNA Vaccine - Dr. Robert Malone
Air Date: 8/6/2022
Technical and Historical Background of the mRNA Vaccine - Dr. Robert Malone

This interview limits itself to looking at the technical and historical background of the mRNA vaccine. We hope to do a follow-up interview that addresses the latest study out of the UK that has shown that health care workers who received multiple COVID-19 boosters after initially being infected with the original virus strain from Wuhan are more prone to chronic reinfection from the Omicron variant. So, today we will not be addressing the immune imprinting, whereby initial exposure to a virus strain may prevent the body from producing enough neutralizing antibodies against a newer strain. Our guest reviews his background, his discoveries, and how the legal and patent world worked prior to the launch of the mRNA vaccine. It is noted that something was added to the current vaccine - more about that in the discussion. Participants: Dr. Robert Malone, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Contemporary Problems and Solutions - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 7/30/2022
Contemporary Problems and Solutions - Dr. John Vance

What are some contemporary problems that we face today? A huge problem is the lawlessness in society. Our guest talks about a professor who is a brilliant woman and who writes and is a traditionalist. Her name is Amy Wax, the Robert Mundheim Professor of Law at University of Pennsylvania. Our guest points out that we are currently being led by leaders who are the worst. We have fallen so low, that we have attorneys general and others who are using their position to go after law abiding people that they simply disagree with. In the case of Amy Wax, she has come under fire for simply stating the truth. Now there are those who are gunning for her job! We now have a ruling class which has not only rejected the morals of the Bible, but have ignored reality itself. Our leaders have engaged in a flight from reality. Calvin spoke about looking at everything through the spectacles of God's revelation. That's how we make sense of the world. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Godly Self-Defense - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 7/23/2022
Godly Self-Defense - Dr. Peter Hammond

Back by popular demand! Is there something known as godly self-defense? Our guest today, recounts a story he told us a while ago. It pertains to a church, where terrorists came on the scene inside the church, and opened fire with automatic weapons, grenades, and intended to torch the church with people still in it. One of the brave men in the church was armed and knew what to do. By his swift action, many lives were saved to the glory of God. Another man in the congregation fell onto a grenade to save the lives of many around him. Another man used his own body as a shield to save two other congregants from automatic fire. Contrasted with these proactive steps at saving the lives of others, by contrast, what about the pacifist route? And what obligation do we have to our immediate families? What actions bring more glory to God? Another factor is that America is unique because we have a Bill of Rights with the 2nd amendment. This established law of the land recognizes our right to defend life and places a strict boundary on the state to not infringe upon our rights to bear arms. This was especially important to our Founders who had just won a war against Great Britain. Part of that history is that the Crown at the time, attempted to disarm the regular people, and so, it was important to document these God-given rights to self-defense and the protection of life thereby. Our guest also briefly touches upon Magna Carta of 1215, effectively the first written constitution in European history. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The French Revolution - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 7/16/2022
The French Revolution - Dr. Peter Hammond

You've heard the phrase "liberty, equality, fraternity or death!" The romantic feelings associated with the French Revolution comprise more of a fiction than reality. Two days ago on July 14, France celebrated Bastille Day. It commemorates the storming of the Bastille and the launch of the French Revolution. While this revolution is has much myth and romantic notions associated with it, fact is, the French Revolution was a monstrous horror. A thorough description has been penned by missionary Dr. Peter Hammond in a recent article titled: "The French Revolution." He writes: "The French Revolution has been the inspiration and model for all socialist and communist revolutions in modern history." As we look at the French Revolution, we see some characteristics that are in common with the lawlessness and civil unrest of our own day in our own country. He continues: "The tools of the French Revolution were: dis-information, propaganda, the subversion of language, malice, envy, hatred, jealousy, mass murder and foreign military adventurism as a diversion to distract the masses from the failure of government. These tools have been implemented by more modern revolutionaries: Vladimir Lenin, Trotsky, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Castro, Che Guevare, Patrice Lumumba, Nicolai Ceausescu, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh and Robert Mugabe." Join us for an insightful discussion. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Roe Reversal, Gratitude, Singing God's Songs, A Covenant Renewal Pattern - Dr. Uri Brito
Air Date: 7/9/2022
Roe Reversal, Gratitude, Singing God's Songs, A Covenant Renewal Pattern - Dr. Uri Brito

The reversal of Roe v. Wade at the federal level is an answer to prayer. No longer does the United States proclaim that abortion is a right protected by the Constitution. Many churches rejoice in this news and we feel like part of a heavy load has been lifted. Our guest today, is a pastor of a church. His congregants have been singing in joy to the Lord for this reversal. Yet, it is not much different than the gratitude they ordinarily express in songs to God, each Lord's day. Our guest explains the elements of worship that appear in a service of covenant renewal. Many churches have adopted this approach, and while a bit liturgical, they are finding that younger families especially, are seeking out and benefiting from such a full-orbed worship service that is saturated with Scripture and the scriptural model of worship. God wants us to express our gratitude to Him, both personally and in family worship in church corporately, each Sunday. For more information about Pastor Brito, see: https://uribrito.com/. Participants: Dr. Uri Brito, Dan Elmendorf (Also in the studio was Deb Elmendorf)

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A Plain Answer: The Fourth of July - Looking Back at Bunker Hill - Patrick K. O'Donnell
Air Date: 7/2/2022
The Fourth of July - Looking Back at Bunker Hill - Patrick K. O'Donnell

We continue looking at the book, "The Indispensables: The Diverse Soldier-Mariners Who Shaped the Country, Formed the Navy, and Rowed Washington Across the Delaware." The Marblehead Regiment, led by John Glover, became truly indispensable. Today we dive down to take a look at Marbleheaders who battled on Bunker Hill - these would form the elite Guard that protected George Washington. What do you make of the "Loyalists?" What about the preachers of the day? How did they support the war for independence? And the doctors? What of our own day? Do we have enemies within? Many interesting questions. Participants: Patrick K. O'Donnell, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Road to Independence - Dr. Jerry Newcombe
Air Date: 6/25/2022
The Road to Independence - Dr. Jerry Newcombe

What was at the core of the formation of the United States of America? We remember things like the Stamp Act, or the Quartering Act. We know that the British attempted to disarm the Colonists. After the French and Indian War, we also know that the Colonists started talking directly with each other, not depending on going to England first. Yet there is something else, even larger that played an immense role in our nation's founding. The Great Awakening was a Christian revival that impacted the colonies during the 1730s and 1740s. This was the Holy Spirit driven force behind the move for Independence. A book is mentioned early in our interview and its title is: More God, Less Crime: Why Faith Matters and How It Could Matter More. The Author is Byron Johnson of Baylor. Our guest today shares the short biography of two pastors at the time that the British were invading. One pastor (John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg) saw a continuum of the Christian faith into the realm of the political. His brother, also a pastor, scolded this first pastor that he was being too "political." Until however, this second pastor in New York City, had his own church attacked by the British. It was then, that reality set in and this second pastor had a rude awakening. He too, would become involved in the godly movement of Independence and would finally play a roll in helping to pen the Bill of Rights. The Great Awakening was used of God to help establish America. Our guest is the Executive Director of Providence Forum, and also works for D. James Kennedy Ministries. He has produced or co-produced more than 70 one hour television specials that have aired nationwide. He is the author or co-author of 33 books, at least two of which have been bestsellers, George Washington’s Sacred Fire (with Dr. Peter Lillback) and What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? (with Dr. Kennedy). Participants: Dr. Jerry Newcombe, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Cultural Confusion and Christian Hope - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 6/18/2022
Cultural Confusion and Christian Hope - Dr. John Vance

We have confusion in our culture and confusion in our politics. If you were to diagram the interrelation of Faith in God, Culture and Politics, our guest suggests that Faith in God is at the top, which then flows to culture, which then flows down to politics. Reference is made to Francis A. Schaeffer, an American evangelical theologian, philosopher, and Presbyterian pastor. Our guest emphasizes Schaeffer's role a philosopher. We discuss the God's word as it was given to the exiles in Babylon (BC 598-38) and recorded in Jeremiah 19:5-7: "Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce. Take wives and have sons and daughters; take wives for your sons, and give your daughters in marriage, that they may bear sons and daughters; multiply there, and do not decrease. But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare." This admonition still applies today, for our lives. God wants us to put our heads down, work, build houses, live in them, plant gardens, and eat of the produce. We are to marry and have kids, and provide for our families, so that our children can have children of their own. Further, we are to seek the welfare of the cities and towns where the Lord has placed us. As we seek their welfare, we will find our own welfare. We also discuss the basic and very early Christian Creed: "Jesus is Lord." Finally, we close our discussion talking about Christian education for our children. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Godly Self-Defense - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 6/11/2022
Godly Self-Defense - Dr. Peter Hammond

Is there something known as godly self-defense? Our guest today, recounts a story he told us a while ago. It pertains to a church, where terrorists came on the scene inside the church, and opened fire with automatic weapons, grenades, and intended to torch the church with people still in it. One of the brave men in the church was armed and knew what to do. By his swift action, many lives were saved to the glory of God. Another man in the congregation fell onto a grenade to save the lives of many around him. Another man used his own body as a shield to save two other congregants from automatic fire. Contrasted with these proactive steps at saving the lives of others, by contrast, what about the pacifist route? And what obligation do we have to our immediate families? What actions bring more glory to God? Another factor is that America is unique because we have a Bill of Rights with the 2nd amendment. This established law of the land recognizes our right to defend life and places a strict boundary on the state to not infringe upon our rights to bear arms. This was especially important to our Founders who had just won a war against Great Britain. Part of that history is that the Crown at the time, attempted to disarm the regular people, and so, it was important to document these God-given rights to self-defense and the protection of life thereby. Our guest also briefly touches upon Magna Carta of 1215, effectively the first written constitution in European history. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Our Power Grid and Energy Sources - Robert Bryce
Air Date: 6/4/2022
Our Power Grid and Energy Sources - Robert Bryce

Today we talk with an Author, Journalist, and Public Speaker who is an expert on energy. He has testified before the Senate. We talk about our power grid. How fragile is it? What about the outlook for rolling blackouts? Why are nuclear and coal plants being shut down, given the fact that only a small percentage of our power comes from renewables? Are renewables ready for prime time? How much longer will our tax money be diverted to bolster this questionable industry? Our guest points out that there is a difference between "renewables" and "green." Solar panels and wind turbines are considered renewables, but they definitely are not "green." Not by any stretch. What was the cause of the near failure of the ERCOT grid in Texas in February 2021? Our guest is practical, well-informed, and has some helpful suggestions. Participants: Robert Bryce, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Must Fossil Fuel Extraction be Stopped to Limit Global Warming? - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Air Date: 5/28/2022
Must Fossil Fuel Extraction be Stopped to Limit Global Warming? - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner

Today we talk about fossil fuel. Our guest considers the position held by Earth.com, an environmental activist website, and interacts with the science. Should we stop fossil fuel extraction in an attempt to limit global warming? Initially you may ask yourself, as a Christian, why should I even consider such a question? Secondly, is the earth delicate and nurturing, or is it more robust and at times violent? What is "raw" nature really like? What has God called us to do in His word with respect to the world and its animals, raw materials, etc.? It's these sort of considerations that are needed as we go down the path of the stewardship of creation. The modern move to impact nature as little as possible - that view, comes from some upfront assumptions. God gives human beings good guidance, that applies to us today. What are these requirements? Our guest explains. After that initial set of questions, our guest gets into the question at hand of working with the earth to extract energy. He discusses human flourishing and what that means. Our guest points out that different forms of energy are high density sources while others are low density. The higher the density that you start with, the lower the cost. Our guest also points out uncomfortable facts about countries which are attempting to embrace 100% renewable energy, such as Germany. How are they doing? Fact is, Germany, after spending nearly half a trillion dollars, in 20 years went from getting 84 percent of their primary energy from fossil fuels to 76 percent. And that was using the "low laying fruit" as it were. Then he asks, "Can you tell me how you'd go from 76 percent fossil to zero by 2030, or 2035?" The reality is what it is. If Germany's not going to do it, developing nations certainly aren't. This fact ties into the discussion of some countries signing on to the Paris Climate agreement and what they really do. "...there is no enforcement mechanism in either the Paris agreement or the Glasgow pact; that both China and India, which together constitute 35% of the world's population, have every intention to increase their consumption of fossil fuels for decades to come — and are absolutely justified in doing so to ensure that their 2.8 billion people can flourish. Indeed, most of the world's developing countries, with their additional 2.3 billion people, have the same intention. With no enforcement mechanism and no buy-in to the agenda by developing countries with their 63% of the world's population, the target is simply unattainable." We also talk about whether or not Carbon Dioxide is truly dangerous. It is a green house gas, yes, but is that so bad? The phrase "carbon" is bandied about (it sounds dirty you see), yet we know it is carbon dioxide. Trees and all plants love it. How does it really tie in to human flourishing? These are just a couple simple questions using accurate terms that are worthy of asking it seems. Our guest also touches upon the side-effects of fossil fuel use. "...what about the side-effects of fossil fuel use — global warming and sea level rise, driven by carbon dioxide emissions? The warming happens primarily toward the poles (especially the North Pole), primarily in winter, and primarily at night. That means already high temperatures (toward the equator, in summer, in daylight) but cold temperatures that raise global average temperature, and that's good news, because extreme cold kills 20 times as many people per day as extreme heat. The sea-level rise, at a rate of about a 1 to 1.5 feet per century, is slow enough for us to adapt at a cost that is a small fraction of global GDP." Our guest mentions the book: State of the Climate 2021. Participants: Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Overturning Roe v. Wade - Neither Radical Nor Conservative - Just the Correct Thing to Do - Thomas Jipping
Air Date: 5/21/2022
Overturning Roe v. Wade - Neither Radical Nor Conservative - Just the Correct Thing to Do - Thomas Jipping

Recently, a Supreme Court draft opinion (re: Dobbs v. Jackson) was leaked. Such a leak was unprecedented. The draft reveals the majority opinion that Roe was in error. The quality of the 1973 reasoning was faulty. The original ruling was not based on Constitutional law, and the ruling was deeply flawed. If this case is finally ruled upon at the court, and if they decide that Roe v. Wade was wrong, then the whole debate is simply returned to the states, where it rightfully belongs. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, we will have states that are heavily pro-Abortion, like New York and California, and other states that are pro-life. There would be degrees in between. Our guest points out that a number of progressive legal experts who hold to abortion rights, nevertheless, believe that Roe was not constitutional law. They point out that Roe's abortion policy was not found in the Constitution. These sort of comments come from scholars such as Kermit Roosevelt, Mark Tushnet, and John Hart Ely. We talk about what it means when there is a precedent set. Are precedents cast in stone, as it were? What if the precedent of Dredd Scott v. Sanford was allowed to stand and not reversed? Or what if the segregation rulings of Plessy v. Ferguson were allowed to stand? Sometimes precedents are based on wrong reasoning and need to be corrected. The Supreme Court has overruled its own precedents more than 200 times. Participants: Thomas Jipping, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Urgent Zeal and Holy Patience - Dr. George Grant
Air Date: 5/14/2022
Urgent Zeal and Holy Patience - Dr. George Grant

Right now in America you get the feeling that the wheels are falling off if we look at our nation as a vehicle. Many millions of people feel this way. Our guest gave a lecture recently to business leaders, educators, and moms and dads in his area. They were discussing the roots of the decay that we are seeing. Where did this come from? What is going on? Are there any plans we should follow going forward? Our guest says that none of what we are seeing should catch us by surprise. All of this has been coming for a very long time - well over a century in incremental steps. These people who had these nefarious desires, essentially "borrowed" some principles from the kingdom of God! As part of the roots of the cancer, he points back to Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist philosopher. He spent much of his career in prison, and yet his prison diaries contained a plan for the cultural transformation of society. This would later become known as "Cultural Marxism." The approach was to capture "the robes" of culture. This would entail the academic robes, judicial robes, and ecclesiastical robes. The idea was to "seed" these Marxist views into our educational systems including law schools thus radicalizing them. The media was in a sense already radicalized. By sowing these seeds into the university and judiciary, then the media would follow along. He felt that for the ecclesiastical realm (i.e., mainstream churches), that they would pretty much conform to the popular fashions of the day. The approach was one of slow influence and building upon itself, as minds got changed. It was this slow growth approach that was "borrowed" from the gospel truth of leaven in the dough, permeating the whole. For the Marxist, they exhibited patience, and knew this approach would take 3 or 4 generations. Over time, the culture could be won to this radical and anti-biblical view. The means by which this would be driven would be open and "free" human sexuality, and the dismantling of the traditional home, and the removal of the distinctions of gender all of which gave structure to western civilization. Gramsci found disciples in Roger Baldwin (founder of the ACLU), Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood), and Emma Goldman (associated with modern anarchism). Gramsci's diaries were introduced to Notre Dame by Joseph Buttigieg II, the Maltese-American literary scholar and translator (this is Pete Buttigieg's father). The overall goal of the movement was to win people's hearts not so much via politics, but through culture. Politics would eventually follow the culture, they believed. If the things mentioned above (sexual revolution, abortion, etc.) could be disseminated, then Gramsci believed that the Marxist cultural revolution would have been won. This would have ties to the Frankfort school in Germany between the two world wars, with Herbert Marcuse the German-American philosopher, sociologist, and political theorist, and the teaching of critical theory. This would extend to the development of the Bauhaus architecture movement as well. The Gramsci influence would also reach into the arts through people like Salvador Dalí. And so these ideas could be marshalled through the arts and radical post modern architecture influencing people like Mies van der Rohe. It was felt that all of this would help shape the future of western civilization. Sadly, this plan has been spectacularly successful. Our guest points out, that by contrast, Christians have become alarmed by the "bits and pieces" of the issues, yet often don't see the landscape in "totals." He references Francis Schaeffer, the American evangelical theologian, philosopher, and Presbyterian pastor. He wrote the book "A Christian Manifesto," which shows why morality and freedom have crumbled in our society. He calls for a massive movement-in government, law, and all of life-to reestablish our Judeo-Christian foundation and turn the tide of moral decadence and loss of freedom. Again, the bits and pieces approach that we often attempt as evangelicals, such as our effort to address pornography, or a single issue like abortion is good as far as it goes, but is also short sighted. We have not done particularly well seeing the cultural assault from the larger perspective, that is, in terms of the whole. Participants: Dr. George Grant, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Nationalism and Mothers - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 5/7/2022
Nationalism and Mothers - Dr. John Vance

Sunday is Mother's Day. We hope you are remembering your Mom, even if she has passed. Perhaps you have been blessed with a godly mother who loved God's Word. Godly mothers fear the Lord and trust in God. She is joyful, and willingly does the work that God has set before her. She keeps a pure heart, and is content with what she has. If you have such a mother, or had a mother like that, then praise God for her. If you mother is still living, be sure to give her a call today, or better yet, visit her and take her a flower or something. Related to mothers and our own country, is a movement that is afoot, to return to loving our own nation, that was founded on Christian principles. Its a great goal. Our guest today talks both about mothers and Christian nationalism. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Russia's History, Vladimir Putin and Desperation - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 4/30/2022
Russia's History, Vladimir Putin and Desperation - Dr. Paul Kengor

Russia and Ukraine continue to be in the news. Today we focus on Russia. It has a long and complicated history. Our guest reminds us that Winston Churchill once said: "I cannot forecast for you the future of Russia. Russia is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma." Before the Bolsheviks took over in 1917, the Romanov families ruled Russia for over 300 years. The last Czar was Nicholas II. Nicholas abdicated his position March 15, 1917 as a result of the February Revolution, and that ended 304 years of Romanov rule, which then led to the establishing of the Russian Republic under the Russian Provisional Government in the lead-up to the Russian Civil War of 1917–1921. Immediately prior, the Russians had lost 3.5 Million people in WWI, and yet, never realized the fruit of victory, having been pulled out of the war by the Lenin's Bolsheviks and the civil war. The Bolsheviks won over the Mensheviks, resulting in much more bloodshed inside the country. The statistics of people killed under Communism in its various forms are immense. Our guest shares some of them. We also finally, look at Vladimir Putin. Putin is the current president of Russia. He was a former intelligence officer (KGB) and has held the position of president since 2012, and also from 2000 until 2008. He was also the prime minister from 1999 to 2000, and again from 2008 to 2012. Putin was born October 7, 1952, and so he is currently 69 years old. Recently with the invasion of Ukraine, we see much death and destruction occurring. While Russia suffers setbacks, it is not indicative that they will give up easily. Russia is used to the idea of suffering. We discuss what could happen should Putin reach the point where he feels "cornered." Our guest believes that the use of weapons of mass destruction is an option that Putin would consider in such a case. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How to Cut Oil and Gas Prices and Slash Russian Oil Earnings, etc. - David M. Simon
Air Date: 4/23/2022
How to Cut Oil and Gas Prices and Slash Russian Oil Earnings, etc. - David M. Simon

What is the solution to cutting Gas and Oil prices? What about Russian Oil earnings? Does it bother you that money is flowing into the pockets of Vladimir Putin and others, rather than into American companies - remaining here to help our own people? Our guest today shares a simple way to cut oil and gas prices, etc. The solution is to end the current administration's regulatory assault on production and transporting of American fossil fuels. We got a glimpse of the disastrous policies, when the Keystone XL pipeline was cancelled. We discuss the tremendous efficiencies inherit in pipelines. Chiefly, that they offer one way transportation, with no return trip! To cancel such a pipeline is not merely foolish, it portends to a design to shut down fossil fuel. This should come as no surprise, because the platform that was run on in 2020, was best stated by Mr. Biden's quote: "I guarantee you, I guarantee you we are going to end fossil fuel." So we can only conclude that high gas prices were part of the plan. Today we talk with a senior fellow at the Washington-based Committee to Unleash Prosperity, who is also a lawyer in Chicago - David M. Simon. Our discussion also touches upon the idea that human-caused CO2 is not the main control level of climate change. Our guest cites many facts of the current energy milieu, and counsels our nation to reverse all of the Biden administration's regulatory actions. Such steps would substantially lower the costs of producing and transporting oil and favorably shift oil producer's cost-benefit calculations, encourage oil production and thus decrease the prices of oil and gasoline. In our discussions, we also touch upon the source of electricity used in electric cars. We note that upwards of 60% of our electricity comes from fossil fuels. Our guest mentions a book for reference, by the title of "Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters." The author is Steven E. Koonin. Our guest today is a senior fellow at the Washington-based Committee to Unleash Prosperity and a lawyer in Chicago. His website is found at: https://www.dmswritings.com/ Participants: David M. Simon, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Resurrection and Our Coming to Christ - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 4/16/2022
The Resurrection and Our Coming to Christ - Pastor Al Baker

The resurrection is vital and proves that the scriptures are true. Jesus Christ was raised for our justification. He redeems us and brings us into His kingdom. God's just wrath and condemnation is satisfied - it was poured out on Christ. Now we have the promise of eternal life. Jesus has forgiven us our sins and washed them away. In Colossians 1, Paul says "And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight." At the last day, when Christ returns again, we will get a glorified body. Participants: Dr. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Jesus' Entry Into Jerusalem and Palm Sunday - Dr. Liam Goligher
Air Date: 4/9/2022
Jesus' Entry Into Jerusalem and Palm Sunday - Dr. Liam Goligher

We review the events surrounding the triumphal entry of our Lord Jesus into Jerusalem. We talk about his choosing a young donkey and the symbolism of a king coming in peace. There is a special emphasis that is given to the children and how we too, should fold in the children in public celebration on Palm Sunday. We also discuss the end of our days and how we need to keep short accounts with others. We are to look for our Heavenly home and know with calm assurance that to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord. Participants: Dr. Liam Goligher, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Covenant Children are a Blessing from God - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 4/2/2022
Covenant Children are a Blessing from God - Dr. John Vance

Do you love children? That may seem like a strange question. Who doesn't love children you may ask. Someone sent us a website link earlier this week. It was all about not having children - it pushes the concept of antinatalism. The authors are dead set against human reproduction! Before you go and look it up, perhaps it would be more fruitful (pun intended), to see what God has to say about the subject of having children. That's the purpose of this interview today. We talk about the Biblical concept of covenant and being fruitful. What about God's promise to parents? How are we to view our children, assuming the parents are Christian? What if your child turns rebellious? Can we have confidence in God's promises for our family? Our guest is married and he and his wife have children of his own. He is a retired pastor who has been called in for a number of family counseling sessions. He has married couples, seen their children come into the world. Baptized them. And yes, preached at the funerals of loved ones. The full gamut. We can take hope and have great confidence in God and His covenant promises as we better understand the heritage that is given to us. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Marxism, Education, Economics, Theology, and the CCP - Dr. David Brat
Air Date: 3/26/2022
Marxism, Education, Economics, Theology, and the CCP - Dr. David Brat

What is at the heart of Marxism? Has it crept into education at the public school and college/university levels? Today we have a broad-ranging discussion with the Dean, School of Business at Liberty University. This is a sort of fire side chat with someone who has his finger on the pulse. Besides being in academia, he is close to the students and at one point, even served in Congress for one term. We talk about economics and what is good, and what not so good. Theology ties into reality as well, and we touch upon that. Finally we talk about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the dangers it poses to the United States. Participants: Dr. David Brat, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Border Security - Todd Bensman
Air Date: 3/19/2022
Border Security - Todd Bensman

What do you think of, when the phrase "Southern Border" is mentioned? Today's guest explains that we as a country are weathering the greatest mass migration crisis in our history. We've never seen this many apprehensions as what we are seeing right now. There have been more than 2.5 Million illegal entries since January 2021. Fact is, there averages about 160K to 180K people each month that we lay hands on. However, that's the number that we intercept. There are another approximately 40K to 60K people per month who are called "got aways." These are the people who were not apprehended but we saw their tracks in the sand or saw them via a surveillance video. So that gives an idea of the immense number of people who are not coming in the honorable, legal way, but are skirting the law, and ending up here illegally. These are criminals. Our guest tells us that we've never had numbers like this since we started keeping track in 1960. Its a massive problem. About 40% of these illegal aliens are from places other than Central America. Our border management systems are totally swamped and are in crisis mode. Our guest explains the distinction between human trafficking and human smuggling. Smuggling is where the person being brought over the border, is paying for the service. So its consenting on all sides. While trafficking is forced - either sex trafficking or labor trafficking. These are two forms of illegal entry that are taking place on our southern border. There are weapons flowing over our border as well. But its not what we may think. Weapons by and large, flow from the US to the Mexican cartels. Another area of risk is illegal entry of people who are on the FBI terrorism watch list, and/or on the No Fly list. Shockingly, these people are coming in too. This presents a national security element to our southern border problem. Some of the people coming in, are members of extremely violent gangs in Central America, such as MS-13. We are seeing criminal aliens who have been convicted in their country as well as ours. One illegal that he mentioned, is a Lebanese-born Venezuelan. He is on the FBI terrorism watch list, and considered “high risk,” with substantial “derogatory intelligence.” Turns out, he was interrogated, but … but! The ICE headquarters ordered him released because he was overweight and was susceptible to Covid! This, despite an FBI recommendation that he not-be released because he is a flight risk. This likely terrorist is now running around Detroit, pursuing an asylum claim. Think of this statistic: On D-Day, June 6, 1944, some 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of France’s Normandy region. OK. We’ve all heard of that. But now consider that EACH MONTH, 160K to 180K illegal aliens are crossing our southern border. Many of these are young men of fighting age. Each month! We have a virtual invasion on our southern border. As Christians we are obligated to preach the gospel, see conversions, baptize, and then teach them to obey everything that God has commanded. So we need to do both. We need to secure our southern border, so as to protect our own families and people. We also need to use the opportunity to evangelize. Today's guest is with the Center for Immigration Studies. He is a Texas-based Senior National Security Fellow. Participants: Todd Bensman, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The American Dunkirk and General George Washington - Patrick K. O'Donnell
Air Date: 3/12/2022
The American Dunkirk and General George Washington - Patrick K. O'Donnell

Today we take a look back at General George Washington. Arguably our most famous president if not our best. What was he like? What characterized him? During the American War of Independence, there were particular problems that our people faced which almost resulted in a different outcome. George Washington was providentially given to our nation. The retreat from Brooklyn to Manhattan was a key step in the war. It was virtually, the American Dunkirk. It had to take place under cover of darkness. The guns, smaller cannon were moved first. The troops in Brooklyn were not informed of the coming evacuation until the last minute. This, so as to not have intelligence leaks to the enemy. Small details tipped towards the Americans. At just the right time. The troops finally started to realize that they had to return to New York, if they were to survive. The boats often were so loaded with troops, that many were a mere 3 inches above the water. The Americans worked through the night and in the end, thousands of troops of the Continental Army were transported across the East River, safely. As dawn appeared, there were still regiments yet to embark. It would take a miracle to survive. Providentially, a thick fog appeared. That fog, cloaked the rest of the escape. One soldier noted that he could barely make out the form of a man at 6'. The water became smooth as the fog rose. Finally, more than 9000 men safely escaped, including field artillery, the most valuable of the heavy ordnance, ammunition, provision, cattle, horses, etc. It was quite miraculous. Commander in Chief George Washington was the last to cross the river. The entire retreat took less than 13 hours. The Continental Army and the future America was saved.

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A Plain Answer: Ukraine-Russia, and Pursuing Gospel Peace - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 3/5/2022
Ukraine-Russia, and Pursuing Gospel Peace - Dr. Peter Hammond

The Ukraine-Russia conflict continues with more loss of life. Today we talk with a missionary who is familiar with Eastern Europe, having participated in distribution of Bibles back in the day of the Iron Curtain. He is a student of history and understands the background to Ukraine and Russia. Could this conflict have been avoided? While its easy to comment from afar, we really do believe it was avoidable. What is some of the history of Ukraine? They are not members of NATO, and yet acted like they were. And remember how they were given assurances if they disarmed themselves with respect to nuclear weapons? Their country seems to have been taken advantage of, on many fronts. Yet we hear of corruption too. Russia is showing aggression right now, but what if the shoe were on the other foot? What if a nuclear power were planting missiles on our border? Well, that did happen, back during the Cuban missile crisis in fact. And what did the US do? Its a similar case. Has anyone taken the time to sit down and listen carefully to what Putin said during his televised speech? Yes, he is a KGB guy, and cannot be trusted, but still, we need to listen carefully. Have most of the MSM done due diligence in accurately reporting the Putin/Russian concerns? Has the MSM accurately described the very likely presence of bio labs in Ukraine? What about the influence of the Biden family and the scandal-plagued Ukrainian natural gas company named Burisma? Why do figures like Soros and Klaus Schwab seemingly unconditionally support Ukraine? Is there more to the story? What of the Christians in Ukraine, as well as Russia? Our guest has mission friends in both nations. The situation (as most are), is more highly nuanced and historically connected than our MSM likes to admit. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Climate Change - Marc Morano
Air Date: 2/26/2022
Climate Change - Marc Morano

Today we interview a man who has spent years researching climate change, environmental, and energy issues. He's also traveled to Greenland in 2007 to investigate global warming claims. He comes at this from the position of an investigative journalist, and follows the data no matter where it leads. We discuss the fact that climate always changes. We look at recent as well as older history to get a rounded out picture of the facts. Our guest includes the medieval warm period. We go back further to the Roman warming. We discuss the role that CO2 has. We discuss the stories that many of us had to endure in the late 60's and early 70's when the "experts" assured us of a future, soon-to-come global cooling, leading potentially to an ice age. The "solutions" then, to this global cooling, were the same as they are for global warming! We cover the roughly 1000 scientists who have now come out and declare they are skeptical of the catastrophic claims of the climate change alarmists. We talk about the danger that faces climate scientists if they come out and express a different opinion than the typical "approved" narrative. The danger is real and includes being "cancelled" and would directly affect their careers. Occasionally one of them retires and becomes curiously honest about climate change. Our guest runs a website at https://www.climatedepot.com/ He also has written a book available on Amazon titled The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change. Also his new book is coming out in the next several days that deals with the Green New Deal. Participants: Marc Morano, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Psychology of Crowds, Education, Obedience and Discipline - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 2/19/2022
Psychology of Crowds, Education, Obedience and Discipline - Dr. John Vance

Today we cover a potpourri of subjects, yet all interrelated. The first is the psychology of crowds. Our guest mentions an older book by the title of "The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind," authored by Gustave Le Bon and first published in 1895. There is a danger of simply following the crowd and not thinking rightly. And what about education? We are currently experiencing a lack of good education in our public schools and many colleges. When kids are coming out of school and yet are unable to write, or have not read great works, there is something amiss. Or when children are given perverted sexual materials as part of the classwork, and yet cannot do good math, then something is out of whack. Children forced to give a public apology for their skin color is not only racist, it borders on the insane. Wisdom is essential - knowledge without wisdom and good character, does not a good education make. Also, a good education takes very hard work. There is memorization of facts, and learning how to work with the facts, to put together projects, make presentations, etc. Discipline is a huge issue today. Instead of going down the path of giving the child an expectation that he or she is owed something, its far better to require the child to work hard and then give the child the reward that he or she has earned. We must avoid the poor character trait of an entitlement mentality. Our guest was a pastor for many years in the Hudson Valley of NY state, and also taught courses at the university level. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Valentine's Day in the Christian Home and Church History - Pastor Uri Brito
Air Date: 2/11/2022
Valentine's Day in the Christian Home and Church History - Pastor Uri Brito

Monday is Valentine's Day. If you walk into almost any store or Pharmacy, you'll see lots of items colored pink and red. Candies are for sale as well as flowers and cards. What about the back story surrounding this American holiday? Valentine's Day, is also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine. In an article, Pastor Brito writes: "...around 278 AD, Valentine, a holy priest in the days of Emperor Claudius II, was executed. The precise day is well acknowledged as February 14th." What else happened back in his day? Our guest briefly explains. We also talk about the Christian home and children. To follow our guest, please visit http://kuyperian.com/ Participants: Dr. Uri Brito, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: False Antinomy: Jesus' Kingdom Gospel Versus Paul's Salvation Gospel - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 2/5/2022
False Antinomy: Jesus' Kingdom Gospel Versus Paul's Salvation Gospel - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

Today we interview the writer of a piece that appeared on https://docsandlin.com/ His opening paragraph to this article says: "The church exists because of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is at the heart of our message. We’re not just kingdom people. We’re gospel people. In fact: because we’re kingdom people, we must be gospel people. But we can’t reverse this order. We’re not kingdom people because we’re gospel people; we’re gospel people because we’re kingdom people.' Do we have a tendency of pitting Paul against Jesus? Let's dig a bit deeper. Participants: Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Parental Discipline - Pastor Bill Smith
Air Date: 1/29/2022
Parental Discipline - Pastor Bill Smith

Are you interested in the practice of wisdom as expressed in the book of Proverbs? Today's guest has written a commentary piece on wisdom as it applies to raising up children. He writes: "The discipline of wisdom is the training of mind and body to produce a specific character that will cause you to fulfill your God-given purpose and enjoy God's promised rewards." Parents are given by God as a primary source of discipline in their children's lives. Parents are shepherd-kings with God-given authority. The goal is to bring order to the world. Today's discussion is practical and Bible-based. Participants: Pastor Bill Smith, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Urgent Zeal and Holy Patience - Dr. George Grant
Air Date: 1/22/2022
Urgent Zeal and Holy Patience - Dr. George Grant

Right now in America you get the feeling that the wheels are falling off if we look at our nation as a vehicle. Many millions of people feel this way. Our guest gave a lecture recently to business leaders, educators, and moms and dads in his area. They were discussing the roots of the decay that we are seeing. Where did this come from? What is going on? Are there any plans we should follow going forward? Our guest says that none of what we are seeing should catch us by surprise. All of this has been coming for a very long time - well over a century in incremental steps. These people who had these nefarious desires, essentially "borrowed" some principles from the kingdom of God! As part of the roots of the cancer, he points back to Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist philosopher. He spent much of his career in prison, and yet his prison diaries contained a plan for the cultural transformation of society. This would later become known as "Cultural Marxism." The approach was to capture "the robes" of culture. This would entail the academic robes, judicial robes, and ecclesiastical robes. The idea was to "seed" these Marxist views into our educational systems including law schools thus radicalizing them. The media was in a sense already radicalized. By sowing these seeds into the university and judiciary, then the media would follow along. He felt that for the ecclesiastical realm (i.e., mainstream churches), that they would pretty much conform to the popular fashions of the day. The approach was one of slow influence and building upon itself, as minds got changed. It was this slow growth approach that was "borrowed" from the gospel truth of leaven in the dough, permeating the whole. For the Marxist, they exhibited patience, and knew this approach would take 3 or 4 generations. Over time, the culture could be won to this radical and anti-biblical view. The means by which this would be driven would be open and "free" human sexuality, and the dismantling of the traditional home, and the removal of the distinctions of gender all of which gave structure to western civilization. Gramsci found disciples in Roger Baldwin (founder of the ACLU), Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood), and Emma Goldman (associated with modern anarchism). Gramsci's diaries were introduced to Notre Dame by Joseph Buttigieg II, the Maltese-American literary scholar and translator (this is Pete Buttigieg's father). The overall goal of the movement was to win people's hearts not so much via politics, but through culture. Politics would eventually follow the culture, they believed. If the things mentioned above (sexual revolution, abortion, etc.) could be disseminated, then Gramsci believed that the Marxist cultural revolution would have been won. This would have ties to the Frankfort school in Germany between the two world wars, with Herbert Marcuse the German-American philosopher, sociologist, and political theorist, and the teaching of critical theory. This would extend to the development of the Bauhaus architecture movement as well. The Gramsci influence would also reach into the arts through people like Salvador Dalí. And so these ideas could be marshalled through the arts and radical post modern architecture influencing people like Mies van der Rohe. It was felt that all of this would help shape the future of western civilization. Sadly, this plan has been spectacularly successful. Our guest points out, that by contrast, Christians have become alarmed by the "bits and pieces" of the issues, yet often don't see the landscape in "totals." He references Francis Schaeffer, the American evangelical theologian, philosopher, and Presbyterian pastor. He wrote the book "A Christian Manifesto," which shows why morality and freedom have crumbled in our society. He calls for a massive movement-in government, law, and all of life-to reestablish our Judeo-Christian foundation and turn the tide of moral decadence and loss of freedom. Again, the bits and pieces approach that we often attempt as evangelicals, such as our effort to address pornography, or a single issue like abortion is good as far as it goes, but is also short sighted. We have not done particularly well seeing the cultural assault from the larger perspective, that is, in terms of the whole. Participants: Dr. George Grant, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How Big Tech Cancels us and one Option of dealing with it - Chris Bedford
Air Date: 1/15/2022
How Big Tech Cancels us and one Option of dealing with it - Chris Bedford

People are increasingly frustrated with "Big Tech" and their repeated cancelling of Christian and conservative points of view. About a year ago, our President at the time was de-platformed, and then the social media site Parler which was growing and becoming a challenge to Twitter, was shut down. Is this a fair and right approach? Does such action encourage the free exchange of ideas? What about the legal protection that these very large platforms have - is it still appropriate? This is the Section 230, which was enacted in 1996 as part of a law called the Communications Decency Act. What if these same platforms become unstated tools of one political party? Should Section 230 be applicable? What if a platform allows child trafficking? Should they still be protected by Section 230? Something seems out of whack here. We take some time and talk a little about alternate platforms. One which is new to us is called RIGHTFORGE, found at https://rightforge.com/. Its an all service internet company, with their own servers. Our guest today discusses how Big Tech essentially has declared open war on America. This is because in part, they are attacking our Bill of Rights. Participants: Chris Bedford, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Energy Costs and Technology - Robert Bryce
Air Date: 1/8/2022
Energy Costs and Technology - Robert Bryce

Energy costs are on the rise. Prices at the fuel pump have risen rather drastically over the past year. Even electricity prices are higher. Our guest had to endure last year's black outs in Austin. On February 15, 2021, his home in central Austin was blacked out, and power stayed off for 45 hours. The post-mortem of the blackouts is telling. Certainly some natural gas supplies were unavailable due to the cold weather. But more importantly, some $66 billion was spent on wind and solar projects in Texas in the years before the blackout and yet when the ERCOT grid was on the verge of collapse, effectively none of that renewable capacity was producing power. And so we talk about the vulnerability of renewable energy, and how that vulnerability raises its head at the most inconvenient of times. Our guest has testified before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. His input is valuable for the law makers. We discuss electric cars - yes, a very neat technology, but we must think a bit deeper and figure out where the power is really coming from for those cars. When we do that, we realize that our system is more fragile than we thought. In a related article our guest penned this: "the rush to electrify our cars and trucks, would hand the keys to the American transportation sector to China, given Beijing’s near-monopoly on rare-earth elements like neodymium and dysprosium, which are used in the high-output motors of most electric vehicles." The point here is that "by forcing electric vehicles into the market, the U.S. will trade reliance on domestically produced gasoline and diesel fuel for reliance on Chinese neodymium, terbium and dysprosium. What a lousy trade." We also touch upon the slave labor that is used in supplying the polysilicon needed to produce solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. "Nearly half of the world’s polysilicon, the key ingredient in solar panels, has been coming from Xinjiang province, where the Chinese government has launched a program of systematic repression and forced labor." For more reading see: https://robertbryce.com/ Participants: Robert Bryce, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Words of Hope for 2022 - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 1/1/2022
Words of Hope for 2022 - Pastor Al Baker

Here at Redeemer, we are sent a nice devotional once a week from Dr. Al Baker. This past week it started with this quote: FORGET NONE OF HIS BENEFITS volume 20, number 52, December 30, 2021 “O Lord, revive Thy work in the midst of the years.” -Habakkuk 3:2 The apostle Paul referred to the time in which he lived as a crooked and perverse generation (Phil.2:15). Certainly we can say the same about our generation. We tend to reminisce about the “good ole days”, believing that the wickedness, debauchery, crime, and atheism we see today is worse than at any time in our history. This is untrue. There has always been great evil and wickedness, but the hope for the future, as it has been in the past, is always the same. Take encouragement from this little snippet of our history." Perhaps you would like to read this devotional. Better yet, listen to this podcast and sign up for the devotional! Participants: Pastor Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Coming of Christ and Cosmic Victory - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 12/25/2021
The Coming of Christ and Cosmic Victory - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

Romans 5:20 reminds us that "where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.." Our guest encourages us that "the coming of Christ was nothing less than a cosmic victory when Christ was born into the world." The victory of Christ comes in time and history. Adam fell into sin, yet God chose to use the 2nd Adam, the God-man Jesus, to cast down Satan, crushing his head. As it says in Genesis "he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” Genesis 3:15b In the New Testament book of Acts, Peter asserts “For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he says himself: ‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” ' Acts 2:34-35 Today we pause and consider the wonderful promises that are associated with Christ's reign after His first coming and prior to His second. Participants: Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Voice of the Martyrs - Todd Nettleton
Air Date: 12/18/2021
The Voice of the Martyrs - Todd Nettleton

We are looking forward to Christmas. Perhaps the prospect of good food, presents, time with family and friends comes to mind. Yet, for many Christians in our world, they are suffering persecution at the hands of the enemies of Christ. Today we talk with the Chief of Media Relations for The Voice of the Martyrs-USA, and host of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio. He shares the three main prongs to their ministry of serving persecuted Christians around the world. The three areas are 1) Being the hands of Jesus in the form of medical, housing and financial support for those family members whose father or mother is imprisoned. 2) Getting Bibles into the hands of the persecuted church. 3) Supporting front line workers as they minister to the persecuted. The website if you would like to help this good cause is: persecution.com Participants: Todd Nettleton, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Advent and Hope - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 12/11/2021
Advent and Hope - Dr. John Vance

We are told to rejoice in hope: "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Rom. 12:12. Today we have a hope-filled discussion on the theme of Christ's coming to earth as a baby and then having lived a perfect life, and then being the sinless Savior who died for us. Jesus came as a weak and helpless babe, dependent on a mother and father. The Hebrew name “Emmanuel” literally means “God is with us.” The world has been irreversibly changed by the coming of Jesus Christ. Can you imagine what the world would be like, if Christ had not come? The repercussions are huge - even affecting medicine, science, law, economics, etc. Someday, things will be wrapped up. Advent has both a long look and a shorter look. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Climate Change - Marc Morano
Air Date: 12/4/2021
Climate Change - Marc Morano

Today we interview a man who has spent years researching climate change, environmental, and energy issues. He's also traveled to Greenland in 2007 to investigate global warming claims. He comes at this from the position of an investigative journalist, and follows the data no matter where it leads. We discuss the fact that climate always changes. We look at recent as well as older history to get a rounded out picture of the facts. Our guest includes the medieval warm period. We go back further to the Roman warming. We discuss the role that CO2 has. We discuss the stories that many of us had to endure in the late 60's and early 70's when the "experts" assured us of a future, soon-to-come global cooling, leading potentially to an ice age. The "solutions" then, to this global cooling, were the same as they are for global warming! We cover the roughly 1000 scientists who have now come out and declare they are skeptical of the catastrophic claims of the climate change alarmists. We talk about the danger that faces climate scientists if they come out and express a different opinion than the typical "approved" narrative. The danger is real and includes being "cancelled" and would directly affect their careers. Occasionally one of them retires and becomes curiously honest about climate change. Our guest runs a website at https://www.climatedepot.com/ He also has written a book available on Amazon titled The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change. Also his new book is coming out in the next several days that deals with the Green New Deal. Participants: Marc Morano, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Conversion of the Gerasene Demoniac - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 11/27/2021
The Conversion of the Gerasene Demoniac - Pastor Al Baker

Today we review the account of a demon possessed man who encountered Jesus. This man was a loner, living among the tombs in a cemetery. Everything about him was considered unclean by the Jews. He lived among pig herders. His home in the cemetery was also considered unclean. This demon possessed man had exceptional strength and he was very self-destructive. His case was apparently the worst of the cases of demon possession in the Bible. He runs up to Jesus, and he says that he knows who He is. The man tells Jesus that his name is "Legion." This reminds us of the Roman legions - and implies that the man had a great number of demons that possessed him. Join us today to find out more about this man and the power of Jesus in converting him. What happened to the demons, and what characterized their departure? We talk about our own day and what to do if you are in trouble and know that you need the Savior. What about our nation? Many applications are drawn. Participants: Rev. Dr. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Lenora Hammond - Peter Hammond, et. al.
Air Date: 11/20/2021
Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Lenora Hammond - Peter Hammond, et. al.

We have a special broadcast today. As some of you may know, Lenora, the dear wife of Dr. Peter Hammond, finally succumbed to cancer and passed from this life on November 9th. Peter is a friend of this ministry, and His wife Lenora was a profound helpmeet and worker for Frontline Fellowship in South Africa. Earlier this week, Peter wrote: “In the early hours of Tuesday the 9th of November, Lenora fought her final battle with pain and entered eternity. It has been a long and difficult battle with cancer, but she fought it bravely.” Lenora had struggled with cancer since July 2010. Her goal was to live long enough to see her grandchildren. Today, with permission from Peter, we are sharing part of a podcast that was recorded with Peter, his son in law Hunter Combs, and daughter Andrea Combs, as they reflected on this remarkable life of Lenora Hammond. Please pray for our brother Peter as he grieves and re-adjusts to life without his dear wife. And praise God, that this saint is now in the immediate presence of Christ, where her spirit finally meets her Lord and Savior, awaiting the last day, and bodily resurrection. Now from 2 Cor. 3:18: And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.

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A Plain Answer: Pastoring on Long Island NY - Pastor Bill Shishko
Air Date: 11/13/2021
Pastoring on Long Island NY - Pastor Bill Shishko

What is it like to pastor in the heart of Long Island NY? After a long time as a pastor of a church, our guest then passes the reigns to another pastor and moves into being a Regional Home Missionary. He plants another church and also gets involved more with Christian broadcasting. If there is anything we can learn from this man, is to keep going and not give up! The Lord has been blessing the efforts of this minister of word and sacrament for many years and He continues to do so. Learn what it is like to be in God's work for the long haul and to keep going by God's grace. Even in the midst of societal breakdown and increasing paganism, how is it possible to keep a positive perspective and look to God for the spread of His kingdom? Participants: Pastor Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Lure of Plunder - Robert Knight
Air Date: 11/5/2021
The Lure of Plunder - Robert Knight

Some of our representatives proposed in their multi-trillion spendathon the notion that the IRS would track all transactions of $600 or more in personal bank accounts. After a public outcry these reps raised the amount to $10,000 per year. Ask yourself, do I have over $10,000 worth of transactions in one year? Most of us do. So, how does that feel, to have the IRS snooping around in your bank account? Even a young person who works hard at a paper route would potentially be affected. This causes us much pause. We ask ourselves, "what is the government's proper reach?" Is this not overreach? Most Americans feel that we should keep most of our earnings. That's what characterizes a Constitutional Republic with a free market system. And yet, if you add up all the taxes that you are paying, it may get close to 50%, once you consider the hidden taxes on gas, phone, electric delivery, hunting licenses, etc., etc., etc. We are being taxed into poverty. Our Lord Jesus said to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God, the things that are God's. God asks us to give to him, 10% of our earnings. So what does that say about what "Caesar" should have a claim over? If you come up with a maximum of 9% that is about right. You may say, wait a minute, we could not possible fund all our agencies on an amount that small. Exactly. Did you know that Socialism is the ruin of every nation that has embraced it? Join us for an interesting interchange today, as we talk with a writer for The Washington Times, who has seen a lot of this world, and is a committed Christian. In his article, our guest mentioned that the French legislator Frederic Bastiat in 1850, penned a pamphlet called "The Law." He foresaw the arrogance of today's "community organizers" working to fundamentally transform society when he wrote long ago: "Too many persons place themselves above mankind; they make a career of organizing it, patronizing it, and ruling it." Our guest's email address is robertknight4@gmail.com Participants: Robert Knight, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Reformation and its Significance Today - Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 10/30/2021
The Reformation and its Significance Today - Rev. Mark Diedrich

What really happened back on October 31, 1517? Christians today look back and realize that it was the start of the Reformation. A German monk named Martin Luther was actually reading the Bible. He could not find anything in the Bible regarding indulgences. In Luther's day, its almost like the coins in your pocket could free your loved ones from suffering under God's wrath and send them straight to heaven. Because of the church’s unprecedented indulgence sale, Luther posted The Ninety-Five Theses. This was in response to Bishop Albert of Mainz, who with papal blessing, was selling indulgences for past, present, and future sins! Hard to fathom isn't it? While this action of posting on the church door was typical of what scholars of that day did, yet this was different. It had the affect of sparking something much more than merely a localized scholarly debate. Luther, while still being changed himself, had realized that God’s Word is the ultimate authority in this world, and that the perfect life and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ was the only answer for evil and the only basis on which sinners can stand before a holy God. Listen and learn who some of the key players were in the dynamic that unfolded in the years subsequent to 1517. This movement became so profound that the principles of the Reformation even had an effect on the formation of America during the time of the War for Independence. The colonists, many of whom were deeply affected because of Reformation thinking, realized that civil officers were also inherently sinful. God had ordained lesser magistrates who could intervene when a ruler became despotic. This teaching, commonly known as the “doctrine of the lesser magistrate,” gave the American colonists a theological basis for resistance to Great Britain. When the American Revolution ended, the leaders of the new states established a new national government with strictly limited powers. And so the thinking of the Reformation directly affected the formation of our nation. Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Blame Government, Not COVID-19, for Supply Chain Collapse - Peter St. Onge
Air Date: 10/23/2021
Blame Government, Not COVID-19, for Supply Chain Collapse - Peter St. Onge

Our supply chains are now gummed up. Now we are starting to see empty shelves. Food is starting to be impacted. Christmas shopping is being affected. Our federal government is using the pandemic as an excuse "but the truth is that government diktats, handouts, and cronyism have catastrophically gummed up our supply chains, and it's getting worse." This quote is from a thoughtful article written by our guest on the Daily Signal. The same administration that made a mess in Afghanistan is now responsible for the bad policies that are severely impacting our supply chains. Basic food supplies eggs, milk, bread, etc., its all being hit. Our guest today holds a Ph.D. in Economics from George Mason University, a B.A. in economics and Political Science from McGill University and has traveled the world. He speaks fluent Spanish, French, Japanese and is conversational in Mandarin. We also take a look at the situation in Taiwan, and whether or not they are feeling the supply chain issues. The answer is revealing. Participants: Dr. Peter St. Onge, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Historic Optimism - Bruce Gore
Air Date: 10/16/2021
Historic Optimism - Bruce Gore

How many times have you heard predictions of Jesus' return that are associated with a date? Plenty for us. Today we take an honest look at the words of scripture as it relates to kingdom growth in history. Our guest has taught Bible for many years. he received his MA and JD. For a while he practiced law and continues to teach Bible. He taught at Whitworth University, where he served on the adjunct faculty for over 30 years. Participants: Bruce Gore, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Riches and Your Heart - Pastor Ben Miller
Air Date: 10/9/2021
Riches and Your Heart - Pastor Ben Miller

Are you rich? You may think that you don't have a million dollars, or a luxurious estate, so you are not rich. But what if you were in Afghanistan today and you were being hunted? What if you had trouble finding food because you happened to live in Venezuela or North Korea? As we reflect on it, we find that we are much richer than we at first think. The book of James in the Bible has much practical teaching as concerns our duty that is required of us by God. In the fifth chapter it talks about being rich. Particularly if we are rich and have ignored the poor, or worse, have fraudulently withheld wages from those who worked for us. God says that the cries of those who we have defrauded actually reach the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. Truth be known, many of us live in luxury if we are honest with ourselves. The effect of this is to "fatten" our hearts. We increasingly practice a self-indulgence. Such a situation is seen by God as being equivalent to wearing garments that are moth-eaten. Or having silver or gold that is corroded. God says that if we are rich and we place our hopes and comfort and security on our riches, then we need to weep and howl for the miseries that are coming on us. Sobering isn't it? Today we talk with the organizing pastor of Trinity Church in Syosset, NY. Trinity Church is now in its tenth year. The church is located at 231 Jackson Ave. in Syosset, and meets at 1:00 PM each Sunday. Participants: Pastor Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Psalm Singing and No Mere Mortals - Pastor Toby Sumpter
Air Date: 10/2/2021
Psalm Singing and No Mere Mortals - Pastor Toby Sumpter

God wants His people to be joyful! Singing the Psalms is a sure way to glorify the Lord while we are using his actual hymnbook! Do you want a new found joy in your worship service? Well, sing the psalms. They are God's gift to your church and your home. Today we talk with a pastor whose church actively sings the psalms. We also discuss children in worship and how they participate in this wonderful blessing in the service. Later in the program we discuss a quote that this pastor has pinned to his Twitter account. It is this: "Marriages are like nuclear reactors. As C.S. Lewis once put it, people are “no mere mortals.” The stakes are much higher than we realize, because your family is where you make and shape people who will live forever." We also talk about a new book he has written with the title: No Mere Mortals - Marriage for People Who Will Live Forever. This book is available at nomeremarriage.com Our guest writes a blog at tobyjsumpter.com Participants: Pastor Toby Sumpter, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Children in Worship - Rev. Duane Garner
Air Date: 9/25/2021
Children in Worship - Rev. Duane Garner

Do your children join you in the worship service, or do you send them off away from the assembled people of God? Its certainly popular today to have things like children's church and such. We certainly need nurseries for mothers who are nursing, and for noisy children. But increasingly, at least here at the ministry, we are seeing a renewed interest in integrated worship. The children who join their parents for worship as a family, are able to grow up spiritually and be a part of the covenant renewal worship service. It was Jesus Himself who said: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Today we talk about children in the worship service. Our guest is a pastor, whose church practices this sort of wholesome worship. (See: https://christkirknc.com/) We find that integrated worship works very well, and there are ways to help the child learn how to be in the service without undue distractions to others. Participants: Rev. Duane Garner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Top News Stories - Joe Hoft
Air Date: 9/18/2021
Top News Stories - Joe Hoft

What are some of the top news stories from the point of view of a key journalist of our times? COVID continues to be in the news. Are there highlights that are not being reported because news outlets are trying to be political? What have we learned about India? How about Israel? How is the vaccine doing? Is there anything being covered up? And the 3 November election. Now that documentation is continuing to build regarding fraud, what are some highlights? Will we ever get to the bottom of what transpired in the past presidential election? Today we talk with the contributing editor of The Gateway Pundit. He shares what events took place in his life - the education and experiences that helped him become an internationally-travelled auditor. How did these experiences help him in reporting the ignored news of the past election? His auditing in the financial corporate world intersects with some of the principles of integrity that are involved in a forensic audit in the election. Participants: Joe Hoft, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Roman Roads Press and Kepler Education - Daniel Foucachon
Air Date: 9/11/2021
Roman Roads Press and Kepler Education - Daniel Foucachon

Roman Roads Press is now in its tenth year and publishes classical Christian curriculum that was designed with the 21st century learner and homeschooler in mind. A key product is the Old Western Culture great books curriculum. It was produced by Wes Callihan and several other classical educators. If you get involved in this curriculum, you will find that you "inherit the Humanities" for yourself and your children. The website is: https://romanroadsmedia.com/ We also discuss Kepler Education, which is a consortium of top-notch independent educators via an online platform. The goal is to empower families by liberating teachers. The website is: https://kepler.education/ Participants: Daniel Foucachon and Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Afghanistan - The Importance of Not betraying our Allies and our People - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 9/4/2021
The Importance of Not betraying our Allies and our People - Dr. Peter Hammond

Our guest today, shares with us some information about Afghanistan. Its history, the conflicts, the durability of the people in the country, and what their expectations are regarding issues like the modern woke issues that our embassy were pushing more recently. What our leaders did was embarrassing. Our guest covers mission creep and how our mission changed from what it was 20 years ago. When America came in to Afghanistan originally, we had a clear goal of winning, and restoring order. The goal morphed over the years, and we should have exited Afghanistan long before this was allowed to happen. We had deaf ears when it came to learning from history re: Afghanistan. There is no question, based on our guest's information and our own information, that many people remain in Afghanistan, despite the lies we are being told by our own government. We have incontrovertible evidence to the contrary of what we are being told. We intentionally left Bagram air base - in the middle of the night. All the high tech military equipment has been virtually handed over to our enemies. The military men and women who laid down their lives in Afghanistan, have been made a mockery of. We have betrayed our allies, and in fact did not even communicate with them, prior to our hasty and not-well-executed departure. We handed over to the Taliban, lists of people who were not on their side. Now, what is happening are house to house executions. It is an absolute mess, and our enemies have all our equipment. Night vision goggles, Black Hawk helicopters, small arms, ammo, tanks. Its an absolute mess on the ground. Christians are being executed. This appears to be more than a lack of judgment. We can only conclude that it was the plan. There is a HUGE lesson to be learned from all this. If you don't have time to listen to the whole interview, at least listen to the final 2 minutes to hear the lesson. Its biblical. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Riots and Looting in South Africa and Gospel Outreach - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 8/28/2021
Riots and Looting in South Africa and Gospel Outreach - Dr. Peter Hammond

Back by popular demand - We have heard of rioting and looting in the nation of South Africa. How bad is it? Perhaps you feel frustrated that we have a news media that either doesn't seem to care, of if they do cover it, the information becomes skewed as political talking points shield the truth from being told! Its a pernicious problem for sure. Today we talk with the Founder and Director of Frontline Missions, based Cape Town. Our guest shares with us some stats regarding how many people have been killed, the size of the damages, the number of shopping centers shut down, and even the dwindling supply of some essential medicines due to Pharmacy looting. The Christians there have used the disaster as an opportunity to show the love of Christ and to help people in very tangible ways. For more information on this important outreach, please visit https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/ Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Observing the Times without Discouragement Setting In - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 8/21/2021
Observing the Times without Discouragement Setting In - Dr. John Vance

Have you paid attention to the headlines lately? "Afghanistan now controlled by the Taliban, Inflation, Men in Ladies Bathrooms, COVID, Gas Prices Rising, No More Energy Independence" - the list goes on. As we observe the times that we are living in, it's easy to become jaded and discouraged. Today we step back a little and talk with a seasoned pastor. We consider some of these headlines and come away sober, yet encouraged. Yes, we are living in a delusional age. Yet, what did Jeremiah do in his time? Are there places where the gospel is making impressive inroads? We close with our guest quoting a line from St. Augustine: "Love God and do what you will." Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: To Re-Christendom the World - P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 8/14/2021
To Re-Christendom the World - P. Andrew Sandlin

Is there any hope of seeing Christianity spread in this world? Our own county, America, at one time, was strongly influenced by a Christian mindset. Our guest today discusses a time when generally speaking, Christian thinking and standards were more of the norm. This permeation of Christendom existed long before America. As Christians our goal should be to work towards the "re-Christendom" of the world. Some may think the prophetic portions of scripture mitigate against such a sentiment. In their view we may as well throw in the towel in such an endeavor. Today we talk with Andrew Sandlin, a Christian minister, theologian and author; the founder and president of the Center for Cultural Leadership in Coulterville, California; De Yong Distinguished Visiting Professor of Culture and Theology at Edinburg Theological Seminary in Pharr, Texas; and faculty at Blackstone Legal Fellowship of the Alliance Defending Freedom in Phoenix, Arizona. Participants: P. Andrew Sandlin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Riots and Looting in South Africa and Gospel Outreach - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 8/7/2021
Riots and Looting in South Africa and Gospel Outreach - Dr. Peter Hammond

We have heard of rioting and looting in the nation of South Africa. How bad is it? Perhaps you feel frustrated that we have a news media that either doesn't seem to care, of if they do cover it, the information becomes skewed as political talking points shield the truth from being told! Its a pernicious problem for sure. Today we talk with the Founder and Director of Frontline Missions, based Cape Town. Our guest shares with us some stats regarding how many people have been killed, the size of the damages, the number of shopping centers shut down, and even the dwindling supply of some essential medicines due to Pharmacy looting. The Christians there have used the disaster as an opportunity to show the love of Christ and to help people in very tangible ways. For more information on this important outreach, please visit https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/ Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Home and Church Life - Looking to Christ for our Youth's Faithfulness - Pastor Bill Smith
Air Date: 7/31/2021
Home and Church Life - Looking to Christ for our Youth's Faithfulness - Pastor Bill Smith

This interview stems from an article in the Kuyperian Commentary. The article begins by saying: "If you have been a part of the church in America for years, then you have probably seen a general pattern in the lives of people. At an early age, a child is involved in the church, being baptized as an infant or by profession of faith. As he grows into his mid to late teenage years, he begins to stray, sowing his wild oats through his college years. Somewhere around his late twenties or maybe early thirties he decides to settle down, get married, and have children. Church meant a lot to him when he was young, so he needs to get his family back in church. He becomes involved in church again so that his child can go through the same pattern he did. Parents of those in the “wild oats” years tend to accept this pattern as axiomatic. This is just the way things are. They will commiserate with one another with one saying, “You know how it is,” and the other giving the melancholy but affirming nod of the head, acknowledging the unalterable pattern of growing up. Both feel some sense of justification." Today we talk with the author of this article and also ask him some question not directly covered in the article. Participants: Pastor Bill Smith, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Blackouts Loom in California and Nuclear Power in NY - Robert Bryce
Air Date: 7/24/2021
Blackouts Loom in California and Nuclear Power in NY - Robert Bryce

"Two inexorable energy trends are underway in California: soaring electricity prices and ever-worsening reliability—and both trends bode ill for the state’s low- and middle-income consumers. Last week, the state’s grid operator, the California Independent System Operator, issued a “flex alert” that asked the state’s consumers to reduce their power use “to reduce stress on the grid and avoid power outages.” The California Independent System Operator’s warning of impending electricity shortages heralds another blackout-riddled summer at the same time California’s electricity prices are skyrocketing." So reads the beginning of a Daily Signal article written by a visiting fellow at the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity. Today we talk with the article's author. He also is the host of "The Power Hungry Podcast." He's written a book: "A Question of Power: Electricity and the Wealth of Nations." Participants: Robert Bryce, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Shorting the Grid - The Hidden Fragility of our Electric Grid - Meredith Angwin
Air Date: 7/17/2021
Shorting the Grid - The Hidden Fragility of our Electric Grid - Meredith Angwin

"When rolling blackouts come to the electric grid, they will be old news to the grid insiders. Only the electricity customers will be surprised. Grid insiders know how fragile the grid is becoming. Unfortunately, they have no incentive to solve the problems because near-misses increase their profits. Meredith Angwin describes how closed meetings, arcane auction rules, and five-minute planning horizons will topple the reliability of our electric grid. Shorting the Grid shines light on our vulnerable grid. It also suggests actions that can support the grid that supports all of us." So goes the Amazon write up for this book. Today we talk with the book's author. We also quickly discuss the Indian Point Nuclear plant shutdown. Participants: Meredith Angwin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Every Black Life Matters - Kevin McGary
Air Date: 7/10/2021
Every Black Life Matters - Kevin McGary

You have heard of a group with a similar name, yet this one is uniquely Christian. We have seen the other group marching, joining forces with Antifa and then attacking neighborhoods. Many black and Hispanic businesses were destroyed. You've got to ask yourself this question: If every black life mattered, would their businesses be burned to the ground? Or think about what happens in predominantly black neighborhoods with respect to bill board advertising by the largest abortion provider. These people have "inculcated Black genocide as part of their goal toward reducing (or eliminating) Blacks. The biggest organization most responsible for disproportional Black plight is Planned Parenthood (and abortion affiliates). These organizations have recently admitted their racist foundations, and now therefore disavow their Founder (Margret Sanger) and founding. All told, the negative harms on the Black community have resulted in the elimination of almost 30 million Black babies." (from https://everyblm.com/guiding-principles/) So, finally, here is a group that takes black lives seriously. Really seriously. Today we talk with their President. Participants: Kevin McGary, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Fourth of July - Looking Back at Bunker Hill - Patrick K. O'Donnell
Air Date: 7/3/2021
The Fourth of July - Looking Back at Bunker Hill - Patrick K. O'Donnell

We continue looking at the book, "The Indispensables: The Diverse Soldier-Mariners Who Shaped the Country, Formed the Navy, and Rowed Washington Across the Delaware." The Marblehead Regiment, led by John Glover, became truly indispensable. Today we dive down to take a look at Marbleheaders who battled on Bunker Hill - these would form the elite Guard that protected George Washington. What do you make of the "Loyalists?" What about the preachers of the day? How did they support the war for independence? And the doctors? What of our own day? Do we have enemies within? Many interesting questions. Participants: Patrick K. O'Donnell, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Year Crowned with Goodness, Part Two - Peter Burfeind
Air Date: 6/26/2021
A Year Crowned with Goodness, Part Two - Peter Burfeind

"A Year Crowned with Goodness, Part Two is the second installment of three books with devotions based on the Gospels of the historic lectionary. It runs from Pentecost through the Last Sunday of the Church Year. The meditations not only probe the depths of meaning in these Gospels, but uses them as a platform to address the rising threat of Gnosticism in American culture. In the Part Two, certain themes emerge. Early on during the ordinary time following Trinity Sunday, Gospels from Luke dominate. Luke teaches us about God's abundance. In Christ God pours out abundant grace to us, and we in turn show abundance to our neighbors. Against a Gnosticism which rejects this world as limiting by its materiality, Jesus shows that a redeemed world bursts with abundance. Later in the Trinity Season, the theme of new wine bursting old wine skins comes to the fore. Here, the Gospels properly relate the New Testament to the Old Testament. Where the Gnostics outright rejected it, Jesus fulfills it." So reads the Amazon description of this new book. Today we talk with the author and ask him questions related to the book. One of the questions has to do with the Holy Spirit, and does the use of a lectionary, do any harm to the Spirit's work? Participants: Peter Burfeind, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Urgent Zeal and Holy Patience - Dr. George Grant
Air Date: 6/19/2021
Urgent Zeal and Holy Patience - Dr. George Grant

Right now in America you get the feeling that the wheels are falling off if we look at our nation as a vehicle. Many millions of people feel this way. Our guest gave a lecture recently to business leaders, educators, and moms and dads in his area. They were discussing the roots of the decay that we are seeing. Where did this come from? What is going on? Are there any plans we should follow going forward? Our guest says that none of what we are seeing should catch us by surprise. All of this has been coming for a very long time - well over a century in incremental steps. These people who had these nefarious desires, essentially "borrowed" some principles from the kingdom of God! As part of the roots of the cancer, he points back to Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist philosopher. He spent much of his career in prison, and yet his prison diaries contained a plan for the cultural transformation of society. This would later become known as "Cultural Marxism." The approach was to capture "the robes" of culture. This would entail the academic robes, judicial robes, and ecclesiastical robes. The idea was to "seed" these Marxist views into our educational systems including law schools thus radicalizing them. The media was in a sense already radicalized. By sowing these seeds into the university and judiciary, then the media would follow along. He felt that for the ecclesiastical realm (i.e., mainstream churches), that they would pretty much conform to the popular fashions of the day. The approach was one of slow influence and building upon itself, as minds got changed. It was this slow growth approach that was "borrowed" from the gospel truth of leaven in the dough, permeating the whole. For the Marxist, they exhibited patience, and knew this approach would take 3 or 4 generations. Over time, the culture could be won to this radical and anti-biblical view. The means by which this would be driven would be open and "free" human sexuality, and the dismantling of the traditional home, and the removal of the distinctions of gender all of which gave structure to western civilization. Gramsci found disciples in Roger Baldwin (founder of the ACLU), Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood), and Emma Goldman (associated with modern anarchism). Gramsci's diaries were introduced to Notre Dame by Joseph Buttigieg II, the Maltese-American literary scholar and translator (this is Pete Buttigieg's father). The overall goal of the movement was to win people's hearts not so much via politics, but through culture. Politics would eventually follow the culture, they believed. If the things mentioned above (sexual revolution, abortion, etc.) could be disseminated, then Gramsci believed that the Marxist cultural revolution would have been won. This would have ties to the Frankfort school in Germany between the two world wars, with Herbert Marcuse the German-American philosopher, sociologist, and political theorist, and the teaching of critical theory. This would extend to the development of the Bauhaus architecture movement as well. The Gramsci influence would also reach into the arts through people like Salvador Dalí. And so these ideas could be marshalled through the arts and radical post modern architecture influencing people like Mies van der Rohe. It was felt that all of this would help shape the future of western civilization. Sadly, this plan has been spectacularly successful. Our guest points out, that by contrast, Christians have become alarmed by the "bits and pieces" of the issues, yet often don't see the landscape in "totals." He references Francis Schaeffer, the American evangelical theologian, philosopher, and Presbyterian pastor. He wrote the book "A Christian Manifesto," which shows why morality and freedom have crumbled in our society. He calls for a massive movement-in government, law, and all of life-to reestablish our Judeo-Christian foundation and turn the tide of moral decadence and loss of freedom. Again, the bits and pieces approach that we often attempt as evangelicals, such as our effort to address pornography, or a single issue like abortion is good as far as it goes, but is also short sighted. We have not done particularly well seeing the cultural assault from the larger perspective, that is in terms of the whole. Participants: Dr. George Grant, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Hurricane Season - Dr. Michael Brennan
Air Date: 6/12/2021
Hurricane Season - Dr. Michael Brennan

Its that time again - hurricane season for the Atlantic extends from June 1, through November 30, sharply peaking from late August through September. Today we talk with the Branch Chief of the Hurricane Specialist Unit at NOAA’s National Hurricane Center in Miami. We recount an event nearly 10 years ago, when Hurricane Irene hit NY on the east coast, and particularly recall how many trees were downed in the Hudson Valley of NY State. While wind is very dangerous, yet it is the water that is the most dangerous during a hurricane. During the hurricane season of this year, 2021, the National Hurricane Center expects a likely range of 13 to 20 named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher), of which 6 to 10 could become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or higher), including 3 to 5 major hurricanes (category 3, 4 or 5; with winds of 111 mph or higher) is expected. NOAA provides these ranges with a 70% confidence. We discuss the difference between El Niño and La Niña and their effect on the Atlantic hurricane development. Hurricane safety starts well before the time of a hurricane. Preparedness should be a way of life. One danger while driving after a hurricane or during if you are caught in one, has to do with water on the road. Don't assume the water is shallow. There often are times when a road section is washed out, and the water level rises enough to look shallow but is really hiding the cavern below the surface of the water. We also touch upon what its like at the Hurricane Center and if they have to hunker down there during a bad storm. Participants: Dr. Michael Brennan, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Indispensables - Patrick K. O'Donnell
Air Date: 6/5/2021
The Indispensables - Patrick K. O'Donnell

"In the annals of the American Revolution, no group played a more consequential role than the Marbleheaders. At the right time in the right place, they repeatedly altered the course of events, and their story shines new light on our understanding of the Revolution. As acclaimed historian Patrick K. O’Donnell dramatically recounts, beginning nearly a decade before the war started, and in the midst of a raging virus that divided the town politically, Marbleheaders such as Elbridge Gerry and Azor Orne spearheaded the break with Britain and shaped the nascent United States by playing a crucial role governing, building alliances, seizing British ships, forging critical supply lines, and establishing the origins of the US Navy." (H/T Amazon) Today we talk about the early days of the beginning of our republic. We focus on one particular group named The Marbleheaders. We talk with the author of the new book "The Indispensables: The Diverse Soldier-Mariners Who Shaped the Country, Formed the Navy, and Rowed Washington Across the Delaware." An interesting part of the story is the unity that this group experienced, while being ethnically diverse - Represented were White, Black, Hispanic, and Native American men. Participants: Patrick K. O'Donnell, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Restoration in a Broken, yet Redeemed World - Shane Morris
Air Date: 5/29/2021
Restoration in a Broken, yet Redeemed World - Shane Morris

In the news we often hear of Christians being forced to embrace a worldview they disagree with, and "testify" to a lifestyle that is not biblical. This coercion not only makes a person uncomfortable but violates their fundamental rights. As Christians we accept all people, but it is wrong to be forced to approve of their sinful lifestyle. How can we go against God Himself? We want His blessing, not his judgment. And so, on Christian outlets such as this station, various newscasts, opinion pieces, commentary, etc., often address the problems that our people are going through as they get abused in the public square with Anti-Christ ideas and practices. For example, what's a parent to do as their tender child at a very young age is being forced to think about whether or not they are a girl or a boy? Or how does the parent handle it when the girl's locker room is opened up for biological boys? See the problem? There presently is almost no recourse, unless an expensive lawsuit if filed. And so, yes, these attacks on our moral freedom are affecting millions of parents now, and these parents need the issues addressed. A recent case is cited of the field hospital that was setup by Samaritan's Purse in NYC. The Christian healthcare workers went into a dangerous situation to help those who were infected with COVID. There was an overflow from a local hospital. People needed help desperately. These Christian healthcare workers put themselves in the path of danger to help anyone, independent of their sexual life. Yet as you may have predicted, Samaritan's Purse being Christian, takes a stance of marriage between one man and one woman. Bottom line, Samaritan's Purse got run out of town, and this effective field hospital was no longer allowed to help ALL people. So, this in-your-face approach that is being foisted upon Christian people is worthy of note and the Christians are dealing with the abuse and are talking about it. That's just one of thousands of cases where people are being unjustly treated and their private lives attacked. We long for an adult approach where dissent is allowed and not silenced. What about education? We discuss Home Schooling and a hybrid model. We address the false argument that socialization is not happening. Nothing could be further from the truth. We also delve into the area of a model that is helpful to use as we read the Bible and apply it to our lives. The model is that of Creation, Fall, Redemption and Restoration. We are past the time of creation, and also the fall. We are experiencing redemption personally, as Christ has already died for the sins of His people. The Restoration is taking place right now. It points to the ultimate restoration at the end of the age. Yet, that may be a long way off. Christ is doing something major in history. We must not idly sit by and only hope for the end. We need to get to work and be part of what God is doing in His history - and He is doing a lot! Participants: G. Shane Morris, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA NWS and Thunderstorms - Brian Montgomery
Air Date: 5/22/2021
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA NWS and Thunderstorms - Brian Montgomery

How do thunderstorms form? Did you know that they need moisture, instability and lift? What is the doppler radar like that monitors the storms? How far out can they "see?" Does the National Weather Service go home at night, or do they work round the clock? How do they interface with the FCC licensed radio stations? What about safety concerns when bad weather comes our way? Are you prepared? Today we talk with the Lead Meteorologist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NWS in Albany, NY. Participants: Brian Montgomery, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Honest News Reporting - Joe Hoft
Air Date: 5/15/2021
Honest News Reporting - Joe Hoft

What news sources do you often go to for honest, thorough reporting? Today we talk with the co-editor of the Gateway Pundit. Originally founded in 2004, the site was established for readers tired of limited options and a politicized establishment media. In 2011, the website modified its name and moved to its current location as www.thegatewaypundit.com. It’s audience grew rapidly and additional writers were added to the staff. Today over 2.5 million unique readers every day visit TGP. The Gateway Pundit is ranked as one of the top 150 websites in America, based on Alexa rankings. Our guest today, is Joe Hoft, the twin brother of the original founder Jim. We talk mostly about election integrity today. Jim has many cases on the tip of his tongue, some of which he shares with our listeners. We point out that which way an audit goes, is not so much important as the idea that accurate accounting of legal votes is achieved. Yet, there were a very high amount of massive irregularities in the 2020 election. Investigation and reporting needs to continue until the American public agrees that election integrity was achieved. This has nothing to do with partisanship, but rather truth and the maintaining of our Constitutional Republic. Participants: Joe Hoft, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Intersection of Faith and Culture - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 5/8/2021
Intersection of Faith and Culture - Dr. John Vance

How do faith commitments affect our world? Let's assume that you have faith in the Triune God of the scriptures (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). If you do, then this inward, living faith results in a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit. This faith causes you to love God and want to please Him. You read His word and try to understand how to please him. This boils down to understanding and following His moral law (The 10 Commandments), as well as reading the accounts of Israel and applying the principles of the judicial laws of the Old Testament (referred to as the general equity of the judicial law). At a high level, you love God and love your neighbor. All this to say that a changed heart works itself out in a changed life. Or, what you believe in your heart, you live out. Today we talk with the former pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Rock Tavern, NY. He is retired now and is living in West Virginia. He shares with us some of his observations of culture. He identifies some of the "madness" of our day and ties it back to the heart of mankind and the need for gospel awakening and reformation. Our guest is unique in that, not only was he a pastor in the Hudson Valley for many years, but he also actively worked in the community, teaching courses in world religion and philosophy as a lecturer at the local university. This kept him engaged with students and very much aware of the issues of the day. We have many challenges and in light of that and the gospel, he shares some encouraging insights as we press forward as productive Christians. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Compass Care - Erasing the Need for Abortion - Rev. James Harden
Air Date: 5/1/2021
Compass Care - Erasing the Need for Abortion - Rev. James Harden

The world was arrested in 2020 by the fear of an unknown virus. Yet the CompassCare team never stopped reaching and serving women considering abortion - never even considered it! Today we learn about an amazing ministry. God has provided His servants an opportunity to stand so that He could show Himself strong on the behalf of women and their babies. Participants: Rev. James Harden, Calvin Carter

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A Plain Answer: Apologetics - Dr. William Edgar
Air Date: 4/24/2021
Apologetics - Dr. William Edgar

What exactly is Apologetics? Does the term originate in scripture? Coming to faith in Christ involves a supernatural awakening in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Yet, there is a huge need for apologetics. How do we do this, and not violate the work of God's spirit, and yet be used of God in the forth-telling of the gospel? Do we convert the person ourselves? These questions and others are addressed in this discussion with a professor of Apologetics at Westminster Seminary of Philadelphia. Participants: Dr. William Edgar, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Historic Optimism - Bruce Gore
Air Date: 4/17/2021
Historic Optimism - Bruce Gore

How many times have you heard predictions of Jesus' return that are associated with a date? Plenty for us. Today we take an honest look at the words of scripture as it relates to kingdom growth in history. Our guest has taught Bible for many years. he received his MA and JD. For a while he practiced law and continues to teach Bible. He taught at Whitworth University, where he served on the adjunct faculty for over 30 years. Participants: Bruce Gore, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Stewardship of Creation - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Air Date: 4/10/2021
Stewardship of Creation - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner

Are you troubled by the modern discussions about climate change? Whatever happened to the older ideas of conservation, working the soil, care for our property, and godly dominion? Have you been made to feel guilty for using fossil fuel? Is it bad? Is it good? What about energy production? What is one characteristic of energy production that is a non-negotiable? Have you ever been involved in overseeing an enterprise that, if it lost power it would directly effect many people's lives? What are the core requirements of such a system? These questions and others need to be looked at as we jump into a discussion of being good stewards of our lives and of the nature space that God has given us. The creation mandate was given by God thousands of years ago, and yet it is just as fresh today as it was when God gave it. Today we talk with the National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, a network of over 60 Christian theologians, natural scientists, economists, and other scholars educating for Biblical earth stewardship, economic development for the poor, and the proclamation and defense of the good news of salvation by God’s grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. Participants: Dr. E Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Resurrection of Christ and its Implications - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 4/3/2021
The Resurrection of Christ and its Implications - Dr. Peter Hammond

Today we discuss the resurrection of Christ. Our guest covers some of the evidence of the resurrection. He first mentions a book by Frank Morrison, (https://www.amazon.com/Who-Moved-Stone-Frank-Morison/dp/0310295610) - a lawyer who was determined to disprove the resurrection and thereby to undermine Christianity. His thorough work, led him to embrace the resurrection, not disbelieve it. Our guest mentions how he met Josh McDowell, years ago. Josh presented evidence of the resurrection. Next, he mentions Thomas Arnold. Then Simon Greenleaf who begins his book by arguing for the need to suspend prejudices and to be open to conviction, "to follow the truth wherever it may lead us." Greenleaf ended up embracing the resurrection. Greenleaf maintains that the Four Gospels do not bear any marks of being forgeries and the oldest extant copies may be received into court as genuine documents. Our guest goes on to point out that the religious leaders of Christ's day had a compelling interest in disproving the resurrection. To them, the execution of Jesus would have eliminated any threat to their religious power base, and silence His supporters. So, these leaders had great concerns about the corpse of Jesus, and therefore approached Pontius Pilate (the fifth governor of the Roman province of Judaea) for a military detachment to guard his tomb. Assuring that the corpse of Jesus would remain entombed was in Pilate's political interest. The tomb would receive Pilate's seal. The detachment would have consisted of at least 16 soldiers. With 4 men placed directly in front of the stone covering the tomb, at all times. Any guard who deserted his post or fell asleep while on duty, would face crucifixion himself! These are some of the details that we discuss in this episode. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Mighty Oaks Foundation - Jeremy Stalnecker
Air Date: 3/27/2021
Mighty Oaks Foundation - Jeremy Stalnecker

Are you a veteran who has seen action and you have come home, and things are not going well for you? You want to live a hope-filled life, but have really bad thoughts. Its feels like the world around you is falling apart. You are sort of stuck and you know its time to stop looking back, stop making excuses and stop allowing yourself to remain stuck. But you need help. Today we talk with the Executive Director of Mighty Oaks. He served as a USMC Infantry Officer. He later served as a pastor and then co-founded the Mighty Oaks Foundation. These fellas put on weekend get togethers that are fully paid for the veteran who is going through things such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other realities, and just need to learn to cope. Be encouraged, there is help for you. Besides serving veterans, they also serve Active Duty Servicemen, First Responders, and Spouses. There are about four locations around the United States, where they get together for mutual friendship, help and training. Your expenses will be 100% paid. Its amazing. To learn more, see YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5f0jIV000JYwg8FrqBNvcQ to contact them directly, use this email: info@mightyoaksprograms.org Participants: Jeremy Stalnecker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Climate Change - Marc Morano
Air Date: 3/20/2021
Climate Change - Marc Morano

Today we interview a man who has spent years researching climate change, environmental, and energy issues. He's also traveled to Greenland in 2007 to investigate global warming claims. He comes at this from the position of an investigative journalist, and follows the data no matter where it leads. We discuss the fact that climate always changes. We look at recent as well as older history to get a rounded out picture of the facts. Our guest includes the medieval warm period. We go back further to the Roman warming. We discuss the role that CO2 has. We discuss the stories that many of us had to endure in the late 60's and early 70's when the "experts" assured us of a future, soon-to-come global cooling, leading potentially to an ice age. The "solutions" then, to this global cooling, were the same as they are for global warming! We cover the roughly 1000 scientists who have now come out and declare they are skeptical of the catastrophic claims of the climate change alarmists. We talk about the danger that faces climate scientists if they come out and express a different opinion than the typical "approved" narrative. The danger is real and includes being "cancelled" and would directly affect their careers. Occasionally one of them retires and becomes curiously honest about climate change. Our guest runs a website at https://www.climatedepot.com/ He also has written a book available on Amazon titled The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change. Also his new book is coming out in the next several days that deals with the Green New Deal. Participants: Marc Morano, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Gnosticism, Funerals and Other Implications - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 3/13/2021
Gnosticism, Funerals and Other Implications - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

This interview is based on a article that our guest wrote, titled "Gnostic Funerals." In it he writes: "Gnosticism is the oldest Christian heresy, in Stuart Holroyd’s words, “the heresy of heresies.” It was “the boldest and grandest syncretism the world had ever seen . . . . the first attempt in the history of the Church to bring the world into subjection to the Church by interpreting Christianity in harmony with the world. Christianity was to be made a truly modern religion” (J. L. Neve). It’s the most pernicious, persistent, and a permanent heresy in the Christian church, and also in secular society. The basic idea of Gnosticism is that creation is evil, and the enlightened man’s goal is to emancipate himself from that creation, notably from the material world. The physical universe is the product of an inferior god, but Jesus Christ came to provide a secret knowledge (gnosis) that would help deliver humanity from this evil material existence." Today we talk with this author about funerals and other implications that Gnosticism touches upon. We contrast it with the Creation Mandate and the Great Commission. The overall picture is one of great encouragement for the Christian seeking to live for God in this world. We review the fact that God has created the world good, not bad. References to his work: https://docsandlin.com/ and https://christianculture.com/ Participants: Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Understanding the Times and the Witness of the Church - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 3/6/2021
Understanding the Times and the Witness of the Church - Dr. John Vance

These are desperate times for Christian churches and their members in our own country. How do we get our arms around these times? Our guest begins with mentioning a paper he wrote some 40 years ago in which he discussed a coming "great fault line" that would form between the church and culture. This bifurcation has become increasingly evident in the past 10 to 15 years. Our guest says that yet in those days, 40 years ago, we didn't appreciate the depth of the divide, nor how precipitous it would be. Now we find that the true church is no longer in sync with much of American culture that it formed. That is, from the time of the Puritans, through the revivals in the 19th and 20th century up through WWII. During that time, Christianity in America was a profound, culture-shaping influence. But today, that influence has melted away and dissolved. This is a sort of fireside chat. How does a Christian view help us lay down policies regarding immigration? How does a Christian view effect things like energy independence? And consider - how is it that mathematics is now "racist?" These assertions are hard to fathom, and frankly are a slice of insanity. Yet while we see culture deteriorating in America, its not all bad. God continues to advance His kingdom, certainly in pockets here in these states, but also in countries like China, North Korea, and Iran. The Communist leaders of China for example, are now worried over the massive growth of Christianity in that land. Iran has a smaller Christian population, and yet its one of the fastest growing Christian populations in the world. God is advancing His kingdom in amazing ways. We mention the resurrection of Christ, and the importance of that in the Christian life. All this is especially important as we approach that celebration on April 4 of this year. We talk a little bit about the gift of evangelism, and how evangelists have played an enormously important role in these United States. We close with a simple call to trust Christ as your Savior. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Bahnsen Project - Graham Dugas
Air Date: 2/27/2021
The Bahnsen Project - Graham Dugas

In the 70's, 80's and mid 90's, there was a man who had the gift of teaching and was very good at defending the faith and explaining theology to the common man. He participated in some debates at universities, as well as traveled to churches and conferences to share the details of the Christian faith. He helped Christians to get "depth of soil" for their spiritual lives. Fortunately his teachings were often recorded. There are a total of 1,675 sermons and lectures that were recorded. These audio teachings used to be available only by purchase. Now, there is a new project afoot, that makes this massive library of audio recordings, available for free to families. These could be used for training in the home as well as a Sunday School class, or Christian school. They are ideal for self-study. Of particular interest may be homeschoolers. Some of the recordings are intended as longer courses, such as the titles: "Systematic Theology," "Exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF)", "Revelation Sermon Series," and the extensive teaching on Calvin's Institutes. These are all free, thanks to the work of The Bahnsen Project. If you want to visit Sermon Audio and find out more, simply go there and do a search for Greg L. Bahnsen. Here is a link to a sample sermon, that has some hiss in it but is very worthwhile listening to: https://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?sourceonly=true&currSection=sermonssource&keyword=thebahnsenproject&subsetcat=series&subsetitem=Develop+Christian+Worldview Participants: Graham Dugas, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Cancer, Bible Smuggling, Obeying God First, Education of our Children - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 2/20/2021
Cancer, Bible Smuggling, Obeying God First, Education of our Children - Dr. Peter Hammond

Today we connect with our friend in South Africa, Dr. Peter Hammond. We discuss what his wife has been going through with cancer. She has a bad case of it, and yet, God has led her to new ministry opportunities in the face of the cancer. We spend some time talking about Bible smuggling, and how to deal with the scriptures that seem to say that we must obey the civil magistrate no matter what. Peter explains how that parses out, having dealt with it himself in his past work of smuggling Bibles. We then talk about how important it is to obey God first, and that we must learn not to be people pleasers. Peter explains how we can learn from the persecuted church. Finally, we discuss how that the Word of God must govern our homes. That includes education. So this rules out allowing our children to be brainwashed in other religions that are against Christ. We learn in Deuteronomy: “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:6-9 Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Economics and the Christian Faith - Dr. Shawn Ritenour
Air Date: 2/13/2021
Economics and the Christian Faith - Dr. Shawn Ritenour

Our guest is Professor of Economics at Grove City College. After reviewing how he came to faith in Christ and the transition to a more faithful church, our guest shares a key juncture in his life and a book that was helpful in his theological journey. In our discussion we cover free market economics as based on the law of God, and contrast that with a Marxist based economic system. We point out that every single instance of Socialism in the world has been detrimental to the people that attempt to live through it. Our guest sees us as in a very precarious situation economically. Our national debt is astounding. Massive inflation by the Federal Reserve has taken place, by them injecting money into our monetary system. We talk about the stimulus checks. We look at the likelihood of massive price inflation that probably will be coming. Our current president has indicated that he wants to move our country in a socialist direction. The current administration is holding up the ideal of equal outcomes, a very dangerous concept. Such outcomes are always backed up by violence. We are looking at a dire trajectory if things continue to move in the direction that they are. Participants: Dr. Shawn Ritenour, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Heaven - Rev. Ben Miller
Air Date: 2/6/2021
Heaven - Rev. Ben Miller

Do you have a view of heaven in your mind that is biblical, or is it influenced by legends? Where do "we go," when we die if we are a Christian? And what is meant by a new heaven and new earth? If you are like many folks, things become pretty hazy as we think of the afterlife. For the Christian we can be sure that we go into the immediate presence of Christ when we die. But is that it? Well, there's more! Listen to our interview with a pastor friend from the Long Island area. Participants: Rev. Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Ministry of the Church in Times Like These - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 1/30/2021
The Ministry of the Church in Times Like These - Dr. John Vance

America has been through turbulent times before. Of significance is what happened in the 1960's. Prior to that, were World Wars I and II. We are going through turbulent times again. In some ways however, this may be the most turbulent time both in terms of the needed influence of Christianity on culture, and the sense that many are getting, that we have just about lost our Constitutional Republic. Previous history has shaped the moment we are in certainly, but also the spiritual health of our populace is perhaps the largest factor that we are feeling today. Today we talk with a seasoned pastor who had ministered from 1973 until July 2013 in the Hudson Valley of NY State. The church is Westminster Presbyterian Church of Rock Tavern, NY. Forty plus years is a long time for a pastorate and we value his perspective. What are some very important factors that are needed to keep our churches together, and also that will benefit culture? How important is fellowship? What about the fundamentals of preaching God's word and partaking of the sacraments? Are there dangers of relying too much on technology? How do we maintain a calm in our lives in the face to all these things? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Children in Worship - Rev. Duane Garner
Air Date: 1/23/2021
Children in Worship - Rev. Duane Garner

Do your children join you in the worship service, or do you send them off away from the assembled people of God? Its certainly popular today, to have things like children's church and such. We certainly need nurseries for mothers who are nursing, and for noisy children. But increasingly, at least here at the ministry, we are seeing a renewed interest in integrated worship. The children who join their parents for worship as a family, are able to grow up spiritually and be a part of the covenant renewal worship service. It was Jesus Himself who said: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Today we talk about children in the worship service. Our guest is a pastor, whose church practices this sort of wholesome worship. (See: https://christkirknc.com/) We find that integrated worship works very well, and there are ways to help the child learn how to be in the service without undue distractions to others. Participants: Rev. Duane Garner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: God's People Humbling, Praying, Seeking God, and Turning from Sin - Dr. Al Baker
Air Date: 1/14/2021
God's People Humbling, Praying, Seeking God, and Turning from Sin - Dr. Al Baker

Today we look at the passage: "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chron. 7:14. We may be tempted to think that it does not apply to us, but it does. If we are God's people, then it applies. But why this verse, and why now? Its because we are facing as some writers put it, an ideological civil war. We hope it doesn't become more than that. We see deep darkness in our world. Our situation is similar to that of the Syrophonecian woman in Matthew 15:21-28. Today we talk with the author of a recent edition of "Forget None of His Benefits," Pastor Al Baker. He is an evangelistic preacher with Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship. He also has written a number of books, three of which deal with revival. Pastor Al discusses what we must do and how God responds to our sincere actions. We must humble ourselves, pray to God, seek his face and turn away from our sins. The first step of humbling ourselves has a couple of aspects - first, our passive humiliation, when God brings calamity. Second, our active humiliation, of coming to grips with our sin. Participants: Rev. Dr. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Maker Versus the Takers - Jerry Bowyer
Air Date: 1/9/2021
The Maker Versus the Takers - Jerry Bowyer

Today we talk economics that flow from the scriptures. Our guest reads the gospels in light of the geography of the characters (in particular, Jesus), and archeology and history. What did Jesus teach about work and money? Why doesn't a Marxist picture emerge? Many of the modern views of Jesus and money, is based on views that have been presupposed and foisted on the scriptures, rather than the scriptures themselves instructing us. Our author was a Marxist before becoming a Christian, and is well aware of the connections that some folks try and make. To learn more of his work, visit https://www.faithdriveninvestor.org/bios/jerry-bowyer. Here is his Linkedin page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jerry-bowyer-b5227a74 To find his book on Amazon, do a search for The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics Hardcover – September 15, 2020 Participants: Jerry Bowyer, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Promised Before Through the Prophets - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 1/2/2021
Promised Before Through the Prophets - Dr. Peter Hammond

This is the new year. Perhaps you have been putting off learning about Jesus Christ. You have heard there are prophecies which foretold his coming to the world, but you haven't paid to much attention. This would be a good time, in this new year, to take a deeper look at all the evidence that pointed to His coming. Maybe make this a New Year's Resolution of sorts - that is, commit to learning about Messiah, and if the evidence convinces you, then commit yourself to Him. Our guest today tells us that Christianity does not require you to take a blind leap in the dark. By contrast, false religions require blind faith. Christianity is an intelligent step into the light, in response to facts. Its not the amount of faith that you have, but in where you place your faith. Our guest is the Director of Frontline Fellowship. Here is one of the links that our guest mentions in the broadcast: https://www.livingstonefellowship.co.za/ Also, here is information about Peter: http://www.frontline.org.za/index.php?option=com_content&id=1266:the-director Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: When the Fullness of the Time Was Come - Rev. Rick Anderson
Air Date: 12/26/2020
When the Fullness of the Time Was Come - Rev. Rick Anderson

Have you considered the unique timing of events that led up to the coming of Christ into the world? We read in Galatians, "But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." Gal. 4:4-5. Our guest today is Associate Pastor of Stratford Presbyterian Church and is also a senior missionary with CHAIM - a ministry to the Jewish people. He walks us through the various prophecies that spoke of the coming of Christ. He also looks at the unique place in history that the coming of Christ was situated in. Our guest has been used of the Lord in street evangelism. In his work he often talks with not only Jewish people, but since he is in Philadelphia, there are many Muslims with whom he talks. God has been doing an amazing work in bringing many people to faith in Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for this! Participants: Rev. Rick Anderson, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Contrast of Two Ways of Life - Short Term Disobedience vs. Long Term Blessing and Peace - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 12/19/2020
A Contrast of Two Ways of Life - Short Term Disobedience vs. Long Term Blessing and Peace - Pastor Al Baker

Over the past 100 years or so, we have been led into various wars by presidents who held either to a progressive view of the world, or who were so-called globalists. What was the reason behind this? As our guest writes: "They believed, to a greater or lesser degree, in the inevitable progress of history, and that due to scientific, industrial, educational, social, and governmental engineering some form of utopia is certain. And in order to believe this there was, consciously or unconsciously, a jettisoning of the Christian world view in favor of the secular world view." By contrast, "The Christian world view believes in the one true and living Triune God who is creator, sustainer, deliverer, and judge of all created things. It believes in the linear view of time, that there was a beginning to the world, and that there will be an end to the world, that a day of judgment is coming for all the peoples of the world, that we are responsible to this God for all our actions on earth. The Christian world view believes in the utter depravity of man, that he is not intrinsically good, that he is corrupt in mind, body, and soul, that education, morality, nor government can ever usher in utopia. The Christian world view believes there must be a savior and that savior is the Lord Jesus Christ who lived, died, and rose again from the dead to purchase our salvation." Today we discuss the sinfulness of man's heart and his need for salvation in Jesus Christ. We discuss the principles of covenant obedience to God, vs. unfaithfulness and his judgments in history. Our guest is an evangelist with Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship. To sign up for his devotionals, visit: http://pefministry.org/Site_1/Devotionals/Devotionals.html Participants: Rev. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Religionless Christianity and other Subjects - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 12/5/2020
Religionless Christianity and other Subjects - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

Today our discussion launches from a quick review of the new Kindle Book: Religionless Christianity: "Why the Faith in America is Toothless, Spineless, and Harmless," by Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin. We talk about COVID, and the lockdowns. Romans 13 is mentioned and an aspect of that portion that most people seem to overlook. We talk a bit about the election and the alleged fraud that has taken place. How does this apparent fraud fit with the worldview of those who perpetrated it? We close our discussion on a pastoral note to those who find themselves in a lock down situation. The loneliness, the bizarre lack of caring by the world. Being overlooked and unable to even see people. The overall tone is that of hope in this interview. Hope because of the reign of Christ and the fact that He is actively putting all enemies of God under His feet. Participants: Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Growth of Christ's Kingdom - Worship, Family, Community, Finances - Rev. Ben Miller
Air Date: 11/28/2020
The Growth of Christ's Kingdom - Worship, Family, Community, Finances - Rev. Ben Miller

Is it biblically legitimate to work for and expect the establishment of Christian communities? Does God care about the establishment of Christendom? Does this view take away from our eternal hope, or rather does the eternal hope undergird and provide incentive for progress this side of the eschaton? Our guest approaches this question within the context of four mandates: Worship (Cultic), Family (Covenantal), Community (Friendship), and finally Finances. Participants: Rev. Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Thanksgiving 2020 - Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 11/21/2020
Thanksgiving 2020 - Rev. Mark Diedrich

Today we look at some aspects of the "first Thanksgiving." This interview while normally done in person, was done using social distancing. So we used Skype and it worked quite well. But what about the draconian measures that some leaders are advocating regarding how many people are "allowed" at a Thanksgiving celebration? What if a family has 8 children and wants Grandma and Grandpa to join them? But leaving that, let's look at COVID and the chance of recovery. How does that compare to what the original Pilgrims endured in their times? Did you know that 50% of the Pilgrims died? Wow - now that was indeed pandemic proportions! We look at the interaction of these Pilgrims with the American Indians. What about the food supply? Our guest is an expert on the American Indians, and has a lot of insights. How did the respective peoples hunt? What did they use for the harvesting of deer for example? That brings up an interesting point and that is, is it wrong to kill an animal for food or for clothing? There is a big difference between that and the taking of animal life willy-nilly, for sport. What do we know of these early Puritans? We also spend some time looking at their theology. Our guest has lots of outdoor experience and also leads hikes - so its great to have him with us! Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Conversion of the Gerasene Demoniac - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 11/14/2020
The Conversion of the Gerasene Demoniac - Pastor Al Baker

Today we review the account of a demon possessed man who encountered Jesus. This man was a loner, living among the tombs in a cemetery. Everything about him was considered unclean by the Jews. He lived among pig herders. His home in the cemetery was also considered unclean. This demon possessed man had exceptional strength and he was very self-destructive. His case was apparently the worst of the cases of demon possession in the Bible. He runs up to Jesus, and he says that he knows who He is. The man tells Jesus that his name is "Legion." This reminds us of the Roman legions - and implies that the man had a great number of demons that possessed him. Join us today to find out more about this man and the power of Jesus in converting him. What happened to the demons, and what characterized their departure? We talk about our own day and what to do if you are in trouble and know that you need the Savior. What about our nation? Many applications are drawn. Participants: Rev. Dr. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A House Divided Along New Lines - Melissa Mackenzie
Air Date: 11/7/2020
A House Divided Along New Lines - Melissa Mackenzie

We have a divide in America. A terrible tension. Our interview today is based on an article in The American Spectator. The article talks about: how that part of our nation believes in God and sees our nation as a force for good in the world. This part wants to protect the "innocent," and believes in the rule of law. This part believes that all men are created equal, yet we are not guaranteed equal outcomes. A large number of our folks are united against communism and socialism. By contrast, there is another vision, a more recent vision, that is pretty much a European-Leninist utopian hybrid. This part of America can be described as the Oligarchy and is guided by New Age spirituality. They see God as mutable, and so is truth. This ruling class is the one that bullies us, is beating us, and burning things down - just so long as they can get their way and retain power. (I might add, this second segment of people controls almost all of the media!) Our guest today is Publisher of The American Spectator. Participants: Melissa Mackenzie, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Reformation - Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 10/31/2020
The Reformation - Rev. Mark Diedrich

Want were some of the highlights of Luther's life and influence at the time of the Reformation, October 31, 1517? This obscure, cloistered monk nailed a manuscript of 95 statements (called "theses") to the door of Wittenberg Castle in Germany. He was responding to the claims of Johann Tetzel, another monk, who was raising money on behalf of Pope Lorenzo de'Medici. Today we learn about Luther and the lightning storm. What about the indulgences? What about approaching God directly based on Christ's merits? What about the printing press. How did that affect things? Today we look back at the Reformation and yet don't appreciate it nearly enough. Did you know that there would be no America if it were not for the Reformation and the Second Great Awakening that had its roots in the Reformation? Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Health Care Policy and Our Christian Duty - Dr. Robert E. Moffit
Air Date: 10/24/2020
Health Care Policy and Our Christian Duty - Dr. Robert E. Moffit

Our guest today has specialized in health care and entitlement programs with a special focus on Medicare. At one point, he was a senior official of the US Department of Health and Human Services. He talks with us about why the left's "cure" for health care woes is far worse than the malady. He has studied, in depth, the House and Senate bills they sponsor and co-sponsor. He has seen a massive gap between rhetoric and reality with trade-offs initially hidden from plain sight. The downsides of any system becomes painfully evident upon closer examination. Often however, its too late to do anything about it, when we get stuck with a very bad healthcare system that does not really care for us, and which has costs that threaten to sink our nation. He urges us to pay attention to the details of the various proposals. To this end, he refers us to a book "No Choice, No Exit," available here: https://www.heritage.org/no-choice-no-exit The current Healthcare Sector in America is complex and is about a $3.6 Trillion sector. That's huge. 1 of every 5 dollars goes into this system. The left wants to expand this into a "single payer" system. If they were to fool us into supporting this, then the cost would be so high as to take 21.1 % of all our earnings. And that is just for the healthcare system alone! That would be on top of what we currently pay in taxes, which is about 31% total. How would we ultimately pay for such a system? Its clear that the government would have to print more money. This obviously, to any thinking American, is a plan for economic disaster for our country. But worse, we would lose control of our healthcare. Totally. We would be told by big government how we are to be cared for, with no control of our own healthcare, and with astronomical costs. Participants: Dr. Robert E. Moffit, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Amy vs. The Anti-Birthers - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 10/17/2020
Amy vs. The Anti-Birthers - Dr. Paul Kengor

There was a recent article in The American Spectator with the title: "Amy v. the Anti-Birthers -- Well-prepped to hate her so." Today we talk with the author of this article. He reminds us of a quotation from Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg (RGB) from July 7, 2009 printed in New York Times Magazine that was discussing the place of women on the Supreme Court, it said: "Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion.” We just came through the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings of Judge Amy Coney Barrett. A vote on Amy Barrett's nomination is currently scheduled for October 22. After that, Senator McConnell will decide how quickly to move the nomination to the Senate floor. He's expected to act quickly and schedule a vote by Oct. 29. This nominee like the two previous, is a person who holds to the original meaning of the Constitution and is committed to upholding it. So far, Amy Barrett has calmly answered the Senators, and has come through a grueling week of questioning. All that aside, what do we make of this quotation of RGB? What does it show regarding respect for all persons, regardless their status in life or their ethnicity? Do all human beings have equal worth? Are there populations that we don’t want to have too many of? (to quote RBG). What about Down's Syndrome babies? Suppose a person has trisomy 21, that is, three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the usual two copies, in all cells? Does this justify ending their life? By using a real case in history, it helps focus our attention on a very real and timely question: Is it biblically moral to allow abortion? How does God see it? What about black lives? We could even ask: "Does the Constitution stipulate abortion as a right?" How would the original intent of the Constitution weigh in on the matter? Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Woke Progressives and Social Justice, Critical Theory -vs- Biblical Faith and Justice - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Air Date: 10/10/2020
Woke Progressives and Social Justice, Critical Theory -vs- Biblical Faith and Justice - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner

We hear of being "woke." What does that mean? What about so called social justice? What is Critical Theory, Victim intersectionality and what is its origins? "The “woke” movement with its critical legal, race, and gender theory and its victim-intersectionality theory is one of the most dangerous enemies of America’s Constitutional order, and it is playing a major role in the upcoming election. At its heart is a notion of “social justice,” coupled with “positive rights” (rights to benefits rather than against harm) theory, both of which contradict the historically Judeo-Christian understanding of justice. In our guest’s booklet Social Justice vs. Biblical Justice, He critiques “social justice” and “positive rights,” showing them to be anti-Biblical, inherently self-contradictory, and sure to generate division and strife rather than unity and concord. He also demonstrates that the Biblical understanding of justice is rendering impartially and proportionally to everyone his due in conformity with the righteous standard of divinely revealed moral law." Here is the link to the booklet: https://cornwallalliance.org/product/social-justice-how-good-intentions-undermine-justice-and-gospel/ Participants: Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Roe v. Wade - Its Dark Side and Weak Legal Underpinnings - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 10/3/2020
Roe v. Wade - Its Dark Side and Weak Legal Underpinnings - Dr. Kevin Chiarot

Have you considered the use of words associated with the killing of children as a result of an abortion of a pregnancy? Today we talk with a pastor who has followed this debate for many years. He encourages us as Christians, not to cede ground on this issue, even in the area of the use of terms. Our guest reviews the original text of the Roe -vs- Wade ruling. More recently with NY and VA laws, it seems they are saying essentially that they want everything that Roe gives them. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Balancing Motherhood, Writing and Family Life - Rachel Jankovic
Air Date: 9/26/2020
Balancing Motherhood, Writing and Family Life - Rachel Jankovic

How do you "get it all done?" Today we talk with a young mom who has seven children and is active in her church life and is an author. Dan and Deb are in the studio together as we have a down-to-earth discussion with the author of the book "You Who?: Why You Matter and How to Deal with It." As we are talking, our guest is working on cleaning her house for a large number of guests coming later that evening. How do you remain calm under such circumstances? Participants: Rachel Jankovic, Deb Elmendorf, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Guilty Before a Holy God, and Yet there is Hope - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 9/19/2020
Guilty Before a Holy God, and Yet there is Hope - Pastor Al Baker

Have you ever trusted the Lord for Him to save you? Have you cried out to Him for eternal salvation? If you have, you know what it's like to have your load of sin lifted and placed on Jesus. The scriptures describe what it's like without God, when you die. We delve into that a bit in this discussion. When a person dies and they are in an unforgiven state, then they immediately go to hell. It is there, they await the White Throne Judgement and, in the end, death and hell itself are both cast into the Lake of Fire. The finality of this state is terrible. There is no going back. We talk about what the Bible has to say about this. If Christ has not made you one of His own, then you are at war with God and the most you have is your sinful nature, with no real power to do good. Fortunately, there is a much better future for you if you are saved by grace, through faith. The righteousness of Jesus Christ can be given to you. Think of it as similar to funds being journaled into your spiritual "account." This is infinitely better than being lost in your sins, headed for judgment. This is the future that you were created for. We also discuss this vital aspect of your future on this program. Our guest is an evangelist with the Reformed Evangelical Fellowship. He visits churches, does open air preaching and helps people come to faith in Christ. To learn more about the group that Pastor Al is part of, visit: https://www.refglobal.org/ Participants: Rev. Dr. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: What is Socialism and Why do Many Millennials Want It? - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 9/12/2020
What is Socialism and Why do Many Millennials Want It? - Dr. Paul Kengor

There is a trend among the Millennial (and younger) generation to embrace Socialism. By contrast, America was founded on principles which are antithetical to Socialism. Our country embraces a free market. A recent Gallop poll from last year reported that among those ages 18 to 29, that 51% prefer Socialism. We talk about this trend and also contrast Socialism with biblical moral law from the book of Exodus in the Old Testament. We are commanded as Christians to not covet the property of others. Further, this principle of private property is protected by God's law when it forbids us to steal from others. A particularly grievous form of theft is when a government takes (i.e., robs) from one person and gives the money or goods to another. Legalized thievery is not godly and undermines a free culture. We explore if there are any cases in history where a country with Communism (or Socialism) resulted in human flourishing. The answer may shock you. What of the so-called "womb-to-tomb, nanny-state" government? What does God offer for people? He offers a bottoms up voluntary charity. This works so very well. But it also depends on people not being "taxed to death." God cares about this issue of Socialism. What is covetousness? It is an inward desire and lust for that which another person has. This covetousness comes to fruition when the act of stealing is carried out. But first the sin of covetousness occurs in the human heart. Our guest also talks about what Jesus had to say about the Good Samaritan. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Prayer Changes Things - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 9/5/2020
Prayer Changes Things - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

In the description of the book "Prayer Changes Things: Curing Timid Piety," we read this: "One striking difference between our Christian forebears and us is their repeated emphasis on prayer and our comparative de-emphasis of it. They prayed frequently and fervently. We pray infrequently and languidly. They called prayer meetings. We call staff meetings. They had revival and reformation. We have apathy and apostasy. A leading reason for these distinctions is that they were inclined to believe what God said about prayer. We are often less confident in God’s word when it comes to his promises about prayer. A blunter way to say this is: we commit the sin of unbelief. Prayer changes things. When we pray, we are asking God to change things. And when he answers our prayer, he does change things. This brings us to a most telling fact that we don’t often consider: if we are perfectly willing to accept the way things are as God's unchangeable will, we will never be people of prayer." Today we talk with this book's author and our discussion has to do with an online article he wrote on the same subject. That online article is here: https://docsandlin.com/2014/07/30/prayer-changes-things/ Participants: Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Our Families and Covenantal Continuity - Dr. Liam Goligher
Air Date: 8/28/2020
Our Families and Covenantal Continuity - Dr. Liam Goligher

Are there two plans of salvation - one in the Old Testament and another in the New? That's a question to whet your appetite for this program. Today we talk about covenantal continunity. How did God save His people all through the biblical record? Also, does God work in families? Is there a way to think about our children and grandchildren who have been born into a Christian family? Our guest tells the story of going to a conference in Scotland and talking with Rev. William Still. Rev. Still said: "I hope you won't be like many of these evangelical people who bring their children up in fear" (that is, fear that they won't become Christians). He continued to say that "I hope you bring your children up in faith that they WILL become Christians." This goes along perfectly with Peter's promise in Acts 2:38-39: "Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call."" If you want to read more about this biblical line of thinking, we can recommend an article to you by Dr. Goligher; just send us an email. Participants: Dr. Liam Goligher, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Worship of God and Church Music - Dr. Gregg Strawbridge
Air Date: 8/22/2020
The Worship of God and Church Music - Dr. Gregg Strawbridge

How important is good church music as we worship God? We have a whole hymnal in the center of our Bibles, and it is the Psalms. The Psalms are God-centered and they cover the full range of human emotion, from rejoicing, to lamenting, warrior cries, repentance, sorry, joy... the list goes on and on. Today we talk with a pastor who is a trained musician. In fact, his whole family is musical and they have written and ministered music in various contexts. He shares with us his website that contains a virtual hymn book for church use, including MP3 files and PDFs with music written. He is willing to share the coding behind this with any church. The website is found at https://allsaints-church.com/music . Here is the link to the free PDF of the book mentioned in the broadcast: https://www.wordmp3.com/details.aspx?id=18069 Participants: Dr. Gregg Strawbridge, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christian Counterpunching - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 8/15/2020
Christian Counterpunching - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

Why are many Christians adopting a passive and "at times masochistic approach towards Christian cultural opposition?" Did you know that turning the other cheek to cultural evil is essentially selling Christians into virtual slavery? This interview is based on an article that is written by the Founder and President of the Center for Cultural Leadership. Our guest points out that some patristic Christians had a sort of persecution-lust, that is shared by some Christians today. Our guest shows the difference between the magisterial reformers and the "radical" reformers. The goal of course is to embrace the former, but many today have gone down the dangerous path of the radical reformers. Our guest shows that Jesus Christ and his people are called to counterpunch Satan and his co-belligerents, knocking them to the mat. In other words, by the Word and Spirit of God, we participate in teh great cultural commission given by the Lord Jesus. This cultural mandate was not rescinded by the fall. The link for this article can be found at: https://docsandlin.com/2020/08/05/christian-counterpunching/ Dr. Sandlin's website is at https://christianculture.com/ Particpants: Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Saving America From Socialism - Jim DeMint
Air Date: 8/8/2020
Saving America From Socialism - Jim DeMint

America is not supposed to be a socialist nation. We are a Constitutional Republic with Christian roots. This ideal is being threatened in a big way, and if left to its own, then we will lose our religious freedoms and end up a sort of Communist nightmare. Our students in college are experiencing indoctrination in Socialism. The students are not being faithfully taught. You could say, they are being brainwashed. Not all colleges, mind you, but many. There is biblical warrant for being against socialism. A brief reading of the 10 Commandments is helpful at this point. By the way, some people feel that socialism is taught in the New Testament, but in fact, it is not. What is taught is individual graciousness and sharing with others. That sort of kindness is a far cry from legalized thievery, which is what we increasingly have. Another issue we discuss is the COVID-19 situation. It has been absolutely devastating to America to shut everything down. Particularly letting governors or mayors telling churches that they must shut down, all the while allowing massive protests on the Brooklyn Bridge! Our guest is a former senator and now serves as Chairman of the Conservative Partnership Institute. Here is the link to his group: https://www.conservativepartnership.org/ Here is an Amazon link to Jim's book: https://www.amazon.com/Saving-America-Socialism-Progressive-Attacks/dp/1642932809 Participants: Jim DeMint, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Plot to Change America - Mike Gonzalez
Air Date: 8/1/2020
The Plot to Change America - Mike Gonzalez

We are seeing America's cities looted and left burning. No Joke. Symbols of our national history have been destroyed by violent anarchists. There are some common threads that appear upon closer examination. Americans are being identified according to a growing number of grievance categories - rather than as citizens who have an equal right to justice under law. This unrest in America did not suddenly appear as an organic uprising. No, not at all. In the book "A Plot to Change America," we learn that we are seeing the work of ideologues who have seized control of our most powerful institutions and media outlets. Identity politics is huge and is being pushed as a way to divide and conquer, to push America away from its founding presuppositions. These ideologues absolutely hate our Constitutional Republic. They hate Christianity. Today we talk with the author of "The Plot to Change America: How Identity Politics is Dividing the Land of the Free." Participants: Mike Gonzalez, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The St. James Massacre and Lessons for Us Today - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 7/25/2020
The St. James Massacre and Lessons for Us Today - Dr. Peter Hammond

The St. James Massacre. Have you heard of it? It’s been 27 years since that happened in South Africa. Picture a church, filled with 1400 worshippers, and a group of terrorists show up with automatic weapons and grenades. What would you do? This church was in a liberal (Progressive) area of the country and the terrorists were confident it was a soft target. They had intended to also terrorize a second church later in the day – but – because of the faithful and brave actions of one man with a little snub nose revolver, MANY lives were saved, and they ran out and gave up on their plans for the second attack. The Police Commissioner later gave this one brave man a reward for his actions. We know what these terrorists were thinking in terms of motive, because later, these Christian men visited the terrorists in prison, spoke with their leader, and got their stories first hand. May God instill bravery into our hearts. We are facing terrorists on our own soil with the anarchists and violent Progressives. We must stand up to them. Not all at once, and be very careful to pick our fights, but be prepared to act if necessary. Remember too, that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,” - that is always our first line of defense, prior to physical engagement. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: COVID-19 and Back to School Risks - Dr. Kevin Pham
Air Date: 7/18/2020
COVID-19 and Back to School Risks - Dr. Kevin Pham

"Most students around the country haven’t been to school since March, when large parts of the country began to lock down in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, the data increasingly suggests that reopening schools entails the least risks and should be a goal of every level of government. The early hope was that the closures would be temporary, such as Michigan’s school-closure order that was originally meant to end in April—but that was extended for the rest of the school year. Now, with the 2020-2021 school year fast approaching, what do we do about schools?" So opens a commentary piece from the Daily Signal. Today we talk with the author of this commentary. He is a medical doctor, and also a writer. His article may be found at: https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/07/10/why-in-person-schooling-would-be-one-of-the-safest-activities-to-reopen/ Participants: Dr. Kevin Pham, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Federal Court Says NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo is Wrong to Limit Worship Services - Attorney Christopher Ferrara
Air Date: 7/11/2020
Federal Court Says NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo is Wrong to Limit Worship Services - Attorney Christopher Ferrara

"New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is wrong to limit worship services yet condone mass protests, according to a federal judge. After telling Thomas More Society attorneys in a June 18, 2020 hearing that he was “troubled by” the government’s responses, Senior U.S. District Judge Gary L. Sharpe issued a preliminary injunction on June 26, 2020, prohibiting Governor Cuomo, his Attorney General Letitia James, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio from ordering or enforcing COVID-19 prompted restrictions on outdoor religious worship gatherings." -- From https://www.thomasmoresociety.org/federal-court-says-new-york-governor-cuomo-is-wrong-to-limit-worship-services/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=1704983&utm_campaign=-12345 Today we talk at length with Attorney Christopher Ferrara, who filed this lawsuit. The outcome was very good news! Participants: Attorney Christopher Ferrara, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How to Respond to Marxist Bullying Tactics - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 7/4/2020
How to Respond to Marxist Bullying Tactics - Dr. Peter Hammond

"There is nothing communists respect more than strength. There is nothing they despise more than weakness. Those people who think that they can calm the situation by bowing to the mob, washing their feet, or brushing, or kissing their boots, not only figuratively, but literally, have no idea that all they are doing is greatly aggravating the situation and encouraging the revolutionaries to demand far, far more." So begins an article by Dr. Peter Hammond. Here in America, we have very little experience in dealing with Marxist thugs. The basic setting of pacifist non-resistance does not work against a Communist who wants to destroy you and your country. Listen to this interview with a man who has dealt firsthand with this. If you think you can put your head in the sand and the riotous, anarchists will just fade away, you are sadly mistaken. Now is the time to protect our families, churches, and our country. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Our Need for Revival and Revival Praying - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 6/27/2020
Our Need for Revival and Revival Praying - Pastor Al Baker

Our nation is in a sort of free fall. We are in big trouble, and the societal actions are similar to the actions of people back in the 60's. People are being killed, buildings burned, God is being mocked and sin celebrated. The book of Romans chapter one comes to mind, when it reads: “who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.” Romans 1:32 There is a huge need for a modern day revival and reformation. We believe that God will be moving in a mighty way once again. We must have prayer and evangelism. Participants: Rev. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: NY State Lawsuit - Thomas More Special Counsel Christopher Ferrara
Air Date: 6/20/2020
NY State Lawsuit - Thomas More Special Counsel Christopher Ferrara

"New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo, his Attorney General Letitia James, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio are being sued by two Catholic priests from upstate New York and a trio of Orthodox Jewish congregants from Brooklyn for violation of civil rights by prejudicial orders and selective enforcement. The federal lawsuit, filed June 10, 2020, in United States District Court for the Northern District of New York, charges the governor, attorney general, and mayor with violating the plaintiffs’ rights to free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, assembly and expressive association, and due process, under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution." Today we interview the Special Counsel Christopher Ferrara who has filed this lawsuit on behalf of his clients. For more information please visit https://www.thomasmoresociety.org/ Participants: Christopher Ferrara, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: What is Socialism and Why do Many Millennials Want It? - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 6/13/2020
What is Socialism and Why do Many Millennials Want It? - Dr. Paul Kengor

There is a trend among the Millennial (and younger) generation to embrace Socialism. By contrast, America was founded on principles which are antithetical to Socialism. Our country embraces a free market. A recent Gallop poll from last year reported that among those ages 18 to 29, that 51% prefer Socialism. We talk about this trend and also contrast Socialism with biblical moral law from the book of Exodus in the Old Testament. We are commanded as Christians to not covet the property of others. Further, this principle of private property is protected by God's law when it forbids us to steal from others. A particularly grievous form of theft is when a government takes (i.e., robs) from one person and gives the money or goods to another. Legalized thievery is not godly and undermines a free culture. We explore if there are any cases in history where a country with Communism (or Socialism) resulted in human flourishing. The answer may shock you. What of the so-called "womb-to-tomb, nanny-state" government? What does God offer for people? He offers a bottoms up voluntary charity. This works so very well. But it also depends on people not being "taxed to death." God cares about this issue of Socialism. What is covetousness? It is an inward desire and lust for that which another person has. This covetousness comes to fruition when the act of stealing is carried out. But first the sin of covetousness occurs in the human heart. Our guest also talks about what Jesus had to say about the Good Samaritan. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Cult of the Expert - Rev. Dr. Joe Boot
Air Date: 6/6/2020
The Cult of the Expert - Rev. Dr. Joe Boot

We are increasingly experiencing experts running everything. Are some of these experts self-anointed? What is the difference between intellect and wisdom? Those who claim intellectual superiority are really embracing a notion going back to the Enlightenment. We see a sort of "autonomous standard of reason, established by an elite class, before which all ideas must present themselves for judgment." That last line is a quote from an article that we will be talking about today. It is: "The Cult of the Expert," by Rev. Dr. Joe Boot. Dr. Boot heads up the Ezra Institute, an evangelical think-tank and worldview training organization. Learn more about this fine group and the work they do and also join us for this discussion. For more information about the institute, please visit: https://www.ezrainstitute.ca/ The Study Centre sits on 24-acres of orchard and conservation land, surrounded by the natural beauty of the Niagara Escarpment and overlooking Lake Ontario. Located in the historic town of Grimsby, it is less than an hour’s drive from Toronto and Niagara Falls. Participants: Dr. Joe Boot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Radical Two Kingdom Theology - Dr. Cornelis Venema
Air Date: 5/30/2020
Radical Two Kingdom Theology - Dr. Cornelis Venema

What is so-called Radical Two Kingdom (R2K) Theology? What is my "vocation" or calling? How can I serve others in God's name, empowered by the Holy Spirit? What did the Reformers have in mind as they opposed the medieval orders of the Roman Catholic church? Does the Cultural mandate still apply, or, has it been fulfilled by Christ, and no longer applies? We discuss how R2K radically partitions human life after the Fall, for example: 1.In R2K, Redeemed life includes worship (good), but the creation mandate is already fulfilled. 2.All other human activities, are “profane.” Further, for us to seek to fulfill Adam’s original work would be as some would say, to compromise the sufficiency of Christ’s work. Now, of course, Redeemer Broadcasting stands against this sort of Radical Two Kingdom construct. There is a much better way to view life through the lens of Scripture, that is not nearly so "Dispensational leaning," and is much more comprehensive and full of grace in every area of life. Redeemer is committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ over every area of life, and not only the church and her good works. Redeemer certainly recognizes that there is a kingdom in our hearts where Christ sovereignly exercises His reign over our consciences, and there is a temporal kingdom of Christ made manifest in the outward life of God's people in the visible church AND commonwealth. Jesus is Lord over both. Our guest is president of Mid-America Reformed Seminary and is also Professor of Doctrinal Studies there. For more information about the seminary, please visit midamerica.edu Participants: Dr. Cornelis Venema, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Not Forsaken - A Story of Life After Abuse - Jennifer M Greenberg
Air Date: 5/23/2020
Not Forsaken - A Story of Life After Abuse - Jennifer M Greenberg

Today we talk with A Christian lady who was abused by her church-going father. She has written a book called Not Forsaken - A Story of Life After Abuse. After going through domestic violence, sexual abuse, and psychological abuse, she is still a Christian today. Her life is a testimony to the grace of God and is no small miracle that she made it through. She shares with us some helpful perspectives on how to deal with a father who was just plain evil. But how did she handle forgiveness? What did she learn about the process of forgiving? Her story is one of restoration - God helps this very hurt woman to find a godly husband. Now they have a daughter. Once married, she saw the contrast between what a godly man looks like and what her dad was like. Mind you, this dad was active in his church, and they had what on the outside, looked like a Christian home. But he lived a total lie. Our guest shares advice with those who are going through the nightmare of domestic abuse. Also, for elders, here is some good advice as you work through how to handle one of these cases in your own church. You can find her website and order this important book at: jennifergreenberg.net . You may also order her book on Amazon. Participants: Jennifer Michelle Greenberg, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Coronavirus and Culture - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 5/16/2020
Coronavirus and Culture - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

Today's discussion is based on a paper that appeared on https://docsandlin.com/2020/04/12/coronavirus-and-culture/. The title is "Coronavirus and Culture." Some questions are: How has the Coronavirus become a cultural phenomenon? How has Coronavirus already changed our culture? Will the consequences of the sociopolitical responses to Coronavirus permanently find their way into our culture? We talk about this paper and the author joins us today to review this paper and also make some observations on how people are acting and the virtue signaling that is occurring. We talk about the three spheres of family, church and state. We discuss the responsibility of churches to not only preach, but to speak the word of God to the civil magistrate, informing him or her of God's will. The church holds the keys and has a unique role of preaching the word, and administering the sacraments. By contrast, the state bears the sword. Participants: Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Missionary Work During COVID Lockdown in South Africa - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 5/9/2020
Missionary Work During COVID Lockdown in South Africa - Dr. Peter Hammond

What's the COVID lockdown like in South Africa right now? What's been going on for the past 40 days? Has the lockdown been mild or overreaching? Have people died in the process? Beyond that, getting down to the actual ministry, do missionary endeavors need to end because of the COVID restrictions? Today we look at one ministry and what God is doing as He works in people's hearts as the Holy Spirit uses His word. The advance of the gospel of Jesus Christ in Africa is nothing less than miraculous. God is bringing many people to Himself. Our guest expects to see Africa increasingly Christianized over time. Here is a link to more information: https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/prayer--praise-updates/responding-to-ramadan-with-digital-evangelism Also: www.FrontlineMissionSA.org Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: COVID-19 and the Chinese Communist Party - Dr. Dana Cheng
Air Date: 5/2/2020
COVID-19 and the Chinese Communist Party - Dr. Dana Cheng

Why did the Chinese Communist Party purchase an immense supply of personal protection equipment in the January to February time frame of this year? Why did the Communists refuse to sell masks specifically to an American teacher in China? When the virus was first known about in December 2019, why did the government of China not let the truth be known to other countries at the height of the contagion? Why did China order 1 Million body bags? Why were the social media postings squashed by the Communists? Why were the COVID-19 numbers "cooked?" Today we talk with a media expert on China. She grew up in Wuhan and understands the culture. She came to the United States on full scholarship to earn her PhD in physics. She has witnessed the Communist oppression and deception. We learn that the Communists lie to their own people, and they do so on a regular basis. Shockingly, there are similarities between their tactics and the corresponding political operatives in our own nation of the United States. Sometimes they are called "Democratic Socialists" here. Why would the truly free people in America want so badly to cover for the Communists, and further to clone their Socialist system? Its astonishingly mind boggling. Join us for an insightful discussion. Participants: Dr. Dana Cheng, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Blessing for Families - Trying out Homeschooling and Finding it Really Works - Dr. Steve Turley
Air Date: 4/25/2020
A Blessing for Families - Trying out Homeschooling and Finding it Really Works - Dr. Steve Turley

You are locked down in your house. Schools are shut down, and kids are home. So... what are you doing about their education? At the same time, you have been frustrated with the local school district being consumed with moral messaging that is against what you teach in your family. You normally go to church, and your kids faithfully attend with you. You learn about how to live a righteous life, but then you are "forced" to live two lives when you send your kids to that school bus and when they finally get home, they are programmed to sound like CNN and the local gang down the street. Yes, this is hyperbolic, but you get what we mean. What if... what if, you used this lock down as an opportunity to embrace once and for all, homeschooling? Many Christian families have done it, and their kids are thriving. You know that people have been lying to you about the supposed lack of "socialization," but you didn't think you can sustain doing home schooling. How would you access good material remotely? What about getting help for the higher grades? But now, guess what? All the interaction with educators has switched over to online in a matter of weeks! And it works! Better yet, with homeschooling, you get to choose the curriculum that is consistent with the Historic Christian faith! The necessary basics are always part of the plan - the stuff that's needed for a high school equivalency exam. Its great. You have heard the many stories of homeschoolers excelling once they get to university. Some get in to a community college early, save tons of money then transfer. That keeps the cost down. Some don't want college, because they learned all the skills they need by apprenticeship, and now they are living debt-free getting paid very well doing work that they love, and are part way through paying their mortgage on their house. We don't know how else to put it. This is your time. Go for it! Our guest is Dr. Steve Turley, of turleytalks.com . He also has a YouTube channel - check him out, order a book or two and start a journey that you will be delighted with. And, in the process, you likely will save your kids from emotionally and spiritually-scarred lives. Take charge, and by God's enabling, you can do it. Participants: Dr. Steve Turley, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Free Market Principles and the Shutdown - Dr. Shawn Ritenour
Air Date: 4/18/2020
Free Market Principles and the Shutdown - Dr. Shawn Ritenour

We are in the midst of a pandemic. All non-essential businesses and services are shut down. We've never quite been through something like this, at least in our lifetimes. Besides the huge concern of physical safety and taking steps to help minimize the risk of catching this novel coronavirus (COVID-19), we face a large, looming financial crisis for our entire country. Today we talk with a professor of economics who teaches at Grove City College, and writes for mises.org. Further, his writings have appeared in The Institute for Faith & Freedom: https://www.faithandfreedom.com/. Our guest first reviews the foundations of a Free Market system. What characterizes it? Is it regulated and if so, how and by whom? Next we discuss some ripple effects of this shutdown. Participants: Dr. Shawn Ritenour, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Resurrection - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 4/11/2020
The Resurrection - Dr. John Vance

What is the place that the resurrection has in the New Testament? Does Christianity hold together without the resurrection? What proof do the Gospels offer for the resurrection? Does the Old Testament teach the doctrine of the resurrection? What does the resurrection mean for the believer? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Palm Sunday - Dr. Liam Goligher
Air Date: 4/4/2020
Palm Sunday - Dr. Liam Goligher

We review the events surrounding the triumphal entry of our Lord Jesus into Jerusalem. We talk about his choosing a young donkey and the symbolism of a king coming in peace. There is a special emphasis that is given to the children and how we too, should fold in the children in public celebration on Palm Sunday. We also discuss the end of our days and how we need to keep short accounts with others. We are to look for our Heavenly home and know with calm assurance that to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord. Participants: Dr. Liam Goligher, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Accommodating the Changes due to Coronavirus - Pastor Ben Miller
Air Date: 3/28/2020
Accommodating the Changes due to Coronavirus - Pastor Ben Miller

The Coronavirus precautions have forced churches to do more things online. Many of us are worshiping in our homes, gathered around a computer with our pastor streaming online. How are you and your church coping? Today we talk with the Senior Pastor of a church on Long Island, located within Nassau county. Nassau being so close to New York City, has lots of cases of COVID-19, as of this writing, nearing 4700 cases. So, how do we handle this? Having a remote worship service is not ideal, but many Christians have been able to benefit from it, during this time of lockdown. Our guest has been using technology to the benefit of the flock, including Facebook and Zoom. We talk about how God is working, and that He is really doing something - during a normally disruptive and unpleasant time. For more information on Trinity Church, we invite you to visit their website here: https://www.trinitychurchlongisland.com/ Also to visit their facebook page to join them for Sunday worship, that is here: https://www.facebook.com/TrinityChurchLongIsland/ On Sunday, they will be streaming live. Participants: Rev. Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Coronavirus - A Pastoral Perspective - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 3/21/2020
Coronavirus - A Pastoral Perspective - Dr. John Vance

The Coronavirus Pandemic has taken up the news and is affecting our country profoundly. Many people are out of work now, restaurants closed, many churches closed. Economically, the repercussions are very significant. Our guest today counsels us from God's word. He is a pastor with many years of experience. He shares with us what he did when some years ago, he experienced Afib attacks with his heart. There are some similarities with our anxieties with the COVID-19 situation. We talk about loved ones who are in the service industry and are liable to exposure. How does a mother handle this? Deb joins us with her perspective too. Our discussion also covers a bit later, the fact that the Chinese Communists covered up this virus in its early stages, when if they had only come forward earlier, that such transparency would have saved many lives. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Deb Elmendorf, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Reformed Evangelical Fellowship - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 3/14/2020
Reformed Evangelical Fellowship - Pastor Al Baker

Today we talk with an evangelist who works with Reformed Evangelical Fellowship. To be Reformed means that you are part of the Protestant tradition. It implies that you look to the Bible alone as your source of truth, for both teaching and how to worship God rightly. One of the tenants of this biblical faith is that God alone saves sinners and we don't contribute anything to our salvation. The Holy Spirit comes to a person and awakens him or her spiritually. We love God because He first loved us and he chose us in Him before the foundation of the world. When we "chose" Christ we simply are obeying our new nature that Christ by His Holy Spirit has regenerated. Ephesians 1:4-5 says: "just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, 5 having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will." So, its entirely of grace that we come to Christ. This is a backdrop to this interview. Our guest is a Reformed evangelist. People misunderstand the Reformed faith and election - sometimes intentionally. They think that if you believe the biblical doctrine of election, then there is no use doing evangelism. Well, that's kind of like setting up a straw man and then knocking him down! That fact is, God mightily uses the evangelist to preach the gospel to His elect, and He also gives them faith to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. We really don't "accept" Jesus, rather we receive Him. That's how it works in real life. And that's biblical. Our guest explains how he approaches evangelism from a Reformed, or biblical perspective. We talk about the work of the Holy Spirit. We also talk about biblical optimism regarding missions and evangelism, as we briefly look at the Westminster Larger Catechism, Q/A 191. That says: "In the second petition (which is, Thy kingdom come), acknowledging ourselves and all mankind to be by nature under the dominion of sin and Satan, we pray, that the kingdom of sin and Satan may be destroyed, the gospel propagated throughout the world, the Jews called, the fullness of the Gentiles brought in; the church furnished with all gospel officers and ordinances, purged from corruption, countenanced and maintained by the civil magistrate; that the ordinances of Christ may be purely dispensed, and made effectual to the converting of those that are yet in their sins, and the confirming, comforting, and building up of those that are already converted: that Christ would rule in our hearts here, and hasten the time of his second coming, and our reigning with him forever: and that he would be pleased so to exercise the kingdom of his power in all the world, as may best conduce to these ends." Participants: Dr. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Pope and a President - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 3/7/2020
A Pope and a President - Dr. Paul Kengor

Today we interview the author of the book: "A Pope and a President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Extraordinary Untold Story of the 20th Century." We learn what was behind the assassination attempt on John Paul II. John Paul II was friends with Ronald Reagan. Did these men communicate on key occasions? Find out what view these men shared. We talk about the "almost" invasion of Poland during the time. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Update on the Coronavirus - Dr. Dana Cheng
Air Date: 2/29/2020
Update on the Coronavirus - Dr. Dana Cheng

Today we have a followup discussion with Dr. Dana Cheng, Senior Editor of China News, The Epoch Times. New information as to the spread of the virus (coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19) has been in the news. There are some reports now that claim this will be no worse than the flu (New England Journal of Medicine). South Korea reports many hundreds of new infections, and Iran has reported some cases. Italy has reported hundreds of people infected in their country. This prompted us to talk with Dr, Cheng again. She grew up in Wuhan, which is the epicenter of the outbreak for this virus. She reports that 170K doctors and nurses have been sent to Wuhan. The virus makes people feel like they are drowning in water. Others have heart problems and simply drop in the street. Funeral homes in China are typically open 4 hours during a day. However, now they are open 24x7, conditions are so severe. Yet, the Chinese government is not being forthright. The Communists have full control of media and social media, so the real truth of the extent of the virus is difficult to perceive. Dr. Cheng says that the health care workers use full protective suits, face masks, glasses (or goggles), and a hat. The virus that causes COVID-19 is spreading from person-to-person. Someone who is actively sick with COVID-19 can spread the illness to others. The CDC recommends that these patients be isolated either in the hospital or at home (depending on how sick they are) until they are better and no longer pose a risk of infecting others. There was a problem with the donation of supplies, interfered with by Communist officials such that the supplies were not getting to the hospitals that needed them. The Communist officials give precedence to themselves and not nearly as much to the population. We ask Dr. Cheng what steps we can take here in America to protect our people. An absolutely necessary step is to protect our borders. Customs must take this threat very seriously, and do a much better job on not letting anyone in who may be infected. We must secure our borders to protect our families. Growing up in Wuhan, Dr. Cheng is very familiar with the methods that the Chinese Communist government uses to suppress freedoms and information - to the hurt of the citizens. Even if the information would help to protect their citizens, helpful information is often suppressed if there is political advantage. Narrative is tightly controlled (comment: very much like the Socialists of our own country). Participants: Dr. Dana Cheng, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Our Families and Covenantal Continuity - Dr. Liam Goligher
Air Date: 2/22/2020
Our Families and Covenantal Continuity - Dr. Liam Goligher

Are there two plans of salvation - one in the Old Testament and another in the New? That's a question to whet your appetite for this program. Today we talk about covenantal continunity. How did God save His people all through the biblical record? Also, does God work in families? Is there a way to think about our children and grandchildren who have been born into a Christian family? Our guest tells the story of going to a conference in Scotland and talking with Rev. William Still. Rev. Still said: "I hope you won't be like many of these evangelical people who bring their children up in fear" (that is, fear that they won't become Christians). He continued to say that "I hope you bring your children up in faith that they WILL become Christians." This goes along perfectly with Peter's promise in Acts 2:38-39: "Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call."" If you want to read more about this biblical line of thinking, we can recommend an article to you by Dr. Goligher; just send us an email. Participants: Dr. Liam Goligher, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Fruit of Our Labors Entrusted to Our Children - Rev. Ben Miller
Air Date: 2/15/2020
The Fruit of Our Labors Entrusted to Our Children - Rev. Ben Miller

What is your vision regarding your children and your children's children? Do you see yourself as bringing up these children in the Lord and then passing on to them the precepts of the Lord so that they can faithfully follow Christ and do even greater things in this world? What about the creation mandates? There is the "cultic" mandate pertaining to worship. There is the cultural mandate related to the work of forming creation, and there is the communal mandate regarding the work of filling creation. We talk also about the notion of "discipling" the nations that is part of the Great Commission. Our guest is pastor of Trinity Church (http://trinitychurchlongisland.com/ ) and to reach the church, the phone number is (631)629-4528. We also air this pastor's sermons often on the Tuesday edition of Proclamation, heard weeknights at 9:00 PM on Redeemer. Trinity Church meets at the Faith Lutheran Church at 231 Jackson Ave Syosset, NY 11791. Worship begins at 1:00pm followed by Bible School classes at 2:45pm. If you are a parent and find yourself working hard at training your children and praying for them - this discussion most certainly will be of encouragement to you. Your labors are not in vain in the Lord. Participants: Pastor Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Case Study - Socialism as it was in Lithuania - Zilvinas Silenas
Air Date: 2/8/2020
A Case Study - Socialism as it was in Lithuania - Zilvinas Silenas

There is a popular trend in America. We have some politicians and young people who are pushing our country towards socialism. Since this is such a large issue, we take a look at what socialism is and how it was fleshed out in Lithuania, prior to the fall of the Soviet Union. We look at it from the vantage point of someone who actually lived there and who was not part of the ruling party. Just a normal person trying to make ends meet. Our guest talks about the disaster that is socialism - IN THE REAL WORLD. Our guest points out that the term "Democratic Socialist," is an oxymoron. Our guest had an interesting journey to the point of where he is today. Listen to his engaging story, including up to his current status as President of the Foundation for Economic Education (https://fee.org/). Participants: Zilvinas Silenas, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Coronavirus - Dr. Dana Cheng
Air Date: 2/1/2020
The Coronavirus - Dr. Dana Cheng

Today we talk with the Senior Editor of China News for The Epoch Times. She is originally from Wuhan and came to the United States to earn her PhD and is now a citizen. We talk about the Coronavirus, that originated in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province in China. Wuhan has a population of 11 Million people. Of concern to Dr. Cheng was the way in which critical information about this highly contagious virus was initially handled inside China. She says that the first time we heard about the virus was December 8th. Some people inside China started to post about the virus and they were arrested by the regime. Prior to the city being locked down on January 23, there was some 40,000 families gathered together in a "pot luck" party - some 5 days prior to the lock down. The Communist government did not communicate the terrible dangers to the Chinese citizens. As of this writing, well over 1000 people have been infected in Wuhan (and just under 10,000 worldwide). The numbers are growing so fast that you need to check a reliable news source like The Epoch Times to learn the latest. Dr. Cheng points out that some misinformed reports claimed that people were eating bats and became sick, but she being from the area, sets the record straight that people do not eat bats in Wuhan. And neither does the virus appear to be associated with seafood. A very rough estimate is that more likely, well over 100,000 people are infected. Initially the Communist government was claiming that human to human transmission was not a problem! This was an outright lie. The people in China are not allowed free speech like we have here in the states. One effort the Chinese government is working on is creating 100,000 beds in hospitals. This lends support to the 100,000 people infected estimate. Another fact that we don't talk much about in this interview is that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is in the area. This is China’s most advanced virus research laboratory, but until we know more about the real source of this virus, it would be too conspiratorial to make further judgments about cause and effect links to China's biowarfare program. Participants: Dr. Dana Cheng, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: What Should Christians Think About Christendom? - Dr. Joseph Minich
Air Date: 1/25/2020
What Should Christians Think About Christendom? - Dr. Joseph Minich

Do you feel anxious when the term "Christendom" is used? Perhaps you imagine scenes of the Crusades or something. Well, be at ease. We are not talking about that here. Religious coercion is not our subject. Today we look at an article that first appeared in the Davenant Digests, written by one of their teaching fellows. The title was "What Should Christians Think About Christendom?" The article makes the point that all of reality is grounded in God and that all of history climaxes in Jesus Christ. The Apostle tells us that all of us live and move and have our being in Christ (Acts 17:28). We know that in the end, all of us will be called to give account to Christ (Hebrews 4:13). Paul tells us that we are to do all things for the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31). So, in a profoundly simple way, all of us as human beings are "of God." Its an obligation that applies to all men for all times. For more information about the Devenant Institute, see this link: https://davenantinstitute.org/ Participants: Dr. Joseph Minich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Great Society - A New History - Amity Shlaes
Air Date: 1/18/2020
Great Society - A New History - Amity Shlaes

Today we interview the author of a new book, "Great Society - A New History," by Amity Shaes. The subject we look at is the Great Society and what are considered as the "best and the brightest" of the people below President Lyndon Johnson. We also talk about the 1960's and the relationship of General Electric to big government. Briefly touched upon is "The Great Table," composed of Big Labor (unions), Big Business, and the federal government. The assertion is that this great table ran our economy. We also explore the assertion of some, that there is little to no difference between taxation and the "tithe." Is our economy pure capitalism, or a "mixed economy?" Participants: Amity Shlaes, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Unstoppable Jesus Christ - Dr. Jerry Newcombe
Air Date: 1/11/2020
The Unstoppable Jesus Christ - Dr. Jerry Newcombe

Today we talk with the senior producer and an on-air host and a columnist for D. James Kennedy Ministries. He has written a new book titled The Unstoppable Jesus Christ - How Your Faith Can Triumph in a World Gone Mad. In the book, our author deals with a variety of themes which intersect with the Christian faith, including Jesus Christ; Hollywood and the Media; the Bible; the Church; Christian-bashing; Christmas - “the Advent of controversy;” Christian History; Science; Islam; the Seven Deadly Sins; Apologetics, the Defense of the Faith; and Death. Participants: Dr. Jerry Newcombe, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Socialism in Venezuala - Christian K. Caruzo
Air Date: 1/4/2020
Socialism in Venezuala - Christian K. Caruzo

Socialism is all the rage, especially on university campuses and highschool classrooms. But is Socialism all that it's made out to be? What about places that have implemented the theory? Is there such a thing as human flourishing under full bore socialism- that is, in the real world? How about the track record for Venezuela? What if we went today to a person on the streets of Venezuela and talked with them at length? What would they tell us? Today we talk with a resident of Venezuela, Christian K. Caruzo. To read Christian's articles, visit this site: https://www.breitbart.com/author/christian-k-caruzo/ A choice quote from his recent article: "Remember, when socialism inevitably fails then it’s not “Real Socialism” anymore because their specific, one hundred percent pure and distilled brand of Socialism has never ever been tried." That's the false narrative we are being consistently fed by many in our media, universities and public schools. Participants: Christian Caruzo, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: This Past Year and the Year to Come - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 12/28/2019
This Past Year and the Year to Come - Dr. John Vance

What do you make of this past year in terms of the intersection of culture with the Christian faith? We are seeing increasing secularism in our society, no question. But did you know that mankind is religious at core? There is even a profound religious nature to the current secularism of our age, and our guest talks about that. Is there idolatry in our land? Since the 1960's our nation has lost its "Christian consensus," as our guest mentions. Also, what about the impeachment hearings and how were these similar to the Kavanaugh hearings? What do you make of those? And finally, we need to prepare ourselves for the new year ahead. Is there one single thing that we need as a people, that will help get us back on track? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christmas and Why Christ Came - Dr. Liam Goligher
Air Date: 12/21/2019
Christmas and Why Christ Came - Dr. Liam Goligher

Today we visit with Dr. Liam Goligher as we talk about the coming of Christ. The season of Advent continues and our guest notes that Advent looks backwards and forwards. Christ came to deal with sin in His first coming. He will also come again. Participants: Dr. Liam Goligher, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Incarnation - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 12/14/2019
The Incarnation - Dr. John Vance

Today we talk about the incarnation. Why do most Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian's life? How are the three persons of the Godhead inextricably bound together in their actions? What about those who are not at all impressed and think this is a 2000 year old story that has no relevance? We also talk about the relationship of technology with our ability to think clearly. Join us for an honest exchange. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Total Inability and Advent - Dr. John Frame
Air Date: 12/7/2019
Total Inability and Advent - Dr. John Frame

What is "free will?" Do we possess it? What characterizes our free will, if left to ourselves without the sovereign interaction of God? What does it mean that God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world? These difficult concepts and others are tackled today on A Plain Answer. Our guest in the past has taught core courses on systematic theology, apologetics, ethics and philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. Participants: Dr. John Frame, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Sovereignty of God in Christmas - T.M. Moore
Air Date: 11/30/2019
The Sovereignty of God in Christmas - T.M. Moore

When we think about Christmas, we often think about the baby Jesus in the manger. But as wonderful as that is, there is much more involved in the birth of Christ. There were many events that providentially came together that made this just the right time - or as the Apostle Paul would write: "...In the fullness of time." We look at the scope of Divine Sovereignty, and the genealogies involved. We also talk about the difference between a bogus sovereignty and real sovereignty as it is found in God. Also, what about politics? How does that tie into the sovereignty of God in Christmas? This is an older interview and the link to the podcast mentioned on the air is no longer available. Participants: T.M. Moore, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The First Thanksgiving - Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 11/23/2019
The First Thanksgiving - Rev. Mark Diedrich

Today we focus on the celebration the Pilgrims had in 1621. What is the story regarding the Indians? How did God work providentially in this whole account? What kind of food did they eat? Who did they give thanks to? Did they do other things on this day of celebration? What version of the Bible did the Pilgrims bring with them? Also what was the history of various Bible translations during this time in general? Was there an evangelistic effort by these folks who held to Puritan beliefs? Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Lordship of Christ Over All The Spheres - Dr. Cornelis Venema
Air Date: 11/16/2019
The Lordship of Christ Over All The Spheres - Dr. Cornelis Venema

"Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent." Col. 1:15-18 Question: do you take off your "Christ hat" when you go to work on Monday and then operate in a world where Christ is not really present? In the Bible we learn that this is our Father's world. We therefore need to think through and be cognizant of the question: "how does what I am doing, advance the interests of Christ?" We should be living out our lives as Christ's servants. We have much more than careers! We have godly callings. What about the so-called construct of the "Radical 2 Kingdom" perspective as opposed to the biblical explanation of Christ having one kingdom? That is, one kingdom, both redemptively and also over the created natural order. Another way of putting it is that Christ is Lord over the church and over the commonwealth. Have we fallen into the trap of having a secular view for six days of the week, and a holy view for the Lord's Day only? Participants: Dr. Cornelis Venema, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Leipzig Disputation - Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 11/9/2019
The Leipzig Disputation - Rev. Mark Diedrich

Last week we covered four myths surrounding the Protestant Reformation. Today, we note the five-hundredth anniversary of an important event in Luther’s life: the Leipzig Disputation of 1519. Leipzig was a town in Germany, and Martin Luther would argue against Johann Eck. From https://lutheranreformation.org/history/the-leipzig-debate/ we read: "in preparing for the debate, Luther added a 13th thesis to the original 12. It read, “13. The very callous decrees of the Roman pontiffs which have appeared in the last four hundred years prove that the Roman church is superior to all others. Against them stand the history of eleven hundred years, the test of divine Scripture, and the decree of the Council of Nicaea, the most sacred of all councils.”" Today we discuss this Leipzig Disputation with Rev. Mark Diedrich, who is well studied in this particular area of Reformation history. Participants Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Four myths surrounding the Reformation - Pastor Uri Brito
Air Date: 11/2/2019
Four myths surrounding the Reformation - Pastor Uri Brito

Today we look at four myths surrounding the Reformation. The first is that the Reformers did not care about the outward unity of the Church. The second myth is that the Reformers wanted each individual Christian to read the Bible on his own and interpret the Bible on his own. Thirdly, that the Reformers invented the idea of predestination. Fourth, is that when the Reformers broke from Rome, they broke free from liturgical worship. Our guest is Pastor of Providence Church in Pensacola, FL. Participants: Rev. Uri Brito, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Divine Plan Movie and the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 10/26/2019
The Divine Plan Movie and the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall - Dr. Paul Kengor

There is a film coming out called "The Divine Plan." The website is here: https://www.thedivineplanmovie.com/ Ronald Reagan would speak of "The Divine Plan." For example when Reagan and his friend Pope John Paul, would see world events, along with Bill Clark, Reagan's aid, they saw what Christians would call the hand of Providence - a sort of out working of a divine plan. Clark reports that Reagan even abbreviated it "the DP." Both President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II were close friends who saw the massive danger to society and religious freedom that was brought on by Communism. Today we talk with a Professor of Political science at Grove City College, who is an expert on the Cold War. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Trinity - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 10/19/2019
The Trinity - Dr. Kevin Chiarot

Have you ever met a person who is "religious" and yet says that Jesus is not God? Jesus Himself asserted that he was God, and the leaders of the day wanted to kill him for that. The writers of the New Testament assert the same. If Jesus is not God, He could not have died as a sacrifice for our sins. OK, well, maybe you have all that, but then you think about the person of Christ and realize that he is fully man and fully God. Wait a minute you think, how could that be? There is no other person we have ever met who has this unique characteristic, so its nearly impossible to fathom. Today we are talking about the biblical teaching of the Trinity. One of the popular confessions (Westminster) says this: "In the unity of the Godhead there be three persons, of one substance, power, and eternity; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. The Father is of none, neither begotten, nor proceeding; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father; the Holy Ghost eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son." That's a dense statement and needs to be explained. Today we talk with a pastor who has studied this area in detail. Our guest recommends two books for futher reading: Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Michael Reeves, and The Deep Things of God (Second Edition): How the Trinity Changes Everything by Fred Sanders Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Christian's True Identity - Pastor Jonathan Landry Cruse
Air Date: 10/12/2019
The Christian's True Identity - Pastor Jonathan Landry Cruse

There is a new book coming out with the title "The Christian’s True Identity: What It Means to Be in Christ." Today we talk with the author of this book. The online write-up for this book says this: "With its identity politics, numerous gender identity options, “selfies,” and “you-do-you” mentality, society emphasizes individualism, but it seems like people are having a harder time than ever figuring out who they are. The problem is, they are looking for their identity in the wrong places. Are you seeking your identity in relationships, a career, family, race, gender expression, or other circumstances—and feeling dissatisfied? Then this book is for you. Author Jonathan Landry Cruse offers a fresh, sometimes witty, truly radical, freeing answer to the important question of who you are and helps you understand what the Bible has to say about everything you need for a lasting, fulfilling identity that is found outside of you and in Christ." We take time and review the 10 chapters of this book. Here is the website for this fine book: https://www.heritagebooks.org/products/the-christians-true-identity-what-it-means-to-be-in-christ-cruse.html Participants: Pastor Jonathan Landry Cruse, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Sex and the Single Evangelical - Dr. David J. Ayers
Air Date: 10/5/2019
Sex and the Single Evangelical - Dr. David J. Ayers

Single evangelicals and sex. How are they doing with sexual purity? Today we look at the results of reputable studies, highlighted for us in a paper written by Dr. David J. Ayers, of Grove City College. You might expect Christian young adults to have a higher set of moral standards than their secular counterparts. This paper and the studies behind it show that many of single evangelicals (not all!) are not doing so well on this front. Dr. David J. Ayers is professor of sociology and interim provost and vice president for academic affairs at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania. His book Christian Marriage: A Comprehensive Introduction (from Lexham Press) was recently released. Dr. Ayers is also author of two academic texts and numerous articles, and he has taught on and researched marriage and family for more than three decades. He and his wife, Kathy, have been married more than 36 years and have six children, three sons-in-law, and four grandchildren. Contact information: http://www.gcc.edu/Home/Staff-Directory/Staff-Detail/david-j-ayers-1 Participants: Dr. David J. Ayers, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Buckets of Icy Cold Reality - Paul Driessen
Air Date: 9/28/2019
Buckets of Icy Cold Reality - Paul Driessen

One of the news networks recently hosted a seven-hour climate discussion. The discussion assumed that climate cataclysms are real and already devastating our planet. This assumption was not proven or discussed. The panel included ten presidential contenders who competed to make the most extravagant claims about how bad things are, and who would spend the most taxpayer money and impose the most Green New Deal rules. Mind you, these actions would restrict our freedoms and transform our energy, economy, agriculture and transportation, in the name of preventing further cataclysms. Today we talk with the author of a recent article that was titled: "Buckets of Icy Cold Reality." It appeared at Townhall, CFACT, What's Up With That?, and others. We talk with the author Paul Driessen. Included in our discussion is solar power, wind power, and fossil fuels. How dependable are each of these and what do you do when you have an intermittent source of energy. Paul Driessen is a senior policy advisor with the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise. Participants: Paul Driessen, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Well-Being of the Work of Congregants - Pastor Uri Brito
Air Date: 9/21/2019
The Well-Being of the Work of Congregants - Pastor Uri Brito

There is a profound sense of well-being that occurs as church members love each other and participate in covenant renewal worship on Sunday and then perform their duty to God during the week as they live out their worship. Today we dive down a bit into areas that naturally flow from the Christian life. For example, what about children? How do you view your children? Have you thought about including them in the worship service if you don't already? Have you considered that the faith outworked, is "caught" as much as it is "taught" at a young age? How does a pastor feel when young ones in the worship service make some noises? The answer of this pastor to that question is delightful. What about having one day set aside as a Christian Sabbath? Also, how are we to view those jobs which do not directly involve preaching? What about the jobs of well-driller, or dentist, or homemaker? What about the jobs of engineer, architect, or farmer? What about the job of government official? Are these jobs also holy? This touches upon the area of the Lordship of Christ over all, as opposed to a sort of Gnostic and aberrant "Radical 2 Kingdom" (R2K) conception. (In our opinion, R2K is a kind of scholasticism, holding to the ancient nature-grace dualism. Whereas we believe that Christ has both (1) His invisible rule in the human heart, and (2) His outward and visible rule worked out in the realms of church and commonwealth). Jesus really is Lord of everything, and this is His world. Here is Pastor Brito's personal website: http://uribrito.com/ Here is a link to information about the Kuyperian website: http://kuyperian.com/about/ Participants: Pastor Uri Brito, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Slowing Down - Dr. McKay Caston
Air Date: 9/14/2019
Slowing Down - Dr. McKay Caston

Do you feel like your life is moving in the fast lane? Maybe its time for you to slow down a bit! Our guest today is a pastor who lives in Georgia. He tells a story of having been visiting a member whose child was in the hospital. While driving back from the hospital, he was going too fast and got pulled over and ticketed. This example is used as a springboard to discuss the trap we often fall into in our daily lives, of living too fast. Is it time to change your pace, and perhaps enjoy life a bit more? Do you find yourself constantly feeling like you are "behind?" Here is a link to the whole article that Dr. Caston wrote and on which this interview is based: https://mckaycaston.com/slowing-down/ Participants: Pastor McKay Caston, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Pilgrim Theology and the Thinning of the Church - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 9/7/2019
Pilgrim Theology and the Thinning of the Church - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

Who owns this world? The Bible uses the language of "strangers and pilgrims," or "aliens," to describe the Christian life with respect to those who are traveling among another family. That is, we are traveling among unbelievers in a sinful world. We are pilgrims in Satan's world, but not so in God's world! The created world is the Lord's. This is a large distinction. God, who owns this world has goals for us and we are to embrace the world as God works in it. One area is to bring every thought captive to Christ as we participate in the Great Commission. God has marvelous plans for this world. He is transforming it. We are not to embrace the satanic system and its unbeliever's godless ways that we travel among. Our guest explains the downside of a view that pushes for "getting out of here" because everything is evil. This discussion is nuanced and must be listened to closely so as not to misunderstand what is being said. In summary, the Bible states that God's people are pilgrims, strangers, and aliens. Unfortunately, most Christians don't understand what this means. It certainly does not mean that we were not meant to be earthly people. The second area we discuss is the area of the "thinning" of the church. We cover music, preaching, prayer, and other things found in church life. Are you tired of a superficial approach in some churches? God has so much more for us. We live at a time where the church is held in low regard, and sometimes rightly so. This discussion is not done with a critical spirit, but rather helps us catch a positive vision of the robustness of the church that God would have us embrace and practice. Our guest is the Founder and President of the Center for Cultural Leadership (CCL). At the end of the discussion, a book is recommended for todays' climate: "The Christian Sexual Worldview." The book can be found here: https://christianculture.com/learn/ Also on Amazon. Participants: Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Sad Tale of a Wealthy Millennial's Moral Confusion - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Air Date: 8/29/2019
A Sad Tale of a Wealthy Millennial's Moral Confusion - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner

Did you know that God does not want you to have false guilt? When He blesses you with wealth, consider it His gracious provision for you. You are free to share it with others and that is a good thing, but you need not feel guilty. Contrast that with the case of government coming in and making laws to extract your wealth from you and then distributing it to others who did not earn it. Does that sound just? Today we talk with the Founder and National Spokesman for The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. He talks through an article that he penned for The American Spectator, by the title: "A Sad Tale of a Wealthy Millennial's Moral Confusion." Participants: Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: What is Socialism and Why do Many Millennials Want it? - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 8/24/2019
What is Socialism and Why do Many Millennials Want it? - Dr. Paul Kengor

There is a trend among the Millennial (and younger) generation to embrace Socialism. By contrast, America was founded on principles which are antithetical to Socialism. Our country embraces a free market. A recent Gallop poll from last year reported that among those ages 18 to 29, that 51% prefer Socialism. We talk about this trend and also contrast Socialism with biblical moral law from the book of Exodus in the Old Testament. We are commanded as Christians to not covet the property of others. Further, this principle of private property is protected by God's law when it forbids us to steal from others. A particularly grievous form of theft is when a government takes (i.e., robs) from one person and gives the money or goods to another. Legalized thievery is not godly and undermines a free culture. We explore if there are any cases in history where a country with Communism (or Socialism) resulted in human flourishing. The answer may shock you. What of the so-called "womb-to-tomb, nanny-state" government? What does God offer for people? He offers a bottoms up voluntary charity. This works so very well. But it also depends on people not being "taxed to death." God cares about this issue of Socialism. What is covetousness? It is an inward desire and lust for that which another person has. This covetousness comes to fruition when the act of stealing is carried out. But first the sin of covetousness occurs in the human heart. Our guest also talks about what Jesus had to say about the Good Samaritan. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Growth of Christ's Kingdom - Worship, Family, Community, Finances - Rev. Ben Miller
Air Date: 8/17/2019
The Growth of Christ's Kingdom - Worship, Family, Community, Finances - Rev. Ben Miller

Is it biblically legitimate to work for and expect the establishment of Christian communities? Does God care about the establishment of Christendom? Does this view take away from our eternal hope, or rather does the eternal hope undergird and provide incentive for progress this side of the eschaton? Our guest approaches this question within the context of four mandates: Worship (Cultic), Family (Covenantal), Community (Friendship), and finally Finances. Participants: Rev. Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How Socialism Violates all Ten Commandments - Robert Knight
Air Date: 8/8/2019
How Socialism Violates all Ten Commandments - Robert Knight

From a recent article at OneNewsNow: "Socialism teaches that wealth should be held in common ownership, controlled by the state. ...the ... constant push to have government confiscate ever more income and power. By contrast, the Bible teaches that God owns all things and that we're merely stewards of His creation. When we look at each of the Ten Commandments, we see that they're directly at odds with socialism." The author of this piece joins us today as we review all 10 Commandments and make application to the facts of Socialism. You will see how it is a system that is antithetical to the Law of God. Our guest is a writer at TIMOTHY PARTNERS, LTD., an author, and a columnist for the Washington Times, Townhall, and OneNewsNow Participants: Robert Knight, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Church, Conversion and Creeds - Dr. Carl Trueman
Air Date: 8/3/2019
The Church, Conversion and Creeds - Dr. Carl Trueman

What is the difference between the visible and the invisible church? The Westminster Confession of Faith says that the "catholic or universal Church, which is invisible, consists of the whole number of the elect, that have been, are, or shall be gathered into one, under Christ the Head thereof; and is the spouse, the body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all." Today our guest helps us better understand this. If the invisible church are basically those who are truly saved and are known by God, then what is the "visible" church then? Again, the Confession explains that to the "visible Church Christ has given the ministry, oracles, and ordinances of God, for the gathering and perfecting of the saints, in this life, to the end of the world: and does, by His own presence and Spirit, according to His promise, make them effectual thereunto." We also talk about Christian conversion and what is entailed. Finally, we briefly discuss the objective beauty of creeds and why they are helpful to the church. Our guest serves as a full time professor in the Department of Biblical and Religious Studies at Grove City College. Participants: Dr. Carl Trueman, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Case Study - Socialism as it was in Lithuania - Zilvinas Silenas
Air Date: 7/27/2019
A Case Study - Socialism as it was in Lithuania - Zilvinas Silenas

There is a popular trend in America. We have some politicians and young people who are pushing our country towards socialism. Since this is such a large issue, we take a look at what socialism is and how it was fleshed out in Lithuania, prior to the fall of the Soviet Union. We look at it from the vantage point of someone who actually lived there and who was not part of the ruling party. Just a normal person trying to make ends meet. Our guest talks about the disaster that is socialism - IN THE REAL WORLD. Our guest points out that the term "Democratic Socialist," is an oxymoron. Our guest had an interesting journey to the point of where he is today. Listen to his engaging story, including up to his current status as President of the Foundation for Economic Education (https://fee.org/). Participants: Zilvinas Silenas, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Share Day 2019 - Dan and Deb Elmendorf
Air Date: 7/20/2019
Share Day 2019 - Dan and Deb Elmendorf

Once and a while we have a Share Day, today we take a closer look at the ministry of Redeemer Broadcasting. We review this grass roots, boot strap effort. We talk candidly about the struggles and financial needs. We note how the Lord has blessed the ministry since our incorporation in 2004 to the present day.

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A Plain Answer: Drawn to Christ from Islam, Subsequent Hardships and Union with Christ - Naghmeh Panahi
Air Date: 7/13/2019
Drawn to Christ from Islam, Subsequent Hardships and Union with Christ - Naghmeh Panahi

How do people come to Christ who are in Iran? Missionaries are not allowed. Bibles are not too prevalent. Persecution can be severe for those who convert. Today we talk with a woman who was Muslim for the first nine years of her life. Her brother converted to Christ first. Later the Lord would intervene in her life and draw her to Himself. She went to college here in the states and became a United States citizen. She later would get married and return to Iran. While there, she would get involved in home Bible Studies, and ministering to college young adults. God would cause a small Bible Study to expand to some 2000 people. Her story is difficult because her husband was not faithful to her, engaged in pornography and he beat her. All this, despite being a Charismatic pastor. Finally she would ask to be separated from him. He would file for divorce. Listen to learn more. Participants: Dan Elmendorf, Naghmeh Panahi

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A Plain Answer: Born in Prayer - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 7/5/2019
Born in Prayer - Dr. Peter Hammond

Today we interview the founder of Frontline Fellowship. He describes how the ministry was born in prayer. The vision for their mission, to assist persecuted churches, evangelizing in war zones, serving in restricted access areas, grew out of the daily Bible study and prayer meeting which a man led during his time of military service. For two years they met, almost every night, around the Word of God, spending extended times in prayer. Sometimes they prayed through the night in prayer chains. Often their Bible study and prayer meetings lasted for three, four or five hours at a time. How about the work that God has called you to? Is it adequately prayed for? Is it, as it were, bathed in prayer? Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Street Evangelism in Philadelphia - Rev. Rick Anderson
Air Date: 6/29/2019
Street Evangelism in Philadelphia - Rev. Rick Anderson

Jesus told us before his ascended: "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." This is a huge command. Think about it. Not only does Jesus tell us to go, he also tells us to disciple the nations. But how do we go about doing this? The exciting thing is that there are myriad of ways and techniques. Today we talk with one man who is engaged in street evangelism in Philadelphia. His background is that he was born into a Jewish home. Then in his late teens he was confronted with the claims of the gospel. He had been reading Isaiah 53, and to him, it didn't fit the explanations that were given to him in synagogue. This text was talking about the coming Messiah. He could not get beyond verses like these: "Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken,smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." Join us for an intriguing discussion with a man who has encountered the Triune God of the Scriptures and it has changed his life, and now is changing the lives of others, including Muslims. Participants: Rev. Rick Anderson, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Socialism on the Rise - True Testimony and the Scottsboro Boys - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 6/22/2019
Socialism on the Rise - True Testimony and the Scottsboro Boys - Dr. Paul Kengor

There seems to be an increased interest in Socialism in America. Some of our politicians running for office identify as Socialists. Today we talk with a professor of politics from Grove City College. We make it clear that we are non-partisan. We review the Moral Law of God, plus the general equity of the case law in Deuteronomy 19:15 which says "One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established." Our guest shares with us the story of Emmett Till, a young African-American who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955 at the age of 14, after being accused of offending a white woman in her family's grocery store. The woman who accused him, later admitted that she had made up the story that he had made advances towards her. Our guest also reviews the case of the Scottsboro boys. This is a fascinating case that is often referred to in college courses. It is a helpful case to keep in mind the next time a false accusation comes up. We also quickly broach the subject of what the American Communist party believes regarding various issues. There is a startling and almost identical similarity to the modern Socialists who have come on the scene. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Caring for Sexually-Hurting People - John Freeman
Air Date: 6/15/2019
Caring for Sexually-Hurting People - John Freeman

Does God care about your sexual failures? You may have an instinctual notion that what you are doing is sin, and yet it has such a strong hold in your life that you feel no power at all to change. At many times you have no desire to change, because what you are doing seems to be "fun." Today we talk with John Freeman who runs Harvest USA (see http://www.harvestusa.org/). Whether you are involved in a same-sex relation, or perhaps pornography, or maybe you are a pastor in a church with no one to talk with. This program is for you and is done with sensitivity and a caring tone. You are offered real hope and help. Participants: John Freeman, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Sanctity of Human Life - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 6/8/2019
The Sanctity of Human Life - Dr. Kevin Chiarot

Have you considered the use of words associated with the killing of children as a result of an abortion of a pregnancy? Today we talk with a pastor who has followed this debate for many years. He encourages us as Christians, not to cede ground on this issue, even in the area of the use of terms. Our guest reviews the original text of the Roe -vs- Wade ruling. Recently with NY and VA laws, it seems they are saying essentially that they want everything that Roe gives them. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Gospel Transforming All of Life - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 6/1/2019
The Gospel Transforming All of Life - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

Back in November 19, 2016, there was a news story that was largely ignored by the press. The people of Poland, clergy and laity, with their civil leaders had a gathering. This was a Jubilee Act of Acceptance of Jesus Christ as King and Lord. This was an amazing gathering, primarily of sincere Roman Catholic believers. Consider that this was a mass turnout that honored the Lord Jesus Christ and recognized his reign over the nation of Poland. This got us thinking. Do we have theological baggage that prevents us from rejoicing in such an action? Is there legitimacy in the view that the gospel of Christ transforms every area that it touches? We certainly know that Christ transforms individual lives and also churches. Yet there seems to be a lack of faith in terms of Christ transforming every aspect of life. Or, as our guest points out: "the sweep of redemption is as comprehensive as the sweep of sin" (a quote from Van Til). Today we talk with the founder and president of the Center for Cultural Leadership in Coulterville, CA. Here is the website: https://christianculture.com/ Here is the link to the video showing the declaration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzv9DOg0ksk Participants: Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Discipling the Nations and Establishing Christian Institutions - Rev. Bret McAtee
Air Date: 5/25/2019
Discipling the Nations and Establishing Christian Institutions - Rev. Bret McAtee

Have you thought about Christian Civilization? Maybe you have, but its only in the future, that is, once the Lord returns. We hope and pray that the Lord returns as soon as He completes His work in this world. But what about this time that we live in now? We need to focus on winning whole nations to Christ, and not the atomistic individual only. Behind this discussion is this... What does Christ have to say about our involvement in this world as we participate in our jobs? Is it legitimate to want to establish Christian institutions? Why would we even ask that? Well, there are some sincere folks who believe in a sort of radicalized notion of "two kingdoms," (R2K). To them, Jesus is over the church and that alone constitutes the Kingdom of God, but everything else is in a lesser "common" realm. Under this "R2K" view, the only sacred realm is the sort of restricted "Kingdom of God" that roughly corresponds to the visible church. That is redemptive, supernatural. While the other kingdom is the realm of our common duties and vocations, which are neither holy nor unholy. These vocations stand only under God's general providence. This R2K view seems to undermine the expectation of the success of Christian civilization prior to the second coming, minimizing the discipleship of the nations that Christ intends. In this R2K view, grace does not restore nature. But if we allow Christianity and the church to stand unrelated to the rest of culture, we seem to believe that the work of the Son of God in redemption is unrelated to the Father's work of creation. Contrast this R2K view with the biblical notion that Jesus is Lord over everything, and therefore has a claim over every area. R2K can be contrasted with the biblical idea that the entire world stands under the kingship of the glorified Man at God's right hand, including the work of the Christian plumber, and in a certain sense, even including the work of the non-Christian plumber. That is, the glorified Man at God's right hand is King over the entire universe (Mt. 28:18) with no domains excepted. See the difference? The Scriptures seem to teach a more thorough going transformation of spirit, with changed lives, including functioning within various societal relationships, and from there influencing culture as a whole. So that the Christian faith provides an integrative-comprehensive understanding for all of living in the world. Colossians 1:15-18 says "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent." We also cover three types of families in history: the trustee, the domestic, and the atomistic families. The focus here is on the Trustee family. Today we begin to touch upon this important subject and talk with the pastor of Christ the King Reformed Church in Charlotte, Michigan, and who also runs the online blog Iron Ink: https://ironink.org/, and runs Iron Rhetoric: http://ironrhetoric.org/ Participants: Pastor Bret McAtee, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Next Christendom - Dr. Philip Jenkins
Air Date: 5/18/2019
The Next Christendom - Dr. Philip Jenkins

There has been a tremendous expansion of Christianity in the global South - in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. This means that the center of the church will gradually shift to the areas of Asia, Latin America, and Africa. The key Christian population in years to come will be in these areas. So, if we tend to think of Christians as European, we need to get used to thinking of places like Nigeria, Brazil, Ethiopia as Christian centers! Some of the worship practices will not be the same as what is familiar with our worship services. In many cases, there is a lot of emphasis on healing, exorcism, and the supernatural. In some places there are all night services. It is a very active and creative time in Christian advance in these areas. Also is a huge advance in terms of writing Christian hymns. Participants: Dr. Philip Jenkins, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Naziism in Practice as Compared with Modern Socialism - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 5/11/2019
Naziism in Practice as Compared with Modern Socialism - Dr. Paul Kengor

What were some of the characteristics of Naziism during the time of Hitler? What similarities are there in our own day to the practice of Naziism and the social ideas of some who are running for office? Are these ideas good? Today we talk with the Senior Director and Chief Academic Fellow for The Center for Vision & Values, and Professor of Political Science at Grove City College. Did you know that Naziism pushed for big government, and sought to nationalize certain industries? Naziism practiced hatred based on race. The Nazis were evolutionists and held to Eugenics. What about gun control? Are all people valuable? What about the severely disabled? How does this intersect with our own day in terms of abortion and some people's seeming hatred of children? Hitler hated the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Are there similarities here? What about the elderly and euthanasia? Hitler shut down free speech. You had to respond with the accepted narrative, or else. As we step back from the emotions, there are many similarities and it may shock you to consider them. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Antithesis and the Providence of God - Dr. H. David Schuringa
Air Date: 5/4/2019
Antithesis and the Providence of God - Dr. H. David Schuringa

What is meant by "Antithesis" when studying theology? Today we interview the author of the book: "What All Christians Believe and Why: A Contemporary Guide to the Historic Faith." First we talk about practical theology and then we dive into a specific example of how this fleshes out in our world. Dr. Schuringa shares with us how he is working to help the poor in terms of legal representation for those who are in jail but for various reasons their sentence was too extreme, or because of no representation, they really should not be in jail. Participants: Dr. H. David Schuringa, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Slowing Down - Dr. McKay Caston
Air Date: 4/27/2019
Slowing Down - Dr. McKay Caston

Do you feel like your life is moving in the fast lane? Maybe its time for you to slow down a bit! Our guest today is a pastor who lives in Georgia. He tells a story of having been visiting a member whose child was in the hospital. While driving back from the hospital, he was going too fast and got pulled over and ticketed. This example is used as a springboard to discuss the trap we often fall into in our daily lives, of living too fast. Is it time to change your pace, and perhaps enjoy life a bit more? Do you find yourself constantly feeling like you are "behind?" Here is a link to the whole article that Dr. Caston wrote and on which this interview is based: https://mckaycaston.com/slowing-down/ Participants: Pastor McKay Caston, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Season of Resurrection - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 4/20/2019
The Season of Resurrection - Dr. Kevin Chiarot

The Christian church has been observing a season of Lent. This past Thursday was Maundy Thursday, and then we approached Good Friday, and finally, tomorrow is Resurrection Day, or Easter. Our Lord Jesus Christ is RISEN! He is risen indeed. Join us as we talk with a seasoned pastor from Rock Tavern, NY, (near Newburgh) all about this essential element of the Christian faith, namely, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Grace Worth Fighting For - Recapturing the Vision of God's Grace in the Canons of Dort - Pastor Danny Hyde
Air Date: 4/13/2019
Grace Worth Fighting For - Recapturing the Vision of God's Grace in the Canons of Dort - Pastor Danny Hyde

Have you ever heard of the Synod of Dort? It was a gathering of professors, pastors, and politicians throughout the Reformed regions in Europe. They gathered in the city of Dort in the Netherlands over the course of November 13, 1618 through May 29, 1619. The output of this Synod was something we call the Canons of Dort. That's an awful long time ago, and yet today we celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Canons of Dort. But why should we care? To find out, please take a listen! The issues that were resolved at this historical ecclesiastical assembly are as fresh and applicable today, as they were then. Today we talk with the author of the new book Grace Worth Fighting For. The book is organized into five main sections and we talk about each of these. Of perhaps the greatest interest may be the often misunderstood and often maligned, biblical doctrine of God's predestination of His people. The first section deals with this under "Redemption Planned." Other sections are "Redemption Accomplished," "Redemption Applied" (3 & 4), and "Redemption Preserved." This discussion is warmly pastoral in its appeal. Participants: Pastor Danny Hyde, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Persecution in South Africa under Communist Leaders - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 4/6/2019
Persecution in South Africa under Communist Leaders - Dr. Peter Hammond

Persecution of white farmers is occurring in South Africa. The farmers are losing their land, with no remuneration. That is, the land is being stolen from the farmers simply because of their race. Some of the farmers are preparing for how to survive once they are expelled. Some are preparing for a fight. This has the potential of not ending well. But that aside, what is really behind this racial oppression? We talk with someone who lives there and is really in the know. Our missionary guest has risked his life to bring the gospel and Bibles to those who are of a different race than he. So, he does not speak from a racist perspective. In one his mission trips, he was captured and tortured for bringing gospel hope to others in this great land of Africa. Today we talk with him about the root cause of the racial tension that has been generated for political gain by ... you guessed it, the Communists. And you thought they were long gone. They are not. Learn about their influence in the African National Congress (ANC) since the time of Nelson Mandela. Also pay close attention to their tactics and you will see these same violent tactics being used today in America by modern leftist radicals. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Gospel Comes With a House Key - Dr. Rosaria Butterfield
Air Date: 3/30/2019
The Gospel Comes With a House Key - Dr. Rosaria Butterfield

This week we are privileged to hear the story of how hospitality was used of the Lord, as a proximate means, to win Rosaria Butterfield to Himself. As she explains, her book is about simply being ourselves and loving our neighbors, inviting them into our homes - into our lives. She makes the distinction that she is not advocating "preaching the world to the church." But what happens to the family when our children see Christ powerfully at work in the lives of wounded people that cross our paths and whom the Lord sovereignly changes? This sort of thing profoundly and positively affects our children. We also discuss the idea of building our lives so that there is margin. We are all so busy - how do we do that? Her book is titled: "The Gospel Comes with a House Key: Practicing Radically Ordinary Hospitality in Our Post-Christian World." You can find the book at rosariabutterfield.com, or Crossway(https://www.crossway.org/books/the-gospel-comes-with-a-house-key-hcj/), or Amazon. From an article she wrote: "Radically ordinary hospitality—those who live it—see strangers as neighbors and neighbors as family of God. They recoil at reducing a person to a category or a label. They see God’s image reflected in the eyes of every human being on earth. They know they are like meth addicts and sex-trade workers. They take their own sin seriously—including the sin of selfishness and pride. They take God’s holiness and goodness seriously. They use the Bible as a lifeline, with no exceptions." Participants: Dr. Rosaria Butterfield, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Evangelistic Preaching - Pastor Dr. Al Baker
Air Date: 3/23/2019
Evangelistic Preaching - Pastor Al Baker

Today we talk with an evangelist who participates in open air preaching, and in training others in evangelism. Pastor Al is the author of four books: Evangelistic Preaching in the 21st Century, Seeking a Revival Culture, Revival Prayer, and Essays on Revival. He is looking for young men to carry on the torch of revival preaching going forward. If you are interested, his email address is al.baker1952@gmail.com For more information on the group please visit: http://pefministry.org/Welcome.html They now have a new name and it is "REF - Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship." Participants Pastor Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Climate Discussion - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Air Date: 3/16/2019
Climate Discussion - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner

What is the relationship of Carbon Dioxide to the warming of the climate? What percentage effect does Carbon Dioxide have with respect to the total heat absorption? Did you know that 95% of the total heat absorption in our atmosphere is due to water vapor and clouds? The warming comes from the sun of course. CO2 on the other hand, as an infrared absorbing gas, accounts for a mere 4.5% of the total heat absorption. Today's computer models focus on the CO2 and does not account for the natural causes. So, the models give the answers that biased people are looking for. But these models have to be calibrated to see if they match reality. The current models should account for thousand of feedback mechanisms. Yet the climate models we have, despite their complexity, regularly predict warmer climates than our observations. Two to four times as much warming from CO2 alone. The fact is, our models run way too hot. And if less than half the warming comes from CO2, then the models overstate warming by 4 to 8 times. Today we talk with the Founder and National Spokesperson of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. Our guest mentions the Atlantic decadal climate oscillation. CO2 contributes a very small amount to the overall picture. Another climatologist who has waked up to better science, and mentioned on this program is Judith Curry - well worth looking up. If you would like to learn more about the stewardship of creation, we highly recommend this site: https://cornwallalliance.org/ Participants: E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Dupes and Preserving our Constitutional Republic - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 3/9/2019
Dupes and Preserving our Constitutional Republic - Dr. Paul Kengor

What does it mean when we say a person has been "duped?" George Washington warned about dupes in his farewell address. A "dupe" is a person who is easily deceived or fooled. A person who unquestioningly or unwittingly serves a cause or another person. People can be "nice" and be quite sincere and yet at the same time, be easily duped to embrace a course of action that is detrimental to their health and survival. In the case of our country, we may have representatives who are fooled by those who come in and try to subvert our constitutional freedoms and stability. Are we being naive? Yes, we are. No question about it. Today we talk with a professor of political science at Grove City College. He is also executive director of The Center for Vision & Values, a Grove City College think-tank/policy center. Do you find yourself hearing the news, and then shaking your head? What about the judges as they are reviewed? Is it appropriate to have a religious test for positions in government? What about the "dogma rings loudly within you" concern of a notable Congress woman as regards the Christian faith of a potential nominee? These things make you shake your head and wonder where we are going. We hope you enjoy this lively discussion. The views expressed are those of the participants, who are: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Advice for Theological Students: Dr. John Frame
Air Date: 3/2/2019
Advice for Theological Students: Dr. John Frame

Today we talk with a seasoned professor and ordained minister. He has taught students theology beginning in 1968 and is also a "teaching elder" in the PCA. He is gifted in music and plays piano and organ. The question he answers is this: "What advice would you offer to theological students and young theologians as they face a lifetime of theological work?" His answers apply to not only the theological student, but all Christians as we serve in the sphere in which the Lord has placed us. There are 30 pieces of advice, and the first one is to really consider that you might not be called to theological work. The second point is to value your relationship with Christ, your family, and the church above your career ambitions. And so it goes - seasoned advice from one who has taught in both east and west coast seminaries, written books and has served in the church. The audio on this recording was a little bit difficult to get as our guest was on a cell phone, but you should be able to hear it OK. Participants: Dr. John Frame, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Fruit of our Labors Entrusted to Our Children - Pastor Ben Miller
Air Date: 2/22/2019
The Fruit of our Labors Entrusted to Our Children - Pastor Ben Miller

What is your vision regarding your children and your children's children? Do you see yourself as bringing up these children in the Lord and then passing on to them the precepts of the Lord so that they can faithfully follow Christ and do even greater things in this world? What about the creation mandates? There is the "cultic" mandate pertaining to worship. There is the cultural mandate related to the work of forming creation, and there is the communal mandate regarding the work of filling creation. We talk also about the notion of "discipling" the nations that is part of the Great Commission. Our guest is pastor of Trinity Church (http://trinitychurchlongisland.com/ ) and to reach the church, the phone number is (631)629-4528. We also air this pastor's sermons often on the Tuesday edition of Proclamation, heard weeknights at 9:00 PM on Redeemer. Trinity Church meets at the Faith Lutheran Church at 231 Jackson Ave Syosset, NY 11791. Worship begins at 1:00pm followed by Bible School classes at 2:45pm. If you are a parent and find yourself working hard at training your children and praying for them - this discussion most certainly will be of encouragement to you. Your labors are not in vain in the Lord. Participants: Pastor Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Sanctity of Human Life - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 2/16/2019
The Sanctity of Human Life - Dr. Kevin Chiarot

Have you considered the use of words associated with the killing of children as a result of an abortion of a pregnancy? Today we talk with a pastor who has followed this debate for many years. He encourages us as Christians, not to cede ground on this issue, even in the area of the use of terms. Our guest reviews the original text of the Roe -vs- Wade ruling. Recently with NY and VA laws, it seems they are saying essentially that they want everything that Roe gives them. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Fidel Castro and Cuba - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 2/9/2019
Fidel Castro and Cuba - Dr. Paul Kengor

How would you describe Fidel Castro's Cuba? What did he do to his country? What happened to religious freedom? Was he a leader that we should try and emulate? Are there intersections of his philosophy with that of the Progressives of today? Why did Fidel Castro not allow the average person to even go fishing in his country? What about the family which decided to harvest two mangos from their own mango tree? What did they have to do in order to protect themselves? Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Winston Churchill - Stephen Mansfield
Air Date: 2/2/2019
Winston Churchill - Stephen Mansfield

Today we delve into the life and times of one of the great men of history - Winston Churchill. What was it about him, that helped Great Britain to stand against great odds and in the face of Naziism, to "keep calm, and carry on" and eventually win? What was the contrast between his style, vs. that of FDR? What did Churchill do to really unify the people? Our guest has authored the books: "Never Give in: The Extrordinary Character of Winston Churchill (Leaders in Action)" and also "Character and Greatness of Winston Churchill: Hero in a Time of Crisis." Both are available on Amazon. Also if you want to visit our guest's website, it is here: http://stephenmansfield.tv/ Participants: Stephen Mansfield, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Lordship of Christ over all the Spheres - Dr. Cornelis Venema
Air Date: 1/26/2019
The Lordship of Christ over all the Spheres - Dr. Cornelis Venema

"Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent." Col. 1:15-18 Question: do you take off your "Christ hat" when you go to work on Monday and then operate in a world where Christ is not really present? In the Bible we learn that this is our Father's world. We therefore need to think through and be cognizant of the question: "how does what I am doing, advance the interests of Christ?" We should be living out our lives as Christ's servants. We have much more than careers! We have godly callings. What about the so-called construct of the "Two Kingdom" perspective as opposed to the biblical explanation of Christ having one kingdom? That is one kingdom, both redemptively and also over the created, natural order? Have we fallen into the trap of having a secular view for six days of the week, and a holy view for the Lord's Day only? Participants: Dr. Cornelis Venema, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christian Marriage - A Comprehensive Introduction - Dr. David J Ayers
Air Date: 1/19/2019
Christian Marriage - A Comprehensive Introduction - Dr. David J Ayers

Today we talk with the author of the new book "Christian Marriage - A Comprehensive Introduction." We discuss what God says that marriage really is. That is, its definition. What is His purpose in marriage? How about how to choose your spouse? What about waiting too long to get married, or at the other extreme, rushing into marriage? What role does premarital counseling play? A huge area is that of divorce. What is an annulment as opposed to a divorce? Is there a modern divorce plague? Finally we take a look at the "Beautiful Order" of Christian Marriage. Our guest is professor of Sociology at Grove City College and is currently serving as Interim Provost and is also the Vice President for academic affairs at the college. His book is available at various outlets and a good price is at this site: https://www.christianbook.com/ Participants: Dr. David J. Ayers, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: What is Socialism and Why do Many Millennials Want It? - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 1/12/2019
What is Socialism and Why do Many Millennials Want It? - Dr. Paul Kengor

There is a trend among the Millennial (and younger) generation to embrace Socialism. By contrast, America was founded on principles which are antithetical to Socialism. Our country embraces a free market. A recent Gallop poll from last year reported that among those ages 18 to 29, that 51% prefer Socialism. We talk about this trend and also contrast Socialism with biblical moral law from the book of Exodus in the Old Testament. We are commanded as Christians to not covet the property of others. Further, this principle of private property is protected by God's law when it forbids us to steal from others. A particularly grievous form of theft is when a government takes (i.e., robs) from one person and gives the money or goods to another. Legalized thievery is not godly and undermines a free culture. We explore if there are any cases in history where a country with Communism (or Socialism) resulted in human flourishing. The answer may shock you. What of the so-called "womb-to-tomb, nanny-state" government? What does God offer for people? He offers a bottoms up voluntary charity. This works so very well. But it also depends on people not being "taxed to death." God cares about this issue of Socialism. What is covetousness? It is an inward desire and lust for that which another person has. This covetousness comes to fruition when the act of stealing is carried out. But first the sin of covetousness occurs in the human heart. Our guest also talks about what Jesus had to say about the Good Samaritan. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Gnostic America - Peter Burfeind
Air Date: 1/5/2019
Gnosticism - the religious roots of atheism and its influence on some churches

What is one of the oldest heresies in the world? Gnosticism denies the centrality of matter. Our Lord Jesus came in the flesh and Gnosticism denies the incarnation.They say we are a spark trapped in a body and our goal is to break free from our bodies, etc. This heresy has always shadowed the church and denies the importance of the sacraments of the church. Gnostic-influenced churches tend to be very informal and deny the importance of the doctrinal foundations of the church. Gnosticism has become the religion of atheists. We see Gnosticism playing out in the violent demonstrations by the left in our society right now. A book is mentioned, and here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/Gnostic-America-Contemporary-according-Christianitys/dp/0692260498 Participants: Peter Burfeind, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Kairos - Remembering the Prisoners - Bruce Hempel and Anthony Patton
Air Date: 12/29/2018
Kairos - Remembering the Prisoners - Bruce Hempel and Anthony Patton

Often we think of the New Year to come and focus on self-improvement. Something like losing weight, saving for a new car, exercising, etc. But what about the area of helping others, and having our own wants and wishes take a back seat? There is immeasurable value in quiet service to others, without waving a flag and bragging about what you are doing. Not everything needs to be posted to Facebook! Today we talk with two men who are working at ministering to prisoners. The writer of Hebrews reminds us "Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them." The ministry is called Kairos and has the top level website here: http://www.kairosprisonministry.org/ For New York, another reference is here: http://www.kairosnewyork.org/ For local contact information if you want to get involved, you may use this email address: bhempel@yahoo.com Participants: Bruce Hempel, Anthony Patton, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: From Age to Age - The Unfolding of Biblical Eschatology - Dr. Keith Mathison
Air Date: 12/22/2018
From Age to Age - The Unfolding of Biblical Eschatology - Dr. Keith Mathison

Christmas is almost here. Today we look at the meaning of the word "eschatology." Does this word pertain only to end times? Is there an eschatological thread through all the scriptures, such as in other areas (e.g., soteriology, ethics, and the covenant)? We know that Christ was incarnated among us - approximately 2000 years ago in Bethlehem. He died, was resurrected and ascended to the Father's right hand. From there, He rules powerfully in this world. How much expectation should we have of His work being accomplished in history, or does he intend to wait for gospel success until the eschaton? What do we make of those who like to set dates with their own prophetic understandings? What about Harold Camping and the May 21, 2011 end time date broadcast over Family Radio? These questions and more are tackled today in this interview with a professor of systematic theology from Reformation Bible College. Participants: Dr. Keith Mathison, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: William Carey - The Father of Modern Missions - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 12/15/2018
William Carey - The Father of Modern Missions - Dr. Peter Hammond

Today we continue our celebration of Advent by looking at the missions work of William Carey. You may think, what does that have to do with Advent? Well, Advent celebrates the coming of Christ, both 2000 years ago, and yet future. This coming has had a profound affect upon our world. It has resulted in eternal salvation for God's elect, with a firm assurance of a future home in heaven. Further, it has transformed culture wherever it has made inroads. William Carey was used by God to help bring human flourishing to that part of India where he ministered. He was the proximate means that God used to translate the Bible into the people's language, preach the gospel, found many schools and help bring the status of women to be equal to that of men. They too, were made in the image of God. At this time however, the British empire frowned upon William Carey's missionary efforts - and yet in God's providence, Carey was able to work under the authority and protection of the Danish colony of Serampore; a great example of the doctrine of the lesser magistrate. Let us know if you are encouraged by this telling of God's works through His servant. Write us at ministry@redeemerbroadcasting.org Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Incarnation - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 12/8/2018
The Incarnation - Dr. John Vance

Today we talk about the incarnation. Why do most Christians celebrate on December 25? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian's life? How are the three persons of the Godhead inextricably bound together in their actions? What about those who are not at all impressed and think this is a 2000 year old story that has no relevance? We also talk about the relationship of technology with our ability to think clearly. Join us for an honest exchange. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Sovereignty of God in Christmas - TM Moore
Air Date: 12/1/2018
The Sovereignty of God in Christmas - TM Moore

When we think about Christmas, we often think about the baby Jesus in the manger. But as wonderful as that is, there is much more involved in the birth of Christ. There were many events that providentially came together that made this just the right time - or as the Apostle Paul would write: "...In the fullness of time." We look at the scope of Divine Sovereignty, and the genealogies involved. We also talk about the difference between a bogus sovereignty and real sovereignty as it is found in God. Also, what about politics? How does that tie into the sovereignty of God in Christmas? For further study here is the link to the Colson Center and this Viewpoint series: http://www.colsoncenter.org/the-center/columns/viewpoint Participants: T.M. Moore, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Caring for Sexually Hurting People - John Freeman
Air Date: 11/24/2018
Caring for Sexually Hurting People - John Freeman

Does God care about your sexual failures? You may have an instinctual notion that what you are doing is sin, and yet it has such a strong hold in your life that you feel no power at all to change. At many times you have no desire to change, because what you are doing seems to be "fun." Today we talk with John Freeman who runs Harvest USA (see http://www.harvestusa.org/). Whether you are involved in a same-sex relation, or perhaps pornography, or maybe you are a pastor in a church with no one to talk with. This program is for you and is done with sensitivity and a caring tone. You are offered real hope and help. Participants: John Freeman, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Thanksgiving - Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 11/17/2018
Thanksgiving - Rev. Mark Diedrich

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for the Christian especially. We look back at the original Thanksgiving and its focus on thanking God. Our guest explains the two kinds of Puritans (separating and non-separating). The Pilgrims which came to New England in 1620 were Separatists. We take a look at the Indians, and especially Tisquantum ("Squanto"), who was of the Patuxet tribe. He spoke fluent English, and became an interpreter and guide to the Pilgrim settlers at Plymouth during their first winter. Squanto basically became the Pilgrim's liaison. God used Squanto to help them through the first year. Consider that one half of the population of the area had died, and yet they met to give thanks to God. Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Environmental Discussion - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Air Date: 11/10/2018
Environmental Discussion - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner

Today, we speak with Founder and National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. The group is a network of over 60 Christian theologians, natural scientists, economists, and other scholars educating for Biblical earth stewardship, economic development for the poor, and the proclamation and defense of the good news of salvation by God’s grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. We invite you to take a stroll through the countryside as we join Dr. Beisner as he walks outside and we casually ask him some questions. We first ask about the Dominion Mandate that is found in Genesis 1:28. How does that mandate intersect with all things environmental? What is meant by carbon emissions? Is it really carbon? We look at hurricanes and temperatures. We also ask him about children. The reason is, some folks push the idea that having many children is not good for the environment. But what does the biblical record teach? Have we seen a correspondence between human flourishing and a larger population? Late in our outside walk, we ask about power generation. It is a fact the electricity has brought many people out of poverty and the invention has blessed billions of people. There are various ways to generate electric power, but which of the methods are most frequently found? What about those technologies called renewable? Are they as effective as touted? For more information about this excellent group, we commend you to their website: https://cornwallalliance.org/ Participants: Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Contours of the Kuyperian Tradition - Rev. Dr. Craig G. Bartholomew
Air Date: 11/3/2018
Contours of the Kuyperian Tradition - Rev. Dr. Craig G. Bartholomew

Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) was Christian statesman and theologian. He also had a deeply devotional side to him. Christ saved him early in his adult life, and Kuyper would go on to write about creation, worldview, and sphere sovereignty, among other topics. He brought much value to the areas of education, philosophy, and political and cultural engagement. He was Prime Minister of the Netherlands between 1901 and 1905. Today we interview the author of the book "Contours of the Kuyperian Tradition - A Systematic Introduction." Is it right for the gospel to pervade all areas of life? We explore what is meant by grace restoring nature. Kuyper loved the writings of Calvin. So, what is meant when people say that Kuyper was a "Neo-Calvinist?" Participants: Dr. Craig Bartholomew, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Heidelberg Disputation - Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 10/27/2018
The Heidelberg Disputation - Rev. Mark Diedrich

October 31 is the time we celebrate the Protestant Reformation. Last year was the 500th anniversary of the nailing of the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg by Martin Luther. Less than a year later, at the Heidelberg Disputation (April 26, 1518), Luther would defend his theses, but more, this would lead to him clarifying the pure gospel of Christ's death and resurrection as being the sole satisfaction for our sins. Luther defended the doctrine of human depravity and the bondage of the will. Martin Bucer, the reformer of Strasbourg, heard Luther here and became an avid follower. For a list of the points of this disputation, see this reference: http://bookofconcord.org/heidelberg.php Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Fruit of our Labors Entrusted to Our Children - Pastor Ben Miller
Air Date: 10/20/2018
The Fruit of our Labors Entrusted to Our Children - Pastor Ben Miller

What is your vision regarding your children and your children's children? Do you see yourself as bringing up these children in the Lord and then passing on to them the precepts of the Lord so that they can faithfully follow Christ and do even greater things in this world? What about the creation mandates? There is the "cultic" mandate pertaining to worship. There is the cultural mandate related to the work of forming creation, and there is the communal mandate regarding the work of filling creation. We talk also about the notion of "discipling" the nations that is part of the Great Commission. Our guest is pastor of Trinity Church (http://trinitychurchlongisland.com/ ) and to reach the church, the phone number is (631)629-4528. We also air this pastor's sermons often on the Tuesday edition of Proclamation, heard weeknights at 9:00 PM on Redeemer. Trinity Church meets at the Faith Lutheran Church at 231 Jackson Ave Syosset, NY 11791. Worship begins at 1:00pm followed by Bible School classes at 2:45pm. If you are a parent and find yourself working hard at training your children and praying for them - this discussion most certainly will be of encouragement to you. Your labors are not in vain in the Lord. Participants: Pastor Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Socialism on the Rise - True Testimony and the Scottsboro Boys - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 10/13/2018
Socialism on the Rise - True Testimony and the Scottsboro Boys - Dr. Paul Kengor

There seems to be an increased interest in Socialism in America. Some of our politicians running for office identify as Socialists. Today we talk with a professor of politics from Grove City College. We make it clear that we are non-partisan. We review the Moral Law of God, plus the general equity of the case law in Deuteronomy 19:15 which says “One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established." Our guest shares with us the story of Emmett Till, a young African-American who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955 at the age of 14, after being accused of offending a white woman in her family's grocery store. The woman who accused him, later admitted that she had made up the story that he had made advances towards her. Our guest also reviews the case of the Scottsboro boys. This is a fascinating case that is often referred to in college courses. It is a helpful case to keep in mind the next time a false accusation comes up. We also quickly broach the subject of what the American Communist party believes regarding various issues. There is a startling and almost identical similarity to the modern Socialists who have come on the scene. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Pope and a President - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 10/6/2018
A Pope and a President - Dr. Paul Kengor

Today we interview the author of the book: "A Pope and a President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Extraordinary Untold Story of the 20th Century." We learn what was behind the assassination attempt on John Paul II. John Paul II was friends with Ronald Reagan. Did these men communicate on key occasions? Find out what view these men shared. We talk about the "almost" invasion of Poland during the time. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Is America Cracking Up? - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 9/29/2018
Is America Cracking Up? - Dr. John Vance

What is happening in our society? What are some of the problems we face? Why is everything so political? How about our colleges and universities? The news media has by and large become hostile to traditional American values. What is the origin of our present divisiveness and polarization? We hear the terms liberal, conservative, progressive - what do these terms mean? Have their meanings shifted over the past 100 years? What about the gender pronoun movement? Today we talk with a seasoned pastor who also taught at the university while he was a full time pastor. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Time for Confidence - Dr. Stephen Nichols
Air Date: 9/21/2018
A Time for Confidence - Dr. Stephen Nichols

Are you discouraged by the seemingly overwhelming influence of secularism? There is a sort of moral free-fall that our society is experiencing. We need to remember the message of the prophet: "Behold your God!" Our guest references the story of Chicken Little. An acorn hits chicken on the head and he runs around proclaiming that the "sky is falling." By contrast, history gives us perspective. Our guest tells the true story of Jerome and his misinterpretation of the events around him and how he died in a cave. We are reminded that God's kingdom is unshakable. Learn about Polycarp and how he stood up for the Christian faith and was martyred. The historical record mentions the leaders at the time, and mentions the reign of Christ. We can have confidence in God because He alone is sovereign. We are called to contend for the faith. Participants: Dr. Stephen Nichols, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The High Cost of Socialism - a Closer Look at the Sander's Plan - Dr. Robert Moffit
Air Date: 9/15/2018
The High Cost of Socialism - a Closer Look at the Sander's Plan - Dr. Robert Moffit

We hear of proposals regarding state-run health care (sometimes called "single-payer"). On the surface some of these may sound good - that is, until we look at the underlying costs. Costs in terms of money, and costs in terms of loss of personal autonomy. Do you really want for example, to have big government tell you that private health plans are outlawed? Most people want freedom to choose their own health plans. Regarding the financial cost, the “Medicare for All” bill (S. 1804) would cost a breathtaking $32.6 trillion over 10 years! That number is so large that it's hard to fathom it. In fact, this adder is larger than our national debt, which is about $21.48 trillion. Whoa! Now that is an adder! How to pay for this you may ask - well, "the government will pay for it!" But people need to realize that when they say the government will pay for it, that it translates to higher taxes and less take-home pay. The Sander's plan pushes for a 40% reduction in pay to doctors and hospitals. On the surface, this too, may sound nice - but just think for a moment of reality. When is the last time you were at the hospital? Nurses are carrying more and more of a load, as they work 12 hour shifts. Some hospitals are having a hard time keeping their doors open. Part of the problem is excess regulations, that don't help health care. Here is a link to the original article upon which this interview is based: https://www.heritage.org/health-care-reform/commentary/new-study-shows-huge-cost-sanders-medicare-all-plan Participants: Dr. Robert Moffit, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings - Thomas Jipping
Air Date: 9/8/2018
The Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings - Thomas Jipping

This past week we have seen a rather embarrassing display of "statesmanship," at the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings. Today, we lay aside the partisan nonsense and take a look at Kavanaugh himself. Is he a judge that would meet the criteria for a Supreme Court Justice? What is the difference between an impartial judge and a political judge? What kind of Supreme Court Justice would Kavanaugh be if confirmed? Has there been a distortion of Kavanaugh's record? Is a Judge a Player or an Umpire? These questions and more are discussed in this timely edition of A Plain Answer. Our guest is Deputy Director of the Edwin Meese II Center for Legal and Judicial Studies and a Senior Legal Fellow. He references a paper that may be useful to young people who are interested in civics and our Constitutional Republic, and it is The Heritage Guide to the Constitution. A free link is found here: https://www.heritage.org/constitution/#!/ Participants: Thomas Jipping, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Lordship of Christ - Dr. Vern Poythress
Air Date: 9/1/2018
The Lordship of Christ - Dr. Vern Poythress

Now and then you see a bumper sticker that reads "Jesus is Lord." But what does this mean, really? Is Jesus Lord over all things, or is His Lordship limited to the specific area of the church and her confines? There are many areas in this world - business, education, economics, government, etc. Is Jesus Lord over these areas too? What about the concern that we all have, for making sure that civil government does not impose a religion on people? Today we talk with a New Testament scholar who has written many books and who teaches at Westminster Theological Seminary. He also shares with us a website: https://frame-poythress.org/ Participants: Dr. Vern Poythress, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Redeeming Health Care Practice According to Jesus - Dr. Daniel O'Neill
Air Date: 8/25/2018
Redeeming Health Care Practice According to Jesus - Dr. Daniel O'Neill

Health care has been on the national radar screen for some time now. The goal of health care of course, is to promote human flourishing. However the system that we find ourselves a part of, is broken on many fronts. Our guest analyzes the problems with our current system, including some cause and effect. How does a Christian doctor work within this system and still serve Christ? And what does health care look like as it becomes Redeemed by the gospel? Our guest discusses how to put "health" and "care," back into health care. Our guest discusses God as Healer and what we can give to other people through peacemaking and "whole-ism." We discuss the body, mind, soul and spirit. A doctor or nurse is encouraged to be a praying health provider who is led by the Spirit. We also discuss human touch and words of affirmation. Here is the link to the journal that our guest mentions: journal.cjgh.org Participants: Dr. Daniel O'Neill, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Creeds and Confessions - Dr. Carl Trueman
Air Date: 8/18/2018
The Beauty of Creeds and Confessions - Dr. Carl Trueman

What is the advantage of creeds and confessions in the Christian church? Why isn't this statement sufficient?: "No Creed by Christ, No law but love?" Find out more as we discuss this critical subject that affects the health and well being of Christ's church. Participants: Dr. Carl Trueman, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Sojourners and Exiles - Pastor Ben Miller
Air Date: 8/11/2018
Sojourners and Exiles - Pastor Ben Miller

Our guest today reflects on the phrase sojourners and exiles in the world, used in 1 Peter 2:11. What does it mean for Christians to interact with "the world?" Is holiness simply the idea of saying no to certain activities and food that other Christians say yes to... or is it much more? This interview has a lot of give and take, and our guest asks that we "think out loud" with him as he honestly explores this topic of us being "resident aliens" in exile. Are we like Israel in the wilderness? Are we like Israel in exile in Babylon? Or, are we somewhere in between? Peter is quoting from the Greek Old Testament (the Septuagint) from Genesis 23. Abraham is in Canaan our guest points out, and the fulfillment is the conquest under Joshua. Daniel foresees history of his time in Babylon. He sees the Kingdom of God in various forms. The forth kingdom will be small, unimpressive and yet becomes a mountain to fill the world. We reflect on re-thinking our models. We are living in land owned by our Lord and Savior Jesus. We await the day as the gospel advances, where the knowledge of the Lord covers the earth as the waters cover the sea. It is important that we don't deflect attention away from the final eschaton, where the Lord brings in the new heaven and earth. Yet at the same time, we must work and expect the long range advance of the gospel and victory of Christ until He has placed all enemies under His feet. We expect the transformation of culture. Our guest has his Juris Doctor (JD) Degree, he passed the bar, but then the Lord called him into the Christian ministry as a pastor of word and sacrament. Participants: Rev. Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Honoring Our Parents - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 8/4/2018
Honoring Our Parents - Dr. Peter Hammond

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you." Do we really believe this command/promise of God? It originally was stated in Exodus 21:12. The command resurfaces in Ephesians 6:1-3 which says: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” This is a life-giving command with a wonderful promise. Today we talk with the Director of Frontline Fellowship. He shares a number of stories, including how the Lord drew him to Himself. He also honestly shares his faults and how the Lord helped him grow in Christ. Parents are so very important, and in the Puritan perspective, we have fathers in the faith that also must be honored. If you wish to support Frontline Fellowship, their web address is: https://frontlinefellowship.net/support Their mailing address is: Frontline Fellowship USA PO Box 728 Manitou Springs, CO 80829 719-685-2899 Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: For to Me to Live is Christ - Pastor Jon Shishko
Air Date: 7/28/2018
For to Me to Live is Christ - Pastor Jon Shishko

Today we spend a little bit of time in the book of Philippians in the New Testament. The verse that our guest explains is Philippians 1:21. We often jump to the end of the verse, "to die is gain." And that is a very important part. It gives us tremendous hope. But what does the first part of the verse tell us? What does it mean to live in Christ? We spend some time talking about this. Later in the program we also consider the education of our Covenant children. Our guest along with his wife, has used the Classical Conversations materials. Participants: Rev. Jon Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Gospel Transforming All of Life - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 7/21/2018
The Gospel Transforming All of Life - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

Back in November 19, 2016, there was a news story that was largely ignored by the press. The people of Poland, clergy and laity, with their civil leaders had a gathering. This was a Jubilee Act of Acceptance of Jesus Christ as King and Lord. This was an amazing gathering, primarily of sincere Roman Catholic believers. Consider that this was a mass turnout that honored the Lord Jesus Christ and recognized his reign over the nation of Poland. This got us thinking. Do we have theological baggage that prevents us from rejoicing in such an action? Is there legitimacy in the view that the gospel of Christ transforms every area that it touches? We certainly know that Christ transforms individual lives and also churches. Yet there seems to be a lack of faith in terms of Christ transforming every aspect of life. Or, as our guest points out: "the sweep of redemption is as comprehensive as the sweep of sin" (a quote from Van Til). Today we talk with the founder and president of the Center for Cultural Leadership in Coulterville, CA. Here is the website: https://christianculture.com/ Here is the link to the video showing the declaration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzv9DOg0ksk Participants: Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Prophetic Role of the Church in this World - Pastor Danny Hyde
Air Date: 7/14/2018
The Prophetic Role of the Church in this World - Pastor Danny Hyde

Is it legitimate for the church to instruct the civil magistrate regarding their role? On the heels of the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, there was a church that took the time to read the ruling, and then constructed a respectful and prophetic letter to the U.S. Government that spelled out the biblical requirement for marriage. That church was Oceanside United Reformed Church at 2605 Carlsbad Blvd. in Carlsbad, CA. Today we talk with the pastor of that church about the sphere of the Church addressing civil issues as it speaks to the sphere of civil government. The spheres remain separate and yet the fact that Jesus is Lord over all, means that He has a rightful claim over government as well. Again, the church does not in any way control government, but it can and should declare prophetically the law of God to our leaders. It is up to the leaders what they do with it. If our leaders do not know the requirements of God, where else will they get it from? The church must speak. You just cannot invent morality - it has to come from the Moral Law Giver. Here is the link to this church: https://www.oceansideurc.org/home Here is the statement: https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.cloversites.com/d2/d220fe46-5fc2-46b5-9025-ba5703b0d302/documents/Marriage_Statement.pdf If that link does not work for you, go to the church's website, and look for "about us," then scroll down to "Contemporary Statements." Look for Our Statement on Marriage (2015) in response to the Supreme Court of the United States' decision regarding marriage. Participants: Rev. Danny Hyde, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Antithesis and the Providence of God - Dr. H. David Schuringa
Air Date: 7/7/2018
Antithesis and the Providence of God - Dr. H. David Schuringa

What is meant by "Antithesis" when studying theology? Today we interview the author of the book: "What All Christians Believe and Why: A Contemporary Guide to the Historic Faith." First we talk about practical theology and then we dive into a specific example of how this fleshes out in our world. Dr. Schuringa shares with us how he is working to help the poor in terms of legal representation for those who are in jail but for various reasons their sentence was too extreme, or because of no representation, they really should not be in jail. Participants: Dr. H. David Schuringa, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Marxist-Progressive War on the Boy Scouts - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 6/30/2018
The Marxist-Progressive War on the Boy Scouts - Dr. Paul Kengor

This interview is based on an article that appeared in the American Spectator: https://spectator.org/the-marxist-progressive-war-on-the-boy-scouts/ Our guest describes the roots of this attack on the Boy Scouts as going all the way back to the ideologies of Communism that today is evident in Cultural Marxism. The article is more than just an opinion piece as it includes hyperlinks to the source documents. At the end of the discussion our author includes two book references. The first is: "Communism: A History," by Richard Pipes (https://www.amazon.com/Communism-History-Modern-Library-Chronicles/dp/0812968646) and his own book: "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism" by Paul Kengor. (https://www.amazon.com/Politically-Incorrect-Guide-Communism-Guides/dp/162157587X/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1529534382&sr=1-4&keywords=Paul+Kengor) Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Contours of the Kuyperian Tradition - Rev. Dr. Craig G. Bartholomew
Air Date: 6/23/2018
Contours of the Kuyperian Tradition - Rev. Dr. Craig G. Bartholomew

Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) was Christian statesman and theologian. He also had a deeply devotional side to him. Christ saved him early in his adult life, and Kuyper would go on to write about creation, worldview, and sphere sovereignty, among other topics. He brought much value to the areas of education, philosophy, and political and cultural engagement. He was Prime Minister of the Netherlands between 1901 and 1905. Today we interview the author of the book "Contours of the Kuyperian Tradition - A Systematic Introduction." Is it right for the gospel to pervade all areas of life? We explore what is meant by grace restoring nature. Kuyper loved the writings of Calvin. So, what is meant when people say that Kuyper was a "Neo-Calvinist?" Participants: Dr. Craig Bartholomew, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Gospel Comes with a House Key - Dr. Rosaria Butterfield
Air Date: 6/16/2018
The Gospel Comes with a House Key - Dr. Rosaria Butterfield

This week we are privileged to hear the story of how hospitality was used of the Lord, as a proximate means, to win Rosaria Butterfield to Himself. As she explains, her book is about simply being ourselves and loving our neighbors, inviting them into our homes - into our lives. She makes the distinction that she is not advocating "preaching the world to the church." But what happens to the family when our children see Christ powerfully at work in the lives of wounded people that cross our paths and whom the Lord sovereignly changes? This sort of thing profoundly and positively affects our children. We also discuss the idea of building our lives so that there is margin. We are all so busy - how do we do that? Her book is titled: "The Gospel Comes with a House Key: Practicing Radically Ordinary Hospitality in Our Post-Christian World." You can find the book at rosariabutterfield.com, or Crossway(https://www.crossway.org/books/the-gospel-comes-with-a-house-key-hcj/), or Amazon. From an article she wrote: "Radically ordinary hospitality—those who live it—see strangers as neighbors and neighbors as family of God. They recoil at reducing a person to a category or a label. They see God’s image reflected in the eyes of every human being on earth. They know they are like meth addicts and sex-trade workers. They take their own sin seriously—including the sin of selfishness and pride. They take God’s holiness and goodness seriously. They use the Bible as a lifeline, with no exceptions." Participants: Dr. Rosaria Butterfield, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How Congress can help states offering relief from rising health care costs - Dr. Robert Moffit
Air Date: 6/9/2018
How Congress can help states offering relief from rising health care costs - Dr. Robert Moffit

What is the largest segment of our population who is being hurt the most by Obama Care? Fact is, it is the middle class. That is the largest segment and they are being hurt the most. Today we have a fascinating discussion about what is at the root cause of why health care is costing so very much. The documented data behind the conclusions to today's discussion is huge. Pages and pages of excellent top notch studies are available and the link is given later in the program. Our guest a senior fellow in The Heritage Foundation's Center for Health Policy Studies. Dr. Moffit also serves as chairman of the Maryland Health Care Commission, and has published on health policy in such journals as Health Affairs, Harvard Health Policy Review and the New England Journal of Medicine. Participants: Dr. Robert Moffit, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Turkish Genocide of Three and One Half Million Christians - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 6/2/2018
The Turkish Genocide of Assyrian, Armenian and Greek Christians - Dr. Peter Hammond

Approximately 103 years ago, there was a dark period in history in which took place the systematic extermination of the Christian Armenians by the Ottoman Turks. One and a half million Christians were killed in this first genocide of the 20th century. The number of Christian killed total, is actually much greater and is on the order of 3.5 Million when we account for Assyrian, Armenian and Greek Christians. Today we talk with the missionary director of Frontline Fellowship. He reviews the history of the Ottoman Empire as well as this more recent period. If you would like to learn more about this whole area of Islam and Christianity, we recommend the following book available from Frontline Fellowship: Slavery, Terrorism & Islam - Revised & Expanded Edition. The URL is here: https://www.frontlinefellowship.net/inc/sdetail/119/1799 ---Also in this interview, we review the steps that despots employ as they attempt to take over a culture. That is, what are the steps to genocide? You will find this part of the discussion quite fascinating. But more than fascinating, hopefully by learning the history of takeovers, we can avoid the evil of future genocides as we become aware of the steps that despots take. Fact is, they use much of the same steps repeatedly in history. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: University Scientism and Political Bias in College Professors - Dr. Mitchell Langbert
Air Date: 5/26/2018
University Scientism and Political Bias in College Professors - Dr. Mitchell Langbert

If you were to take a poll of university professors as regards to their political affiliations, what would you find? Is there a trend for different disciplines, such as Women's studies -vs- Engineering? Or Contemporary Arts and Communications -vs- Physics? This week we have the joy of interviewing an associate professor of business at Brooklyn College. Professor Langbert has published in Econ Journal Watch, Journal of Business Ethics, Academic Questions, Journal of Economic Issues, Journal of Labor Research, Benefits Quarterly and others. Today's discussion is quite fascinating and helps us better understand the biases that exist in most classrooms within the liberal arts area. Dr. Langbert also delves into the systematic expulsion of Christianity from the university. He sees this as a negative. Participants; Dr. Mitchell Langbert, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Church, Conversion and Creeds - Dr. Carl Trueman
Air Date: 5/19/2018
The Church, Conversion and Creeds - Dr. Carl Trueman

What is the difference between the visible and the invisible church? The Westminster Confession of Faith says that the "catholic or universal Church, which is invisible, consists of the whole number of the elect, that have been, are, or shall be gathered into one, under Christ the Head thereof; and is the spouse, the body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all." Today our guest helps us better understand this. If the invisible church are basically those who are truly saved and are known by God, then what is the "visible" church then? Again, the Confession explains that to the "visible Church Christ has given the ministry, oracles, and ordinances of God, for the gathering and perfecting of the saints, in this life, to the end of the world: and does, by His own presence and Spirit, according to His promise, make them effectual thereunto." We also talk about Christian conversion and what is entailed. Finally, we briefly discuss the objective beauty of creeds and why they are helpful to the church. Participants: Dr. Carl Trueman, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christianity Considered - Dr. John Frame
Air Date: 5/12/2018
Christianity Considered - Dr. John Frame

This week we talk with the author of a new book coming out next week: "Christianity Considered: A Guide for Skeptics and Seekers." Amazon describes the book this way: "Christianity makes objective claims, but also presents a new way of thinking about the world. In A Guide to Christianity for Skeptics and Seekers, renowned theologian Dr. John Frame introduces the reader to the Christian religion and its unique intellectual framework, describing the key pillars of Christian thought and how these shape the Christian worldview. Covering a range of topics, from the resurrection to the Christian posture toward politics, A Guide to Christianity for Skeptics and Seekers is a valuable guide to understanding the Christian faith as an intellectual tradition. Useful for both the Christian reader looking for a better understanding of the faith and the skeptical reader who seeks to understand the intellectual tradition that has done much to shape the modern world." We also delve into the subject of application of God's word to all areas of life. We explore the question of what if God sends another Great Awakening (similar to the 1st), and people desire to obey God in their callings, including government - what objective standards would be used? Participants: Dr. John Frame, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christ and Covenant Theology - Dr. Cornelis Venema
Air Date: 5/5/2018
Christ and Covenant Theology - Dr. Cornelis Venema

What is Covenant Theology? Is it a construct that is forced upon the Bible by well-meaning but misled pastors, or does it flow naturally from the scriptures? Today we talk with the President of Mid America Reformed Seminary. He has written a new book, titled "Christ and Covenant Theology: Essays on Election, Republication, and the Covenants." It is available on Amazon here: https://smile.amazon.com/Christ-Covenant-Theology-Republication-Covenants/dp/1629952516/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1525110548&sr=8-1&keywords=christ+and+covenant+theology+venema This is an important area of study that we commend. At first you may think that looking at things through the lens of the covenant is forced. But it is simply the natural way to look at the scriptures. Many of us were "converted" to this perspective, later in life, after having been immersed in other approaches that were more man-centered, and just didn't make sense anymore. Covenant has to do with God's loving relationship with His people. It's like God enters the picture in a new way, and places His arms around you and opens your eyes. He graciously bestows upon us His signs and seals as His children. It is a wonderful thing. We heartily recommend Dr. Venema's book. Participants: Dr. Cornelis Venema, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Family Medicine - Maneuvering Governmental Overreach and Insurance - Dr. Brian Callahan
Air Date: 4/28/2018
Family Medicine - Maneuvering Governmental Overreach and Insurance - Dr. Brian Callahan

Government and big insurance have become intimately entwined in health care. Sometimes the health care is available and yet patients cannot afford the massive insurance costs involved and have to forego medicines or special tests. The introduction of "Obama Care" while perhaps well intended by some, was a massive failure of true care for the patient. Prices went up and care when down. Forcing a program on people and taxing them if they didn't want it, is oppressive. Today we talk with a doctor who works at a local, multi-specialty health care group and who also does emergency room work. How does the Christian faith intersect with his work? We also take a brief look at the demise of a Catholic Hospital due to government overreach and the hospital's unwavering stand on abortion. Imagine oppressing a hospital because they were pro-life and cared about all people? How sad! This is a casual discussion and we cover lots of areas. Participants; Dr. Brian Callahan, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: 20-Plus Questions Mass Schooling Survivors Need to Answer - Stella Morabito
Air Date: 4/21/2018
20-Plus Questions Mass Schooling Survivors Need to Answer - Stella Morabito

Notice the play on words in this partial title. 20-Plus Questions Mass Schooling Survivors Need to Answer. The part that was not listed is this: "Before Hyping Gun Control." This was the title of a recent article in The Federalist by Author Stella Morabito, back on March 23. It was an intriguing article, so we contacted Stella and she was willing to talk with us about it. For students in modern public schools, if they express politically incorrect opinions, they often experience social rejection. Adult conversations are shut down in favor of parroting the "correct" answer that the often leftist school administration wants to hear. But that is not the essence of a good education. Some students are being used as political pawns, as they march in lockstep for an undebated opinion, propping up mass conformity. This is not right, and is not good education. Our author notes some questions that should be asked by those who are part of what she calls "mass schooling." Participants: Stella Morabito, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Finding Purpose and Hope in Brokenness - Barry Milazzo
Air Date: 4/14/2018
Finding Purpose and Hope in Brokenness - Barry Milazzo

How do you make it through an impossible situation? Our author tells the true story of his son who was suddenly shattered by catastrophic brain-injury. This happened after the administration of his early childhood vaccines. It was predicted that he would never walk or speak, and he would be virtually uneducable. An unwanted divorce resulted in his raising his children alone. Our author lost his wealth, which was substantial. Find out how the Lord worked in this family. This account gives hope to others who find themselves in situations that are seemingly impossible. Here is a link to his website: http://allthekingshorsesministry.com/ Participants: Barry Milazzo, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Persecution in South Africa under Communist Leaders - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 4/7/2018
Persecution in South Africa under Communist Leaders - Dr. Peter Hammond

Persecution of white farmers is occurring in South Africa. The farmers are losing their land, with no remuneration. That is, the land is being stolen from the farmers simply because of their race. Some of the farmers are preparing for how to survive once they are expelled. Some are preparing for a fight. This has the potential of not ending well. But that aside, what is really behind this racial oppression? We talk with someone who lives there and is really in the know. Our missionary guest has risked his life to bring the gospel and Bibles to those who are of a different race than he. So, he does not speak from a racist perspective. In one his mission trips, he was captured and tortured for bringing gospel hope to others in this great land of Africa. Today we talk with him about the root cause of the racial tension that has been generated for political gain by ... you guessed it, the Communists. And you thought they were long gone. They are not. Learn about their influence in the African National Congress (ANC) since the time of Nelson Mandela. Also pay close attention to their tactics and you will see these same violent tactics being used today in America by modern leftist radicals. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Resurrection - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 3/28/2018
The Resurrection - Dr. Kevin Chiarot

This Sunday is Easter, or Resurrection Sunday. Leading up to this, many churches have observed a time called Lent. More recently some churches observed Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Today we talk with the Senior Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian church in Rock Tavern, NY. He talks about Christ's resurrection as it ties back to the Old Testament scriptures, and is finally realized in the New. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Passover and the Finished Work of Christ - Rev. Rick Anderson
Air Date: 3/24/2018
Passover and the Finished Work of Christ - Rev. Rick Anderson

What is Passover in the book of Exodus and how does it point to the Lord Jesus Christ? Today we talk a man who has a Jewish background and understands the nuances of the tradition. This man was converted to Christ while in college. He has a ministry with CHAIM - here is the link: http://www.chaim.org/ This man later would complete his MDiv at Westminster Seminary. He is currently Associate Pastor and Evangelist for Stratford Presbyterian Church. Today we talk about Passover. Participants: Rev. Rick Anderson, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: St. Patrick - Dr. John Vance and Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 3/17/2018
St. Patrick - Dr. John Vance and Rev. Mark Diedrich

So you thought only Roman Catholics would talk about St. Patrick? Well, that's normal. When we were kids, we all went to school on "St. Patty's Day" and our Roman Catholic buddies would see if we were wearing green! Remember those days? I guess that dates us. But have you ever looked into the life of this godly man? Join us for an engaging discussion of St. Patrick and sit back and enjoy the discussion of this amazing man of God. Oh, and don't worry, your host and guests are not turning into "Romanists," but we are embracing the history as God has providentially worked in this world of ours! Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Time for Confidence - Dr. Stephen Nichols
Air Date: 3/10/2018
A Time for Confidence - Dr. Stephen Nichols

Are you discouraged by the seemingly overwhelming influence of secularism? There is a sort of moral free-fall that our society is experiencing. We need to remember the message of the prophet: "Behold your God!" Our guest references the story of Chicken Little. An acorn hits chicken on the head and he runs around proclaiming that the "sky is falling." By contrast, history gives us perspective. Our guest tells the true story of Jerome and his misinterpretation of the events around him and how he died in a cave. We are reminded that God's kingdom is unshakable. Learn about Polycarp and how he stood up for the Christian faith and was martyred. The historical record mentions the leaders at the time, and mentions the reign of Christ. We can have confidence in God because He alone is sovereign. We are called to contend for the faith. Participants: Dr. Stephen Nichols, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Godly Leadership in the Public Square and Westminster Seminary - Dr. Peter Lillback
Air Date: 3/3/2018
Godly Leadership in the Public Square and Westminster Seminary - Dr. Peter Lillback

Did our founders have a Christian faith? Some of them indeed did. Did this faith influence the founding of America? Today we talk with the President of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He has written a number of books, including a book that is helpful for training young children. He is also the President of Providence Forum. Our guest touches upon the "Separation of Church and State," and what it properly means. We also discuss what Westminster Theological Seminary has to offer, including a newer, remote counseling program which is highly rated. Participants: Dr. Peter Lillback, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Just War Theory and Christian Persecution - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 2/24/2018
Just War Theory and Christian Persecution - Dr. John Vance

What is Just War Theory? Is there a Just cause for going to war? What did the fathers of the church have to say about it? Today we deal with the question of what constitutes a just war. While we despise war and hope it never happens again, most likely, statistically speaking, it unfortunately will. Jesus talked of wars and rumors of wars that would exist to the very last day. Is it ever right to preemptively go to war? We also discuss Christian persecution in the world. Is it right to defend oneself and one's family? What country presents the largest threat to the United States? What should the Christian's response be to all these threats? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Life and Conversion of President Abraham Lincoln - Dr. Harry Reeder
Air Date: 2/17/2018
The Life and Conversion of President Abraham Lincoln - Dr. Harry Reeder

This weekend we have President's Day on our minds. Many people have Monday off as a national holiday. Originally this would have been called Washington's birthday. Originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, it is still officially called “Washington’s Birthday” by the federal government. We celebrate his birthday on the third Monday of February. Washington was the first President of the United States, and was born on February 22, 1732. Now we call the holiday "Presidents’ Day" after it was moved as part of 1971’s Uniform Monday Holiday Act, in an attempt to create more three-day weekends for the nation’s workers. Well, that's the quick background. Today we talk about one of our presidents, namely Abraham Lincoln. We talk with Dr. Harry Reeder. He is pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham Alabama. He has studied Lincoln's life in detail, and this time frame of American history. We take a look at Lincoln's life and his conversion to the Christian faith. Lincoln's writings sort of "morph" over time with respect to their content that shows his conversion. Dr. Reeder shares information with us about the pastor who influenced Lincoln, as well as a Christian woman who would care for Lincoln's dying son. God did a work in Lincoln's heart actually, once he got in office. It's an amazing account.

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A Plain Answer: Why People Want to Immigrate to the United States - Pastor Al Baker
Air Date: 2/10/2018
Why People Want to Immigrate to the United States - Pastor Al Baker

"Why do so many people want to immigrate to the United States? To many political, social, and theological liberals, the U.S. is a racist, bigoted, misogynistic culture. Why would anyone want to come here? But they do, by the millions, each year. Why?" (from: FORGET NONE OF HIS BENEFITS volume 17, number 5). Today we talk with Pastor Al Baker about immigration and why the culture of a society based upon a Judea-Christian ethic is so very desirable. Our guest looks at the Bill of Rights. "Our Bill of Rights provides and guards the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion. We have the right to protect ourselves and our property by bearing arms. We forbid illegal search and seizure of our property. We demand due process under the law. Our people are guaranteed the right to a speedy and public trial by a jury of their peers, and are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Excessive bail nor cruel or unusual punishments are permissible. No one is ever to be denied his own rights. Individual states have rights and are to exercise them as long as they are not contrary to the United States." Participants: Pastor Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Comprehensive View of God's Kingdom - Dr. Cornelis Venema
Air Date: 2/3/2018
A Comprehensive View of God's Kingdom - Dr. Cornelis Venema

What difference does your faith in Christ make in the basic outworking of life? The day to day stuff that you live through is profoundly affected by the faith. We are to seek the Kingdom of God as we live out the faith, and walk in the light of God's word. What about our work? Are all lines of work serving Christ? Good works flow out of a true and living faith. During part of our discussion we take a look at a time of history when atrocities were bring committed in Germany. What should have been the role of the church during this time? Participants: Dr. Cornelis Venema, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Value of Church History and Christian Thought - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 1/27/2018
The Value of Church History and Christian Thought- Dr. John Vance

Church history and Christian thought is our focus in today's edition of A Plain Answer. Behind this is the concern that we are Bible believing Christians, and we are not to add or take away from the Scriptures. All that we need for life and godliness is contained in the scriptures of the Old and New Testament. So, why then have an interest in the history of the Church? That is what we explore today. Indeed there are very good reasons for such an interest. Some of the not-so-obvious yet crucial conclusions of the Christian church, come over time as the church grapples with things like the Trinity. There are a whole list of important fundamental items that the Church has dealt with and documented over the past 2000+ years. Our guest today is a seasoned minister of the gospel as well as college instructor. He was once the Sr. Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Rock Tavern, NY. He is now semi-retired and living in West Virginia. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Celebrating Communism by Those Who Should Know Better - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 1/20/2018
Celebrating Communism by Those Who Should Know Better - Dr. Paul Kengor

The largest killing of people has happened under Communism. Yes, Hitler was very bad and should never happen again. But the death and destruction under Communism is anywhere from 16 to 23 times as bad as the death toll under Hitler. Our guest today is an expert on Communism and the Cold War. Did you know that there is a modern university which is "celebrating 'Marx at 200' in 2018?" It is shocking that a free market-funded university is falling prey to this nonsense. What did Carl Marx believe? Our guest as a professor of political science at Grove City College, requires that his students read in full, the Communist Manifesto - not just talk about those who have a Marxist agenda, but actually read and interact with the source document. When students come across Marx's Ten Point Plan listed in the Manifesto, it is downright shocking. The stories in this interview are interesting and worth listening to. The university students today need to really understand Marx and the cultural dangers of his teaching and how this emphasis has destroyed so many lives. Christian life by contrast is based on loving God and loving neighbor. We love to obey God's law. If you want real freedom, then you want Christ. Christianity and Communism are antithetical at core. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Classical Conversations - Leigh Bortins
Air Date: 1/13/2018
Classical Conversations - Leigh Bortins

What does a classical education look like? Is it just the idea of adding Latin to the subjects? What are the basic ideas of a classical education and why does its structure help round out a young student? What is the role of the Christian faith in such and endeavor? How important is community? What are the areas of Grammar, Dialectic, and Rhetoric all about? Find out in this interview with the Founder of Classical Conversations. Participants: Leigh Bortins, Dan and Deb Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Manhood does Not Naturally Occur - Glenn Stanton
Air Date: 1/6/2018
Manhood does Not Naturally Occur - Glenn Stanton

What is the difference between "maleness" and "manhood?" Maleness is something that men are born into, but manhood is something quite different. It does not naturally come, but rather must be learned by the man, who is on his way to becoming a godly man. The behavior of manhood is taught and is an identity that must be bestowed by a boy's family and the larger community of men. Our guest today is Director of Family Formation at Focus on the Family. Participants: Glenn Stanton, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Circumcision of Christ - Dr. Edd Cathey
Air Date: 12/30/2017
The Circumcision of Christ - Dr. Edd Cathey

Some churches celebrate on a yearly basis, the circumcision of Christ. This sort of seems odd at first. Today our guest explains how an old Swiss reformed confession supports the observance of the day, as long as it is done in Christian liberty and not rigidly imposed. Further, it does not approve of feasts instituted for men and for saints. The Second Helvetic Confession (Heinrich Bullinger) speaks about this, and groups its celebration together with the Lord's nativity, passion, resurrection, ascension into heaven and the sending of the Holy Spirit. Our guest serves as Senior pastor of Grace and Peace Presbyterian Church (OPC) of California Maryland. He explains how this ties into the ultimate circumcision of Christ on the cross of Calvary. He further explains the biblical connections to Colossians 2:11-13, and Christian baptism. We talk about Covenant signs that are used by God in His relation to His people. Participants: Dr. Edd Cathey, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Incarnation and the Trinity - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 12/23/2017
The Incarnation and the Trinity - Dr. John Vance

In two days we celebrate Christmas. Today we talk about the incarnation. Why do most Christians celebrate on December 25? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian's life? How are the three persons of the Godhead inextricably bound together in their actions? What about those who are not at all impressed and think this is a 2000 year old story that has no relevance? Join us for an honest exchange. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christmas and Why Christ Came - Dr. Liam Goligher
Air Date: 12/16/2017
Christmas and Why Christ Came - Dr. Liam Goligher

Today we visit with Dr. Liam Goligher as we talk about the coming of Christ. The season of Advent continues and our guest notes that Advent looks backwards and forwards. Christ came to deal with sin in His first coming. He will also come again. Participants: Dr. Liam Goligher, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: An Honest Discussion about Homosexuality and Christianity - Dr. Rosaria Butterfield
Air Date: 12/9/2017
An Honest Discussion About Homosexuality and Christianity - Dr. Rosaria Butterfield

How does the church treat those who are gay? Do you personally practice hospitality to those you disagree with? Do you love them? What is the biblical position on Homosexuality? How does a church find the gospel centered approach to speaking God's word and ministering to those from all walks of life? How did Jesus treat people? These questions and others are dealt with today. Our guest is a former tenured professor of English and Woman's studies at Syracuse University. She is now a homeschooling mom, writer and a pastor's wife. She was in a lesbian relationship and has a powerful story to tell. Participants: Dr. Rosaria Butterfield, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Five 9-11 Terrorists Still in Pre-Trial Hearings - Attorney Alden Abbott
Air Date: 12/2/2017
Five 9-11 Terrorists Still in Pre-Trial Hearings - Attorney Alden Abbott

Did you know that the five terrorists involved in planning the 9-11 attacks are still in pre-trial hearings? This process has been moving at a snail's pace. There were 2,996 people killed in these attacks which occurred on American soil. Further, there were over 6,000 others who were injured. The attacks caused at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage. And yet he terrorists are still in pre-trials. Justice delayed is justice denied. Join us today, to better understand why the delays. Participants: Attorney Alden Abbot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Reformation 500 Mission to Europe - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 11/25/2017
Reformation 500 Mission to Europe - Dr. Peter Hammond

Earlier this year was the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. There are so many aspects to this important historical event that is is a challenge to fully do it justice in a mere one week celebration. Today we talk with a missionary who recently traveled to many parts of the world to preach, teach and interact with fellow Christians as they all worked at this wonderful theme of reformation - both the original and continuing. Our guest's background prior to this trip included carrying out over 100 missions in the war zones and presenting over 12,000 sermons, Bible studies and lectures in 33 countries. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Lordship of Christ Over All - Dr. John Frame
Air Date: 11/18/2017
The Lordship of Christ Over All - Dr. John Frame

Does the visible church have its own isolated, separate existence from other earthly affairs? We have heard that the Christian is to be in the world but not of the world. This is true, but what happens when the pendulum swings in the direction of the Christian and his church simply withdrawing from the world altogether? What about the Lordship of Christ? Is there any area of life over which He is NOT Lord? The Westminster Confession of Faith tells us that it is lawful for Christians, for example, to accept and execute the office of a magistrate, when called to that work. What about the rather new movement of so-called "Two Kingdom" folks? Today we talk with the J.D. Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy of Reformed Theological Seminary. He is now retired, yet remains very active and continues writing books. Participants: Dr. John Frame, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A New Seminary in Egypt - Dr. George Grant
Air Date: 11/11/2017
A New Seminary in Egypt - Dr. George Grant

God is at work in this world in amazing ways! Who would think that a Christian seminary is starting to function in Egypt, with the goal of training pastors and Christian teachers in that area of the world? Our guest discusses the percentage of Christians that are in Egypt. He addresses the persecution that is there. Yet, God is at work in large ways and the Kingdom of God is advancing in this part of the world, despite the persecution. To contact our guest, please visit his church's website: https://parishpres.org/ Participants: Dr. George Grant, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Prayers of the Bible - Gordon J. Keddie
Air Date: 11/4/2017
Prayers of the Bible - Gordon J. Keddie

We know we should pray, but do we set aside time for it regularly? Today our guest discusses how he started prayer meetings and prepared devotionals for these meetings, based on the prayers of the Bible. He did this for a number of years and eventually this work was collected together and made into a book that will encourage your prayer life. The book is due to come out on November 20, from Crown and Covenant Publications. Our guest was originally trained in zoology while in Scotland. He then went into teaching biology in Edinburgh. Next, God called him into the gospel ministry. He was trained as a minister and would eventually pastor churches in Pittsburgh, then back in Wishaw, Scotland, and then again here in the states - both in State College, PA and finally Indianapolis, IN until his retirement in 2014. The complete title of this important work is "Prayers of the Bible - 366 Devotionals to Encourage Your Prayer Life." Participants: Gordon J. Keddie, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: To Re-Christendom the World - P. Andrew Sandlin
Air Date: 10/28/2017
To Re-Christendom the World - P. Andrew Sandlin

Is there any hope of seeing Christianity spread in this world? Our own county, America, at one time, was strongly influenced by a Christian mindset. Our guest today discusses a time when generally speaking, Christian thinking and standards were more of the norm. This permeation of Christendom existed long before America. As Christians our goal should be to work towards the "re-Christendom" of the world. Some may think the prophetic portions of scripture mitigate against such a sentiment. In their view we may as well throw in the towel in such an endeavor. Today we talk with Andrew Sandlin, a Christian minister, theologian and author; the founder and president of the Center for Cultural Leadership in Coulterville, California; De Yong Distinguished Visiting Professor of Culture and Theology at Edinburg Theological Seminary in Pharr, Texas; and faculty at Blackstone Legal Fellowship of the Alliance Defending Freedom in Phoenix, Arizona. Participants: P. Andrew Sandlin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Life and Teaching of John Calvin - Dr. Peter Lillback
Air Date: 10/21/2017
The Life and Teaching of John Calvin - Dr. Peter Lillback

As we continue this series celebrating the 500th year of the Reformation, today we take a look at the life and teaching of a 2nd generation Reformer - that of John Calvin. Did you know that there is a very warm and sweet aspect to his teachings? Our guest summarizes the high points of what Calvin taught, and you may be quite surprised as to what comes to the top of the list. Mention is made of modern men who misrepresent Calvin and create a sort of straw man and then knock that down in an attempt to discredit his teachings. History has sometimes referred to Calvin as the theologian of the Holy Spirit. Participants: Dr. Peter Lillback, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Bible Translations and the Reformation - Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 10/14/2017
Bible Translations and the Reformation - Rev. Mark Diedrich

John Wycliffe (1320-1384) was a theologian. He initiated the first translation of the Bible into the English language and is a main precursor of the Protestant Reformation. William Tyndale (1494-1536) was a theologian and scholar who translated the Bible into an early form of Modern English. He was the first person to take advantage of Gutenberg’s movable-type press for the purpose of printing the scriptures in the English language. His punishment for this translation work was execution by strangling, and his body being burnt at the stake. Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Luther - Continued - Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 10/7/2017
Luther - Continued - Rev. Mark Diedrich

We continue to look at the remarkable life and influence of Dr. Martin Luther. Luther was a brilliant scholar when it came to the German language and the translation work that he accomplished. We take a look at the Peasant's Revolt and note that Luther was not in support of this movement by radicals. Luther would marry Katharina von Bora, a former nun. Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Luther and the Reformation - Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 9/30/2017
Luther and the Reformation - Rev. Mark Diedrich

In about one month from today, many Christians will celebrate the 500th year anniversary of the Reformation. But why is it important? Luther condemned the excesses and corruption of the Church of that day, especially the papal practice of asking payment—called “indulgences”—for the forgiveness of sins. That's one aspect of the Reformation, but did it have an influence in spheres of life outside of theology and church practice? Was it all good? Today we begin a series of A Plain Answer programs on this important historical event that was actually spread over time and involved many Christian leaders. Today we begin the series by looking at the life of Dr. Martin Luther. He nailed his "95 Theses" on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. The date was October 31, 1517. Our guest recommends the book: Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther by Roland H. Bainton. Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: JC Ryle, his life and influence - John Rawlinson
Air Date: 9/23/2017
JC Ryle, his life and influence - John Rawlinson

Today we are joined by the General Manager of The Banner of Truth Trust, John Rawlinson. He is tied in from Edinburgh, Scotland. The subject is the life of JC Ryle. Ryle was born 1816, so its been 200 years since his birth. He came to Christ while hearing Ephesians 2 read in church. His father was not a Christian man. His family went through the process of losing everything - so he knew first hand, both riches and wealth. Ryle was a strong supporter of the evangelical school and was a critic of Ritualism as a means of salvation. One work that our guest recommends, is Ryle's book "Holiness." Participants: John Rawlinson, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Antifa Definition and Characteristics and the Value of a Christian Education - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 9/16/2017
Antifa Definition and Characteristics and the Value of a Christian Education - Dr. Paul Kengor

What is this group "Antifa" all about? What defines it? Is it really against so-called Anti-Facism? What are its tactics? Why do they cover their faces? Today we talk with Professor of Political Science at Grove City College. We then contrast the far left emphasis with the fruit which comes from a Christian education. Parents are cautioned not to send their kids to institutions that will undermine all that they have taught their Christian kids prior to college. A better approach is to continue to keep Christ and his principles at the core of all knowledge and wisdom. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Anarchy and its Solution - Long Form - Dr. Harry Reeder
Air Date: 9/9/2017
Anarchy and its Solution - Dr. Harry Reeder

This is the long form discussion of what we touched upon last week on Holding All Things Together. There is evident in our society, some strong tendencies towards anarchy as we see demonstrations by various groups of people. These radical elements want to stir up fights, and it reminds us of the upheaval that was seen in the 1960's. Seems like we haven't advanced too much! Today we look at a solution for anarchism as a seasoned pastor shares with us from God's word. Participants: Dr. Harry Reeder, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Redeeming Health Care Practice According to Jesus - Dr. Daniel O'Neill
Air Date: 9/2/2017
Redeeming Health Care Practice According to Jesus - Dr. Daniel O'Neill

Health care has been on the national radar screen for some time now. The goal of health care of course, is to promote human flourishing. However the system that we find ourselves a part of, is broken on many fronts. Our guest analyzes the problems with our current system, including some cause and effect. How does a Christian doctor work within this system and still serve Christ? And what does health care look like as it becomes Redeemed by the gospel? Our guest discusses how to put "health" and "care," back into health care. Our guest discusses God as Healer and what we can give to other people through peacemaking and "whole-ism." We discuss the body, mind, soul and spirit. A doctor or nurse is encouraged to be a praying health provider who is led by the Spirit. We also discuss human touch and words of affirmation. Here is the link to the journal that our guest mentions: journal.cjgh.org Participants: Dr. Daniel O'Neill, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christian Education and Chapel Field - Bill Spanjer
Air Date: 8/26/2017
Christian Education and Chapel Field - Bill Spanjer

Why is a Christian education essential for our children? If your child is in the government schools, how many hours a year are they under the influence of teaching that intentionally and by government fiat, excludes the gospel of Christ from all subjects? It may shock you to consider this. A Christian education is not perfect, but it is far better than the alternative which is often steeped in Marxist ideology and hates the gospel of Christ. This is not to say that public school teachers are bad - not at all. But the system itself is designed to deny the gospel and exclude the Bible from its teaching. And yet, in the scriptures we find that Christ is the fountainhead of all knowledge. As beings made in the image of God, it is imperative to teach our children all that we can about God and his wisdom for all of life. Today's interview is with the Superintendent of Schools at Chapel Field Christian School in Pine Bush, NY. Participants: Bill Spanjer, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Mission to Myanmar - Pastor Mark Robinette
Air Date: 8/19/2017
Mission to Myanmar - Pastor Mark Robinette

Myanmar is a country located to the west of Thailand in Southeast Asia. It was formerly called Burma. Conditions are extremely difficult there with people in serious poverty. The country for many years, was ruled by a military junta, and while rich in food, the people were deprived because of the government, and some were starving. Today we talk with a pastor who ministers to a small church in Ohio. This pastor and his wife have 8 children and they extend their love for children to the virtually fatherless children in Myanmar. They help the children at the Rakhine Orphanage Center. For more information about this important effort please visit: www.missiontomyanmar.com; www.youtube.com/pastormarkrob; www.facebook.com/missiontomyanmar; Foundation Church 11724 Ballah Road Orient, Ohio 43146; Participants: Pastor Mark Robinette, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Socialism - Dream vs. Reality - Dr. Shawn Ritenour
Air Date: 8/12/2017
Socialism - Dream and Reality - Dr. Shawn Ritenour

The New York Times has been running a series in their opinion pages entitled: "Red Century - Exploring the history and legacy of Communism, 100 years after the Russian Revolution." These articles seem to read like an attempt to rehabilitate socialism. That prompted our guest to want to talk about Socialism - it's dream and reality. What have we observed in the real world, as Socialism is implemented? What would the words of Jesus have us think in terms of personal responsibility, and do His words provide any mandate for the state? How about the Moral Law of God as contained in the 10 Commandments? Do they speak to the socialistic state? We close looking at the failed real life test case of Venezuela. Reference is made to Charles Hodge and the 8th commandment - here is that original quotation: "This commandment forbids all violations of the rights of property. The right of property in an object is the right to its exclusive possession and use. The foundation of the right of property is the will of God. By this is meant, (1.) That God has so constituted man that he desires and needs this right of the exclusive possession and use of certain things. (2.) Having made man a social being, He has made the right of property essential to the healthful development of human society. (3.) He has implanted a sense of justice in the nature of man, which condemns as morally wrong everything inconsistent with the right in question. (4.) He has declared in his Word that any and every violation of this right is sinful. This doctrine of the divine right of property is the only security for the individual or for society. If it be made to rest on any other foundation, it is insecure and unstable. It is only by making property sacred, guarded by the fiery sword of divine justice, that it can be safe from the dangers to which it is everywhere and always exposed." Our guest today is Professor of Economics at Grove City College. Participants: Dr. Shawn Ritenour, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Creeds and Confessions - Dr. Carl Trueman
Air Date: 8/5/2017
Creeds and Confessions - why do we need them? - Dr. Carl Trueman

What is the advantage of creeds and confessions in the Christian church? Why isn't this statement sufficient?: "No Creed by Christ, No law but love?" Find out more as we discuss this critical subject that affects the health and well being of Christ's church. Participants: Dr. Carl Trueman, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Life of Charlie Gard - Richard Kocur
Air Date: 7/28/2017
The Life of Charlie Gard - Richard Kocur

This interview was recorded three days ago. Since the recording, Charlie Gard has died. Charlie Gard was an infant in England who suffered from Mitochondrial DNA Depletion Syndrome, a rare and typically fatal genetic disorder. Charlie's parents wanted their child to go to the United States for experimental treatment. They had been fighting for their child since March of this year, when the prospects of Charlie living, were better. The Nationalized Healthcare system in England decided that he could not come to the US for treatment. The parents had no say whatsoever. We grieve for these parents, and wish that their loss was not connected with a state run health care system. We truly grieve for them and wish this never happened. We don't want to conveniently use this story in a crass way to make a point against nationalized healthcare - so please know that we are truly saddened by this loss. Nevertheless, had it not been for a universal health system, these parents would have had the choice of choosing care for their child, rather than being forced to wait until it was too late. One of our friends in New Jersey made this observation: "This is the result of government-run, socialized medicine: if the State is paying the bill, it can call the shots. Why wouldn't the hospital release him for the experimental treatment? Didn't fall within the State-mandated "system." Why wasn't the baby released to the parents but could only go to a hospice? The all-powerful State, paying medical bills, didn't trust the parents to take care of their own child, and feared they'd "go outside" the State-mandated medical "system." Socialism, supposedly the best for everybody, is really tyranny, mindful only of what's "best" for the State." Amen to that. Today, our guest is Assistant Professor of Business at Grove City College. Participants: Richard Kocur, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The North and South Korean Demilitarized Zone - David Hogsette
Air Date: 7/22/2017
The North and South Korean Demilitarized Zone - Dr. David Hogsette

How much do you know about North and South Korea? Are they still at war, formally? What about the demilitarized zone - did you know that Communist propaganda is still blared via loudspeakers from North to the South? Similar efforts are used by the South to broadcast news, and freedom messages to the North. Learn about the tunnels that the Communists have created - they are amazing! Listen to what the intent of these tunnels really were. Our guest is Professor of English and Writing Program Director at Grove City College. Participants: Dr. David Hogsette, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Authority of the Bible and Reading it in Context - Dr. Keith Mathison
Air Date: 7/15/2017
The Authority of the Bible and Reading it in Context - Dr. Keith Mathison

Soon will be the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.Today we look at what is meant by the phrase "sola scriptura." Was this issue in play prior to the Reformation? Does this doctrine do away with all creeds and confessions? How did the main reformers understand it? It is good to figure out if what has been handed down to us in the form of traditions, is faithful or not. What about the practice of parsing the biblical record into dispensations? Is it OK to love the Old Testament and appreciate how the whole Bible fits together? Are there guidelines about how to handle the Old Testament? Can the New Testament really be understood without a deep understanding of the Old Testament? Is there a narrative backbone that stretches through the Old and New Testaments? How should we read the Bible? Participants: Dr. Keith Mathison, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Gnostic America - Peter Burfeind
Air Date: 7/8/2017
Gnosticism - the religious roots of atheism and its influence on some churches

What is one of the oldest heresies in the world? Gnosticism denies the centrality of matter. Our Lord Jesus came in the flesh and Gnosticism denies the incarnation.They say we are a spark trapped in a body and our goal is to break free from our bodies, etc. This heresy has always shadowed the church and denies the importance of the sacraments of the church. Gnostic-influenced churches tend to be very informal and deny the importance of the doctrinal foundations of the church. Gnosticism has become the religion of atheists. We see Gnosticism playing out in the violent demonstrations by the left in our society right now. A book is mentioned, and here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/Gnostic-America-Contemporary-according-Christianitys/dp/0692260498 Participants: Peter Burfeind, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Freedom and Gospel Advance - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 7/1/2017
Freedom and Gospel Advance - Dr. Peter Hammond

What is the foundation of freedom for any country and in particular, for America at its founding? Today we talk with founding director of Frontline Fellowship, located in Cape Town, South Africa. He talks about some of the sentiments to which the founding fathers held. He also shares extended stories of God's amazing work in this world. Often we see persecution and it is easy to lose sight of the fact of the spread of the gospel in many lands. Of particular interest is Russia, Ukraine, and Romania. We should be encouraged that long term, Christ is winning His people to Himself. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Discipling others and Union with Christ - Pastor Ken Smith
Air Date: 6/24/2017
Discipling others and Union with Christ

What happens when you are immersed in the Lord's presence and personally experience your union with Christ? Today we talk with a seasoned pastor, age 90. He labored, leading his flocks for many years. He and his wife (now passed), would often have people join them for dinner and share the love of Christ with them. He found that the Lord would simply lead the right people to him and then he obediently would use that as an opportunity to show true Christian love. He talks about his sons who are grown and walking with the Lord in diverse venues. He also touches upon the time with his wife as she neared death's door, and how the Lord eased his outside ministry work so that he could fully minister to her at a crucial time. Here is the link to the book referenced at the end of our interview: http://www.crownandcovenant.com/product_p/lv095.htm Participants: Rev. Ken Smith, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Pope and a President - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 6/17/2017
A Pope and a President

Today we interview the author of the book: "A Pope and a President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Extraordinary Untold Story of the 20th Century." We learn what was behind the assassination attempt on John Paul II. John Paul II was friends with Ronald Reagan. Did these men communicate on key occasions? Find out what view these men shared. We talk about the "almost" invasion of Poland during the time. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Sojourners and Exiles - Pastor Ben Miller
Air Date: 6/10/2017
Sojourners and Exiles

Our guest today reflects on the phrase sojourners and exiles in the world, used in 1 Peter 2:11. What does it mean for Christians to interact with "the world?" Is holiness simply the idea of saying no to certain activities and food that other Christians say yes to... or is it much more? This interview has a lot of give and take, and our guest asks that we "think out loud" with him as he honestly explores this topic of us being "resident aliens" in exile. Are we like Israel in the wilderness? Are we like Israel in exile in Babylon? Or, are we somewhere in between? Peter is quoting from the Greek Old Testament (the Septuagint) from Genesis 23. Abraham is in Canaan our guest points out, and the fulfillment is the conquest under Joshua. Daniel foresees history of his time in Babylon. He sees the Kingdom of God in various forms. The forth kingdom will be small, unimpressive and yet becomes a mountain to fill the world. We reflect on re-thinking our models. We are living in land owned by our Lord and Savior Jesus. We await the day as the gospel advances, where the knowledge of the Lord covers the earth as the waters cover the sea. It is important that we don't deflect attention away from the final eschaton, where the Lord brings in the new heaven and earth. Yet at the same time, we must work and expect the long range advance of the gospel and victory of Christ until He has placed all enemies under His feet. We expect the transformation of culture. Our guest has his Juris Doctor (JD) Degree, he passed the bar, but then the Lord called him into the Christian ministry as a pastor of word and sacrament. Participants: Rev. Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Economic Principles for Families - Dr. Shawn Ritenour
Air Date: 6/3/2017
Economic Principles for Families

What are some financial guidelines especially for young married families? Today we talk with Professor of Economics at Grove City College, Dr. Shawn Ritenour. He shares his observations on how to manage a family budget over time. He talks about establishing a pattern of savings. The simple guideline of spending less than you take in essentially becomes your savings. He also explains the "Quantitative Easing" of the Fed, and how that undermines the savings of people. It borders on criminal, and has created a tremendous moral hazard. During this interview Dr. Ritenour shares his email address toward the end of the interview if our listeners would like to ask him a question. Participants: Dr. Shawn Ritenour, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Theology and the Christian Life - Dr. John Frame
Air Date: 5/27/2017
Theology and the Christian Life

What is free will? When we decide to do something, we just go ahead and do it, right? What about the spiritual realm? The Scriptures talk about our fallen condition before God. He is holy, but we are sinful. Does this condition affect our ability to chose Him? And yet we are commanded to chose Him. Today we explore the nuances of our free will particularly spiritually with respect to a Holy God. What does it mean when Paul told the Romans that we are dead in our trespasses and sins? What is the role of the Holy Spirit? Is God just sitting on the side, hoping we will move toward him, as dead people? We also talk about children in the home - in particular, those born to Christian parents. How should we treat them and view them with respect to the Lord? To parents who have an interest in the Lord, Jesus tells us to let these children come to him and don't hinder them in any way. Participants: Dr. John Frame, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Recent North Korea Missile Launch - Bruce Klingner
Air Date: 5/20/2017
The Recent North Korea Missile Launch

Last weekend, North Korea launched a missile that reached an altitude of more than 1,245 miles and had a 30-minute flight time. U.S. Ally South Korea said that the missile covered a distance of 430 miles, characteristic of an intermediate-range ballistic missile. That puts military bases in Guam within range. Today we talk with an expert on North Korea. Participants: Bruce Klingner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Scientific Marxism Hates Christian Scientists - Justin Chiarot
Air Date: 5/13/2017
Scientific Marxism Hates Christian Scientists

Why does a majority of the "scientific" community express such a hatred for the Intelligent Design camp of Christian scientists? Our guest looks at the root cause behind this hatred. We talk about what Marxism is, as well as its fruits. We look at Hagel, Feuerbach, and briefly, Rousseau. We talk about young people, some of whom have become Marxists while not fully aware of it. Is Marxism compatible with Christianity? At the end our guest gives a couple of references for further reading within this non-Christian view. Participants: Justin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Reading the Bible with the Founding Fathers - Dr. Daniel Dreisbach
Air Date: 5/6/2017
Reading the Bible with the Founding Fathers

How much influence did the Bible have on America's founding fathers and their culture? What about religious skeptics - was their thinking affected by the Scriptures? What about the modern notion of a "wall of separation" of church and state - was this sentiment part of the Colonial mindset in the 18th century? What affect did the First Great Awakening have on our nation as it contemplated separating out from under the rule of Great Britain? Were there good grounds for the Declaration of Independence and Revolution with Great Britain? Was resistance justified? Our guest is a professor at American University in Washington, DC. He holds a doctorate from Oxford, and a Juris Doctor from University of Virginia. He writes extensively about the intersection of religion, politics and law in the American founding. Participants: Dr. Daniel Dreisbach, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The French Elections - Mike Gonzales
Air Date: 4/27/2017
The French Elections and why that country is important

The French elections have been in the news lately and today we talk with an expert who has lived in France, is fluent in the French Language, and who worked as a journalist for Agence France-Presse (part of the French press). Our guest was originally from Cuba and left in 1972. Besides living in France, he has lived in Belgium, Spain, Hong Kong, and South Korea. Today he lives in America. We discuss why France is an important ally for America. They are on the UN security council. They are nuclear. They were our early ally during the Revolutionary War. So, it is important that we keep good relations with France for many reasons. We discuss the various factions in France, who are vying for political power and how the populace seem to feel. There are no longer any conservative candidates in the running. Participants: Mike Gonzales, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: North Korea and National Security - James Carafano
Air Date: 4/22/2017
North Korea and National Security

North Korea has been in the news lately. But what is the bottom line with all the "goings on?" Today we talk about North Korea's actions, what is basically standard fare for this belligerent nation - but we also take a look at what has changed over the years. We talk about the United States' interest in northeast Asia and in particular, South Korea and Japan. What do we make of the aircraft carriers the US is sending into the region? We also pause and take a look at homegrown terrorism here in the US. How many Islamic plots have there been since 9/11? How can we protect our nation? Then at a low level, what can we do as families, to better prepare ourselves? Our guest is former Army Lt. Colonel Dr. James Jay Carafano - he is Vice President for the Kathyrn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institure for National Security and Foreign Policy at the Heritage Foundation. He has written an Amazon e-book and its title is: Surviving the End: A Practical Guide for Everyday Americans in the Age of Terror Kindle Edition Participants: James Carafano, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Resurrection - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 4/15/2017
The Resurrection

What is the place that the resurrection has in the New Testament? Does Christianity hold together without the resurrection? What proof do the Gospels offer for the resurrection? Does the Old Testament teach the doctrine of the resurrection? What does the resurrection mean for the believer? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem and Palm Sunday - Dr. Liam Goligher
Air Date: 4/8/2017
Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem and Palm Sunday

We review the events surrounding the triumphal entry of our Lord Jesus into Jerusalem. We talk about his choosing a young donkey and the symbolism of a king coming in peace. There is a special emphasis that is given to the children and how we too, should fold in the children in public celebration on Palm Sunday. We also discuss the end of our days and how we need to keep short accounts with others. We are to look for our Heavenly home and know with calm assurance that to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord. Participants: Dr. Liam Goligher, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Benedict Option - a Book Review - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 4/1/2017
The Benedict Option - a Book Review

Today we review the book “The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation,” by Rod Dreher. In summary, Dreher is extracting many of the principles you would find in a monastery, and projecting that on to the larger Christian community and using that as a model to follow. While he is not opposed to those who join a monastery, he is not prescribing that for Christians in general. At first reading you may think he is advocating entire separation form the world and a conviction of extreme pessimism. Our guest comments about that. He does a good job in diagnosing our world and its problems. His concern is that of protecting ourselves from the extreme secular, ungodly environment that we find ourselves in, in the western world. The disciplines seen in monastery life can be applied to our own lives in terms of limiting constant entertainment, prayer, fasting, and learning to take a break from the enslaving onslaught of technological devices. We are continually distracted and this has the effect of alienating us from the Christian life. Some areas of the book are overstated, i.e., stretched a bit. Our guest points those out. One area is the fact that there never was an ideal Christian civilization. Nevertheless some of his prescriptions indeed should have interest to us today. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Missions and the Reformation - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 3/24/2017
Missions and the Reformation

Today our guest discusses the recent Lusaka Reformation 500 Conference he attended in Zambia. Ironically it was 30 years ago that he was a prisoner at the hands of the Communists in Zambia, and now God has done a marvelous work of his grace. He discusses the problem of severe persecution of Christians at the hands of Muslims. In five years, there have been 1000 terrorist attacks and 17,000 Christians have been murdered at the hands of Nigeria's militant Islamist group Boko Haram. However, our guest sees this as an act of desperation, because in truth, the unreported story is that so many Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus Christ. Our Lord is powerfully advancing His Kingdom. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Repeal and Replace of Obamacare - Rachel Bovard and Drew Gonshorowski
Air Date: 3/18/2017
Repeal and Replace of Obamacare

A piece of legislation is in the works which replaces Obamacare. But will it pass muster with sufficient votes in Congress? This Republican plan is not all that appealing to some Conservatives. Why is that? Today on A Plain Answer, we interview two experts. Rachel Bovard is an experienced hand on Capitol Hill and is director of policy services for The Heritage Foundation. She helps us understand some of the concerns about the present bill. We also discuss the shortcomings of the present "Affordable Care Act," aka Obamacare. Indeed, Obamacare does look to be in a death spiral. We then shift gears a bit, and look at the proposed bill from a financial point of view. Drew Gonshorowski is focused on doing research and writing on the nation’s new health care law, including the repercussions for Medicare and Medicaid. He works as a policy analyst in the Center for Data Analysis at The Heritage Foundation. This is the first time on A Plain Answer that we have two guests back to back - please let us know how you like it!

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A Plain Answer: The Lost Language of Lament - Michael Card
Air Date: 3/11/2017
The Lost Language of Lament

Have you ever considered the passages of lament that are in the Bible? Many of the psalms deal with lament. A song of lament is sometimes the only appropriate expression for some situations. Certainly not all of life should be praise songs - think about it. How do you respond when there are raw, open wounds afflicted upon God's people? With praise songs? No, the Bible gives us laments. Laments structure our grief. They document the trauma, renew our identity and revive our hope. They delivery us from plasticity. We need them because they are true to the contours of existence. This A Plain Answer grew out of a sermon that was preached by Dr. Kevin Chiarot on 2/26 and here is the link: http://www.westminsterchurch-ny.org/local_church/sermons.php . Today, we talk with one of the most thoughtful Christian song writers that we know of. He is theologically sound and his lyrics are insightful to the true human condition. He has written a book on this subject: "A Sacred Sorrow: Reaching Out to God in the Lost Language of Lament." Participants: Michael Card, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Caring for Sexually-Hurting People - John Freeman
Air Date: 3/4/2017
Caring for Sexually-Hurting People

Does God care about your sexual failures? You may have an instinctual notion that what you are doing is sin, and yet it has such a strong hold in your life that you feel no power at all to change. At many times you have no desire to change, because what you are doing seems to be "fun." Today we talk with John Freeman who runs Harvest USA (see http://www.harvestusa.org/). Whether you are involved in a same-sex relation, or perhaps pornography, or maybe you are a pastor in a church with no one to talk with. This program is for you and is done with sensitivity and a caring tone. You are offered real hope and help. Participants: John Freeman, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Ordination of God - Rev. Bill Shishko
Air Date: 2/25/2017
Does God really ordain all things that come to pass?

In Ephesians 1:11 the Apostle writes: "In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,"- this week we answer a listener's good question concerning the ordination of God. The Bible teaches that God ordains all things, whatsoever comes to pass. Yet it also teaches in the Moral Law that specific sins are dead wrong - such as murder, theft, etc. How can the Bible on one hand assert the providence and Sovereignty of God and yet on the other command us to live holy lives and forsake sin? The seeming contradiction has caused some to reject the repeated biblical claim of God's sovereignty over all. Our guest is a pastor with many years of experience. He has trained other pastors at Greenville Seminary, and is now a Regional Home Missionary. He also is one of Redeemer's trusted Advisors. Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: North Korea in Perspective - Bruce Klingner
Air Date: 2/18/2017
North Korea in Perspective

Last Sunday, February 12, North Korea launched another missile. It was a Pukguksong 2 missile that is based on solid fuel and can be moved around. Today we talk with a man who worked for the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency. No confidential information is shared. Our guest gives us an analysis of North Korea and comments about their launch of this Pukguksong 2 missile. We learn about the recent assassination of the estranged half-brother of Kim Jong Un. We also look into whether Kim Jong Un is a "crazy man" or not. The answer may surprise you. We look at the extreme hacking capabilities of North Korea - this may surprise you too. Also discussed is the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system. Participants: Bruce Klingner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Comprehensive View of God's Kingdom - Dr. Cornelis Venema
Air Date: 2/11/2017
A Comprehensive View of God's Kingdom

What difference does your faith in Christ make in the basic outworking of life? The day to day stuff that you live through is profoundly affected by the faith. We are to seek the Kingdom of God as we live out the faith, and walk in the light of God's word. What about our work? Are all lines of work serving Christ? Good works flow out of a true and living faith. During part of our discussion we take a look at a time of history when atrocities were bring committed in Germany. What should have been the role of the church during this time? Participants: Dr. Cornelis Venema, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Time for Confidence - Dr. Stephen Nichols
Air Date: 2/4/2017
A Time for Confidence

Are you discouraged by the seemingly overwhelming influence of secularism? There is a sort of moral free-fall that our society is experiencing. We need to remember the message of the prophet: "Behold your God!" Our guest references the story of Chicken Little. An acorn hits chicken on the head and he runs around proclaiming that the "sky is falling." By contrast, history gives us perspective. Our guest tells the true story of Jerome and his misinterpretation of the events around him and how he died in a cave. We are reminded that God's kingdom is unshakable. Learn about Polycarp and how he stood up for the Christian faith and was martyred. The historical record mentions the leaders at the time, and mentions the reign of Christ. We can have confidence in God because He alone is sovereign. We are called to contend for the faith. Participants: Dr. Stephen Nichols, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Foundations of Modern Christian Social Thought - Dr. Jordan Ballor
Air Date: 1/28/2017
Foundations of Modern Christian Social Thought

In the last century, there were key people who influenced Christian social thought, and today we look at two of them: Leo XIII and Abraham Kuyper. For most of our listeners you may be familiar more with Kuyper than Leo, but it is good to be informed. Learn about property and stewardship. We also cover Subsidiarity and Sphere Sovereignty. Today's guest Dr. Jordan J. Ballor, is a senior research fellow at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion & Liberty, where he also serves as executive editor of the Journal of Markets & Morality. Participants: Dr. Jordan Ballor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Evangelism in the Power of the Spirit - Rev. Al Baker
Air Date: 1/21/2017
Evangelism in the Power of the Spirit

Are you struggling with sharing your faith? Sharing the good news of Christ is hard to do and you may even experience fear as you want to help your friend. Today we talk with a pastor who has the gift of evangelism, and he helps us to negotiate this important area. He also covers the situation of suicide and what helps on that front as well. Participants: Pastor Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Narrative Matters for High Crime Neighborhoods- Dr. Walter E. Williams
Air Date: 1/14/2017
Narrative Matters for High Crime Neighborhoods

We see high crime in some key cities such as Chicago, and even more locally, Newburgh, NY. The common narrative blames this high rate of crime on poverty and racial discrimination. Last year there were close to 800 homicides in Chicago alone. Yet in the 1950's this was not the case, and people were far poorer and there was more discrimination. Our guest points to the family as key to reducing crime, and not welfare. The welfare state and the coddling of criminals is hurting the cities, not helping them. Yet we see small cities, even Kingston, NY pushing to make themselves a "sanctuary city!" This is insanity. It will raise the crime rate and call for more welfare. No thinking leader would do that to its people if they really wanted to serve the law-abiding citizens. Setting up sanctuary cities is a violation of federal law. We also talk about economics - what does a free market system look like by way of a simple illustration? Participants: Dr. Walter E. Williams, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Fidel Castro and Cuba - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 1/7/2017
Fidel Castro and Cuba

How would you describe Fidel Castro's Cuba? What did he do to his country? What happened to religious freedom? Was he a leader that we should try and emulate? Are there intersections of his philosophy with that of the Progressives of today? Why did Fidel Castro not allow the average person to even go fishing in his country? What about the family which decided to harvest two mangos from their own mango tree? What did they have to do in order to protect themselves? Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Song of Solomon - Gerry Wisz
Air Date: 12/31/2016
The Song of Solomon - A Picture of Christ and His Bride

Have you ever read the Old Testament book of Song of Solomon? Well, if not, you are in for a real treat... but what does it mean? Is this only a book on love between a husband and wife? Is there something more? What does it mean in the Bible that Christians are the "Bride of Christ?" Join us for an interesting discussion with a writer who has studied this area of Biblical literature, including having lectured on it. Participants: Gerry Wisz, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christmas - God is with us! - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 12/24/2016
Christmas - God is with us!

What is the significance of Christmas? Today we talk with a seasoned pastor who labored in the Hudson Valley for many years and is now retired and yet remains very active in ministry. The season of Advent talks about both comings of Christ - the first and second Advent. Jesus was fully man and fully God from His conception in his mother's womb. On the human side, the ancestors of Jesus are traced in the books of Matthew and Luke in the New Testament. His lineage is traced back to David and even to Adam. Jesus lived a sinless life - He is the only one who ever achieved that. What does Christmas mean to us today? We are celebrating "a new creation" in Jesus Christ. This new beginning in Jesus Christ is very significant, and it gives us real hope. Immanuel is a Hebrew name which appears in chapters 7 and 8 of the Book of Isaiah. Christians believe that "God is with us" is a profound truth that finds its fulfillment in Jesus. Not only is it "God with us," but it's God is for us! Underneath us are the everlasting arms of a loving God. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christmas - A Worldwide Celebration that's Justified - Dr. Elias Medeiros
Air Date: 12/17/2016
Christmas - A Worldwide Celebration that's Justified

Christmas is more than a celebration that is limited to one nation. It is a worldwide celebration for all nations that embrace the Savior. Today we talk about this aspect of the incarnation, and also include a brief glimpse into how Brazilians celebrate the birth of our Savior. Also, what about the notion which some of the Reformation believers held: that of not celebrating Christmas? What did one of their main influencers teach? Our guest looks at a source document from a key Reformer that helps us to make a determination. Also what about the Puritans - what was the social/religious concerns which they had at the time, which caused then to not celebrate. Another insight our guest brings is noting the celebration of God the Father at the birth of Christ. For the Christian today, it is good to celebrate Christmas, consistent with the celebration of our Heavenly Father as shown in the gospels. Participants: Dr. Elias Medeiros, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Advent Reflections - Background, Calendar and Celebration - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 12/10/2016
Advent Reflections - Background, Calendar and Celebration

What is Advent all about? Is there a history to it? What of the so-called church calendar? Is it helpful? Today we talk with a pastor who is located in the Hudson Valley of NY, about the season and its significance. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Man's Total Inability and Advent - Dr. John Frame
Air Date: 12/3/2016
Man's Total Inability and Advent

What is "free will?" Do we possess it? What characterizes our free will, if left to ourselves without the sovereign interaction of God? What does it mean that God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world? These difficult concepts and others are tackled today on A Plain Answer. Our guest teaches core courses on systematic theology, apologetics, ethics and philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. Participants: Dr. John Frame, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Millennials Substituting Politics for God - Peter Burfeind
Air Date: 11/26/2016
Millennials Substituting Politics for God

Today we talk with Peter Burfeind, campus pastor at the University of Toledo and author of "Gnostic America: A Reading of Contemporary American Culture & Religion according to Christianity's Oldest Heresy." We talk about the plight of Millennials and the recent election results having a profound effect upon them. Peter explains how many Millennials essentially have a faith in politics. He ties the current reaction back to the earlier Middle Ages idea of millenarian movement in Munster, Germany. The book referenced for further study is: "The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages, Revised and Expanded Edition," by Norman Cohn. Participants: Peter Burfeind, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Thanksgiving - Its roots historically and for us personally - Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 11/19/2016
Thanksgiving - Its roots historically and for us personally

Next week is Thanksgiving in these United States. Today we take a look at the roots of Thanksgiving. What did the first celebration look like? What was the roll of the Wampanoag Indian tribe? What was the real story behind Squanto? What tribe was he from? What theology did the Puritans of that day hold? Was it biblical? How did the Pilgrims return the favor of Wampanoag assistance? Why is it important to have a belief that embraces God's sovereignty? All this and more is discussed in this Thanksgiving edition of A Plain Answer! Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Evangelism - Rev. Al Baker
Air Date: 11/12/2016
Evangelism and the Historic Christian Faith

We just came through an election, the results of which are a blessing to most Christians. However, our hope is not in a king, but rather the King of kings. It appears that God in His mercy has extended to His church some time in which to really work hard at prayer, evangelism, and discipleship. The heart of the matter is the heart of man. His sinful heart - and from that flows the issues of life. Yes, we should stay engaged in culture and continue to be salt and light. But without God miraculously changing people's hearts to love Him and in response, obey His righteous laws, there are no political results which can save our wicked nation. We must bow before the Lord, and repent of our sins. We must evangelize the lost. We must disciple the nations, starting right where we live. Of special interest in this broadcast is a discussion of the biblical doctrine of election and how it goes along with evangelistic outreach. Participants: Rev. Al Baker, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Russia - Background and Current Tensions - Dr. Earl Tilford
Air Date: 11/4/2016
Russia - Background and Current Tensions

What's going on with Russia? Seems like the "hawks" are doing some saber rattling and it is rather troubling. Today we talk Dr. Earl Tilford. He worked as Director of Research at the Strategic Studies Institute, the U.S. Army’s strategic research institute charged with looking twenty-five years into the future to approximate the strategic paradigm and then recommending force structures, strategies and weapons systems that might best-fit future national security requirements. From 1969 to 1990, he served as an Air Force intelligence officer with tours in Vietnam and at Headquarters, Strategic Air Command, where he was a nuclear targeting specialist. During his Air Force career, Tilford also served on the faculties at the Air Force Academy and the Air Command and Staff College and was editor of the Air University Review. Participants: Dr. Earl Tilford, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Reformation Riches for the Contemporary Church - David Bruins
Air Date: 10/29/2016
Reformation Riches for the Contemporary Church

Today we talk with the author of the new book: "Reformation Riches for the Contemporary Church: Liberation for Both Skeptics and Burned-Out Evangelicals." The Reformation occurred 499 years ago and its message was earth-shaking and yet beautifully simple. Why do churches today seem to downplay or even shelve the message of the Reformation? What does it mean for the gospel to come to us as an alien righteousness? Do we see a "legalism-lite" at work in some of our churches today? What does Reformation worship look like? What about calling? Participants: David Bruins, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Irony of being Pro-Woman, while promoting Abortion - Dr. John Sparks
Air Date: 10/22/2016
The Irony of being Pro-Woman, while promoting Abortion

Since 1973, there have been over 58 Million babies killed by abortion in the United States. The argument from the "Pro-woman" advocates pushes for abortion, including late term abortions, while ignoring the rights of the little girls and boys who are being summarily murdered. The mothers often do not take the time to have a sonogram so that they could see their precious little one. Hillary Clinton, the likely next President is a strong advocate of the movement to kill our offspring under the guise of a woman's rights or a woman's body, etc. She conveniently ignores the life of the child that is being killed with a knife or by suction. This is a travesty. Participants: Dr. John Sparks, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Preacher and his work - Dr. Liam Goligher
Air Date: 10/15/2016
The Preacher and his work

What is it like to be a pastor and have to prepare many sermons, shepherd the flock that God has given you, and balance the many interruptions that you face each day? Today we talk with the Senior minister at 10th Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. Participants: Dr. Liam Goligher, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Racial Reconciliation - Michael Card
Air Date: 10/8/2016
Racial Reconciliation: A closer look with songwriter and artist Michael Card

God's word teaches: "For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him." This points to a principle that's important to the Christian. Not only have believing Gentiles been grafted into the Abrahamic root, but also, there is absolutely no ground for dividing classes of people on any grounds, including race. Today we talk with song writer and musician, Michael Card. He shares with us how the Lord led him in his journey within the African American community. We discuss how relations move slowly at times, but with rich rewards. Participants: Michael Card, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: An analysis of Obamacare and our Health care system in general - Edmund Haislmaier
Air Date: 9/30/2016
An analysis of Obamacare and our Health care system in general

Wouldn't it be nice to talk with a knowledgeable person who understands the nuances of the healthcare system in the United States, and get an explanation of how the system works? What is Obamacare? What was the origin of Blue Cross and Blue Shield? How about several states by way of comparison - we talk about New York, Maryland and New Jersey. Participants: Edmund Haislmaier, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Book of Ecclesiastes - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 9/24/2016
The Book of Ecclesiastes - how to read the book

Have you ever read the book of Ecclesiastes and wondered how to interpret it? Is it merely a book that describes life without the Lord, or is it much more than that? In fact you may not understand it much at all. Don't feel bad - please join us for this discussion. Did you know you can find much joy in this book? The book is very real, and we talk about this and other aspects during this episode of A Plain Answer. Our guest has written a book on the subject as well. The title is: Shepherding the Wind: Sermons in Ecclesiastes. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Missions in America and Around the World - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 9/17/2016
Missions in America and Around the World

Yes, things are "bad" spiritually speaking, and seem to be getting worse in America. We see a profound moral decline. Many folks have more faith in government as their savior, than they do in the Sovereign God of the Scriptures. It is so easy to become depressed and distracted from what the Lord is doing as He spreads the good news and uses feeble man as His proximate means. This week we talk once again with a seasoned missionary. He has been to many parts of the world, and often in hostile areas. He has smuggled Bibles, been imprisoned and even experience some torture. He has seen war first hand. But in all this, the testimony is that God is moving is powerful ways, and the seasons of downturns always pass. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Spreading the Feast - understanding on the Lord's Supper - Dr. Howard Griffith
Air Date: 9/10/2016
Spreading the Feast - thoughts on the Lord's Supper - Dr. Howard Griffith

Today we discuss the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, more commonly known as Communion. What happens during the Supper? Is Christ present? What about our attitude and preparation for the Supper? Are children supposed to partake? How do we think about the question of how young is too young? Join us for a biblical look at this important sacrament of the church. Our guest teaches at the seminary level and has written the book "Spreading the Feast: Instruction and Meditations for Ministry at the Lord's Table." Participants: Dr. Howard Griffith, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Analysis of politics in 2016 - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 9/3/2016
Analysis of politics in 2016

Today we analyze the political scene in America without endorsing candidates. We have a moral mess on our hands in America, and on the surface it appears to only be getting worse. We interview a professor of Political Science at Grove City College. What are the backgrounds of the candidates? What about their approval ratings? How do we reach this point in American political life, of having two candidates that neither party really likes? It is a strange thing that is happening. Join us for a lively discussion. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The god of Islam vs. the God of the Bible - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 8/27/2016
The god of Islam vs. The God of the Bible - what are the differences?

Is there a substantive difference between the god of Islam and the God of the Bible? What if we lay aside all political correctness and study the source documents and understand the best of the two system's representatives? What is the answer? Today we interview a pastor, and educator who has spent time studying this topic in depth. He has taught world religion at the university level and engaged in discussions of this nature. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Ethics - Richard Maybury
Air Date: 8/20/2016
Ethics - foundations that bless a culture

Today we talk with the author of the book "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" He is publisher of U.S. & World Early Warning Report for Investors. He has written several entry level books on United States economics, law, and history. Our subject is that of ethics and how it provides some basics for reasonable society. Participants: Richard Maybury, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The American Indian - Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 8/13/2016
The American Indian

The American Indian is an important people group here in America. Today we talk with someone who has studied them in depth. Who was it that mistreated and took advantage of the Indian? What about efforts to share the gospel of Christ with the Indians? What is meant by the pejorative term: "the Great Omission?" What happened in the lives of the Pilgrims who landed in New England in 1620 and the following years? Did they take from the Indians? Did they also help them? What was the Moravian mission at Shekomeko? Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Kingdom and its Glory - Gerry Wisz
Air Date: 8/6/2016
The Kingdom and its Glory - a closer look at King David, King Solomon and King Jesus

There is much to be learned from the lives of King David and King Solomon. King David had a serious problem earlier in his reign but ended well. King Solomon started well but ended not so well. We take a look today at these two men. We also make the extension, looking at the life or our King Jesus, who is pointed to by these other two lesser kings. Participants: Gerry Wisz, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Progressive Nature of Interventionism in Economic Policy - Dr. Shawn Ritenour
Air Date: 7/30/2016
The Progressive Nature of Interventionism in Economic Policy

Is it damaging when a government controls the economy? How is money "created?" What is the Federal Reserve? Why do we need the "Fed?" Did it always exist in America? What if it were eliminated? Join us today as we take a look at foundational principles of economics. Participants: Dr. Shawn Ritenour, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: What is Socialism? - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 7/23/2016
What is Socialism?

Have you ever wondered what exactly is Socialism? A high percentage of today's Millennial generation, when polled, have a positive view of Socialism. Is this good? What do they think Socialism is? What are its roots? What are its fruits? What about people running for office, are any of them Socialists? Join us today for a lively discussion! Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Creeds and Confessions - Dr. Carl Trueman
Air Date: 7/16/2016
Creeds and Confessions - why do we need them?

What is the advantage of creeds and confessions in the Christian church? Why isn't statements like this sufficient: "No Creed by Christ, No law but love?" Find out more as we discuss this critical subject that affects the health and well being of Christ's church. Participants: Dr. Carl Trueman, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Befriending and witnessing to Muslims - Rev. Rick Anderson
Air Date: 7/9/2016
Befreinding and witnessing to Muslims

What is involved with sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with our Muslim friends? In many respects, the same challenges exist no matter what the background of the person we are talking with. However as our guest points out, there are unique cultural differences that we need to get to know and understand if we expect our interchange to be fruitful. We take a look at the Apostle Paul and how he talked with the people in a pagan city. Here are the books mentioned for followup reading: A Wind In The House Of Islam: How God Is Drawing Muslims Around The World To Faith In Jesus Christ, by David Garrison; Muslims and Christians at the Table: Promoting Biblical Understanding Among North American Muslims, by Bruce A McDowell and Anees Zaka; Reaching Muslims For Christ, by William Saal. Participants: Rev. Rick Anderson, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Declaration of Independence - Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 7/2/2016
The Declaration of Independence

What were the events leading up to the Declaration of Independence? The time frame is during the reign of King George III. He ascends to the throne at the tail end of an expensive global war. He felt that it was time for the American Colonists to help pay off some of his debt. Theologically, The founders felt that there were inalienable rights which were given by God. There is a revelation that tells us what is right and what is wrong. The founders apparently understood the biblical doctrine of man's total depravity. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Kingdom of God - Rev. Ben Miller
Air Date: 6/25/2016
The Kingdom of God

People are focusing on government and their political involvement. Is there an intersection of biblical thought with government? Today on A Plain Answer, we interview a lawyer who God called into the Christian ministry. He points out that the Bible has a lot to say about the Kingdom of God. Jesus describes it as the gospel of the Kingdom. So, how are we to think about God's invisible reign and its visible effects in this world? Does the invisible manifest itself visibly? Our guest points out that we are living in Jesus' Kingdom, and that He reigns from the Father's right hand. But what does all this mean for us? Tune in to find out! Participants: Rev. Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Father's Day and the Christian Home - Dr. Liam Goligher
Air Date: 6/18/2016
Father's Day and the Christian Home

Today we celebrate Father's Day by talking with a father of five, who is also a grandfather of nine children. He pastors a church in Philadelphia. Early on in his marriage, he and his wife decided on priorities - that God came first, then the family and then church activities. That order has served him and his wife very well. Join us for an encouraging discussion about this fundamental subject, and may God bless your family. Participants: Dr. Liam Goligher, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christian History and the Reformation - Michael Austin
Air Date: 6/11/2016
Christian History and the Reformation

Join us for a fascinating discussion with Michael Austin of Christian History Magazine. Their latest issue #118 has a title of "The People's Reformation: Religious Upheaval Leads to Radical Social Change." We take a look back at the time frame of the early 1500's and see figures such as Martin Luther, and the situation with the Roman Catholic church. Listeners will find out how to obtain links to this magazine and free hard copies. You are encouraged to support their work if you ask for a hard copy. Here is the link: https://www.christianhistoryinstitute.org/magazine/ Participants: Michael Austin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert - Dr. Rosaria Butterfield
Air Date: 6/4/2016
The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert

Our guest today describes herself this way: "When I was 28 years old, I boldly declared myself lesbian. I was at the finish of a PhD in English Literature and Cultural Studies. I was a teaching associate in one of the first and strongest Women's Studies Departments in the nation." - From the acknowledgement of the book: "The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert - an english professor's journey into christian faith." We discuss the role that friendship and biblical hospitality played in God drawing His child to Himself. Participants: Dr. Rosaria Butterfield, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Memorial Day and Sole Survivor Concerns - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 5/27/2016
Memorial Day and Sole Survivor Concerns

Do you remember the movie "Saving Private Ryan?" That movie caught the theme of four boys from one family fighting during WWII and three being killed and the subsequent effort to retrieve the last boy for a grieving mom. Today, our guest talks about various families who had multiple boys in battle during WWII. Some stories had a tragic ending, like the five Sullivan brothers who were all killed when the USS Juneau was sunk. Other stories, like that of the Bailey boys, had better endings. Our guest today is a professor of political science at Grove City College, and executive director of the college's Center for Vision and Values. The website is found at: www.visionandvalues.org. They offer a very nice mailing list that you can request. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: God's Dealings with Man through History and the Book of Galatians - Dr. David Garner
Air Date: 5/21/2016
God's Dealings with Man through History and the Book of Galatians

How does God provide for man's salvation from the early chapters of the Bible, all the way through the Old Testament and into the New? Is there a gracious design to God's plan and purpose? Is there continuity to this plan which finds its culmination in Christ? What does the phrase "The Israel of God" mean? How are we to understand the concept of "ingrafting?" Did Abraham have the gospel preached to him? Was Christ present in the Old Testament? Participants: Dr. David Garner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Parenting By God's Promises - Dr. Joel Beeke
Air Date: 5/14/2016
Parenting By God's Promises - an interview with the author

If you are a parent, have you ever considered the covenantal foundations of your relationship with your children? The Person and promise of God is at the very foundation of this relationship. How do we rear our children by faith? What about bringing children to Christ? Our author encourages us to parent using the model of Christ, and that is as prophets, priests and kings. That is, there are similarities that we can adopt in our families which will help us as parents. We take some time and look at how the Puritan family would have raised their covenant children. Participants: Dr. Joel Beeke, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Putin Sends a Message to Obama - Dr. Earl Tilford
Air Date: 5/7/2016
Putin Sends a Message to Obama

Recently, two Russian fighter jets flew within 30 feet of the USS Donald Cook, an American destroyer sailing in the Baltic Sea. Our guest this week, discusses that and a host of other issues. Dr. Earl Tilford is a military historian and fellow for the Middle East & terrorism with The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College. Participants: Dr. Earl Tilford, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: American Colonial History and the influence of Christianity - Dr. Thomas S. Kidd
Air Date: 4/30/2016
American Colonial History and the influence of Christianity

Today we are joined by Dr. Thomas Kidd of Baylor University. We look at the "soul" of America in terms of the influence of Christianity on the founding and early years of our country. Not all colonists came for religious freedom, but even those would say they are "Christian" and they read the Bible and went to church. We look at the founders and whether or not they were traditional Christians. In terms of their personal faith it was a mixed bag, and yet they pushed for the Christian values of virtue and morality. In a public sense, they would have seen Christianity as indispensable. We discuss the founders' view of man and how that folded in to their framing of the Constitution with checks and balances. What are the differences between a Constitutional Republic as compared with a Democracy? Participants: Dr. Thomas Kidd, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Passover - it's meaning and application for Christians - Rev. Rick Anderson
Air Date: 4/23/2016
Passover - it's meaning and application for Christians

What is Passover? How did it originate? This week we talk with a man who was raised in a Conservative Jewish home. He was educated in Judaism via being sent to Hebrew School after public school hours were over, and became Bar Mitzvah when 13 years old. He shares insights on the Jewish customs which surround Passover and then shows the application to the Christian today. Our guest became a follower of Jesus in his college years. Participants: Rev. Rick Anderson, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Seminary Education for Free - Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
Air Date: 4/16/2016
A Seminary Education for Free - Faithfully presenting the Historic Christian faith to many nations

Did you know there are many pastors in the world who are charged with care for a congregation, and yet their training is not adequate? Wouldn't it be nice if there were a way to train these pastors with a top rate theological education that is consistent with the Historic Christian faith? Is there an approach that would embrace the tried and tested creeds of the ancient church and the confessions of the Reformation, and thus be faithful to the Scriptures? Well, there is. And its free to the pastors. Tune in to learn about a very exciting program that is being offered in five primary language groups: English, Russian, Latin American Spanish, Mandarin, and modern Arabic. Further, it is translated into even more languages. Participants: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr., Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Missionary Pilot's life - Jeremiah Diedrich
Air Date: 4/9/2016
A Missionary's pilot's life - what does it entail?

What is involved in being a missionary pilot deep in the Amazon? How do you land a plane with so many trees? What trials do these missionary pilots face? Can you be a pilot and still have a family with small children? How does this work help spread the Kingdom of God? Participants: Jeremiah Diedrich, Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Economic development in Kingston and surrounds - Dr. Mitchell Langbert
Air Date: 4/2/2016
Economic development in Kingston and surrounds - what core principles would help us?

The economic situation in Kingston, NY has gotten worse over the years since IBM left town in 1993. In fact some of the buildings on that beautiful manufacturing and development site are being torn down. It's sad. Taxation is apparently one of the key factors in businesses leaving our area. The area has not been truly friendly to businesses but has been friendly to something else - now our welfare roll is enormous. Tune in to find out more. We are joined by Associate Professor, School of Business, Brooklyn College, who lives in this area. Participants: Dr. Mitchell Langbert, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Resurrection - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 3/26/2016
The Resurrection of Christ

What is the place that the resurrection has in the New Testament? Does Christianity hold together without the resurrection? What proof do the Gospels offer for the resurrection? Does the Old Testament teach the doctrine of the resurrection? What does the resurrection mean for the believer? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: What is Socialism? - Dr. Shawn Ritenour
Air Date: 3/19/2016
What is Socialism?

What is Socialism? Today we talk with Professor of Economics at Grove City College, Dr. Shawn Ritenour. He lays out the distinctions between Socialism, Soviet style, and Socialism, Nazi style. He explains what is so called "Democratic Socialism." Is it static, or does it move towards a more "pure" form of Socialism like in the Soviet or Nazi systems? How does it contrast with a free market approach? Participants: Dr. Shawn Ritenour, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Racial Reconciliation - Michael Card
Air Date: 3/12/2016
Racial Reconciliation

What is at the heart of racial reconciliation? Today we talk with song writer and musician, Michael Card. He shares with us how the Lord led him in his journey within the African American community. We discuss how relations move slowly at times, but with rich rewards. Participants: Michael Card, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: America faces a historical-global crossroad - Dr. Earl Tilford
Air Date: 3/5/2016
America faces a historical-global crossroad - Dr. Earl Tilford

Today we take a look at history all the way back to the Vietnam war. Our guest shows why America faces a historical-global crossroads. The need for godly, decisive leadership is dire and we will not survive much longer if we don't have such leadership, empowered by the Lord. After surveying failures of leadership spanning Vietnam to Benghazi, our guest then looks at the roots of political correctness and its renderings. Dr. Tilford is a military historian and fellow for the Middle East & Terrorism with The Center for Vision and Values at Grove City College. Formerly he was Director of Research at the US Army's Strategic Studies Institute. He is a retired Air Force Intelligence Officer. His email address for questions is: tilford@comcast.net. participants: Dr. Earl Tilford, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: LIFE Ministry to Homosexuals - Joanne Highley
Air Date: 2/27/2016
LIFE Ministry to Homosexuals - a 33 year old ministry in Manhattan

The scriptures discuss various sins: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Cor. 6:9-10 One of these sins is often in the news - homosexuality. Each of the sins are cause for counseling. While politically incorrect, today we take a look at a ministry in Manhattan which serves homosexuals, helping them with their sexual addiction. Participants: Joanne Highley, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Marriage and the family - Dr. David Ayers
Air Date: 2/20/2016
The Family - its definition and challenges today

What is the family according to God's definition? What about marriage? In practical terms, what incremental steps can you take if you find yourself in a broken family, with a complete mess on your hands? Do you know of a young person who is looking for a good college to attend which will support your Christian convictions? Perhaps Grove City is that school for your family. Our guest today is the Dean of Arts and Letters of Grove City College. Participants: Dr. David Ayers, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Thinking Cal Coolidge - Dr. L. John Van Til
Air Date: 2/13/2016
Thinking Cal Coolidge - a look at the life of our 30th president

Calvin Coolidge was our 30th president (1923-1929). Today we take a look at his life. Was he a Christian man? Was he a faithful president as measured by his adherence to the Constitution? Was he a good speaker and was he able to convince people? Was he a progressive? Our guest is a fellow for humanities, faith and culture at The Center for Vision and Values. He has authored the new book: "Thinking Cal Coolidge: An Inquiry into the Roots of his Intellectual Life." Participants: Dr. L. John Van Til, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Debate Over Climate Change - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Air Date: 2/6/2016
The Debate Over Climate Change

What are the facts about climate change? Laying aside the emotional and political influences, what do the facts show? How much has average temperatures risen since 1850? You may be shocked to learn the answer. Why is there so much air pollution in China? Is this different then climate change? For further study, here is the link to the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation: www.cornwallalliance.org Participants: Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Spiritual Stamina - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 1/30/2016
Spiritual Stamina - Dr. Peter Hammond

Today our guest is Dr. Peter Hammond and Pastor Mark Diedrich joins us. We talk with Peter about the spiritual side of working in very tough areas as a missionary. Yes, there are terrible and sometimes tortuous circumstances - but how you endure depends on the reality of Christ in your life. Peter has "pioneered missionary outreaches, including into the war zones of Mozambique, Angola and Sudan. In the course of his missionary activities, Peter has been ambushed, come under aerial and artillery bombardments, been stabbed, shot at, beaten by mobs, arrested and imprisoned." From his website at: www.frontline.org.za Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The god of Islam vs. The God of the Bible - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 1/23/2016
The god of Islam vs. The God of the Bible - what are the differences?

Is there a substantive difference between the god of Islam and the God of the Bible? What if we lay aside all political correctness and study the source documents and understand the best of the two system's representatives? What is the answer? Today we interview a pastor, and educator who has spent time studying this topic in depth. He has taught world religion at the university level and engaged in discussions of this nature. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Cold War in review, and a new, 21st century threat - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 1/16/2016
The Cold War and Communism, and the

Many of us grew up during what is called the Cold War. This was a time roughly 1947-1991 during which America had a heightened sense of threat because of the world domination goals of Communism. Some of us recall the Cuban missile crisis. Kid in school had bomb drills. The threat due to Communism is over, however there is a cultural Marxism that has been left behind and has permeated the public school system and the universities. Listen closely to see what names are associated with this radical movement. As we look now, at the 21st century, there is a "new" threat to civilization and that is radical Islam. These people want nothing less than world domination. Because of our politically correct culture, few news organizations are allowed to freely discuss the problem. It is a huge problem. Our guest is an author and professor of political science at Grove City College. He’s the executive director of The Center for Vision & Values, a Grove City College think-tank/policy center. He is also a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace at Stanford University. Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: God as Sovereign over all spheres of life - Dr. John Frame
Air Date: 1/9/2016
God as Sovereign over all spheres of life - is there anything off bounds for Jesus?

Is there any discipline of life that is off bounds for the Christian? What about education? Or how about the area of politics, or government? Are there two kingdoms, with our focus as Christians only being allowed to deal with things of a heavenly nature? Or is there really one kingdom? Join us today for a discussion of this topic with the J.D. Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary. Participants: Dr. John Frame, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Background of Osama bin Laden - Dr. L. John Van Til
Air Date: 12/31/2015
The Background of Osama bin Laden

What was the background of Osama bin Laden which led him to mastermind the Muslim attacks against the United States? What was he like? What Islamic teachings led him to such a drastic move? Is there hope for America for the future? Join us for a sort of fireside chat with a fellow for humanities, faith, & culture at The Center for Vision & Values, Grove City College. Participants: Dr. L. John Van Til, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Knox Film - Murdo MacLeod
Air Date: 12/26/2015
Knox Film - how a Christian film producer orchestrated the project

The life of John Knox is very important in terms of the Lord using Knox in the Reformation in Scotland. He was a profound reformer. In this interview we talk with a Christian film producer who realized that the 500 year anniversary of Knox was something to be celebrated and documented. Participants: Murdo MacLeod, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Advent and the church calendar - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 12/19/2015
Advent and the church calendar explained

What is Advent and why do we celebrate it? Did you know that there two aspects to the observance? What about churches that have a special schedule of readings during this time of year? Is there an advantage to that? Join us as we reflect on this wonderful time of year! Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Downside of Price Controls - Dr. Shawn Ritenour
Air Date: 12/12/2015
The Downside of Price Controls - How government intervention actually hurts people

Have you ever thought deeply about government imposed price controls? Are there negative consequences to them? What do we learn from history? Our guest today explains what happened during the Nixon administration. It is an interesting account and he has first hand experience of the pain suffered by thousands of people. Participants: Dr. Shawn Ritenour, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Spreading the Feast - Dr. Howard Griffith
Air Date: 12/5/2015
Spreading the Feast - the glory of the Lord's Supper

Today we discuss the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, more commonly known as Communion. What happens during the Supper? Is Christ present? What about our attitude and preparation for the Supper? Are children supposed to partake? How do we think about the question of how young is too young? Join us for a biblical look at this important sacrament of the church. Our guest teaches at the seminary level and has written the book "Spreading the Feast: Instruction and Meditations for Ministry at the Lord's Table." Participants: Dr. Howard Griffith, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Persecution at the hands of Islam - Raymond Ibrahim
Air Date: 11/28/2015
Persecution at the hands of Islam - in both moderate and radical areas

Today we are joined by a Middle East and Islam specialist. He discusses the persecution of Christians and other non-Muslim groups at the hands of Islam. He does a deeper dive into the teachings of the Quran, and shows why Muslims do the things they do. He discusses the status of Christians that survive and how they are treated as a second class citizen. This shocking report includes so-called moderate Muslim nations as well as the more radical areas. Some of the questions during this interview are asked by a former professor of world religion who used to teach at SUNY New Paltz. Participants: Raymond Ibrahim, Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Thanksgiving - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 11/21/2015
Thanksgiving - A look at the Psalms, the first Thanksgiving, a perspective on suffering, and thanksgiving in worship

Thanksgiving is a special holiday in the United States of America. Today we begin by reviewing Psalms 92 and 107. We talk about the first Thanksgiving, then we move to talking about suffering and loss. How do you trust God and give thanks in the midst of things like cancer? Finally, we close talking about thanksgiving in corporate worship.

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A Plain Answer: George Whitefield and his influence on America - Stephen Mansfield
Air Date: 11/14/2015
George Whitefield and his influence on America

What influence did the great Calvinist evangelist George Whitefield have on what would become the United States of America? How did Benjamin Franklin view Mr. Whitefield? Would there have been a War of Independence were it not for this man's influence? Join us for a closer look at this often ignored, but significant man of influence in our nation's history. Participants: Stephen Mansfield, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: China's one child, now two child policy commentary by film producer - Jason Jones
Air Date: 11/6/2015
China's one child, now two child policy commentary by film producer

China has had a one child policy for years now. Recently there is a move to allow two children. But are there still forced abortions? Where does this sort of thinking come from? What about population control and so-called "over population" concerns? Are they valid? Today we interview a film producer who works to tell the truth about issues affecting life. Participants: Jason Jones, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The progression from Communism to what affects our families and marriages today - Dr. Paul Kengor
Air Date: 10/27/2015
The Historical progression from Communism to what affects our families and marriages today

Is there an historical cultural connection between Communism as expressed in the Communist Manifesto, and the Progressive movement of today? The derailing of our families and marriage itself has been the goal of the old Communism for years. What of its contemporary form in 2015? Today we are joined by the author of the book: "Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage." Participants: Dr. Paul Kengor, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Evangelism - What one church is doing - Rev. David Klompien, Gerry Wisz
Air Date: 10/22/2015
Evangelism, and how one church is reaching out

What is involved in evangelism? How do we reach people with the good news of Christ, and the salvation that He offers? Join us today for a discussion about why we must do evangelism. Also how one church is reaching out, in a one-on-one manner in the public square. Here is the website referred to in this podcast: http://preaknessvalleyurc.org/ Participants: Rev. David Klompien, Gerry Wisz, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Book of Revelation, Part 1 - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 10/17/2015
The Book of Revelation, Part 1

Is there an organic and more natural way of reading and understanding the book of Revelation in the Bible? It seems so many fall prey to the temptation of forcing a preconceived idea on the book rather than letting it speak for itself. Join us today for a fascinating discussion of important book. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plan Answer: The Moral Basis of Economics -vs- Socialism - Dr. Shawn Ritenour
Air Date: 10/10/2015
The Moral Basis of Economics -vs- Socialism

Is there a biblical ethic that governs an economic system? How do the 10 commandments come into play in such a discussion? What does it mean when God says: "Thou shalt not steal?" Are governments exempted? What happens when you lust after something that someone else has? Is that wrong? Join us for what we hope, is a compelling discussion. Dr. Shawn Ritenour is professor of economics at Grove City College, and author of the book: Foundations of Economics: A Christian View. Participants: Dr. Shawn Ritenour, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The coming UN Climate Summit - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Air Date: 10/3/2015
The coming UN Climate Summit and comments from Dr. E. Calvin Beisner

UN leaders and President Obama plan to reach a binding global agreement to fight global warming. The climate summit will be held in Paris later this year. However such an agreement will bring great harm to the world's poor. It will harm poor and low income people in America as well. Why is this the case? Tune in to find out. Our guest is the spokesman for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation and is also an author and speaker on the application of the Biblical world view to economics, government, and environmental policy. He has published over ten books and hundreds of articles, contributed to, or edited, many other books, and been a guest on television and radio programs. A ruling elder in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, he has spoken to churches, seminars, and other groups around the country for nearly twenty years. Participants: Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Islamisation of countries - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 9/26/2015
The Islamisation of countries - Is it happening?

We are told that 10,000 refugees from Syria will be coming to the United States. This is a result of policy determined by the present Administration in Washington, DC. But what are the consequences of this? What does history reveal? in the past when Islam gets the upper hand, it continues to spread via the sword. If the refugees come to the U.S., what will they encounter? What of our public school system? What of the immorality from Hollywood? Our guest today, has first hand experience working with Muslims in evangelism. He also is a student of history and recounts what has happened in the past with a large influx of Muslims into nations. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Paul on Mars Hill - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 9/19/2015
Paul on Mars Hill - proclaiming God's word to pagan culture

Today we look closely at Paul on Mars Hill. We explore his approach with the pagan culture of his day. Did he compromise his Christian beliefs? Was he deeply aware of the culture to which he was speaking? Is there lessons we can learn from the Apostle as he spoke to the Athenians? Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Manly Men - Stephen Mansfield
Air Date: 9/12/2015
Being a man of God and what is involved

This week we address men specifically. We interview the author of the book: "Mansfield's Book of Manly Men." What does manhood really look like? Many young men have no father figures. Manhood is being challenged. So, how do we "do" manhood? Join us for a fascinating interview. Participants: Stephen Mansfield, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Marxism - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 9/5/2015
Marxism - how does it work out once implemented and how does it slowly take over a culture?

Today we have a serious discussion about the effects of Marxism on a society. What did Karl Marx believe and teach? At what age did he reject his Christian roots? Was he involved in the occult? What premises did he advocate for the structuring of society? Find out answers to these questions and more in today's interview with the director of Frontline Fellowship. Find out what this man did when he was captured and brought before the authorities. Was his knowledge of history useful? How close did he come to actually losing his life? Find out also, the dangerous path that we are on as America, as we more and more embrace the godless tenants and policies of the religion of Marx. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Racial Reconciliation and Lament - Michael Card
Air Date: 8/29/2015
Racial Reconciliation and Lament - spending time with Michael Card

Today we have a discussion with Michael Card. He explains not only about his song writing and guitar playing, but also covers the important area of racial reconciliation. Find out what one community did as they sought the Lord in prayer for revival and how the Lord responded. He also covers the idea of lament as he folds in the example of King David. Participants: Michael Card, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Covenant - Dr. David Garner
Air Date: 8/22/2015
The Covenant - How God deals with us graciously

The Covenant is the "glue" that ties the Bible together. The concept of the covenant is seemingly on every page of Scripture. If you want to understand how God works with His people, it is very worthwhile to study the covenant. In this episode of A Plain Answer, we interview an Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia. Here is the URL for the article referred to in the interview: http://www.alliancenet.org/placefortruth/column/sine-qua-non/fruition Participants: Dr. David Garner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Work and the Christian - Chuck Bentley
Air Date: 8/15/2015
Work and the Christian - glorifying God in every aspect of life

Work is hard and often we get discouraged at our jobs. Perhaps you have a boss who doesn't appreciate you, or who expects too much. But what is the the attitude that God wants us to have towards our work? Is there a way to glorify God by virtue of our work? What about the major problem that we have in America right now, that of the entitlement mentality? What does God have to say about those who are able to work, but are unwilling to do so, because of government handouts? Here is the link mentioned on the air for your free download of the lecture "The Essential Guide for Employment:" www.crown.org/career - See the right hand side of the page for the orange CD, fill in the fields, and download. Participants: Chuck Bentley, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Winston Churchill - Author Stephen Mansfield
Air Date: 8/8/2015
Winston Churchill - A Prime Minister used of God to preserve a people

Today we delve into the life and times of one of the great men of history - Winston Churchill. What was it about him, that helped Great Britain to stand against great odds and in the face of Naziism, to "keep calm, and carry on" and eventually win? What was the contrast between his style, vs. that of FDR? What did Churchill do to really unify the people? Our guest has authored the books: "Never Give in: The Extrordinary Character of Winston Churchill (Leaders in Action)" and also "Character and Greatness of Winston Churchill: Hero in a Time of Crisis." Both are available on Amazon. Also if you want to visit our guest's website, it is here: http://stephenmansfield.tv/ Participants: Stephen Mansfield, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Second Amendment - Larry Pratt
Air Date: 8/1/2015
The Second Amendment - It's origin, purpose and applicability for us today

The Second Amendment is part of a ten part Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. It is an extremely important right that is given to citizens. In this episode of A Plain Answer, we look at the origin and purpose of the Second Amendment. We also explore if it still applies for us today. Are there any instances in US history, where the Second Amendment enabled citizens to preserve their freedoms? Here is a link from Larry's site for the article entitled: "What Does the Bible Say About Gun Control?": https://www.gunowners.org/fs9902.htm Partipants: Larry Pratt, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Is Islam a Religion of Peace? - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 7/25/2015
Is Islam a religion of peace? What do we garner from the source documents?

We have heard it from two presidents now. "Islam is a religion of peace." Where does that sentiment come from? It certainly is a nice thing to say, especially for the millions of Muslims who are actually relatively peaceful. But what about the source documents? We hear of Jihad. Is it a fundamental part of the faith? And for the peaceful followers of Islam, do they still hope someday that the entire world will follow Sharia? Join us for a thoughtful and well informed treatment of this sensitive subject. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Family and Homeschooling - Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr.
Air Date: 7/18/2015
The Family and Homeschooling - justification for homeschooling, stories, and pointers for parents

Have you ever wondered if there is a Biblical basis for Homeschooling? How do you deal with pressure from the naysayers? What about weariness? What if you feel fear of government pressure or lawsuits? If you have ever thought about homeschooling, hopefully this interview will be of value to you. To read some of RC's blogs and listen to his podcasts, please visit his website at: http://rcsprouljr.com/ Participants: Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr., Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: State of the Union - Pastor Jeff Sanders
Air Date: 7/11/2015
Commentary on the state of our union

Are you discouraged with what's happening to our country? Many are, and it is easy to tend to just want to give up! Well, in this episode of A Plain Answer we dive a little deeper and look at some of the root causes of the moral failure in our country. The big take away is to not be discouraged and to look to Jesus Christ. He will see us through. Things will likely get worse before they get better. We must remember Who is in charge! Participants: Dr. Jeff Sanders, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Declaration of Independence - Dr. Hans Vought
Air Date: 7/3/2015
The Declaration of Independence - Events leading up to and the start of the Revolutionary war

What events led up to the Declaration of Independence? Did the colonists desire war? Was there government overreach in those days? Did the government come after the colonist's guns? Learn how the first Great Awakening profoundly influenced the colonist's thinking and behavior. After we consider the declaration and the subsequent war for independence, then we take a short look at our own situation today. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The importance of the church and her relation to society - Dr. George Grant
Air Date: 6/26/2015
The importance of the church and her relation to society

The church is the body of Christ, His Bride. Christ died for Her. How important is this church? Very. Join us today for an in depth discussion of the church. We also cover the church's extension outward to the world. Jesus promises us that the gates of hell will not prevail against the progress of the church. We believe it with all our hearts. Participants: Dr. George Grant, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Father's Day - Rev. Ben Miller
Air Date: 6/18/2015
Father's Day - A celebration of our Dads

All of us have fathers. Some of us are fathers. What does the Bible have to say about fatherhood? Are there parallels that can be made with our Heavenly Father? How is a father supposed to treat his sons and daughters? What about how he is to treat the Mom in the home? Please join us for an encouraging look at fatherhood. Participants: Pastor Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Islam - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 6/13/2015
Islam - a calm analysis of its precepts and practices

This week we carefully take a look at Islam and attempt to understand its origins and the practices of its founder Mohammed. Our guest today has taught world religions at the university level for many years. What is Jihad? What is the difference between the so called Greater Jihad and the Lesser Jihad? What were the practices of Mohammed? Did he institute holy war? What is the Hadith? Are there different sects within Islam? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Local Government for the Glory of God - Dr. Joel McDurmon
Air Date: 6/6/2015
Local government for the glory of God - civil magistrates serving Christ

What can you do when there is federal overreach? If your liberties are taken away, is there a legitimate way to intervene and one that is God-honoring? What did the Apostle Paul mean when he described the civil magistrate as a being God's minister to you for good? What if we affected our local area for good and obeyed God in a bottom's up approach? Wouldn't that be much better and bring glory to God? Join us for this discussion with American Vision's Director of Research. Find out about a helpful book for further study that addresses education, welfare, local government, taxation, the free market, the courts and executive power - all from a biblical view point. The book is entitled "Restoring America One County at a Time." Participants: Dr. Joel McDurmon, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Common Core - Dr. Gary North
Air Date: 5/30/2015
Common Core and one alternative

What is Common Core? The Common Core State Standards Initiative touts it as “a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA).” That definition sounds very attractive. But is there more? What lies beneath the surface? Join us for a discussion of Common Core and an alternative educational model. We learn about a powerful new online home school curriculum. For a link to the website, please copy and paste this URL: http://www.ronpaulcurriculum.com/ . Dr. Gary North serves as the Director of Curriculum Development for this project. Participants: Dr. Gary North, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Greatness of the Great Commission - Dr. Peter Hammond
Air Date: 5/21/2015
The Greatness of the Great Commission - evangelism is the first step, but what's next?

Dr. Peter Hammond is a missionary with Frontline Fellowship. He has worked inside the war zones of Mozambique, Angola and Sudan. He often travels by off road motorbike as he delivers many Bibles to persecuted Christians in Africa and Eastern Europe. Dr. Hammond has been ambushed, come under aerial and artillery bombardments, been stabbed, shot at, beaten by mobs, arrested and imprisoned. Today we talk about an aspect of the Great Commission that you may have never considered - even in all your years in a Bible believing church. Join us for an inspiring interview! Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Armed Forces Day - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 5/16/2015
Armed Forces Day - How the Bible applies to the military

Is it legitimate for a Christian to serve in the armed forces? How does a young person who is serving in the military deal with their emotions and spiritual life if they are engaged in deadly combat? What is Sphere Sovereignty? Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Restoring All Things - John Stonestreet
Air Date: 5/9/2015
Restoring All Things - an interview with John Stonestreet

Are you getting weary of all the bad news in this country? In the face of the moral deterioration in America, we have real hope. Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, and that changes everything. Christ is reconciling the world unto Himself. This week's guest explains the Christian perspective on our broken world and encourages us to have a part in working on solutions. For further reading, visit www.breakpoint.org. Also the book referenced is "Restoring All Things." Participants: John Stonestreet, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Pastoral Perspectives - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 5/2/2015
Pastoral Perspectives - leisure, worship, baptism, the Lord's Supper, environmentalism, and training children

Today we sit down with a seasoned pastor and listen as he reflects on some important matters. We think about the busyness of our age and the need for leisure. That leads to thoughts about worship, including the sacraments. We then think about the contrast with worshiping other things, such as the earth. Finally we discuss children and the need for training them. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Federal Reserve - Dr. Shawn Ritenour
Air Date: 4/25/2015
What is the Federal Reserve?

What is the Federal Reserve? Does it serve a useful purpose and who controls it? Does the Federal Reserve help preserve a free market? Did we always have a Federal Reserve? Are there any disadvantages to having such a construct? Our guest today is professor of economics at Grove City College and has authored the book: "Foundations of Economics: A Christian View." Also referenced during the interview is a website with more information - please see: www.mises.org. Another book for further education is: "The Ethics of Money Production," by Jörg Guido Hülsmann. The book is available as a PDF and also for ordering. Participants: Dr. Shawn Ritenour, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Faithfulness in Worship and Vocation - Rev. Ben Miller
Air Date: 4/18/2015
Faithfulness in Worship and Vocation: How God uses our experiences for His good to bear fruit

Is God at work in your life? It may not feel like it, but He really is, and we need to learn to be patient. The Bible takes a long range view of things. Today we often can get discouraged as we watch the evening news, digesting the latest terrorist tragedy. But isn't there an ebb and flow in history? In the past there were enormous pagan world powers which trampled underfoot the Christians. But with time, God is redeeming the world to His glory! Dear friend, be encouraged and think about adopting a more long-term perspective. How is your "mood?" Join us for some challenging thoughts in this regard, which affects your children's future. Participants: Rev. Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Religious Freedom Restoration Act - Attorney Mike Farris
Air Date: 4/11/2015
Understanding the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)

What is the controversy surrounding the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act? Is it true that the state enactment has substantially the same content as the federal version? Who signed the original federal bill? Do you know who came up with the name (RFRA)? Why do we need RFRA if we have the First Amendment? Does RFRA authorize discrimination against same-sex couples? What is the difference between a Christian establishment serving a same-sex couple in a restaurant and baking a cake for their marriage ceremony? Our guest is often heard on "Home School Heartbeat" and is Chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association. He has served as lead counsel in the US Supreme Court, as well as on eight federal circuit courts and the appellate courts of thirteen states. For more information see: http://www.hslda.org/ and do a search on the letters "RFRA." Participants: Mike Farris, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: God's Righteousness -vs- Man's Righteousness - Dr. Edd Cathey
Air Date: 4/4/2015
God's Righteousness vs. Man's Righteousness

Do you feel increasing pressure to conform to the standards of this world? That is, pressure to "measure up" as it were, to someone else's law, but not the law of God? We are told how to think so that we become politically correct and diverse in accordance with the precepts of the religion of secular humanism. But what about God? Do His righteous standards count? Of course they do! In this episode of A Plain Answer, we look at the contrast and explore how God wants us to view this important area. Participants: Dr. Edd Cathey, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Stewardship of Creation - Dr. Cal Beisner
Air Date: 3/28/2015
The Stewardship of Creation - Godly dominion and care for the poor

Modern man has much to say about our relation to the earth. A whole movement has developed called Environmentalism. But there are many conflicting reports. You sometimes wish there were an honest authority who would come forward and help us sort through all the talk. What about the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament? Does God give us His perspective on this area? Does He lay down guidelines that help us to see what our role should be in all this? What about the claims that man is destroying the environment by producing too much carbon dioxide? Does the science support this claim? Are climate change policies helpful? What about the poor in countries - what is one of their greatest physical needs? Is a clean environment a costly good? Our guest is the founder and national spokesperson for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. For further study, their website is here: http://www.cornwallalliance.org/ Participants: Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Christian Sabbath - Rev. Bill Shishko
Air Date: 3/21/2015
The Christian Sabbath - A true delight of soul

What is the Christian Sabbath? Since the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christians have been meeting for worship on the first day of the week. The day is transformed, and yet the Sabbath is a creation ordinance, and is part of the Ten Commandments. Is it still appropriate for God's people to set one day aside for rest, worship and general well being? What did Jesus mean when He said that the Sabbath was made for man? Do you find that you are wearing yourself out with constant activity? Burn out is common. Why not listen to the words of Jesus and implement the Lord's day refreshment into your life? Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Sexual Wholeness - Mike Kozlarek
Air Date: 3/14/2015
Sexual Wholeness - Holiness of body and mind

Pornography addiction is a serious problem and affects many people. Sexually compulsive behavior is much more common than you may realize. Both men and women are affected. 90% or more of college age men are using pornography. Our guest works with the Navigators, and has extensive experience in helping college age kids overcome their sexual addictions. We must avoid sexual immorality, and accountability partners are suggested. Participants: Mike Kozlarek, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The UN and Agenda 21 - Dr. Mitchell Langbert
Air Date: 3/6/2015
The UN and Agenda 21 - how they affect local planning

What is Agenda 21? What is the UN talking about when they promote "sustainable development?" Is it true that the United States funds the lion's share of the UN budget, and yet only has one vote? Most of the government members of the UN are totalitarian governments and are opposed to free market capitalism. But what about Agenda 21? We have the tendency to ask ourselves: "How could policy at the UN level possibly flow down to our local towns?" Well, as surprising as it is, it is happening. Find out more and feel free to contact us with questions, using our email address: ministry@redeemerbroadcasting.org . Participants: Dr. Mitchell Langbert, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: On Knowing - Dr. Edd Cathey
Air Date: 2/23/2015
On Knowing - the Biblical basis of knowledge

How do we know anything? How do we know God? Suppose someone is not a believer, and is struggling over the person of Christ. Perhaps he has ridiculed the faith in the past. What if this person were to bring the person of Christ before his own personal judgment bar? Would he not have to lift himself up such that he is at least equal to God, or perhaps a little higher than God, in order to make a judgment concerning His existence? It was Van Til who gave us the analogy of autonomous man taking a "swipe" at God, but only being able to do that from the vantage point of sitting on his lap. Our guest directs us first, to Colossians 3:5-10, and the two different kinds of knowledge. Join us for an interesting discussion. Participants: Dr. Edd Cathey, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: What is the free market? - Dr. Shawn Ritenour
Air Date: 2/21/2015
The Free Market - what is it, and do we have one in America?

You have heard the term "Free Market" bandied about, but what is it really? Here is a definition that our guest suggests: "A free market is a vast network of voluntary exchange. It manifests itself in a division of labor, and exists under the legal institution of private property." After discussing what a free market really looks like, our guest answers the question of whether or not we have one here in America. For future inquiry we recommend our guest's book: Foundations of Economics: A Christian View." Also for excellent reading on the free market, we recommend the Mises Institute, found online at mises.org. Finally, check out the DVD series: "Economics for Everybody" - available on Amazon. Participants: Dr. Shawn Ritenour, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Response to the National Prayer Breakfast Remarks - Dr. John Vance
Air Date: 2/14/2015
The National Prayer Breakfast remarks - a response

At the recent National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama made some comments that have caused concern in the Christian community. The President used inflammatory language that implied a moral equivalency between the Christian Crusaders and the modern Islamic terrorists, in particular, ISIS. In this episode of A Plain Answer we look at the Crusades and quote some of the best historians who are experts on the Crusades. We also briefly discuss the Inquisition and slavery. Our guest is the former Senior Pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church, and also used to teach world religions at SUNY New Paltz. He helps us sort out the rhetoric and make sense of the facts. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Book of Ecclesiastes - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 2/7/2015
The Book of Ecclesiastes - how to read the book

Have you ever read the book of Ecclesiastes and wondered how to interpret it? Is it merely a book that describes life without the Lord, or is it much more than that? In fact you may not understand it much at all. Don't feel bad - please join us for this discussion. Did you know you can find much joy in this book? The book is very real, and we talk about this and other aspects during this episode of A Plain Answer. Our guest has written a book on the subject as well. The title is: Shepherding the Wind: Sermons in Ecclesiastes. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Abortion discussion - Rev. Richard Kuiken
Air Date: 1/31/2015
Abortion - a recap and alternatives

Today on A Plain Answer we review the travesty of abortion. Did you know that the abortion clinics are most often located in neighborhoods which have a high percentage of minorities? What are the alternatives to abortion? How can Christians show the love of Jesus Christ to women who have an unwanted pregnancy and is considering having an abortion. Hear first-hand, how a local church has helped these women in tangible ways. Participants: Rev. Richard Kuiken, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Dealing with the loss of loved ones - Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr.
Air Date: 1/24/2015
Working through the loss of loved ones

Have you lost a loved one? What about the seeming tension between being sad, and resting in the sovereignty of God? Are they mutually exclusive? Today our guest explains that joy is the settled conviction that God is able, and that God is for us. What about responding to others who have lost a loved one? Are you not sure of what to say? Are you uncomfortable? How are we to respond? Finally, how can Word and Sacrament become a healing balm for the people of God in the midst of their profound loss? Join us for a heart-felt discussion on this important topic. Participants: Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr., Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Baptism of Jesus - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 1/17/2015
The Baptism of Jesus - Why it was important

Does it strike you as a little odd, that our Lord Jesus was baptized by John? In the gospel of Mark, the narrative begins with this baptism as he describes the gospel. Certainly there must be something very important about this event. Join us for a revealing discussion about the gospel as it is tied to this baptism. Learn about the Trinity, the sacramental gospel, the historical gospel and even the eschatological gospel. Learn how there is an aspect to Jesus such that he is the new Adam, the new Noah, the new Moses, and the new Israel. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Common Core and an alternative - Dr. Gary North
Air Date: 1/10/2015
Common Core - it's genesis, goals, problems and a workable alternative

What is Common Core? The Common Core State Standards Initiative touts it as “a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA).” That definition sounds very attractive. But is there more? What lies beneath the surface? Join us for a discussion of Common Core and an alternative educational model. We learn about a powerful new online home school curriculum. For a link to the website, please copy and paste this URL: http://www.ronpaulcurriculum.com/ . Dr. Gary North serves as the Director of Curriculum Development for this project. Participants: Dr. Gary North, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Studying the book of Revelation - Rev. Bill Spanjer
Air Date: 1/3/2015
Studying the book of Revelation - The Dwaarkill Study Center

Have you ever felt a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of studying the book of Revelation? Question: Is it a book predominantly tied to the latest newspaper stories, or is it much more? What are one the keys to understanding the book? In this episode of A Plain Answer, we learn about an upcoming study series for those who cannot afford to attend college (time and money), but who want something more challenging than a Sunday School class. The Dwaarkill Study center is headquartered in Pine Bush, NY and is run by a number of godly men who are trained in teaching Bible, theology, philosophy, apologetics and culture. An upcoming course is offered to the public and is being held at Good Will church in Montgomery. For more information and to sign up for the course, please visit: http://www.dwaarkill.org/ Participants: Rev. Bill Spanjer, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Trusting Christ in the coming new year - Rev. Jonathan Shishko
Air Date: 12/24/2014
Trusting Christ in the New Year - an interview with a young pastor

As we look at the prospect of a new year, perhaps you have fears. You may have physical ailments, or have suffered the loss of a loved one. In this episode of A Plain Answer, we talk with a pastor who ministers in Queens, NY. His church is a smaller and more recent church plant. People come to the church from all walks of life and from varied racial backgrounds. There is unity for these brothers and sisters because of what Christ has done in their lives. The New Year 2015 is just about here. We can be hopeful if our trust is in the God who is over all of history, including this New Year. Participants: Pastor Jonathan Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christmas and persecuted Christians - Dr. George Grant
Air Date: 12/20/2014
Christmas and persecuted Christians - How to help

We have brothers and sisters around the world who are in dire circumstances. In one town in northern Iraq, there are about 1 Million people in refugee camps. In 2014, the persecution of Christians around the world was more brutal and intense than at any other time in the history of the church. The actions of the ISIS terror rebels have been absolutely torturous. Kurdistan, very nearly the last sanctuary for Christians in the Muslim Middle East, is now under siege by the Ji'hadi terrorist forces of ISIS. More than a million refugees from the rest of Iraq and Syria are now threatened--along with the dynamic Kurdish Christian communities. The Nuun Fund has been established to speed urgently needed resources to our friends at the Classical School of the Medes in the cities of Erbil, Dohuk, and Sulaymaniyah. To help in this particular effort, the link is here: https://www.crowdrise.com/NuunFund Share this podcast with others. Participants: Dr. George Grant, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Sovereignty of God in Christmas - T.M. Moore
Air Date: 12/12/2014
The Sovereignty of God in Christmas - perspectives on Christmas and the Christian faith

When we think about Christmas, we often think about the baby Jesus in the manger. But as wonderful as that is, there is much more involved in the birth of Christ. There were many events that providentially came together that made this just the right time - or as the Apostle Paul would write: "...In the fullness of time." We look at the scope of Divine Sovereignty, and the genealogies involved. We also talk about the difference between a bogus sovereignty and real sovereignty as it is found in God. Also, what about politics? How does that tie into the sovereignty of God in Christmas? For further study here is the link to the Colson Center and this Viewpoint series: http://www.colsoncenter.org/the-center/columns/viewpoint Participants: T.M. Moore, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Advent and why we celebrate it - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 12/6/2014
Advent and why we celebrate it

The beginning of Advent was this past Sunday (11/30). One question is, why do we celebrate this at this time of the year? Also why do we celebrate in a cyclical manner each year? Is there a rationale for the church year? Is there an inevitability regarding some kind of ordering the church year? Join us as we explore these questions and others. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Shepherding a Child's Heart - Dr. Tedd Tripp
Air Date: 11/29/2014
Shepherding a Child's Heart - a discussion with Dr. Tedd Tripp

Dr. Tedd Tripp wrote a book on parent's raising their children some years ago and it was entitled: Shepherding a Child's Heart. Today we have the opportunity to talk with Dr. Tripp. How important is the gospel to parenting? What are some of the biggest threats to the Christian home? Join us for an insightful discussion. Participants: Dr. Tedd Tripp, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Thanksgiving - Dr. Hans Vought and Pastor Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 11/22/2014
Thanksgiving - a review of how this celebration developed

What were some of the events leading to the establishment of a day of Thanksgiving here in America? What do the original source documents have to say about the Pilgrim's belief in God and His providence? Are there other records which tell of the God-focused emphasis that are part of America's history? Join us for an interesting discussion of this more important American celebration. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Pastor Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Forgotten 10th Commandment - Chuck Bentley
Air Date: 11/15/2014
The Forgotten 10th Commandment and finances

Today we take a closer look at how the Bible applies to our finances. The 10th Commandment says: "You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's." This has direct application in our lives as the people of God. In the interview we mention the video series "God Provides." Here is the link to that video for small groups or personal study: http://www2.crown.org/godprovides/ Participants: Chuck Bentley, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Parables of Jesus - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 11/6/2014
The Parables of Jesus, and a parable about parables

Jesus often taught in parables. Did you know that there is one that is considered a "parable about parables?" In Matthew 13 we learn that to some are given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to others it was not given. What is this talking about? We also discuss the person of Jesus and how His actions are quite surprising to our often uninformed way of looking at biblical truth. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Restoration of the sinning brother - Rev. Bill Shishko
Air Date: 10/31/2014
Restoration of the sinning brother and Galatians 6

Does scripture instruct us how to deal with restoration of the sinning brother? What do we do with a person how had fallen? Ideally restoration is in order. Galatians 6 contains some helpful guidance. Our guest takes some time to explain the translation of this text from the original and highlights some nuances of the text. Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Offended Brother - Rev. Bill Shishko
Air Date: 10/25/2014
The Offended Brother - how to handle

How do you deal with someone who has offended you? What if your feelings have really been hurt. What if the other person has talked behind your back? There is a plan laid out for us in Scripture on how to handle these cases. Join us for a helpful discussion. Matthew 18:15-17 is a key text. Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Generational Discipleship - Rev. Ben Miller
Air Date: 10/18/2014
Generational Discipleship - How do we raise Christian children?

Are you concerned for your children that they grow up to be followers of Christ? How is this done? What should be your perspective as you approach this all important task? How do we view our children? Do children born to Christian parents have a special relation to the church and to Christ? Participants: Rev. Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Pornography - Part II - how to gain victory over it - Rev. Bill Shishko
Air Date: 10/11/2014
Pornography, it's seriousness, and how to gain victory over it

Allowing pornography in any form, is not consistent with the Spirit-filled Christian life. It is very destructive to your life and home and can be seen as a sort of spiritual terrorism for the Christian. Join us for a pastoral discussion of this important subject and how to gain a victory over this sin. Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: As ISIS approaches Baghdad - an update from Canon Andrew White
Air Date: 10/4/2014
As ISIS approaches Baghdad - an update from Canon Andrew White

Canon Andrew White is sometimes referred to as the Vicar of Baghdad. He has been serving in the city as pastor of St. George's church. Of grave concern is the advance of the Islamic State to a mere one mile away from Baghdad. The concern is that ISIS has been systematically killing anyone who does not abide by Sharia law. Christian churches have been burned, Christians have fled and many more have been brutally killed by the radical Muslims. In this interview we learn of the calling by God of a pastor as well as details of the work in Baghdad. Canon White set up the local medical clinic in addition to his pastoral duties. His church has bomb blast walls and has been bombed 5 times int he past 3 years. The imminent danger is due to the Islamic State that is now on his doorstep. Please pray for our dear brother. He currently has about 35 soldiers caring for him and cannot place one foot outside his compound. In this episode of A Plain Answer, our Maryland Public Affairs Director conducts the interview. Participants: Canon Andrew White, Craig Poland.

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A Plain Answer: Children in a Christian Home - Rev. Doug Wilson
Air Date: 9/27/2014
Children in a Christian Home - How we are to view them?

Are the children born into a Christian home the same as the children of any secular home? As a believer in Christ, how can I know that my children are going to turn out to love and serve God? Parents want to give their children good things - especially the good thing of covenant faithfulness. Please listen closely to this interview if you are concerned about raising a godly offspring. Participants: Rev. Doug Wilson, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Pornography - Part 1 - Rev. Bill Shishko
Air Date: 9/20/2014
Pornography - An issue to be dealt with

Pornography may not seem like a problem for Christians, but it is. Pornography is not only a problem for men either. This is a huge industry and we see a profound desensitization within our society. Outlets for such filth have now entered our homes via R-rated movies and the internet. How do we deal with this area? The gospel is God's power unto salvation and its power is much greater than that of Satan's. So, it is a problem; it is rampant, and yet God is greater than this problem. What are the biblical directives? Towards the end of this discussion are also listed resources for further help. Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Vicar of Baghdad and Islamic Terrorists - Canon Andrew White
Air Date: 9/12/2014
The Vicar of Baghdad speaks regarding the Islamic terrorists and the Christians in Baghdad

Imagine going to church on Sunday and being frisked as you came into the church building. What if your church was built with blast walls to protect against Islamic terrorists seeking to kill your people? Imagine having your church bombed five times in the last three years. What is the perspective of a key Christian leader in Baghdad regarding ISIS and their tortuous ways? ISIS is Islamic, contrary to President Obama's assertion to the contrary, and ISIS is being consistent with the words written in the Koran (aka Qur'an). Join us for an interesting interview with a pastor of the largest church in Baghdad. The Christian is called upon to love our enemies. Hear a story of a founder of Hamas that the Lord changed. So far however, no one of ISIS has yet changed. The Christians are being slaughtered because of their love for Jesus. Canon White asks us to pray for: Protection, Provision, Perseverance, and Peace. Participants: Canon Andrew White, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Responding to the crisis in Iraq - Sean Malone
Air Date: 9/6/2014
Responding to the crisis in Iraq - what one ministry is doing

There are 1.6 million people displaced in Iraq due to the genocidal military campaign of ISIS, and the conflict in Syria. Over 100,000 Christians who fled Mosul have sought refuge in the Christian quarter of Erbil. Roughly 400,000 Muslims are scattered outside the city, with no help at all because nearly every relief organization has left the area. Join us for this timely discussion and find out what you can do to help. Participants: Sean Malone, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How to Read the Bible - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 8/30/2014
How to Read the Bible

Have you ever approached the Bible and asked yourself the question: "How does God want me to read this book?" What is the Bible? What is the purpose of the Bible? Is the Bible meant to be read primarily in isolation? What about in community? Are there different genres evident in the Bible? Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Education - Rev. Bill Spanjer
Air Date: 8/23/2014
Education - Bringing every thought captive to Christ

What is a key goal of education? Is there a foundation for a good education? Is education only related to learning data and facts, and then being able to pass tests? Join us as we talk with one of the teachers at Chapel Field Christian School for a refreshing discussion of education. Participants: Rev. Bill Spanjer, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: World War I follow-up and beyond - Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 8/16/2014
World War I follow-up and beyond

In this follow-up episode we review the time frame of the United States getting involved in the war. Then finally, how the war was closed out. What were the restraints that were placed on Germany and how did that all work out? What is Communism and Marxism? We also review the tremendous technological advances evident in the early 20th century. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: World War I - Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich
Air Date: 8/9/2014
World War I - Its beginnings, alliances and execution

The anniversary of the start of WWI was July 28 of last month. In this episode of A Plain Answer, we look at why the war started and the alliances involved. WWI was called "The Great War" at the time, and it was perceived as the war to end all wars. Obviously it didn't. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Why Preaching is vital in the life of the church - Dr. Liam Goligher
Air Date: 8/2/2014
Preaching - why it is vital in the life of the church

Why is preaching important? In this episode of A Plain Answer we interview the Senior minister of Historic 10th Presbyterian church in Philadelphia. Our topic is on preaching. Our guest reviews the fact that God talks. He communicates to us via his word the Bible, and that word is meant to be heard. When we hear the preacher, we are hearing a living voice speak to us and the message comes from God who is living. We hear the human voice of the preacher. We also review the fact that the office of the preacher is analogous to the office of the prophet. The preacher re-speaks God's word to the people. The preacher serves the role of a "herald," in this work. We also discuss the modern day tendency of preaching becoming very conversational. The modern change has taken it from being a proclamation, to a conversation. We do not see this as positive. Also addressed is the doctrine of the church as it is gathered for worship. Preaching can be a high point of that worship as God's people are assembled together. Finally in the interview we hear a personal testimony of how God called a man to be a minister of the gospel and to preach. Questions regarding this important topic of preaching can be addressed to lgoligher@tenth.org. Participants: Dr. Liam Goligher, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Review of three books - Dr. George Grant
Air Date: 7/26/2014
A review of three books on Margaret Sanger, Christopher Columbus and America's Independence

This week we have a book review on three topics: Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood; Christopher Columbus the 15th Century navigator/explorer, and America's independence which took place in the 1770's timeframe. Three books are reviewed, and the salient features considered for each. Participants: Dr. George Grant, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Elder selection and organic officer training - Rev. Bill Shishko
Air Date: 7/19/2014
Elder selection and organic officer training

How does the church select its elders? And what is "organic officer training?" In this edition of A Plain Answer we review four key conditions that should be positively identified before a man is ordained to be an elder: 1) There has to be a desire in a man for the work of oversight. 2) There have to be the graces that the Scriptures require. 3) The man must possess the gifts to do the job. 4) Finally there has to be recognition by the congregation that a man has these gifts/graces. Please join us for a soul searching and helpful treatment of this timely subject. If you have a question for Pastor Bill Shishko about the matter of elders, please feel free to email him. His address is: shishko.1@opc.org. Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Medical Missions to Nicaragua - Dr. Frank Imbarrato
Air Date: 7/12/2014
Medical Missions to Nicaragua - Helping those in need with the love of Christ

What happens on a missions trip that has a medical/evangelical focus? In a recent trip to Nicaragua did you know that there were a total of 48 people who went to help others? Indeed, 10 doctors, 6 nurses, 2 pharmacists, 5 dentists and the rest were logistical support people - all these went with love in their hearts to help those in need. One of the young people from a local church joined in, and found that this experience was just wonderful. Medical missions not only deals with medicine but also sports evangelism with the teenagers in Nicaragua. High quality Study Bibles are given to Pastors there. Why would Christians want to take their time, resources, etc, and do this sort of thing? One of the driving reasons comes from the Lord Himself: "And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen." Matthew 28:18-20. To contact Dr. Frank - his email address is: fimbarratomd@gmail.com. To contact the Christian Medical and Dental Association so that you can support this effort, that website is at: www.cmda.org. Participants: Dr. Frank Imbarrato, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Ministering to the prisoner - Bruce Hempel, Jake Jacobsen
Air Date: 7/5/2014
Ministering to the prisoner - How God is working through Kairos

Have you ever wondered how to minister to men who are in prison? Our Lord said: "for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.' Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.'" Matthew 25:35-40 Kairos is a prison ministry and is looking for volunteers - perhaps this is a venue in which you could serve. Participants: Bruce Hempel, Jake Jacobsen, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Officers in the church - Rev. Bill Shishko
Air Date: 6/27/2014
Officers in the church - how God blesses a congregation through imperfect servant leaders

Have you ever wondered about how a church is led? What are elders and what requirements has God set in place for these men? Are they perfect? What character qualities should they possess? Does the Bible teach a plurality of elders, or a one-man-rule? Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Reaching out in today's world - Rev. Jonathan Shishko
Air Date: 6/21/2014
Reaching out in today's world - impacting a 3 mile radius in Queens for God's glory

How do you affect a 3 mile radius of people in Queens NY with the gospel of Christ? One way is to have a "BBQ and A"! That is, a Barbecue Question and Answer. This outreach is a part of Reformation Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Queens. The church has their normal Sunday worship service, and then on select Sunday afternoons in August, they go to the park, brings lots of food and just serve people in the love of Christ. After the feasting, is a short sermon of 10 to 15 minutes, following by a time of Q and A for as long as it takes. Reformation meets at the Fresh Meadow School – Public School 173, 174-10 67th Avenue, Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 . Also in this discussion is a personal testimony from this younger pastor of how the Lord called him to full time ministry. It is a fascinating account. Participants: Rev. Jon Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Father's Day - Rev. Ben Miller
Air Date: 6/12/2014
Father's Day - what is a father and how does the Bible instruct him?

All of us have fathers. Some of us are fathers. What does the Bible have to say about fatherhood? Are there parallels that can be made with our Heavenly Father? How is a father supposed to treat his sons and daughters? What about how he is to treat the Mom in the home? Please join us for an encouraging look at fatherhood. Participants: Pastor Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Second Amendment - John Whitehead
Air Date: 6/7/2014
The Second Amendment - some rational thoughts from a constitutional attorney

What was the intent of the 2nd amendment? This is part of our Bill of Rights here in America. What about the claim that there is a militarization of police forces occurring in our land? Is there any hope of changing things at the federal level? Are there stories of swat teams entering people's homes and killing innocent civilians? The accounts in this interview may surprise you. Participants: John Whitehead, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Ascension - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 5/31/2014
The Ascension of Jesus Christ- why it matters

What is the significance of the ascension of Christ? Ascension Day was this past Thursday and some churches celebrated it with a special mid-week Ascension service. Also this Sunday some churches will give special attention to this theme in their preaching. The Ascension itself is an act of triumph and victory. The glory of Christ's ascension is that we now have a Prophet, Priest and King enthroned in the heavens, and our risen Lord is now accessible to all men everywhere. The ascension marks the inauguration of a new order. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Volunteerism - Tom Planz
Air Date: 5/24/2014
Volunteerism - How it works in the Olive Fire Department in upstate New York

What's it like to be a volunteer fireman? Why do people volunteer their time to such an immense responsibility? Can anyone join the local fire department? What if you don't know anything about fighting a fire? Find out more about this interesting topic, and while the interview is local to the Town of Olive, it covers many principles that apply to other rural areas. Participants: Tom Planz, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Marriage - Rev. Ben Miller
Air Date: 5/17/2014
Marriage - what is God's perspective?

What is marriage all about? If we look beyond the modern rhetoric and debates about marriage, can we find out what God actually thinks about it? Also, what responsibility did God give to mankind from the early days as documented in the book of Genesis? Did you know that God delights in differences, that is diversity? What about the modern ideology that frames men and women as having power over one another, rather than a biblical view of mutual submission and love? This is a breakthrough perspective that really will bring peace to your life. Learn more about the biblical perspective on marriage in this edition of A Plain Answer. Our guest is pastor of Trinity Church on Long Island (http://trinitychurchlongisland.com/). For questions, feel free to contact Pastor Miller at 631-629-4528. Participants: Rev. Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Scripture and Tradition - Dr. Kevin Chiarot
Air Date: 5/10/2014
Scripture and Tradition - How are we to understand

What is the relationship between scripture and tradition? What did the Protestant Reformation teach about Sola scriptura? What is the difference between "Sola" and "Solo" scriptura? How was the canon of scripture determined? Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Local government for the glory of God - Dr. Joel McDurmon
Air Date: 5/3/2014
Local government for the glory of God - civil magistrates serving Christ

What can you do when there is federal overreach? If your liberties are taken away, is there a legitimate way to intervene and one that is God-honoring? What did the Apostle Paul mean when he described the civil magistrate as a being God's minister to you for good? What if we affected our local area for good and obeyed God in a bottom's up approach? Wouldn't that be much better and bring glory to God? Join us for this discussion with American Vision's Director of Research. Find out about a good resource for further study that addresses education, welfare, local government, taxation, the free market, the courts and executive power - all from a biblical view point. Participants: Dr. Joel McDurmon, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Medical missions to Macedonia
Air Date: 4/26/2014
Medical Missions to Macedonia - God building His kingdom through doctors ministering in love to others

God is working in this world, and one place is in Macedonia. Christian doctors ban together to minister the love of Jesus Christ to those with medical needs. People are served and educated, and God is glorified! In our discussion today we cover a recent missions trip to Macedonia and review the great things that God is doing in that country. We also talk about life and what it means to Christian families with respect to having children. Participants: Dr. Frank Imbarrato, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Living with our deepest differences
Air Date: 4/19/2014
Living with our deepest differences - seeking peace within divergent worldviews

How do we live with others who have diverse worldviews - some of which are mutually exclusive to our own? Are there general guidelines that can help us seek peace in this world, while still retaining our own religious freedoms? Today on A Plain Answer, we discuss this important topic with Christian scholar and author Os Guinness. Os recently wrote the book: "The Global Public Square: Religious Freedom and the Making of a World Safe for Diversity" Participants: Os Guinness, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: We become like what we worship
Air Date: 4/12/2014
We become like what we worship

Do you get discouraged as you look at the illness in society? What about gangs and violence, or the increasing number of people on the public dole? What about those who determine right from wrong via polling rather than by using God's objective standard? It really turns out that our problems are not political at the root, and they are not cultural at the root. The fact is, we become like what we worship. So if you are worshiping an idol, then you become like that idol more and more. Worship is necessarily public, whether or not it is conducted in private. If you worship Jesus Christ, then you become more and more like Christ. Join us for an interesting discussion. Participants: Rev. Doug Wilson, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The UN and climate change
Air Date: 4/5/2014
The UN and climate change - taking a closer look at the issue

This past week we heard of a report from the United Nations. The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the report confirms that the effects of human-caused climate change are already widespread and consequential, affecting agriculture, human health, ecosystems on land and in the oceans, water supplies, and some industries. We take a closer look at this area and in particular, the cause and effect relationships. Is climate change truly the result of human action? Our guest provides a couple of examples of local or regional changes that can occur. Deforestation of a large area would have an effect, or another example is the grouping of people into one relatively small area. But what about "global" climate change? Is there a verifiable relationship between human-caused CO2 and climate change? Join us for an interesting discussion. Participants: Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Discernment
Air Date: 3/29/2014
Discernment - A great need in the Christian community

Discernment is a wonderful gift. The basic principles of the Christian life goes along with being skilled in the Word of righteousness. We review Hebrews 5:12-14: "For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, 13 for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. 14 But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil." The importance of exercise - that is people who put themselves regularly into the "gym" of God's teaching and practice. Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christian counseling
Air Date: 3/22/2014
Christian Counseling - what are its distinctives?

Is there anything unique about Christian counseling? How does it stand out and are there presuppositions particular to this field of work? Are counseling issues really worship issues? Many people seek counsel - in this episode of A Plain Answer, we discuss the topic of counseling with a Christian man who works in this field. Participants: Rev. John Mallin, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Stewardship of Creation
Air Date: 3/15/2014
The Stewardship of creation and climate change

Have you thought about this world and what your responsibility is with respect to enhancing the beauty and safety of the earth, and utilizing its resources? We know that we are to care for the poor, and protect them against oppression. Is wealth the big threat to the environment? We discuss this question. What are the documented scientific observations related to the earth's temperature over time? Is there a relationship between human-produced carbon dioxide and global warming? How are we to view the earth as Christians and what are the implications of the gospel of Christ? Much more information is available at: http://www.cornwallalliance.org/ - check it out. Participants: Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Lent
Air Date: 3/8/2014
Lent - A time for repentance and re-commitment to Jesus Christ

What is Lent? Certainly the Roman church observes it, but what about Protestants? Why the 40 days - where does that come from? In this discussion we take a thoughtful look at Lent and encourage participation in it. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How is God at work in Macedonia?
Air Date: 3/1/2014
How is God at work in Macedonia?

It is easy to become self-absorbed. The seeming pressures of American life can sometimes distract us from the Great Commission. Learn about a very up-to-date missions opportunity in Macedonia. The Macedonians are asking for help and Christian doctors are responding. In this episode of A Plain Answer, we discuss this unique opportunity with a local doctor who is heading up another medical missions trip into this country. Learn about how the Holy Spirit is awakening a people to the truth of God's word and how Christians are ministering all aspects of Christ's love to anyone who needs help. Participants: Dr. Frank Imbarrato, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Christian Sabbath
Air Date: 2/22/2014
The Lord's Day - A Christian Sabbath

What is the Christian Sabbath? Since the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christians have been meeting for worship on the first day of the week. The day is transformed, and yet the Sabbath is a creation ordinance, and is part of the Ten Commandments. Is it still appropriate for God's people to set one day aside for rest, worship and general well being? What did Jesus mean when He said that the Sabbath was made for man? Do you find that you are wearing yourself out with constant activity? Burn out is common. Why not listen to the words of Jesus and implement the Lord's day refreshment into your life? Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: President's Day
Air Date: 2/15/2014
President's Day: A discussion of Lincoln and Washington, plus some thoughts about secession

On President's Day we celebrate the two birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. We also acknowledge all of our presidents. Dr. Vought spends part of our time discussing the movie "Lincoln" - the 2012 American historical drama film directed and produced by Steven Spielberg. We also discuss the time frame of Lincoln's presidency and the war that took place. Lincoln tragically died by an assassin's bullet just prior to the end of the war. Dr. Vought reviews Lincoln's keen understanding of moral boundaries. We delve into the sensitive area of secession and what might be the likelihood of secession in our own day. Also, as a Constitutional Republic, is secession ever legitimate? When is there a right of revolution? Lincoln said that revolution is a right when it is exercised for a morally justifiable cause; but without such a cause, revolution is no right but simply a wicked exercise of physical power. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Medical Missions
Air Date: 2/8/2014
Medical Missions - serving the Lord by loving people and caring for them

Caring for people really involves caring for the whole person - Body, emotions, and the spiritual. In this episode of A Plain Answer, we talk with a local medical doctor who is also a Christian. He spends some of his time each year donating his services to help the down and out. This is not a government program but rather it flows from the low level and from hearts of love. The compassion of Jesus Christ is ministered to many hurting people through the highly trained medical community. Please tune in to learn about an approach that is effective, low cost, and is serving people in several parts of the world as well as here in the Hudson Valley. Here in the Hudson Valley, there is a non-profit group that is helping the down and out and needs your support. They are Christ Health Care Ministry, and their website is found at: http://www.christhealthcareministry.org/ . Participants: Dr. Frank Imbarrato, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The battle to disconnect in a culture of constant connectedness
Air Date: 2/1/2014
The battle to disconnect in a culture of constant connectedness

Have you recently gone into a diner for lunch, looked around and seen people sitting across from each other, but not talking? Instead they are "texting" and checking email. This is not wrong, but it does give us pause regarding how busy we have become without the freedom to have some "down time," and truly relax. In this episode of A Plain Answer we look at this timely topic with a pastor from Long Island who has been in the pastorate a long time. We explore what is meant by a Christian Sabbath, and some suggestions how to maintain sanity in a world that is so busy that it seems like we cannot breathe. What do the Scriptures have to say? Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The way things used to be
Air Date: 1/25/2014
The way things used to be, and thoughts on returning our republic to God

We are losing our great nation. Our country has changed so very much and unfortunately it has not changed for the better. But all is not lost. In this broadcast we look at two aspects of steps we can take to help our nation return to things that matter. You will have to listen to the podcast as we don't want to give away too much in this little write up! This is the first time on A Plain Answer that there is only one participant. It is yours truly.

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A Plain Answer: The Book of Revelation
Air Date: 1/18/2014
The Book of Revelation: Read it and be blessed!

The book of Revelation contains a promise for those who read it. When we read through the entire book, and see the book as a whole, we find ourselves worshiping the Lamb, cheering for the saints, detesting the beast, longing for the end, and wanting to bear steadfast witness. These things are of critical importance to the church of any age. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Baptism of Jesus
Air Date: 1/11/2014
The Baptism of Jesus - What it means and our response to it

The baptism of Jesus is an historical fact - testified to even by secular historians. For us Christians it has immense importance. Jesus Christ, the messiah from heaven, identified with us in His baptism. He calls us to identify with Him. Christian baptism is not an option. Any sincere believer in Christ is required by God to receive this sign and seal of God's covenant of grace. In Jesus' baptism, we see Jesus' active obedience. He was the only man who ever lived who was perfectly holy. Jesus would not have been our Savior unless he fully identified with us. Do you take baptism seriously? What if you were a Muslim convert to Christianity? If you as a Muslim, were to be baptized in Saudi Arabia - that would be your death sentence. Do we take baptism as seriously as the Muslims do? This is a telling question. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Epiphany
Air Date: 1/4/2014
Epiphany - Light has come!

The term epiphany means "to show" or "to make known" or even "to reveal." In Western churches, it commemorates the coming of the wise men bringing gifts to visit the Christ child, who by so doing "reveal" Jesus to the world as Lord and King. Jesus appeared to the world, and the church calendar lists January 6 as Epiphany day. We are reminded that Jesus came not only for the house of Israel, but for the whole world. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Christian Approach to the New Year
Air Date: 12/28/2013
A Christian approach to the New Year

The New Year is just around the corner. A new year can almost be scary at times - there are health concerns, financial challenges, and loss of loved ones. The Scripture is sufficient for us to look to it and the One who wrote it, for comfort and direction to the believer. We know personally, this Sovereign God who has revealed Himself in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. By His Holy Spirit, he comes to us and transforms our dead hearts and places a love for God in these hearts of stone. We have relationship with this Sovereign God and realize that He loves us, and yet He is all-powerful. Our guest is a younger pastor who ministers in Queens NY. He mentions an important Bible verse to keep in mind as we enter the new year: "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9. Participants: Rev. Jonathan Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Special Christmas focus on foreign missions
Air Date: 12/17/2013
Our 2013 Christmas focus: Foreign missions in very dangerous places

How would you like to be a missionary in a place where bombs are going off? In fact ministering in a war zone? What if the Lord called you after you got out of say, the military - and you wanted a real challenge to spread the gospel. The kind of men needed for this mission field among terrorists need to have thick skin and tender hearts. You are not killing people, but you are using your military skills to survive behind enemy lines and survive being ambushed and bombed. Sound interesting? Well, it is, and it is a mission field that is not for the faint of heart. However, since God not only orders all events after the counsel of His will, but He also orders the "means," any headway made in the spread of the gospel in such an environment, is 100% due to the grace of God. He uses the tools of tough men with a tough love for God. Interested? Join us today for this discussion of spreading the Historic Christian faith in the front lines of the faith. Participants: Dr. Peter Hammond, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Why we celebrate Advent
Air Date: 12/14/2013
Why we celebrate Advent, and the uniqueness of Jesus

We are in the midst of Advent. Advent is the beginning of the Church year. In this edition of A Plain Answer, we explore the greatness of the Christian faith. The coming to this world of Jesus was an objective, verifiable, historical event. He is very unique in history. We have inherited a rich faith, and Advent in particular is an event which the church in her wisdom over the ages, has seen as a time of reflection on the coming of Jesus. A surprise may be that both comings of Christ (1st and 2nd) are in view in Advent. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Obamacare punishes married couples
Air Date: 12/7/2013
Obamacare and the fact that it penalizes married couples

Did you know that married couples are penalized by Obamacare? Besides the frustrations of millions of cancelled polices, increased costs and frustrations with the Obamacare website, there are further problems. Listen carefully to the facts of why married couples are penalized. Participants: Dr. Richard Land, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Worship, Liturgy and the Christian Calendar as we approach Advent
Air Date: 11/30/2013
Worship, Liturgy and the Christian Calendar as we approach Advent

There is something very special to the Christian about the next 4 weeks. The Advent season is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. In this episode of A Plain Answer, we step back and take a look at the Christian worship service. What is liturgy? What is the Christian calendar? Does using old, time-tested prayers negate the working of the Holy Spirit? Join us for a thoughtful discussion, and enjoy the coming season of Advent! Participants: Rev. Ben Miller, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Thanksgiving
Air Date: 11/21/2013
Thanksgiving - A time to give thanks to the Triune God of the Scriptures

Are you truly thankful to God for His kind mercies and benefits? In this episode of A Plain Answer, we go back in time and look at the Pilgrims. What were some of the hardships they faced and how did they respond? What were some unusual providences? When did the day of Thanksgiving become nationally recognized? We also briefly touch upon the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, which occurred on November 19. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev Mark Diedrich, Bill Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Why the shut down of a primary lead smelter plant matters
Air Date: 11/13/2013
Run away federal agencies: Why the shut down of the last primary lead smelter plant in the US really matters

A magazine article recently appeared which documented the EPA-imposed shutdown of the last remaining primary lead smelter plan in the United States. While this doesn't seem like a big deal, it really is. In this discussion, the Senior editor of The New American magazine joins us to talk about this far-reaching news item. A primary lead smelter plant takes the raw ore and produces new lead for us to use in many of our products. Lead is used in automobile batteries, wheel chair batteries, UPS batteries (used in computer server environments), medical equipment, solar-powered off grid systems, and more. Of special interest also is that lead is a primary component of ammunition. For those of us who enjoy the outdoors, including hunting and target practice, this move by the EPA will have dire consequences. The EPA is merely an agency of the Federal government. It was established by an executive order from President Nixon and has been funded by Congress. Join us for this discussion of lead and why we need primary lead smelter plants in the United States, rather than having our hands forced to purchase from China and other countries. Participants: William F. Jasper, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christian Radio - a power tool in the hands of the Lord
Air Date: 11/9/2013
Christian Radio - A powerful tool in the hands of the Lord

Christian radio takes many forms. In this installment of A Plain Answer, our morning host Cal Carter joins us to discuss how the Lord uses radio as an outreach to people who need the Lord. We discuss this missionary aspect of radio and the call of the gospel that can occur via this important medium. Also we cover the help that Christian radio gives to church members. Finally we give an inside look at a brand new project to plant a powerful 7000 watt signal in southeast Maryland, in St. Mary's county, for Redeemer Broadcasting. Participants: Cal Carter, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Kingdom
Air Date: 11/2/2013
The Kingdom - a biblical theme that is of great importance

What did Jesus mean when He spoke of the Kingdom of God? Is this only a spiritual kingdom? Does it only have its fulfillment in the eschaton? What does kingdom life look like this side of eternity? Is there biblical warrant for expecting all aspects of this world to be brought under the kingship of the Lord Jesus Christ? Participants: Rev. Troy Greene, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Stewardship of Creation
Air Date: 10/26/2013
How can we be good stewards of God's creation?

The Cornwall Alliance is a network of evangelical theologians, scientists, economists, and others. There are about 60 scholars in the network, and they are involved in promoting: 1. Biblical earth stewardship (enhance the beauty, fruitfulness and safety of the earth). 2. Economic development for the very poor. 3. The proclamation and defense of the gospel of Christ. One subject we discuss is the modern environmentalist movement and whether it is consistent with the Christian faith. Participants: Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Grief and the Christian
Air Date: 10/19/2013
Grief and the Christian

What about the Christian and grief? What kinds of emotions are experienced as we go through the grievous losses in our lives? Are there feelings of guilt or regret as we are faced with the finality of our loss? What if you feel like your faith will not be able to survive your loss? Sometimes with the death of a loved one, we feel an almost unremitting sorrow when it sinks in that we can no longer have this person in our lives. For the person who is dying, sometimes there is intense sorrow that they have to leave things undone. What is the dynamic that life in this fallen world "plays" on us? What about the Scripture - how does it provide comfort for the child of God? What about the feelings of loss with divorce, or perhaps a job loss? There is a Pioneer - One who has forged the way, and has defeated death, and has been raised from the dead. Please join us for this honest discussion of a serious topic. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Long range redemptive history
Air Date: 10/12/2013
God's Redemptive history and the need for adopting a long range vision for Kingdom advancement

Why is it that we as Christians are so short sighted in modern 21st century America? In today's discussion we take a look at God's Redemptive plan in history. God's unfolding of His plan often takes much longer than we think with our puny understanding. We talk about having an eschatological perspective and frame that within the relative slowness of God's moving. We talk about Abraham, and the bondage of Israel for 400 years! The advance of God's kingdom takes time and we are to be encouraged as we diligently serve our Lord with keen focus. We know that God is on His throne and that His Kingdom will be successful. Participants: Rev. Kevin Chiarot, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Christian man in this world
Air Date: 10/5/2013
The Christian man and his God-given role in this world

The Christian man and his God given roles - this week we look at the Christian man in the World, or you could say, society. God said "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. (Gen. 1:26)" What did He mean by this? What about the times when we as men sin - what are we to do? What should be our perspective with respect to work? Things are bad, so is there any reason to be optimistic? Yes there is! Listen to this podcast to find out more. We also talk about callings. Quite often our callings are not the same as what we do to earn money. It's nice when they can match but often they don't match. Sometimes later in life we are blessed with the opportunity to do our callings full time. Regarding callings, just suppose you passionately see something that needs to get done; and others just don't see it like you do. Well, very possibly you are looking at a calling for your life. Participants: Dr. George Grant, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Trinity
Air Date: 9/28/2013
The Trinity - One God, three Persons

The Bible never uses the word Trinity, and yet the concept is undeniably present in the Scriptures. We start our discussion by reviewing another monotheistic religion, namely Islam. The unique position of Christianity is that we believe in one God, and yet there are three persons in the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory. Participant: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Education
Air Date: 9/21/2013
Education - a look at Christian Schools and Classical Schools

Our guest today is Pastor and educator Doug Wilson of Moscow, Idaho. We discuss the notion of a Christian approach to education. What is meant by the biblical assertion that "Jesus is Lord?" Is there neutrality in education? What is a classical education? Participants: Pastor Doug Wilson, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A relationship with Christ
Air Date: 9/14/2013
Knowing Christ personally - what does that mean?

Have you experienced the actual presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in your life? As we read the Scriptures, we discover that it talks about God coming into our life. This simple fact can become obscure to us if we lose our focus and simply pit the tradition of one group against another. There is something more than just an intellectual understanding - the fact is, a person can be united to Christ. Metaphysically there is something about a Christian that really sets that person off from another person who has not experienced the presence of Christ. If after listening to this podcast, you find that you would like to exchange notes with us about coming to Christ, our email address is: ministry@redeemerbroadcasting.org Participants: Dr. Joel Nederhood, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: What about the Christians in Syria?
Air Date: 9/7/2013
What about the Christians in Syria? How does this possible attack impact them?

Have you given much thought to the fate of the Christians in Syria? Did you know that they actually prefer Assad's regime as compared with the alternative? What if America attacks Syria - how would that adversely affect our brothers and sisters in the Lord who live in Syria? Participants; Dr. Hans Vought, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Syria
Air Date: 8/31/2013
Syria - what is at stake, and what should be our involvement?

Syria is in the news because of the chemical weapons used in an attack early last week in a Damascus suburb. Our President feels that the United States must do something militarily. We do not agree. In this episode of A Plain Answer we interview Dr. Hans Vought, Professor Ulster County Community College. Is it proper for the United States to basically consider itself the world's policeman? And by what standard do we make such moral judgments? The number of people murdered on August 21 in Syria was 1400. That of course, is a terrible tragedy. But what about America? Statistically, just yesterday, we stood by and allowed abortionists to kill 3300 unborn babies. Can we take the moral high ground on Syria and lob some bombs over there, killing even more people, when we are exterminating the most vulnerable among us? Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Keys
Air Date: 8/23/2013
'I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven' - what did Jesus mean?

In Matthew 16, is recorded Peter's confession of Christ. Jesus then turns to Peter and says: "...I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.." In this program, we discuss the authority that has been given exclusively to the Christian church. Protestants and Catholics do not agree as to the meaning of this exact verse. Catholics see this as pointing to the role of the Pope. Protestants on the other hand, also see this statement as pertaining to authority, but come out with a different conclusion. The Protestant Reformation would teach that the church has authority from Christ, through the Apostles, to preach the gospel of the Jesus Christ, to teach the whole counsel of God, and to administer the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. The Reformation position is that the administration of these Sacraments are within the purview of the Church only. We also address a listener's question/assertion regarding being baptized by a non-church group. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dr. Hans Vought, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: Philosophy - Why Study it?
Air Date: 8/17/2013
Philosophy - Should Christians engage this field of study?

Have you ever studied college level Philosophy? What about Plato, Aristotle, or St. Augustine? Or the later philosophers - Rene Descartes, John Locke. What about David Hume, Hegel, or even Karl Marx; do these names scare you? They shouldn't. Christ is Lord over all. We should not shy away from studying any of these men. Today our guest shares with us why we should consider studying this topic, as Christians, for the glory of God! We are encouraged to use philosophy, particularly on a historical level, to combat the postmodern age in which we live. Participants: Justin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Missions to Indonesia
Air Date: 8/10/2013
Indonesia - How God is advancing the gospel of Christ

Indonesia. What comes to your mind as you think of this country of islands? If you think Muslims, yes that is a big part of the picture. In fact, Indonesia comprises the world's largest Muslim nation by popuation. In this edition of A Plain Answer we interview a pastor who has a burden for the gospel of Christ in reaching Muslims in Indonesia. Join us as we learn about nine new churches that have been planted, and 27 Classical Christian schools in Indonesia. God is working in marvelous ways. Also we will briefly discuss another outreach happening among the Kurdish peoples in Iraq. Praise God for these works! Participants: Dr. George Grant, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A church plant in Queens and a young pastor blessed by God
Air Date: 8/3/2013
A church plant in Queens NY and a young pastor led by God

Young people in Christian ministry are all too familiar with the decision of what to do with their lives. Where is the Lord leading? What is the call of God like, and how do you know when He has truly directed your paths? In this episode of A Plain Answer, we talk with a younger pastor, who the Lord has placed in a church plant in Queens NY. The church is an Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and is very active in reaching out to the New York City community in which they live. Coming up this month, they will again be hosting their popular BBQ&A - a barbecue question and answer. The BBQ&A resumes on August 18 and is held at Cunningham Park. There is free food, a 10 to 15 minute sermon and then an open-ended question and answer session. It is a fun, yet meaningful event. If you live in this area, you are cordially invited to come for a very special Sunday afternoon. There is even nursery help if you need it. Join us for this engaging discussion about how the Lord is using a young man and the church he pastors, in evangelical gospel ministry to reach their community with the love of Jesus Christ. Want to contact Jonathan? He can be reached at: jon@refpres.com , or visit the church's website at: www.refpres.com . Participants: Rev. Jonathan Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Church and Society
Air Date: 7/27/2013
Church and Society - Is there a relationship between the two?

Is there a relationship between the church and society? What if a church loses its first love and embraces the world - what if it rejects the deity of Christ? What if churches turn from marriage between one man and one woman, and redefine this sacred bond? Does the affect of their teaching and practices connect in some way to society? Please join us for this interesting and timely discussion! Another item we cover is the notion of *some* churches forsaking the gospel of Christ, while many do not. On this point we take a look again at the heresy of Harold Camping. As you may recall, he came to the false conclusion that all churches were sinful and that Satan reigned in all churches. In asserting this, he intentionally ignored many godly Bible-based churches. Harold Camping essentially ascribed to Satan, the works of the Holy Spirit, and it was indeed blasphemous. Participants: Dr. Mark Allison, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: National sins and God's response
Air Date: 7/19/2013
National sins: Are we under the judgment of God?

Have you ever considered that God sometimes leaves a nation to their own ways, and no longer blesses a people because of their gross sins. If so, the question is, have we reached that point in America? What about during the 1860's with the slavery issue? What did the leaders of that day have to say? Was the war a punishment? If so, then both North and South were being punished, according to Lincoln. But there was another problem in the 1860's too, and it was in particular, the North's aversion to really bad theology; theology that robbed God of His glory. What about today? Is God leaving us to our own ways because we have turned our backs on him as a nation? This is a very disturbing thought. One thought towards the end of the discussion is this: "We shouldn't be misled into thinking that because we live in a rich and powerful nation (and many ways the richest and most powerful nation there's ever been) that somehow that's a sign of blessing and that we're invulnerable. Every great empire; every great nation in history has fallen and collapsed, and the United States of America will be no exception." Join us for an interesting discussion. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: Macedonia
Air Date: 7/13/2013
Macedonia - a call to medical missions

In this podcast we talk about medical missions to Macedonia. The call to this part of the world was certainly on the Apostle Paul's mind, when we read of it in Acts 16:6-10. "Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. So they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas. During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, "Come over to Macedonia and help us." After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them." There is a modern day call to this same region. Join us as Dr. Frank Imbarrato shares with us the joy of serving these people with medical missions. Participants: Dr. Frank Imbarrato, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Medical Missions
Air Date: 7/6/2013
Medical Missions - how to serve Christ and minister to the whole person

Suppose you wanted to share the gospel of Christ with a person, but their attention was distracted due to a painful headache. Do you think they would want to listen to you with a throbbing migraine headache? Not hardly. In this episode of A Plain Answer, we talk with a medical doctor who has a practice in Monroe, and he also dedicates his time to helping people in third world countries. Ministering to the whole person was modeled by our Lord Jesus Christ. Join us for this soul-searching podcast and learn more about how you can participate in the Great Commission. Participants: Dr. Frank Imbarrato, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg
Air Date: 6/29/2013
The 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg

The Battle of Gettysburg was fought July 1-3, 1863. It became one of the decisive battles of the Civil War, also known as The War Between the States. In this discussion we take a look at some of the details of the battle as well as some interesting tidbits. For example, what was the spiritual condition leading up to the war? What happened towards the end of the war in terms of revival in the land? Why was this battle decisive and how was it a key turning of events in the war? Would the Confederates ever again fight another battle on Northern soil? Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Obamacare - an update
Air Date: 6/22/2013
Obamacare: a thoughtful update and discussion

Obamacare increasingly is affecting our lives. Here at Redeemer, we have heard from numerous doctors and nurses, all of which are very concerned over Obamacare. In this episode of A Plain Answer, we look at the facts as we understand them, of this gigantic piece of legislation. Our special guest is Twila Brase, RN. Twila is the President of the Citizen's Council of Health Freedom. Participants: Twila Brase, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Spirit-filled life
Air Date: 6/14/2013
What does the Spirit-filled life look like and how does He guide us?

Walking in the Spirit is something that rests on the foundation of the atoning work of Jesus Christ. Life in the Spirit is based on this foundation of justification. We learn that God sent His Son to condemn sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. We discuss guidance in the Christian life, and the role of the Holy Spirit in that. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Saneness in the Modern World
Air Date: 6/8/2013
Saneness in the Modern World - A discussion of work and rest

Have you ever seen two people sitting in a diner, and rather than having a discussion, they are on their cell phones "texting" other people? It happens all too often. That scenario captures the modern tendency of never taking a break. There was a recent article that spoke of how the Smart Phone has done away with the three day weekend. In this episode of A Plain Answer, we take a look at the topic of work and rest. We discuss the Christian Sabbath - the Lord's Day. We discuss the notion of keeping secrets and not exposing every last item of our lives to others. Join us for this timely discussion. We close with an admonition to take the first day of the week (Sunday) off, if at all possible. We are encouraged to join others in corporate worship in church on the Lord's Day. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Holy Spirit
Air Date: 6/1/2013
The Holy Spirit - What the Bible says about Him

The Holy Spirit is a Person and is a gift to us from the Triune God. But He also gives gifts and equips the members of the Body of Christ as we represent Christ to the world. We talk about how important it is that Christ ascended into Heaven and then sent His Holy Spirit. Jesus assured us that we would do greater works because of the empowering of the Holy Spirit. We see this in action as the gospel spreads in a powerful way - worldwide. Another often overlooked area connected with the Spirit filled life is the "fruit" of the Holy Spirit. Probably the greatest aspect of this is the life of love. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Trinity
Air Date: 5/25/2013
The Trinity - an old teaching with profound implications for us today

The Trinity refers to the Bible's teaching that there is only one living and true God. Further that there are three persons in the Godhead - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These three are the same in substance and are equal. In this discussion we take a look at this important basic teaching of Scripture. There are some interesting implications of this teaching to think about. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Pentecost and what it means to us
Air Date: 5/17/2013
Pentecost - what it means to us as believers

Pentecost will be celebrated this Sunday in many churches. We look back on when the Spirit came down upon His church. But we also realize that the Spirit of God was here since the very beginning. The Holy Spirit was certainly active at many times in Old Testament times. The Holy Spirit worked with His Covenant people all through the ages. We find the Holy Spirit very much in the Old Testament. Yet it is in the New Testament that something very special happens. Now since Jesus has ascended, Jesus has sent us the "Comforter," and that is the Holy Spirit. Now, every believer in Christ has the Holy Spirit and is regularly to be filled with the Spirit. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Imagination
Air Date: 5/11/2013
Imagination - An important part of our lives

Imagination is a faculty which we possess from God. There is both a sanctified and a sinful imagination. There are any number of literary works that are based on good imagination. This would be fantasy works. The world of engineering is also tied in some ways to imagination, that is, in terms of new inventions. In some ways, imagination is essential to civilization. We also touch upon good music. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Memory
Air Date: 5/4/2013
Memory - A human faculty that is tied to who we are

Today we discuss human memory as it relates to living life, history and culture. The ability to retain and relive the past events in our life is very important to us. What about Alzheimer's Disease? This is an extremely difficult situation for many folks. We also talk about the animals as compared to humans. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Lord's Prayer
Air Date: 4/27/2013
The Lord's Prayer - A closer look

The Lord's Prayer is recorded in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. It is an important prayer in the life of the Historic Christian church and finds frequent use in our worship services. In this discussion we look at the beginning of the prayer and two of its petitions. We spend some time looking at the second petition, which is "Thy kingdom come." One aid in helping us to understand this second petition is the Shorter Catechism, which says: "In the second petition, which is, Thy kingdom come, we pray that Satan's kingdom may be destroyed; and that the kingdom of grace may be advanced, ourselves and others brought into it, and kept in it; and that the kingdom of glory may be hastened." We talk about the increase of the kingdom of grace, this side of eternity, as well as the yet to come kingdom of glory. In our time, there seems to be a lack of appreciation of the first aspect, namely the successful advance of the kingdom of grace. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: More Easy Chair discussions
Air Date: 4/20/2013
The Easy Chair - Pull up a chair and have a chat today

Today we discuss more personalities and cultural issues and news items. Pope Francis was recently elected Pope and was in the news. We note that the pressures in society and the hostilities against Christians have in effect to a degree, pushed Christian traditions together and we appreciate each other more, now that the world is attacking Christianity with such fervor. We discuss the resignation of Benedict. He remains a Bishop, and no longer has the authority that he once had in the Roman Catholic tradition. The new Pope Francis has a Jesuit background. We try and be fair to the Roman Catholic views as we describe them, putting the most charitable description upon that tradition, even though as Protestants we have major differences. Back to our first point, the issues in our world force the various Christian traditions to work together in order to stand against the onslaught of secularism and the erosion of our religious freedoms. The rule of ideas is real and we have almost reverted back to paganism. A side note, we take some time to encourage pastors to be studious in their approach. We must be as the Apostle Paul or St. Augustine. That is, well read in order to confront the forces of our day. We desire our fellow pastors in "sister" churches to be successful in the gospel. We mention some of the books that Pastor Vance is reading (from the standpoint of good scholarship). We encourage reading St. Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin and others. But secular works are also mentioned so that we can better understand for ourselves the other side and be able to effectively interact with all views. What are you reading? Light devotional works are fine as far as they go, but what about a weightier book? We need to train our minds. After the break we talk about Christians and their involvement in this world, including politics. Jesus expects Christians to engage the world. The Church itself has a role of preaching and teaching the gospel so that we have a Christian mind. But the individual Christian has an extra responsibility through our membership in the body politic. We must apply the Christian view to the times in which we live. That is, we must understand our times so that we can engage the world for Christ. Finally we touch upon some issues. One issue is that Obamacare is a threat on our religious freedoms. Further, Utopian Statism is a huge threat for us right now. Finally there is an attack upon charitable giving. These are bald attacks upon what we took as the basic freedoms that we once had. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Easy Chair Discussion - Several personalities who influenced culture
Air Date: 4/13/2013
Easy Chair Discussion - several personalities who influenced culture

Ever want to sit back and just have a chat about some news items and a few people who have really influenced our world? Take for example, Margaret Thatcher, C.S. Lewis, and John Bunyan. What about capitalism? Is it consistent with the Bible? What principles from the Bible support free market capitalism? Enjoy this discussion and sit back with us, and just relax! Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Discipleship Evangelism
Air Date: 4/6/2013
Discipleship Evangelism - A synthesis for reaching the world for Christ

We often hear of evangelism, and we hear of discipleship. But what we sometimes miss is the very real overlap of the two, as the Lord uses our outreach to bring others to Himself and make them disciples of Jesus. Sometimes it is not clear where one activity ends and the other begins. So it is in the real world of God working in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. This week we discuss this topic with a young man who works for Disciplemakers. Hear his testimony of how the Lord used a friend in his life and how this man grew closer to Christ as a result. Disciplemakers is currently in the Pennsylvania area and works at mostly smaller colleges. Coming up on 4/19 and 4/20 is a training session led by Disciplemakers that is available free of charge to anyone wanting to become better prepared to share the gospel with their friends. Join us for this interesting discussion of the Great Commission in action. Participants: Brian Roberg, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Psalm of the Cross and of the Resurrection
Air Date: 3/29/2013
Psalm 22 - A Psalm of the Cross and of the Resurrection

Psalm 22 from the Old Testament opens with the statement: "My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?" On the cross, our Lord Jesus quoted these very words. Finally He would say "Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit." The words of Psalm 22 were evidently very much on Jesus' mind as He suffered on the cross. Yet as Calvin said, "there is not one of the godly who doesn't ask himself the same question daily." In other words, we have some encounter ourselves, with the tension between the faithfulness of God and the very difficult realities of life. Jesus' suffered for us - and as we go through times of seemingly God-forsakenness, we know that we have a Savior who behaves faithfully in the midst of despair. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Are you optimistic for the gospel?
Air Date: 3/23/2013
Are you optimistic for the gospel? How much do you let this world influence your view of missions?

We live in times characterized by the heavy hand of government, loss of jobs, deep financial problems, and loss of personal freedoms. It is very tempting to "throw in the towel" as it were, and adopt a pessimism that affects our view of the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ. But God doesn't have this for us. He tells us of great exploits of the gospel as His word is proclaimed and His people live holy lives for Him. Join us this week for an encouraging discussion that will lift your heart from the negativity of our time. Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The exclusivity of Christ as the way of salvation
Air Date: 3/16/2013
Is Christ the only way to God? What our Savior taught on this subject

Is there more than one way to God? If you are interested in Jesus and what He said about Himself, then this discussion may pique your interest for further consideration. The historical Jesus made statements about a number of things - care for the poor, harmony, justice, etc. People like most of what he said -but what about when the subject takes a turn to how we are saved? Are there multiple paths to God? Did Jesus claim exclusivity for Himself as the way to God? We live in a time of multiculturalism and diversity. In fact these two areas have nearly become a religion unto themselves. Join this discussion for insight into how Jesus really defined and described himself. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: What if you never heard the gospel?
Air Date: 3/8/2013
What if you never heard the gospel? Thoughts about the ordinary means and the extraordinary means

Just think if you had never heard the gospel story? Some people in this world have never had the privilege of hearing about Jesus and they die without Christ. What about an infant of Christian parents who dies? These questions and others are discussed in today's A Plain Answer. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A missionary couple returns to the field
Air Date: 3/2/2013
A missionary couple returns to the field

This is a discussion with a sweet missionary couple about their work in aviation in support of SIL in Brazil. SIL is associated with the Summer Institutes of Linguistics. Wycliffe translates the Bible into the heart language of the people. The aviation program allows efficient travel in support of the translators, as well as emergency transportation. Participants: Jeremiah Diedrich, Julie Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Assurance of Salvation
Air Date: 2/23/2013
Assurance of Salvation - do you have it?

What about Christian assurance? Can we have confidence of the Lord's love for us and of our eternal home in heaven? Some time ago, there was a group of people who followed a confused Bible teacher who predicted that the return of Christ would be May 21, 2011. But of these people that I talked with, every one of them did not possess Christian assurance of their eternal salvation. All they could say was "cry out to God." Or, "I hope God will save me." There was no warm and abiding assurance but only a fear of judgment day. Is this the best that God has for us? Each of these people had forsaken the church and were in disobedience to God's command of not forsaking the assembly of ourselves together. Is there not much more for the Bible-believing, faithful Christian? Yes there is! Join us for this discussion to find out more. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: President's Day
Air Date: 2/17/2013
President's Day - a closer look at President Lincoln including a look at secession

On President's Day we celebrate the two birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. We also acknowledge all of our presidents. Dr. Vought spends part of our time discussing the movie "Lincoln" - the 2012 American historical drama film directed and produced by Steven Spielberg. We also discuss the time frame of Lincoln's presidency and the war that took place. Lincoln tragically died by an assassin's bullet just prior to the end of the war. Dr. Vought reviews Lincoln's keen understanding of moral boundaries. We delve into the sensitive area of secession and what might be the likelihood of secession in our own day. Also, as a Constitutional Republic, is secession ever legitimate? When is there a right of revolution? Lincoln said that revolution is a right when it is exercised for a morally justifiable cause; but without such a cause, revolution is no right but simply a wicked exercise of physical power. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Valentine's Day
Air Date: 2/9/2013
Valentine's Day - an important day - enjoy it

Valentine's Day does not appear to have any pagan antecedents. It is a great time to express our love for our spouses and also for those who are about to get married. We remember those we love perhaps with flowers, candies, a meal out together, etc. But there is something more too, and that is the love of God as expressed in Jesus Christ. Valentine's Day is almost here - enjoy it! Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer - The Book of Revelation
Air Date: 2/2/2013
The Book of Revelation - read it and be blessed

The book of Revelation contains a promise for those who read it. When we read through the entire book, and see the book as a whole, we find ourselves worshiping the Lamb, cheering for the saints, detesting the beast, longing for the end, and wanting to bear steadfast witness. These things are of critical importance to the church of any age. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: College Experiences
Air Date: 1/26/2013
College Experiences - how to handle attending a secular school

Going to a secular college can be a scary prospect for Christian students and their parents. Are there any practices which can help the students to survive and not become ship wrecked in their faith? What about those who are on a campus already and have never known Jesus Christ? In this episode of A Plain Answer, we interview two students, both recently graduated from Stony Brook University. We review how the Lord worked in both of their lives. Participants: Stephen Elmendorf, Ozan Bellik, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Temptations of Jesus
Air Date: 1/19/2013
The Temptations of Jesus - why the temptations and what they accomplished

The temptations of Jesus almost take us by surprise. Jesus was just baptized in the river Jordan, and we would expect that the next item on the agenda would be Jesus' immediate public ministry, but instead, our Lord is driven into the wilderness for 40 days. Notice the tactics that our enemy uses - he attacks Christians when they are at their low point. But not to fear. Our focus is to remain on Christ and not Satan. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Baptism of Jesus
Air Date: 1/12/2013
The Baptism of Jesus - What it means and our response to it

The baptism of Jesus is an historical fact - testified to even by secular historians. For us Christians it has immense importance. Jesus Christ, the messiah from heaven, identified with us in His baptism. He calls us to identify with Him. Christian baptism is not an option. Any sincere believer in Christ is required by God to receive this sign and seal of God's covenant of grace. In Jesus' baptism, we see Jesus' active obedience. He was the only man who ever lived who was perfectly holy. Jesus would not have been our Savior unless he fully identified with us. Do you take baptism seriously? What if you were a Muslim convert to Christianity? If you as a Muslim, were to be baptized in Saudi Arabia - that would be your death sentence. Do we take baptism as seriously as the Muslims do? This is a telling question. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Story of Life - Continued
Air Date: 1/4/2013
A Story of Life - A continuation of the account of a special baby

We interview Jeremiah and Julie Diedrich - a missionary couple who tell the story of their baby Anna Karen. This is a continuation of the account which we covered in part in an earlier interview. Baby Anna was a Trisomy 18 baby. Trisomy 18 is a genetic disorder in which a person has a third copy of material from chromosome 18, instead of the usual two copies. These babies usually do not live. Listen to this interview of what this couple experienced as it came time for the premature delivery. Participants: Jeremiah and Julie Diedrich, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The New Year
Air Date: 12/29/2012
The New Year - potentially tough times ahead, but let us be positive!

In this new year we will face any number of challenges, nevertheless there are many opportunities to embrace. How we respond to the turning of the clock should be tied to our Christian worldview. We discuss New Year's resolutions. Pastor Vance reminds us of the parable of the talents. Towards the end of this discussion we weave into the whole area of our nation and the challenges that lay ahead for us in the new year. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christmas
Air Date: 12/22/2012
Christmas - How to enjoy it in the midst of busy or lonely times

Christmas is a time for celebrating with our family and friends. Jesus our Savior has come in the flesh. In this discussion we cover various things such as the enjoyment of the year including the challenge of the busy-ness of preparing for our celebrations. We perceive expectations that are placed upon us, and we would do well to sit down, relax and enjoy the time. Pastor Vance encourages us to pursue simplicity. What about those folks who are lonely this time of year? We talk about some things which may help you. Participants: Dr. John Vance and Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Advent and Christmas
Air Date: 12/14/2012
Advent: What it means and why we celebrate it

We celebrate and "look for" the coming of Christ - both in history looking back, as well as eschatological, at the end of history. Advent has been celebrated since about the 4th century. History turns on the person of Jesus Christ. He is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. During Advent we prepare ourselves and focus in a renewed way, upon the Person of Jesus Christ. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Story of Life
Air Date: 12/8/2012
A Story of Life - A missionary couple shares the account of a problem pregnancy

In the studio with us today is a missionary couple who serves with Wycliffe Bible Translators. They have an interesting, yet heart-wrenching story of expecting a baby. The pregnancy however proved to be a problem pregnancy. Find out more about how the Lord helped this dear couple cope each step of the way with the unexpected news of a baby with deformations. Listen to what happened as the baby came prematurely. Finally hear the account of the Lord taking this little one home to be with Himself. Participant: Jeremiah Diedrich, Julie Diedrich, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Obamacare
Air Date: 12/1/2012
Obamacare: A massive government takeover of our personal information and personal health care

Health insurance is being taken over by the Federal Government. "Big Brother" is now fully arrived and this is a freedom issue about all of life. There are organizations which are shedding light on this dangerous takeover. Twila Brase is the President of the Citizen's Council for Health Freedom, and she joins us today to explain the exchanges. The health exchanges will pre-populate the information fields about your personal information. The Federal Government is dependent upon the states saying "yes" to this government takeover of our personal health care. Obamacare offers health care to another 16 million people - but the number of doctors is not increasing and some argue that there is even a decrease as a result of this new law. So the argument that you are covered with a pre-existing condition is a logical "don't care" because the problem becomes whether care will even be available for you. In other words the question is not pre-existing conditions for some, it is rather availability of care for everyone. In the news, several governors have announced that they will not set up state health care exchanges. This past Thursday, South Carolina governor Nikki Haley sent a letter to Secretary of Health Human Services Kathleen Sibelius saying that South Carolina "should not and will not set up a state-based health care exchange." Several other governors, including Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley announced that their states would also not set up an exchange. Other states where the governors have made similar declarations include Kansas and Alaska. In Missouri, the Democratic governor announced on Thursday that the state would not set up an exchange either, but that announcement resulted from a ballot measure that forbade the governor from moving forward with an exchange without the approval of the state's legislature. The enormous cost to implement Obamacare has not yet been documented adequately. As you listen to this important interview, you may also want to visit the group's website at: www.cchfreedom.org . Or call them at: 651-646-8935. Some governors are rising up to say "NO" to Obamacare for their state. We laud these governors for their love of freedom and love of protection of our personal information and health choices. Participants: Twila Brase RN, Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Suffering
Air Date: 11/24/2012
Suffering - what good does it serve?

This is the time of year wherein many people feel alone and suffer. You may be in the midst of many people and yet feel terribly alone. The heart of Christianity is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel would not be the gospel, had not Christ Himself suffered for us. Our human sufferings are dealt with in the sufferings of Jesus Christ. In this broadcast we have an easy chair discussion about this important topic. Please come along side and join us. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Thanksgiving
Air Date: 11/17/2012
Thanksgiving - A time to reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of God

Coming up this coming week is Thanksgiving. In 1621 there was a harvest celebration among the Plymouth Colonists and the Wampanoag Indians. There were earlier giving of thanks by peoples who had settled in America, quite some time prior to the Pilgrims - listen to learn more. We are to give thanks for "all things." What does that mean exactly? We discuss this. The Pilgrims lost about 1/2 of their numbers between the travel to American on the ship, and the first year once settled. We discuss the subtle distinctions between the Pilgrims and the Puritans. The fact is, the Pilgrims were Separatists, and yet they are still Puritans. They are called "Pilgrims," in the sense that they were travelers. The difference between them and the Puritans which came to New England 10 years later was that the Pilgrims felt that the Church of England could not be reformed, while the Puritans felt that it could be Reformed, and did not take a separist stance. For further education: A couple of years ago, we covered in detail, the Thanksgiving tradition with our good friend Dr. Hans Vought. That Podcast is contained on this webpage, dated 11/20/2010. The cut and past link is here: http://www.redeemerbroadcasting.org/podcasts/apa_112010_Thanksgiving.mp3 Today's participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Postmortem of Tuesday's Election
Air Date: 11/10/2012
An Election Postmortem - what happened this past Tuesday?

This past Tuesday was an important election. In this edition of A Plain Answer, we look at what happened. We also discuss why the vote went the way it did. We take a look at the ramifications of this vote outcome. There is a divide in our country right now. We see a clash of worldviews and culture. There has been a pitting of class against class and race against race, and it didn't have to be that way. A huge area is our religious liberty and it is under attack. On the positive site, this is an important time for the advance of the gospel of Jesus Christ. At the end of our discussion we end on a surprisingly positive note. Please join us. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Religious Affiliation
Air Date: 11/3/2012
Religious Affiliation - America is growing less religious

According to a recent Pew Forum poll, America is growing less religious. There is growth in atheism, particularly among the university professors and students. There is a gradual supplanting of older people with the young along with their attendant lack of Christian belief. We discuss the difference between freedom of worship, and freedom of religion. People like to say that they are "spiritual," however this does not intersect with orthodox Christianity. What to do about this alarming trend? The religiously unaffiliated typically vote liberal according to the statistics. It is an undisputed fact that a solid majority support legalized abortion. They do this because there is no basis for a moral stance; they become the arbiters of right and wrong, rather than the Word of God. Join us for this discussion to find out more. While all this sounds very pessimistic, know this - that God is over all and He wins. The gospel will advance in a powerful way in history for the glory of Christ. We briefly discuss other areas of the world and the wonderful advance of the gospel. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Church Discipline
Air Date: 10/27/2012
Church Discipline - A tough subject but much needed

What is church discipline and when is it needed? Join us today for a pastoral discussion of this important topic. The first area of discipline is self-discipline. Secondly, if there is a sin between brothers, first go to your brother and seek reconciliation. Church discipline is the last resort, but a needed one in some cases. For the most extreme cases, excommunication is called for. This discussion is very balanced and pastoral, and will lend some balance especially to young men in the ministry who may be overly aggressive in their approach. Later in our discussion we talk about what is meant by "the keys." Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: A Unique Missions Opportunity
Air Date: 10/20/2012
Missions - The love of God to the world and a unique missions opportunity

Imagine what it would be like to be an orphan in a city in Russia. Imagine feeling that you have no hope of ever having a pleasant life, and really no love. In this discussion on missions we take a look at one particular missions outreach, and that is Operation Christmas Child. One of our guests was born in Russia and at age 9 received hope for her life. Missionaries visited her orphanage, and she saw the love of Jesus Christ for the very first time in her life. She was given a "shoebox" filled with practical gifts. For the first time she had her own tooth brush! Jesus said: "assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me. The listener has the opportunity to participate in a "packing party" that will be held at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Rock Tavern, next Saturday 10/27/12. Participants: Ellen Siletzky, Oksana Nelson, Sue Croston, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Covenant
Air Date: 10/13/2012
God's Covenant Love - why the Covenant matters to believers

What is the Covenant? Did you know that it is tied to relationship? The word points to the way that God relates to us in Jesus Christ. God has set things up such that there is a structure or nature of the relationship, setting out the terms or grounds of the relationship. The gospel story unfolds in a very organic sort of way. We look at the overall unfolding of God's covenantal workings, in particular the covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David - all of them pointing forward to the New Covenant in Jesus Christ. We learn that in terms of the substance of the Abrahamic Covenant and the New Covenant, that they are essentially one, and yet they are administered differently. We talk about how to read the Bible. The concept of the Covenant is a uniquely helpful paradigm or prism by which to see the Scriptures as one book. We see that God made a covenant with Adam but then Adam breaks that covenant. Then God establishes a promise in the garden - of a Redeemer, and thus graciously establishes a covenant. God then preserves the created order with Noah so that His covenant purposes can go forward, and then He calls Abraham. There for the first time He makes what we might call a redemptive covenant. The characteristics of these covenants are that they are a bond in blood, sovereignly administered by the God of Israel, with His people. When God makes these various covenants, we realize that they are not a different covenant, but they are all related to the others - in other words, they grow organically and all move towards the New Covenant which God makes with Christ, the Second Adam. At the very end of His life, on the night in which He was betrayed, or Lord Jesus institutes and establishes the New Covenant. "This is the New Covenant in my blood," said Jesus - and he thereby was gathering up the Passover meal and the Exodus tradition. The New Covenant is a re-establishment and is in the blood of Jesus. It is new in the sense that it is established in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and given a permanent form. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Issues that Christians care about when voting
Air Date: 10/6/2012
Voting: Issues that matter to the Christian

While we are nonpartisan, we are not amoral. There are several categories of issues which are of great interest to Christians. Morality cannot be separated from politics. There is a relationship between public and private. One item we discuss is religious freedom. This is not the same as freedom to worship. We also discuss some matters which even nature itself teaches us. Despite the assertions of some, we really cannot separate morals from the political sphere. As we head to the voting booths in one month from today, Christians care a great deal about certain issues - and our religious freedom and free speech extend outside of the church walls. We take a look at the religious freedom in Communist nations. The contrast with America may shock you. The fact is our freedoms have been severely eroded of late, and particularly by the health care law. We also take a look at a particular platform statement without saying which party it is from. Some of the verbiage is completely consistent with the Bible. We also talk about the sanctity of human life (including the end of life), as well as marriage being between one man and one woman. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Christian in the World of Politics
Air Date: 9/29/2012
Christians involvement in the world of politics - is it legitimate?

Is it proper for a Christian to be involved in politics? What does the Christian's role to be salt and light entail? The Bible assumes that we live in a fallen and corrupt world. What about the notion that the candidate must be as perfect as possible? Is it legitimate to vote for a candidate that is the "lesser of two evils?" A minority of well meaning Christians hold to the position that by voting for the lesser of the evils, (it is said) that "you are still voting for evil." We disagree. If you consistently hold to this sentiment, then you will never vote at all. Is that being salt and light? In this discussion we conclude that it is proper and legitimate to vote for less than perfect candidates. The reason is because we must mitigate evil. Listen closely to learn more. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Surprised by Jesus
Air Date: 9/22/2012
Surprised by Jesus - Aspects of Jesus' person you may not have considered

Jesus is fully God and fully man. Sometimes it seems easier for us to accept his divinity than it is to accept His humanity. As we read and think about Jesus, some of the details can almost be surprising. How did Jesus treat His parents? Did Jesus need to pray? Did He worship? We take a look at His sympathy for the downcast, yet his condemnation of those who were externally religious without sincere faith. What kinds of people did Jesus hang out with? What about Jesus' view of children of believing parents? Did the blessing of Jesus accomplish anything? Did you know that there is a man in heaven? Join us for this intriguing look at Jesus Christ and hopefully you will come away with a greater love for our Savior. Participants: Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Battle of Antietam
Air Date: 9/14/2012
The Battle of Antietam - honoring the 150th anniversary

Antietam is one of the pivotal battles of the Civil War. There were over 22,700 killed and wounded on a single day. General McClellan had a tremendous opportunity to win the day, and yet he did not. We discuss what the two sides looked like - for example, many of the Confederate soldiers had no shoes. The 150th anniversary of this important battle is on Monday, September 17, 2012. We also discuss the affect that photography played in the civil war. Now with photography, for the first time, some of the horrors of war could be viewed by folks at home. This played a profound role in people's mind. Also of key significance during this time is Abraham Lincoln's waiting for an important victory to launch the Emancipation Proclamation. Slavery was a bone of contention during this time frame. Slavery would become a war issue, which Lincoln would use to his advantage. The Constitution at this point, protected slavery. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Seward Osborne, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Christian Citizen
Air Date: 9/8/2012
The Christian Citizen and voting your conscience

The Presidential election is November 6, 2012 and there are lots of perspectives to help inform our votes. Christians want to maintain a clear conscience as we vote. At the same time we don't want to throw our vote away. We are often frustrated over a virtual two party system. Both groups seem to be drifting to the left, and one faster than the other. What about the Morman religion? Is it simply another "denomination" under Christianity? No it isn't - listen to this podcast to find out more. What if Mitt Romney gets elected, will this energize Morman evangelism? What if Barrack Obama gets elected, will this incite new boldness among Muslims? What about the huge gathering of Muslims prior to the DNC? Mr. Obama has attended Trinity United Church in Chicago - a Liberation Theology church for many years. Mr. Obama's policies have been friendly to Muslims. Our guest notes that a true Muslim would not attend a church, even one based on Marxism. Barrack Obama is Pro-Abortion. On the other hand it appears that Mitt Romney is pro big government, and does not appear to sufficiently advocate downsizing government. (Side note: To his credit, he and his running mate do understand finances,and know how to run businesses, keeping them in the black.) Our guest on the phone forthrightly states that he cannot in good conscience vote for Romney, while another guest in the studio says he will, but with reservation. Participants: Jerry Johnson, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Christian man in the world
Air Date: 9/1/2012
The Christian man in the world - what does he look like?

As we continue this series on the Christian man and his God given roles, this week we look at the Christian man in the World, or you could say, society. God said "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. (Gen. 1:26)" What did He mean by this? What about the times when we as men sin - what are we to do? What should be our perspective with respect to work? Things are bad, so is there any reason to be optimistic? Yes there is! Listen to this podcast to find out more. We also talk about callings. Quite often our callings are not the same as what we do to earn money. It's nice when they can match but often they don't match. Sometimes later in life we are blessed with the opportunity to do our callings full time. Regarding callings, just suppose you passionately see something that needs to get done; and others just don't see it like you do. Well, very possibly you are looking at a calling for your life. Participants: Dr. George Grant, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Christian man in the church
Air Date: 8/25/2012
The Christian man in the church - our roles and responsibilities

As we continue this series on the role of Christian men, this week we look at Christian men in the church. Men are given a unique role by God, and charged by God of being leaders in the church. However that said, they are not "better" than women - just different roles. We also talk about the Christian church and what it "looks like." How does creation tie into the structure that we see in a church? What about Hierarchy? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Christian man in the home
Air Date: 8/18/2012
The Christian man in the home - our role and responsibility

What is the role that God has given to Christian men in the home? This discussion is the first part of a series that we intend to air, namely: The Christian man in the home, the Christian man in the church and the Christian man in society. For this discussion we embark on this first discussion by looking at the first book of the Bible, Genesis. The Christian home is THE covenant unit. We touch upon the covenant promises of God to our families. What about the worth of women as compared to men? Well, that is simple - there is no distinction with respect to a woman's worth or we could say with respect to their ontological being. What is the role of a man in the family? For that you will have to listen to this podcast! We also touch upon the necessity of a covenantal perspective as we embrace the biblical Calvinistic understanding pertaining to soteriology - we feel that a covenantal perspective brings softness, love and precious and deep meaning to the whole theological landscape. Leave out the doctrines pertaining to God's covenant love, and you are left with a harsher construct that seems lacking. In other words, it is the covenant that brings our understanding of God's seeking and saving us into right perspective. Salvation is completely of God, and it is based on his electing love and further ties into His placing specific children into our Christian homes. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Family
Air Date: 8/11/2012
Family - God created the family as an institution between a husband and wife

God created the family. "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: "This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man."" Genesis 2:21-23. A true family occurs as a man marries a woman, and the fruit of the marriage union is children. We are encouraged to develop a deep love for children. We talk about young people who are starting to look for their life's mate. What simple guidelines are there? Later in the discussion we cover the myth of over population. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christians in the Media
Air Date: 8/4/2012
Christians in the Media

Should Christians get involved in the media? What about the news - how do we get to the bottom of what is actually true? The internet has become very active and is an important and rather young media platform. If you are listening to this podcast, that fact alone illustrates the use of the internet and the distribution of information and truth using this newer mechanism. Consider that we are created in the image of God. A major component of God creating man in His own image, is the capacity for communication. Also because we are in God's image, we are meant to create - this includes many disciplines, and in particular we must have communication. We communicate in very unique ways. In this part of the conversion, we talk a little about our pets, and the limitation of them. We talk about some of the well known Christians who are in the media. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Staying Optimistic in a Pessimistic Age
Air Date: 7/27/2012
Discouraged? - Staying Optimistic in a Pessimistic Age

We all need to give much more attention to what the Bible says. Pessimism is essentially emotional heterodoxy. We take a look at the promise to Abraham - the seed promise which bears fruit in the New Testament when our Lord tells us that all the nations are to be discipled. Psalm 72 is a beautiful picture of the blessing of the gospel that will go to all the nations. Kings will bow before the Lord Jesus Christ. After listening to this Podcast, we invite our listeners to learn more by listening to sermons available on Sermon Audio from the Franklin Square OPC church pertaining to this very subject. Just do a Google search for "Sermon Audio Franklin Square". Then scroll down to "Sunday PM" and detect. You will see a series listed there entitled "Salt and Light: Christianity in the Public Arena. Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Immigration
Air Date: 7/21/2012
Immigration - what is good about it and a look at illegal immigration

America is a nation of immigrants. Today's discussion looks at immigration and its constitutional mooring, and the advantages of it. We also look at illegal immigration. We look at the biblical concept of "aliens in the land," and the principles garnered from that and its application to us today. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Executive Overreach
Air Date: 7/14/2012
Executive Overreach - what has happened to our legislative process?

Has the Administration in Washington sidestepped our nation's legislative process? We look at Executive Orders, noting that both sides of the aisle have used the mechanism. The recent use of this power has virtually created new laws, which completely bypass Congress. President Obama has signed about 900 Executive Orders. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Church
Air Date: 7/6/2012
The Church - Christ has a people who assemble and worship together

Are you a church-goer? Church attendance may be frowned upon in some quarters, but we here at Redeemer Broadcasting love the Church and encourage listeners to attend a faithful church. The church is one holy, catholic and apostolic in its nature. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Independence Day
Air Date: 6/30/2012
Independence Day - its roots, the original religious fervor and where we are today

A quick review of the history of the American Revolution, including an analysis of the religious fervor that was evident in 1776 and even 100 years prior. The providence of God is mentioned. From the Puritan days up until the great awakening, almost every person in the colonies considered themselves a British citizen. But something happened at a special event in history (approx. 1730-1750), such that the colonists started to see themselves as the "American people." 90% of the people at the time of the Revolution were Calvinistic. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Education
Air Date: 6/23/2012
Education - Deciding what to do after High School

What should a student do who has completed High School? How do you choose a school and what about a Christian vs. Secular school? It is not as simple as you may think. What about going on to graduate school? The Christian grad schools may not be as well funded as needed. In this discussion we include a recent 4 year college graduate in our discussion. What about your passions? We encourage finding a match with your personal passions and gifts. Once on a campus, it is essential that you get involved with a Christian group and a church, independent of whether you attend a Christian or non-Christian school. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Ian Keir, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The War of 1812
Air Date: 6/16/2012
200th Year Anniversary of the War of 1812

Today, June 17th, is the 200th anniversary of the start of the War of 1812. Congress declared war on that day. In this discussion we cover the background leading up to the war, what parties sided together, and what happened during the war. American ships were being ceased by both Britain and France on the high seas. Thus, there was interference in neutral shipping; but there was also impressment of Americans into the British naval service. We talk about Tecumseh and his efforts among the Indian nations. We also talk about Tecumseh's brother Tenskwatawa ("The Prophet") - who turned out to have a negative affect on the whole milieu. During our break midway through the discussion we will listen to the finale of the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky. Even though the war was officially ended prior to the Battle of New Orleans, America won a very decisive battle there. It was important that America won, because if we hadn't, then Britain would have either kept the properties, or ceded them back to Spain. We remind the listener that our Constitution requires that is is Congress only, that legitimately declares war. We close our discussion with an excellent work performed by the US Air Force Band - The National Anthem. The lyrics of which actually come from "Defence of Fort McHenry", a poem written in 1814 by the 35-year-old lawyer and amateur poet, Francis Scott Key, after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by the British Royal Navy ships in Chesapeake Bay during the Battle of Fort McHenry. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf - also sitting in with us was Bill Diedrich, Mark's Dad

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A Plain Answer: Anarchy
Air Date: 6/9/2012
Anarchy - What is it, how it exists today, and its dangers

In this edition of A Plain Answer we discuss the political theory and practice of "Anarchy." The participants today share a common concern over modern day cultural elites lording it over the populace - that is, elites behind the scenes who are non-elected. However this concern is not the same as the so called anarchy movement. Anarchists believe that all forms of authority are unnecessary. This may include state, church, or some form of economic elite. The children of Israel went through a phase in which "everyone did what was right in their own eyes." Anarchy can be applied to some forms of revolution in history. However not all revolutions fall under the category of anarchy. For example, the American Revolution essentially replaced one authority with another authority, and was legitimate. Such was not the case with the French Revolution. We take a look at what the Scriptures have to say about civil authority. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Ian Keir

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A Plain Answer: Fellowship
Air Date: 6/2/2012
Fellowship - The joy and help that is available within the Body of Christ

Fellowship. Why is it necessary? What are its advantages? In this discussion we take a look at the meaningful relationships that are available to the Christian as he or she participates in the Body of Christ, the Church. Fellowship is the way we carry out the two great commandments of Scripture, namely, love God and love our neighbor. We discuss the unorthodox and destructive emphasis of Mr. Harold Camping, as he asserts that "Satan is in all the Churches." He tells people to leave the Church, and if they don't, they are in danger of going to Hell. Mr. Camping has blasphemed the Body of Christ, and indeed Christ Himself. Contrast this with the Bible's teachings. We are enjoined to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. We are to hear the word of God preached and to observe the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. God has given to us the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to take this away from people cuts us off from all that is good. To those former followers of Harold Camping, we would tenderly say: Now that it is clear that Harold Camping was wrong concerning his entire time line of history and the setting of dates, realize too that he was wrong about other his other unbiblical assertions as well. Return to Church. Return to those who love you. Yes, we are imperfect, but here you will find those who love and care about your soul and will come along side and give you loving support. Fellowship with the Body of Christ is the norm for the Christian. God is not done with His church, in fact He is building it with power and the gates of Hell shall not be successful against it! Return to those who really love you. It is time to come home to deep fellowship. Christianity was never intended to be lived out as a "Lone Ranger." Christ is calling you to return to His Body. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Pentecost
Air Date: 5/26/2012
Pentecost - Now that Christ is ascended, He sends The Helper

We reflect on Pentecost - it is a Greek word meaning 50 days. It is based first, in the Old Testament. Yet it is in New Testament times, where we see the re-formation of the church which is the beginning of the New Testament church - and significantly, it includes Gentiles now! God uses a special gift of languages, or perhaps hearing, to convince the Jews then present that God was now folding into the covenant family, the Gentiles who believed on Jesus Christ. We also discuss the fact that when you receive Jesus Christ, you also receive the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:9 is one proof of that. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: The Ascension
Air Date: 5/16/2012
The Ascension - why it matters and its huge role in our lives and in missions

Tomorrow, many churches celebrate the Ascension of Jesus into heaven. We learn that Jesus showed Himself to more than 500 people at once. After this, Jesus departs into heaven. But it doesn't end there! Because Jesus has ascended, He then was able to send His Holy Spirit to us. We talk about Jesus being seated on His heavenly throne. This is not a static position. Jesus rules and reigns in a powerful way from this heavenly throne. In the meantime before his second coming, He is successfully bringing men to Himself. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Mother's Day
Air Date: 5/12/2012
Mother's Day - a time to celebrate and appreciate our Moms

Tomorrow is Mother's Day! This is a wonderful time to celebrate our Moms and express our thanks to them, if in fact they are still alive. In this discussion we talk about our own mothers, and then move the discussion to some mothers who are mentioned in the Bible. We also talk about the societal implications of godly mothers.

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A Plain Answer: Missions and the success of the gospel
Air Date: 5/5/2012
Missions - What is God doing in this world of ours?

Missions. That word may evoke a picture of a husband and wife diligently working in a foreign tribal people for 40 years, sustaining persecution, and completing their work with few converts. While this does happen we must think about the larger picture too. God is doing some amazing things worldwide. The success comes from God and rests on the proximate foundational work of the scenario just mentioned. In this discussion we urge our listeners to not look at the world and the Bible merely through the interpretive lens of Americanism. There are marvelous stories coming out of Africa, Asia, and China. The next time your American friend tells you that things are getting worse and worse (in America) and that is proof for for the certain soon return of Christ, we hope you think as a Christian first, and remind your friend of what Jesus said to the disciples in Acts 1:7,8. The focus of our Lord is that of the Great Commission, not speculative end-time scenarios. Our Lord wants us to see that we receive power because of the Holy Spirit which He has given us. The gospel of Christ will be successful. That may shock you in our 21st century American culture. Here in America much of our Christian foundation is under serious attack. But if we reflect on the words of Jesus as shared in this broadcast, we will be reminded of the thorough pervasive influence of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the entire world. Simply put, God wins. The "leaven" affects (in a profound way) the entire lump of "dough." In another parable Jesus talks of a mustard seed. Human thinking would not anticipate what would happen with such a small seed. Please tune in to find out more. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Miracles
Air Date: 4/28/2012
Miracles - The Christian faith is founded on the greatest miracle ever

Miracles. What do you think about them? You may have become calloused to even considering legitimate miracles because of the many hucksters on television who purport miracles but are really charlatans. But there does exist a realm of the miracle, despite the false prophets which today are in abundance. The greatest miracle of all was the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Another fantastic miracle is the new birth - that point in your life when God becomes real to you, and He truly and miraculously grants spiritual "eyesight" to you and you become a child of God. In this program we take a step back and try hard to lay aside our biases and open the Word of God with sincere hearts as we take a look at this most interesting subject. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Church Eldership
Air Date: 4/21/2012
Church Eldership - what does the Bible require?

The elders of the church are placed there by Christ and described in the New Testament. In a previous A Plain Answer broadcast, we talked about Jesus being our King. At that time we talked about Jesus visibly governing His church through the officers which He gives to the church. A listener asked the question of how can people be disciplined by imperfect humans, and especially if the one doing the disciplining has hidden sins greater then the person being disciplined? We talk about discipline that is insensitive and not according to the Scriptures. Our view of Christ's kingship is conditioned by the Scriptures in which Jesus is meek and lowly of heart and bids people to come unto Him that they might have life. Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Hope Because of the Resurrection
Air Date: 4/14/2012
Hope Because of the Resurrection

We have Resurrection hope in a Good Friday world. In this world of suffering, loss of life, disappointment, job loss, etc. - in this world of mayhem. God gives us a solid hope and assurance because of the resurrection of Jesus for the dead. In the midst of these things, we have the joy and hope of Christ because of His resurrection. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Air Date: 4/7/2012
The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The most important part of the Christian calendar is celebrated this time of the year. In this program we review the account of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We talk about the gospel - it is centered on the person and work of Christ. It includes nothing from our side, but is entirely from heaven. It is not a gospel of politics or a gospel of feminism or whatever. The gospel really is centered on Jesus Christ. He is our Lord and Savior. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christ our Prophet, Priest and King
Air Date: 3/30/2012
Christ our Prophet, Priest and King

Our Lord Jesus executes three offices - that of Prophet, Priest and King. He is the one Mediator appointed by God to us. In the office of Prophet, Christ reveals to the church by His Spirit and word the whole will of God. As a Priest, we are reminded of His offering of Himself one time as a sacrifice without spot to God. He makes reconciliation for the sins of His people. Plus He continues to make continue intercession for us. As our King, Christ calls a people to Himself and gives them church officers, laws and censures. Our King Jesus bestows saving grace on His elect, rewards our obedience, and corrects us for our sins. Praise God, that He preserves us as well, as restrains and overcomes our enemies. The focus here is not merely political - but Christ's kingship is exercised as King of kings, and Lord of lords. We especially consider how Jesus Christ, the Head and King of the Church rules in our midst via the church. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Lent
Air Date: 3/24/2012
Lent: Why do Protestants celebrate it, and what is at its core?

Christians often celebrate Lent. Certainly Roman Catholics observe this, but there are also many Protestants who do as well. Lent means "spring." As we look forward to our most important holiday in the Christian calendar, namely Easter (Resurrection Day), many Christians optionally find that it is helpful to focus on our own repentance and dealing with our own sins. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: St. Patrick
Air Date: 3/13/2012
St. Patrick: His story and why we celebrate his life

So you thought only Roman Catholics would talk about St. Patrick? Well, that's normal. When we were kids, we all went to school on "St. Patty's Day" and our Roman Catholic buddies would see if we were wearing green! Remember those days? I guess that dates us. But have you ever looked into the life of this godly man? Join us for an engaging discussion of St. Patrick and sit back and enjoy the discussion of this amazing man of God. Oh, and don't worry, your host and guests are not turning into "Romanists," but we are embracing the history as God has providentially worked in this world of ours! Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Harold Camping's weak apology, natural law, shame and hope
Air Date: 3/10/2012
In the news again: Harold Camping and his weak apology

Harold Camping in the news - it seems to never go away. Three days ago he posted a letter to his website in which he issued his latest statement. Today on the first segment of A PLAIN ANSWER we discuss this particular letter. We deal with what was posted, and more significantly what was missing! Harold Camping included his entire staff in this statement in which he admits that what Family Radio did was sinful in the setting of dates for Christ's return. Yes, that's right, he included everyone - that is, "the staff of Family Radio." What is most interesting is what he did NOT say in his letter. We also address his justification of spreading falsehoods and lies about the end of the world, under the guise of people hearing "for the first time the Bible's warning." In this letter of Harold Camping, as with others, there is no grace and no real repentance either. Perhaps you would like to hear other podcast downloads dealing with most of the Harold Camping heresies - you are invited to listen to these other free downloads, dated: 7/16/11, 7/09/11, 5/28/11, 5/21/11, 5/14/11, 3/05/11, 1/08/11, 11/06/10, 10/28/10, 3/27/10, and 9/19/09. Yes, this Harold Camping story is an on-going saga and from time to time we will comment on it. If you still need more to think about after the podcast, we invite you to visit our home page, and scroll down to the link: "A blog for Family Radio listeners or staff with questions" - just click on the link for a discussion of this important letter and the implications of it. The second segment of today's discussion deals with the topic of "Natural Law." Finally we close with a quick comment about shame and the grace of God. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Original Sin
Air Date: 3/3/2012
Original Sin: What does the Bible teach - is there true innocence at birth?

Christian theology teaches that the guilt of Adam passed on to all future generations - is this fair? That is, suppose you grant the premise that God says all men are sinners from birth forward - is it a valid question to charge God with the "sin" of lack of fairness? What does the Scripture say? The Apostle wrote: "Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous" (Romans 5:18-19). If it is "unfair" that we inherited Adam's guilt, then should we presume that you think it is also unfair that Christ died for a people in their place (ie, substitutionary atonement)? Think about it. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Culture
Air Date: 2/25/2012
Culture: What does it mean and what makes it wonderful?

Culture. We hear of "multiculturalism" or "diversity." But what is the basis for meaningful culture in all of its loving relationships? The discussion this week stems from last week's topic of big government imposing their values on our families and religious and societal groups. Culture comes from the word "cultivate" (tilling the soil). Richard Niebuhr said that Culture is that secondary environment that we lay on top of nature. We talk about the Tower of Babel and the curse of God in confusing the languages, so that their culture would not be able to communicate among themselves. We also talk about the goodness of diversity. Abraham experienced the growth of a theocentric culture. We are very much part of the Judeo-Christian culture here in America. Multiculturalism as we know it today has some negative aspects as related to Christianity - please listen to find out more! Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: Government Mandated Health Care
Air Date: 2/18/2012
Government mandated health care - a dangerous intrusion into our lives

Suppose you were successful and have established your own health insurance company. You are a Christian and also as a hard working person established your health insurance company for the glory of Christ and to help people. Under the new mandate from the current Administration however, you will be required to provide contraceptives free of charge, including abortifacients! (ie, medicines which cause abortions). That's right, your constitutional rights are being run over roughshod and there appears to be nothing that you can do about it. Or is there? Join us for this non-partisan look at this major news item and its implications for freedom loving Christians - including Protestant, Roman Catholic and Orthodox. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Adopting a Long Range Vision of the Spread of God's Kingdom
Air Date: 2/11/2012
God's Redemptive history and the need for adopting a long range vision for Kingdom advancement

Why is it that we as Christians are so short sighted in modern 21st century America? In today's discussion we take a look at God's Redemptive plan in history. God's unfolding of His plan often takes much longer than we think with our puny understanding. We talk about having an eschatological perspective and frame that within the relative slowness of God's moving. We talk about Abraham, and the bondage of Israel for 400 years! The advance of God's kingdom takes time and we are to be encouraged as we diligently serve our Lord with keen focus. We know that God is on His throne and that His Kingdom will be successful. Participants: Rev. Kevin Chiarot, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How to read the Bible
Air Date: 2/4/2012
How to read the Bible - what about 'deeper spiritual meanings?'

The early church dealt with the gnostic heresy. This problem never really went away and reappeared at various times in the church's history. There is much pride involved in such secret knowledge. The followers of Harold Camping's heresies have demonstrated this. But that aside, are there not different genres to be observed in the Scriptures? Yes there are. So we have the case of not over reacting to the recent Camping scandal. We take a look at the book of Psalms, and in particular Psalm 1. We see simile as well as metaphor. When we get to the last book of the Bible, Revelation (which is apocalyptic literature), we see Jesus riding a horse with a sword coming out of His mouth! Obviously there are literary forms present. But as we observe the various forms, there are literal meanings in all of the Bible. We need to be careful as we approach the Scriptures. One of the HUGE safety nets for our understanding is to be in community. We need to be in fellowship with God's people in a church that is faithful to the Bible and is preaching it and exercising the keys and administering the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. For personal devotions, we also recommend some particular books of the Bible to begin reading, particularly if you are new to Bible reading. Towards the end of our program we share some more about the Psalms and how they are of such profound help to the people of God. The Psalms are both a hymn book and a prayer book. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How was an Old Testament Saint Saved?
Air Date: 1/28/2012
How have the Saints been saved through the centuries?

As we approach this subject we first look at how a person comes to faith in Christ in our day. Was the Old Testament Saint saved in a different way? What does the Bible say about Abraham - what did He experience? The text says: "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness." We mention also, the Biblical idea of God working in families - the "promise is to you and your children," we are told. What does that mean? If you are like many American 21st century Christians, you may struggle a little with the meaning of that text. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Abortion
Air Date: 1/21/2012
Abortion - what is the biblical perspective?

On January 22, 1973, the US Supreme Court handed down Roe v. Wade. It has been 39 years now, of legalized abortion, and the estimates are that 54 Million babies have been killed in America. Our guest Kevin Chiarot was one of the people who helped found the Crisis Pregnancy Center in New Paltz, NY in the early '80's. We discuss the battle of the words, such as: "choice", "women's rights", "reproductive rights", etc. These words make the pro-life people sound like we are tyrannical. Choice becomes an abstraction and obscures what is really chosen. The pro-abortion people ultimately defend their right to kill a child. Participants: Rev. Kevin Chiarot, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Baptism of Jesus
Air Date: 1/13/2012
The Baptism of Jesus: What did it signify?

John came to the Jordan river inviting people to a baptism of repentance. Jesus was baptized to fulfill all righteousness. We spend some time early in the broadcast discussing the tremendously interesting person of John the Baptist. His diet and dress were very unique. He was an odd man who lived it the desert, surviving on a diet of locusts and wild honey! Then we discuss Jesus and how that he was baptized by John. Why was this necessary? In this baptism, Jesus was identifying with the people. He identified in their plight. He was not a sinner, and we are. As the people came to John, they confessed their sins. They knew they were sinners and were asking God to forgive them. Jesus was baptized with the baptism of sinners because He can take away the sins of the world - the very bad sins. Sins you would think that are so despicable, that they could never be forgiven. But Jesus would forgive even these sins. And so Jesus took part in the same sign to indicate that He would be providing for us sinners. He is closely identified to us in our sin and yet remained sinless. Just think, all of our sins are transferred to Jesus and all of His benefits are transferred to us! The Heavenly Father's love for Jesus is gifted to us! Praise be to God. This baptism of Jesus also hearkened back to the "baptism" that would have taken place for the Levitical priesthood. Jesus was therefore being anointed by His own Heavenly Father. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Epiphany
Air Date: 1/7/2012
Epiphany: Light has come!

The term epiphany means "to show" or "to make known" or even "to reveal." In Western churches, it commemorates the coming of the wise men bringing gifts to visit the Christ child, who by so doing "reveal" Jesus to the world as Lord and King. Jesus appeared to the world, and the church calendar lists January 6 as Epiphany day. We are reminded that Jesus came not only for the house of Israel, but for the whole world. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The New Year
Air Date: 12/30/2011
Looking to our Lord for the New Year - is there hope?

Have you made your New Year's resolutions yet? What is a proper perspective to have during this time of year as we look forward? We have an opportunity to look at what we have done in the past, and to plan for the future in the light of Christ's faithfulness to us. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Fullness of Time
Air Date: 12/24/2011
The Fullness of time - Lessons and Carols for Christmas

Scripture readings and readings from older fathers in the faith. We intersperse these with carols. We hope you enjoy it! Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Incarnation
Air Date: 12/17/2011
Jesus Christ has come into the world, taking on Human flesh, bacame man and yet retained His diety

The Incarnation means that the eternal God sent His son into the world to seek and to save the lost. He did this through human flesh, born of a woman, born under the law. His name would be called Immanuel, meaning: God with us. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Our first parents turned their backs on God. Jesus humbled Himself and came to us, seeking us, even though we sinned against Him and have offended Him. Jesus became a Servant. We also talk about Mary the mother of Jesus. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Advent and the Second Coming of Christ
Air Date: 12/10/2011
Advent and the 2nd Coming of Christ

Advent - from the Latin word adventus meaning "coming." We discuss this whole season of Advent and especially focus on the 2nd coming of Christ. This is the Christian's blessed hope. Churches have celebrated this event at this time of year. We briefly review three celebrations by God's people: Pentecost, Passover and Tabernacles. Early churches would take their lead from the idea of celebrations. The Old Testament prophets often wrote about both comings - the first and the second, and many times made very little distinction between them. This sometimes makes it hard for us to understand them. We also discuss false prophets, who feel obliged to set dates, such as Harold Camping. This practice is old and is heretical. It places a stumbling block before people and also gives reason for the non-Christian to mock the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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A Plain Answer: The Secularization of Christmas
Air Date: 12/3/2011
The Secularization of Christmas and our response

There is an effort in our land to eliminate Christianity from public life. Even last week's Presidential speech for Thanksgiving, made no reference to God! A comparison of a newer Charlie Brown cartoon with an older one written by Charles Schulz is also very telling. The contemporary idea of inclusiveness and diversity has been used as leverage to squelch Christianity in the public square. We can still celebrate Christmas in our homes, but are under increasing pressure to not talk about God in the public square, or present Christianity on commercial TV. This is by design and is not an accident. We discuss the use of the phrase "Merry Christmas." We even take a short look at Hanukkah - which celebrates a real event in Jewish history. There are some who think that we should not celebrate Christmas at all. We share information about the Puritans, who were an early group who did not feel they should celebrate Christmas. They were attempting to remove the pagan elements, and didn't celebrate. We love the Puritans, but don't share that perspective. However we acknowledge that there is freedom to not observe. This is an important distinction - that is, freedom of conscience. We also discuss the topic of Christmas music that was written to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Thanksgiving in a time of loss
Air Date: 11/26/2011
Giving thanks to God in the midst of loss

We just came through the national observance of Thanksgiving here in America. We review some of the facts surrounding the giving of thanks of the Pilgrims. They had lost 50 percent of the group of people who came over with them - that is, within one year, half had perished. Yet they gave thanks. We review both the Pilgrims and in general, the Puritans. But what of thanksgiving in the midst of loss and sorrow? Some of you have lost loved ones at this very time of year. The men participating in this discussion had just lost a close friend the same week as the broadcast, and we all were grieving. Maybe you have lost a job, or perhaps have gone through the "death of a vision." Some of you have lost relationships. We cover some simple notions to consider as you work through your grief and suffering. We also would invite you to email us with any inquiries. Our pastor friends would be happy and honored to deal with your questions. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Penal Substitutionary Atonement and Thanksgiving
Air Date: 11/19/2011
What is one of the most important things to be thankful for?

What is penal substitution in Christian theology? We talk about Jesus' death on the cross, and his death for our sins. Christ bore punishment in our place. We talk about the wrath of God, and tie that to the love of God. Jesus is the atoning sacrifice which placates the wrath of God for our sins. It is the love of God that both results in just wrath in the face of evil and sin and that same love that sets forth the Son as an atoning sacrifice to bear that wrath. There is no pitting of the love of God and the wrath of God against each other. Participants: Rev. Kevin Chiarot, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Bible Translations
Air Date: 11/12/2011
This year marks the 400th anniversay of the King James Bible

Have you ever wondered about Bible translations? This year marks the 400th anniversary of the well known King James Version of the Bible. What other translations were in existence at that time? What did the Pilgrims and Puritans use? What was the Geneva Bible? What is the difference between a literal translation, a dynamic equivalency, and a paraphrase? Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Trinity - Part 2
Air Date: 11/5/2011
The concept of the Trinity flows naturally from the Scriptures

In this second installment of our discussion about the Trinity, we take a closer look at this teaching that flows from the Scriptures themselves. We focus particularly on the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. We look at the prologue to John's gospel and contrast that with gnosticism. We also talk about docetism (ie, the belief that Jesus' physical body was an illusion). We spend some time looking at some of the church's creeds and confessions and encourage the listener to investigate them and become familiar with them. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Reformation
Air Date: 10/29/2011
The Reformation and how it extends into Protestant denominations

We don't like Halloween, but we do like the Reformation. October 31st is significant because of Martin Luther and the his 95 theses in 1517. Reformation Day is a religious holiday celebrated on October 31 in remembrance of the Reformation, particularly by Lutheran and some Reformed church communities. We review the state of the American church and how it has often embraced an anti-intellectual approach. Seminaries are often put down, and there is almost a badge of honor that goes along with being ignorant. We have forgotten our history, and we seem to take pride in it. We review the life of Martin Luther, as well as the conditions on the ground in the church of his day. We explore the follow-on reformers, including John Calvin as well as the various Confessions of Faith. Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Jerry Johnson, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Trinity
Air Date: 10/22/2011
The Bible teaches the doctrine of the Trinity - find out more

The Bible never uses the word Trinity, and yet the concept is undeniably present in the Scriptures. We start our discussion by reviewing another monotheistic religion, namely Islam. The unique position of Christianity is that we believe in one God, and yet there are three persons in the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory. Participant: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Islam in Christian Perspective - Part 2
Air Date: 10/15/2011
Arab immigration, conversions of Muslims, and Dhimmitude (second class citizens)

During the Arab immigration here in America well over 100 years ago, and into the 30's, 40's and 50's of the 20th Century, most of these Arabs were Christians and they were fleeing persecution. Christians and Jews are said to be "people of the book." We have a special status, but that does not mean equality. However for Muslims who convert to Christianity - historically, it is considered treason against the state, and some countries, such as Egypt have in their laws, the death penalty for such conversions. For people who were already Christians and were conquered, they have Dhimmitude - this is the case for the Koptic Christians. We talk about Baptism, which is a profound change of status. The Muslims tend to take Baptism far more seriously than many evangelicals do. We talk about Baptism as being a "sign and seal" of God's Covenant of grace. The Muslims literally see Baptism as a mark of treason. We grieve over the fact that our own Christian friends here in American often do not see the import of this important Sacrament. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Islam in Christian Perspective - Part 1
Air Date: 10/8/2011
When did Islam begin, and why did it spread so rapidly? Are there different types of Muslims?

In this two part series on Islam in Christian perspective, we discuss the definitions of "Muslim," and "Islam." We explore the types of Muslims: Sunni/Salafists, Sh'ia, Suffi/Dervish, and Alawis/Nusayris. Here in the Hudson Valley, there is going to be an excellent Forum to be given by Dr. John Vance on this very subject. This coming Friday night, the first part of the series will be held at at Westminster Presbyterian Church, on October 14, 2011, starting at 7:30 PM. Come early at 6:45 PM and we will be there to have some pizza and soda with folks - we would love to meet you! Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Human Condition and Government
Air Date: 10/1/2011
Is America's problem merely economic in nature, or does it run much deeper?

We continue last week's discussion that was prompted by en experience of heavy taxation in our town in terms of school taxes rising precipitously. What if a leader seeking public office were to take a stand that all that really mattered was economics and the candidate did not take into consideration the human condition and morality? How is your spiritual condition today? What if you see someone who is very talented and works hard, and becomes exceedingly productive and prosperous. Can you rejoice with that person? Or do you want what they have? Greed in the human heart is a terrible evil. In our political system greed and class warfare is often at the root cause of some very bad laws. We comment about laws that have been put in place that are nothing more than legalized thievery. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Taxes and Freedom
Air Date: 9/24/2011
Taxes: we have to live with them, but when does the government overstep its bounds?

Jesus said to "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." Have you ever thought about what are the limits of what belongs to "Caesar?" What percentage of your income can the government legitimately lay claim to? We look at some world wide statistics which have been compiled regarding economic freedom among nations - which nation has the most freedom, and which has the least, and where does the United States stack up? Is there a connection between persecution of Christians and economic freedom? What about seniors in the Town of Olive in Ulster County in NY State who cannot afford to pay their school taxes? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Keys
Air Date: 9/17/2011
'I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven' - what did Jesus mean?

In Matthew 16, is recorded Peter's confession of Christ. Jesus then turns to Peter and says: "...I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.." In this program, we discuss the authority that has been given exclusively to the Christian church. Protestants and Catholics do not agree as to the meaning of this exact verse. Catholics see this as pointing to the role of the Pope. Protestants on the other hand, also see this statement as pertaining to authority, but come out with a different conclusion. The Protestant Reformation would teach that the church has authority from Christ, through the Apostles, to preach the gospel of the Jesus Christ, to teach the whole counsel of God, and to administer the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. The Reformation position is that the administration of these Sacraments are within the purview of the Church only. We also address a listener's question/assertion regarding being baptized by a non-church group. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dr. Hans Vought, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: The 9-11 Terrorist Attacks - 10th Anniversary
Air Date: 9/10/2011
Reflections on the 9-11 attacks and considerations going forward

We discuss the 9-11 terrorist attacks, this year being the 10th anniversary. We provide a summary of the attacks. Why did these attacks occur? We attempt to provide some thoughts in answer to that tough question. We review Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. We review the Sunni Islamist radicals. We also cover the Shias, as well as briefly discuss Iraq and Iran. We explore some of the feelings of that day. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dr. Hans Vought, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Sacraments - Part III - Baptism
Air Date: 9/3/2011
Some facts about baptism to remember

Is baptism a repeatable Sacrament? What if you were baptized by another body, is your baptism still valid? Is baptism precisely related in time to the salvific work of the the triune God of the Scriptures? What is a Sacrament? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Sacraments - Part II
Air Date: 8/27/2011
A closer look at the Sacraments, in particular, the Lord's Supper

A continuation of a discussion that we began four weeks ago. We have signs and seals of the covenant in both Testaments. The Sacraments communicate to us the benefits of Christ. As important as Sacraments are, do all churches employ them? The Scriptures alone, teach us that there are two Sacraments. God pledges Himself to us, and these Sacraments are attached to the Word. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Incarnation of Jesus Christ
Air Date: 8/20/2011
Jesus took on human flesh, becoming man, and yet did not lose his divinity

Jesus took on human flesh and yet remained fully God. He is the only begotten Son of God. He is very God of very God. Jesus subjected Himself to the creation, and dwelt among us. Understanding the humanity of Jesus helps us in our worship services - download the podcast to find out how. In some respects, this perspective has the potential for transforming your worship service, and making it more God-centered. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: National Character
Air Date: 8/13/2011
How does good character intersect with our national leaders?

What kind of character should a good leader possess? Did the founders of America say anything about the kind of people who would be necessary for this form of government? Can a person be a good person in public, yet not a good person in private? "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Character
Air Date: 8/6/2011
The implications of good character.

It seems that character is not discussed much in our day, but as we look back at how the Christian ministry was conducted in the 19th century, we see more than just the therapeutic/motherly qualities - we also see ministry much more directed towards character formation. We mention the McGuffey Readers for example. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and understanding. Discipline in our personal lives is required. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Sacraments
Air Date: 7/30/2011
What are Sacraments and why do we need them?

What are Sacraments and where did they come from? Were there Sacraments in the Old Testament? What is meant by them being described as visible signs and seals of God's Covenant of grace? How many sacraments are there? What about the differences between the Protestant Reformation understanding and the Roman Catholic tradition? Are the Sacraments of the New Testament efficacious? Participant: Rev. Kevin Chiarot, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Christian and Grief
Air Date: 7/23/2011
Handling loss of a loved one, and other losses in life

What about the Christian and grief? What kinds of emotions are experienced as we go through the grievous losses in our lives? Are there feelings of guilt or regret as we are faced with the finality of our loss? What if you feel like your faith will not be able to survive your loss? Sometimes with the death of a loved one, we feel an almost unremitting sorrow when it sinks in that we can no longer have this person in our lives. For the person who is dying, sometimes there is intense sorrow that they have to leave things undone. What is the dynamic that life in this fallen world "plays" on us? What about the Scripture - how does it provide comfort for the child of God? What about the feelings of loss with divorce, or perhaps a job loss? There is a Pioneer - One who has forged the way, and has defeated death, and has been raised from the dead. Please join us for this honest discussion of a serious topic. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Kevin Chiarot, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Church, forgiveness and assurance after Camping
Air Date: 7/16/2011
Facing the call of God to go to church, finding forgiveness and assurance after confused by Camping

Have you been feeling the tug of God the Holy Spirit on your heart, to return to church? Perhaps you left the church as a result of Harold Camping's false teaching. Now the Lord has been dealing with your heart. Some folks have contacted us and are finding it hard to have an assurance of their soul's salvation and of God's forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Maybe you want to return to church, but the embarrassment seems just too great to allow you to return to the Body of Christ. What about the so called "Christian Sabbath?" How do you treat the Lord's day, which Jesus said was created for man, and yet still holds for us today? All this is discussed in this edition of A Plain Answer. Participants: Dr. Mark Allison, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Returning to the Church
Air Date: 7/9/2011
The how and why of returning to the Church, after Harold Camping

Many folks have left the church due to Harold Camping's false teaching. In this podcast, we discuss this in detail. We base our discussions on actual facebook postings - sincere questions that people have, as they are trying to pick up the broken pieces of their lives after being nearly destroyed by following Harold Camping. Participants: Dr. Mark Allison, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Ordo Salutis and how God saves us
Air Date: 7/2/2011
What is the order of salvation as God saves His people?

Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about the "order of salvation?" What about the biblical doctrine of election? We also discuss Harold Camping's false understanding and misrepresentation of this precious doctrine. Does God do all the work in salvation? What is man's part? What does the Scripture teach? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How God works in Salvation
Air Date: 6/25/2011
Exploring the various experiences of how God saves His people, and assurance of salvation

Have you ever felt a little bad that your experience of salvation doesn't seem to measure up to other people's expectations? Some folks have had sincere and dramatic conversion experiences. Others were brought up in a Christian home and heard the gospel from infancy. Maybe your experience was that of the Lord reaching down to you in a very subtle but real way. In this program we discuss the various ways that God comes to people and gives them salvation. We avoid a "cookie cutter" approach that is sometimes used to make people feel guilty that their experience didn't match a particular set pattern. Nonetheless you know you are saved. How about those of you who are not sure? We also make an appeal to simply believe the good news about Jesus Christ. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Human Suffering
Air Date: 6/18/2011
Pain and suffering and the Providence of God

How do you work through the fact that God ordains all things after the counsel of His will, as Ephesians tells us; and yet there are horrible sufferings going on in this world? Participants; Rev. Kevin Chiarot, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Jesus and His nature
Air Date: 6/11/2011
Jesus and His nature, Fully Man and Fully God

Harold Camping has taught that Jesus is Michael the Archangel. He seems to teach that Jesus is the Father - the old heresy of Modalism. Harold Camping says that Jesus did not die on the cross for our sins, but it was a mere demonstration. But what does the Bible really say? Did you know that all these assertions of Harold Camping are very old lies that have been around for centuries? The church over the centuries has very carefully articulated creeds and confessions which help us understand the person and salvation work of Jesus Christ. In this broadcast we review the Nicean Creed. We look at the Shorter Catechism. We talk about Modalism (also called Sabellianism). We deal with Ontology as we discuss the nature of Christ's being. We are not inventive in this broadcast, but simply share what is the Historic, Christian faith with respect to the person of Jesus Christ. Participants: Rev. Kevin Chiarot, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Church, and your personal salvation
Air Date: 6/4/2011
Can we be saved outside of the Church? Has God forsaken His Bride?

A facebook posting asked the question: "Can Salvation occur and be maintained, (by the Holy Spirit through the Word), outside of belonging to a physical church, a physical body of believers?" In this broadcast we assemble three pastors who are very experienced and who also are intimately engaged in defending the Christian faith against the claims of "Campingism." What about your own personal salvation? Are you a lone range Christian? Have you left the Church, thinking that all churches were filled with Satan, when in fact, you were mistaken? Can a Christian make it on their own, without the structure that the Epistles give us, of pastors, elders and deacons? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Rev. Bill Shishko, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: One week after Harold Camping's May 21 date
Air Date: 5/28/2011
May 21 passes: No massive earthquakes, no rapture, but many disillusioned people

Where you one of the people who were affected by Harold Camping's false May 21 "rapture" date? Did you notice that there were no earthquakes starting 6:00 PM in New Zealand, like Harold originally said there would be? Were you one of the folks who liquidated your entire bank account, to help "spread the word!" but to no avail? Now you are without cash going forward, but worse, you realize that you were fooled by this man. Lot's of people are in your same position. In this broadcast, we talk about where to go from here. Many people were in contact with Redeemer Broadcasting during this intense period of time. Harold went into hiding for a while, in fact he didn't stay at his own home for one evening. finally he came out of hiding and went on the air live on May 23, only to spiritualize the whole event, and further drive a wedge between him and the Christian faith. Join us for this important discussion as we suggest what you can do, now that you know without doubt that Harold Cmaping is a false prophet. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: May 21 and Harold Camping's Failed Prophecy
Air Date: 5/21/2011
Harold Camping's failed May 21 prophecy and how to handle if you have been fooled by him

Have you been fooled by Harold Camping's false date? Many have. We explore the root cause of the problem with Harold Camping. One of the pastors in this discussion met with Mr. Camping in December 1993 in accordance with Mathew 18 and the erring brother. We also discuss "where do you go from here," if you have been duped by this man. Participants: Rev. Bill Shishko, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Harold Camping and his false teachings
Air Date: 5/14/2011
Is God done with the church? Is Baptism and the Lord's Supper abolished? Is Christ returning May 21?

Harold Camping is in the news lately. He is predicting with 100% certainty that Christ is returning next Saturday, May 21. He denies baptism, denies the Lord's Supper. He says that if you are in a church, you are going to hell. He says that Jesus did not die on the cross for your sins, but did that somehow from eternity past. The bizarre teachings of this man seem to mount as time passes. His followers simply recite the words of their cult leader without understanding what they are saying. Will Christ return on May 21st? We believe He will not. Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dr. Mark Allison, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: States Rights and ungodly cultural dependencies
Air Date: 5/7/2011
A followon to the discussion of the War Between the States

In our last episode three weeks ago, we addressed the slavery issue. Now we have some comments about States Rights. Also: What structures in our American society today, have we gotten used to, but in fact are actually ungodly structures? How to deal with them? We must maintain cool/level heads as some of these structures cannot be quickly removed. They must be removed however over time. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Transforming Power of the Resurrection
Air Date: 4/30/2011
On what basis do we believe in the resurrection and what hope does it give me today?

Last week we talked about the resurrection of Christ from the dead. For those of us who have lost a loved one, the implications of the resurrection are tremendous! We have real hope because of Christ's resurrection. The historical evidence of the resurrection is discussed. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Air Date: 4/23/2011
Have you reflected deeply on the Resurrection lately?

The most important event in history is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this edition of A Plain Answer, we look at what it means to believe on Jesus Christ. We explore the uniqueness of Jesus and what He accomplished for His people. We talk about the cross and why it is important. This is a wonderful time of year to consider afresh the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the cross of Calvary and Jesus' resurrection from the dead! Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: 150th Anniversay of the Civil War
Air Date: 4/16/2011
What were the events leading up to the War Between the States?

This past Tuesday marked the 150th anniversary of the start of the War Between the States, or Civil War. It is generally agreed that the starting point was the firing on Fort Sumter. However tensions had been rising for decades prior, and reached a powder keg situation just before April 12, 1861, with deadly agitation from the abolitionists, and finally the presidential election of Republican President, Abraham Lincoln. Join us for this brief look at this crucial juncture in our American history. Also find out what huge issue we have today, which needs to be handled with wisdom, as we look at the whole area of human beings made in the image of God. In three weeks from now, we plan to continue our discussion of the War Between the States, and take a look at the issue of States' Rights. We also plan to explore the controversial issue of "entitlements" in our own day. Stay tuned, we hope to discuss these things on May 7. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christianity and America
Air Date: 4/9/2011
America's greatness is waining and we are in need of repentance before the Triune God of the Scriptures

What was it that made America great? How was it founded? What were the original guiding principles? We just bombed Libya in response to the UN's no fly zone decision. We justify this action in the name of protecting people who are not armed as well as the ruling party in Libya. But what about the most vulnerable among us? The baby in the wombs of thousands of American women, is in more danger than the rebels in Libya. Listen to the statistic that Dr. Vought shares with us regarding the destruction of the African American child with abortion. It will shock you! May God have mercy upon our nation. We believe that if a nation breaks covenant with God and disobeys His precepts, setting up false gods, that we can only expect the negative sanctions (ie, judgment) of God in history. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: The UN and its ramifications
Air Date: 4/2/2011
The UN security council's no-fly-zone over Libya and the US response

What was the genesis of the United Nations (UN)? What were the goals and what has this body actually accomplished? The United States recently launched a barrage of Tomahawk cruise missiles in response to the UN decision. Was our Congress involved in the decision? On what grounds did we bomb Libya? If it was to stop a brutal killing of a dictator's residents, then why aren't we bombing other nations such as North Korea, where there is horrendous persecution and death? What is going on? How much does the United States spend on the UN as compared to other "states?" Do we really need the UN anymore? Are not its goals steeped in naivite'? Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Your Vocation and God's Will
Air Date: 3/26/2011
How do I find God's will for my life?

Ever wonder why you are here? What job does God have for you to do? Who are you to marry? What vocation will you chose? These questions are explored in this week's discussion about your vocation and God's will. Scriptural guidance is provided that will help you sort things out. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Sovereignty of God and human tragedies
Air Date: 3/19/2011
The tsunami in Japan causes us to pause and consider that God is all powerful, but how to handle this?

The news footage of the Japan tsunami has reminded us of the terribly tragic events in that country. In this discussion we consider the age-old problem of suffering. Paul told the Ephesians that God "works all things according to the counsel of His will." How is suffering part of the plan of God? How can God permit such things? We take a pastoral look at human suffering. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Church - Visible and Invisible
Air Date: 3/12/2011
There are two aspects to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ

What is the difference between the visible and invisible church? The Apostle Paul's statement: "Christ gave Himself for the body;" Reminds us that there is both an individual dimension and a corporate dimension in the atonement of Jesus Christ. So the early Christians could say that if you reject the body of Christ, you have rejected the head. It is an anomaly to claim that you are related to the head and not the body. Towards the end of our discussion we again look briefly at the bizarre and dangerous teachings of Harold Camping. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Uniqueness of the Church -vs- Harold Camping
Air Date: 3/5/2011
Refuting Harold Camping's view of the Church

We open our discussion with a review of Harold Camping's false position that "God is done with the church." While he is clearly wrong in this assertion as well as his "deeper spiritual meanings," and his "date setting," etc....While he is clearly wrong in these things, nevertheless sometimes it is very hard to find a good church! Many churches have abandoned the gospel of Christ. Some have embraced practices that are contrary to the plain word of Christ. So what to do, if you find yourself in a situation where there is no good church around? Does this prove Harold Camping is right? No it doesn't, but it does show that we need Revival in our land! In this broadcast we talk a little about what you can do if you face such an unfortunate situation in your town. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Why do the nations rage, and Psalm 2
Air Date: 2/26/2011
Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing?

We are dealing with a seething pot of rage in the world today. But what does God have to say about it? In this discussion we take a closer look at Psalm 2. How does Jehovah God deal with the rulers of nations who curse His holy name and his laws? Is there hope for us? Indeed there is! Listen, and find out why. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Gospel
Air Date: 2/19/2011
What is the gospel? But first, what is the BAD news?

The gospel is central to our faith, but what is it? Why is it the good news, and why is it needed? We take some time and look at man's sinful condition before a holy God. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Politically Correct Speech
Air Date: 2/12/2011
Does politically correct speech hamper the preaching of the gospel?

Suppose your pastor decided to preach a sermon that is based on Romans 1:18-32. In that chapter the Lord mentions specific sins. Our societal milieu tends to prohibit our free speech regarding specific sins that God Himself mentions. We assert that political correctness cuts off debate as well as prohibits free speech. We need debate in our society. Political correctness is a political instrument used by some to enhance their power. It is an age old problem, just as paganism is an age old problem. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Worship, Prayer and Bible reading
Air Date: 2/5/2011
What are the basic practices of the Christian life?

We are one month and a week into the New Year, and sometimes Christians have a Bible reading plan they follow. There is a rhythm to life and Bible reading plans can assist in a natural sort of way. Regarding worship, it is a very important activity which we are called to, both privately and corporately. We are told by our Lord that He seeks our worship. We also look at the model prayer that our Lord gave to us. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Why do Good Things Happen to Bad People?
Air Date: 1/29/2011
The prosperity of the wicked troubled the Psalmist and it often troubles us today

What is God like in His justice, and why would He allow the wicked to prosper? In this discussion, we step back and look at this probing question, which was suggested by a listener in response to last week's broadcast. What is God's "Common Grace?" We touched upon it last week and discuss it a little more in this broadcast. Towards the end of our discussion is a gospel invitation. We invite you to listen closely if you are being drawn by God and are interested in His salvation plan for you. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
Air Date: 1/22/2011
Maintaining peace in the midst of tragedies and personal trials

In the news there was a shooting in Arizona. In our own personal lives, we may have a loved one who has cancer - or we may have cancer ourselves. There are many "bad" things that happen to us in this world. We enter into the problem in this discussion and provide in part at least, a pastoral answer. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Words and their meaning
Air Date: 1/15/2011
What do we mean by catholic?

The word catholic is a rich word but can also be confusing. The Nicene Creed uses the word as an adjective when it says "one holy catholic and apostolic church." Historically, we see ethnicity passing into catholicity. We talk about another word, and that is repentance. What does that mean? And when we repent, what has happened with respect to God towards us? Tune in to find out more. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Church -vs- Campingism
Air Date: 1/8/2011
Has God abandoned the Bride of Christ? Is God done with the Church?

We are increasingly hearing of the anti-church teaching of Mr. Harold Camping. He teaches that Satan is in all the churches. He thereby ascribes to Satan, the works of the Holy Spirit. He says that all Christians should leave their churches ("depart-out"), and meet as fellowships, tuning into Mr. Camping's program and sending their donations to him. It is quite a mess. Some churches have lost members over this emphasis. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christian persecution at the hands of Islam and why
Air Date: 1/1/2011
A Closer look at what Islam teaches

On Christmas Eve in Nigeria, Christians were apparently targeted with four deadly bomb blasts. Islamic militant groups routinely use "the sword" as they spread their world view. In this discussion we take a look at what Muslims believe and what their source of authority is. What is Sharia? What is the difference between Christianity and Islam? Is Christianity a political movement? Why are there by and large, no reported attacks of Christians against Muslims, and yet numerous attacks of Muslims against Christians? We end our discussion with the hope and assurance of Muslims coming to faith in Jesus Christ - Who alone can change the heart of man, and bring true peace. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: In The Fullness of Time
Air Date: 12/24/2010
Lessons and Carols for Christmas

This is a special edition of A Plain Answer. Enjoy word and music as we tell the Christmas story within the milieu of Scripture, quotes from the church fathers, and Christmas carols. Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christmas and Depression
Air Date: 12/18/2010
What can I do when feeling very down at Christmas time?

Are you feeling down this Christmas? You may have have lost a loved one recently. You may have just found out that you have cancer. There may be family stress and trials. People around you are happy but you are sad. Join us for this podcast as we look at this important and very real issue that you face this Christmas. You are not alone - there is help. Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Celebrating Christmas
Air Date: 12/11/2010
Jesus came to earth, but what was his mission?

During this season of Advent we continue to think about Jesus' first coming and consider the real meaning of Christmas. Why did Jesus come to earth? We note that some Christians don't celebrate Christmas because of the worldliness that has crept into the modern celebration. We also spend some time considering the estate of fallen man, and how Adam's guilt has passed on to all mankind. We talk about Jesus and how He took on the sins of His people. Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich and Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: What was this world like just prior to the arrival of Jesus?
Air Date: 12/4/2010
As we celebrate Advent, we take time to ponder the events leading up to Jesus' birth

This world of ours is one of turmoil. It was full of problems and madmen at the time of Christ's arrival. We pause to take a look at the history that is recorded for us just prior to that very first Advent. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Advent
Air Date: 11/27/2010
The Beginning of the Christian New Year

In this edition of a Plain Answer, we discuss a tradition of the Christian church and why it is appropriate for Christians today, to mark time using the Christian calendar. We also note that there is no obligation to do so, and that churches and individuals have complete freedom to chose not to observe the times. We also point out that inevitably, we will be marking time, so why not use a calendar such as the Christian calendar which has been carefully prepared for us over the course of many centuries of Christian experience. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Thanksgiving
Air Date: 11/20/2010
Would the Pilgrims in 1621 have considered their gathering a 'Thanksgiving meal?'

Was there such a thing as a first Thanksgiving? There was a harvest party in the Fall of 1621. English colonists had arrived here in 1620. About 1/2 of the original colonists had died during that first year. We review a quote from Mort's Relation - which is a first hand account of that first "Thanksgiving." We wish all of our listeners a joyous and blessed Thanksgiving, as you acknowledge God and his kind benefits to all of us. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How to Read the Bible - Part 3
Air Date: 11/13/2010
What is the sufficiency of Scripture?

What is the sufficiency of Scripture? This program does not mention Harold Camping specifically, but deals with assumptions that are necessary to read and interpret the Bible properly. We do not add to the Scriptures. The Scriptures challenge us at every point in terms of what we believe and what we are to do. When we disobey, we are rebuked by the Scriptures. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How to Read the Bible -vs- Harold Camping Part 2
Air Date: 11/6/2010
Why does Harold Camping reject the historical grammatical method of Bible interpretation?

Harold Camping attacks the conservative and historical, objective method of Bible interpretation known as the Grammatical Historical Hermeneutic. In so doing he rejects all churches, all seminaries, and all other Bible teachers in the world. It is hard to believe, and yet his followers parrot his teachings in perfect lock step as they ascribe to Satan the works of the Holy Spirit within the Body of Christ, the Church. Only Harold Camping has the correct answers. This is nothing short of cult-like teaching. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: How to Read the Bible - vs - Harold Camping
Air Date: 10/28/2010
Why Harold Camping's hermenuetic of deeper spiritual meanings is severely flawed and essentially anti-Christian

Harold Camping has been in the west coast news recently, mentioned on various web postings and heard each day and night over his radio stations. Bill boards, park signs, leaflets are seen proclaiming the date of May 21, 2011 as the "rapture." In this edition of a Plain Answer, we discuss the severely flawed hermeneutic of Harold Camping and why this man must be avoided and not believed. His teachings fall outside the pale of orthodox Christianity. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: The Spread of the Gospel
Air Date: 10/23/2010
Is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ spreading worldwide?

The Bible speaks of the spread of the gospel in history. In this broadcast we discuss the Biblical texts, as well as give historical examples of the stunning advance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in history. We look at a number of nations around our globe. The Christian is encouraged to take heart - because even though there is intense persecution, there is also tremendous advance, even in some Muslim countries. Jesus Christ powerfully reigns from His heavenly throne. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Persecuted Church
Air Date: 10/16/2010
A look at Christian persecution taking place worldwide

What kinds of persecution to Christians is taking place in this world? Which countries are at the top of the list in terms of severe persecution? We look at one of the early martyrs of the faith, namely Stephen in the book of Acts. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The US Constitution - Part III
Air Date: 10/9/2010
Would the heavy bureaucracy we see today exist if we really followed our US Constitution?

The US Constitution is an important document and was created in the Providence of God, but it is not on the same level as the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. The Bible stands alone in terms of its verbal plenary inspiration. However that being established, the US Constitution is a marvelous document. If however we followed the constraints that are stipulated in the US Constitution, our government would look different than it presently does. We would have more freedoms as well as more personal responsibilities. We first talk about what happens to a land when God moves in revival and reformation. Our nation currently has a big problem with discerning between right and wrong. We desperately need another great awakening. We then look at what happens when we implement the US Constitution using its own words and constraints. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The US Constitution - Part II
Air Date: 10/2/2010
What would America look like if we really implemented the US Constitution?

The unalienable rights are gifts of God and are part of being made in His image. We look at the US Constitution and how it basically "ties" the hands of the government so that they cannot violate the unalienable rights given to the people. We are concerned about a government which appears to be out of control as seen by the normal man on the street. The founding fathers if they saw our nation today would be appalled by the size and power of the Federal government. "That government is best which governs least" - Thomas Jefferson. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The US Constitution
Air Date: 9/25/2010
What are the limits to our Government that the Constitution sets in place?

Has the Constitution always guided our country? Does the Constitution allow the Supreme Court to make law? Does the Constitution empower the President to make law? What about the field of education - does the Constitution give any power to the Federal Government in this area? The answers may surprise you. Finally, does the Constitution allow a president the power to take a nation into war? Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Christian Tolerance, Islam and the Mosque
Air Date: 9/18/2010
Are there limits to tolerance?

We continue our discussion from last week. Are there limits to tolerance? The twin towers in Lower Manhattan were a symbol of American capitalism. They were destroyed, and nearly 3000 people were murdered. Technically, the mosque is allowed to be built on Ground Zero strictly on the basis of the first amendment - however there are other factors; factors relating both to wisdom, and to the notion of not offending others. It is clear that such a mosque being constructed on Ground Zero would not be reaching out as a unifying action. We study the case of Christian freedom as balanced with offending others, and encourage Muslim sympathizers to take a lesson from it. We review what has happened to Christian aid workers who go to Muslim countries - it is not a pretty picture. We close considering what is the best response to the Muslim in our land. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Christian's relation to other faiths, in particular Islam and the mosque project
Air Date: 9/11/2010
How does a Christian relate to other faiths, particularly ones which are mutually exclusive to ours?

Today our nation looks back nine years ago and thinks about one of the worse attacks on our soil in our nation's history. Nine years ago today, Muslim terrorists hijacked civilian planes and used them as tools of destruction on our people. Ground Zero is the area in lower Manhattan where the twin towers once stood - symbols of American capitalism. The terrorists struck at these as well as the governmental seat (Pentagon and would be Capital). Instead of honoring this hallowed ground, there are some who now want to build a mosque at Ground Zero. This offends many, many people. We discuss the limits of tolerance. We come to the general conclusion that tolerance has its limits in society if that "tolerance" is taken to extremes. Some extremes which would be unacceptable, would cause societal suicide and be unconstitutional. Tolerance cannot be promoted when it becomes antithetical to our whole way of life.

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A Plain Answer: The Environment Part 2
Air Date: 9/4/2010
A deeper look at the environmant including the lack of objective information on global warming

This is a follow-on discussion from last week. We talk about the environment and the Christian responsibility in caring for this earth. God gave His people dominion over the earth and it's animals. We discuss forest fires, global warming, the Hudson River - a variety of practical areas. We end our discussion with an explanation of the evangelical necessity of repentance and rebirth. Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Environment Part 1
Air Date: 8/28/2010
What is the Christian's proper response to the environment?

We look at the environment and "environmentalism" from a Biblical perspective. What is pantheism? How do we look at God's earth? Is it to be protected to the point of no development, and no experimentation? What is the difference between conservation and preservation? What about the worldview which says: "Leave only footprints, take only pictures?" Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Freedom of Religion - Part II
Air Date: 8/21/2010
The contrast between Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Worship and its implications

When President Obama addressed the victims of the Fort Hood shooting, he used the phrase Freedom of Worship, but not Freedom of Religion. We are concerned about the marginalization of religion and the privatization of it. We are concerned about breaking the cultural influence of Christianity upon American society. Even the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom has noted this shift in phraseology, as noted in their 2010 annual report. They say this could well be viewed by human rights defenders as "having concrete policy implications." Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Religious Freedom -vs- Mere Freedom of Worship Part 1
Air Date: 8/14/2010
What is the difference between Freedom of Reigion and Freedom of Worhsip?

We take a look at the distinctions between Religious Freedom in America (as guaranteed by our Bill of Rights) and as carried out in our nation's history. We then compare that with a mere "Freedom of Worship." The current administration repeatedly uses the phrase freedom of worship in their general communique's and speeches - we find this troubling. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Godly Government
Air Date: 8/7/2010
Every republic in history has failed; are we close? What we can do as we wait on God.

If Congress was filled with Godly representatives come November - representatives who respected state's rights and the Constitution, would that change us substantively? The answer may surprise you. Was the Christian faith front and center in the minds of our Founding Fathers? What is the difference between group rights and individual rights? Elected officials are supposed to be "dis-interested" and put aside their own interests for the sake of the people whom they serve. We review the fact that public worship and the chaplaincy were encouraged by the Founding Fathers. Christianity was assumed in the minds of our Fathers. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Our Current Government
Air Date: 7/31/2010
How does our current governmental situation compare to the original founder's idea of a constitutional republic?

In talking with people we repeatedly find a general unease regarding the lack of limits the current government in America is exhibiting. As opposed to a sphere sovereignty as espoused by Abraham Kuyper, where there are boundaries as to the legitimate role of government, we are seeing a massive government takeover of many areas which formerly were not run by the federal government, and further would not have been seen as appropriate by our founders. We look at the original intent of our founders as well as what is prescribed Biblically. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: More on the Second Great Awakening
Air Date: 7/24/2010
Reasons why we need a Great Awakening in our own day, and some pitfalls to avoid

America is in trouble. We have drifted away from God as a nation. Would to God that He would grant us a Great Awakening in our day. However, as we pray for such an awakening, we want it real, sincere and not man-made. In this broadcast we cover some of the excesses which were evident in the Second Great awakening. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Second Great Awakening
Air Date: 7/17/2010
An Historical look at the Second Great Awakening and what could happen today by God's grace

We look at the Second Great Awakening historically. We ask, what would a national revival look like should it occur in our day? What were some of the attitudes of the people leading up to revival? How did the Second Great Awakening contrast with the First Great Awakening? Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Trinity
Air Date: 7/10/2010
There are three persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spriit; and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory

We continue last week's discussion about Jesus Christ, that He is God. We explore the teaching of The Trinity. It is a word that does not occur anywhere in the Scriptures, but is clearly taught. We also look at some of the creeds of the church. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Jesus Is God
Air Date: 7/3/2010
What the Bible teaches about the deity of Christ

A listener asked us to cover this subject because he had a co-worker who was asserting that Jesus was not God, but only the "son of God." This term is a Hebraism. We discuss what is meant by Son of God, in terms of the ancient Greek. We talk about how to read and interpret the Scriptures as a whole. We examine any number of verses which clearly show that Jesus is God. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Assurance of Salvation
Air Date: 6/30/2010
A calm assurance that God has saved you

Can I really know that I am saved and that I'm right with God in Christ? Some groups say that we cannot know that we are going to heaven. The Bible says that we can know. Our assurance is grounded in the character of God and His Word. We need to take God at His word, and trust who He is! Peter preached on the day of Pentecost a marvelous sermon which included the statement: "I will be a God to you and to your children." This was a covenant promise, and we are to take God at His word and stand on it. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Election
Air Date: 6/19/2010
Does the Bible teach unconditional election?

A listener asked that we discuss election. In this podcast we approach this subject from a Biblical and pastoral perspective. Is there really election as taught by the Bible? What are the pastoral concerns attended with some explanations of election? How does this teaching tie into our assurance of salvation? What did Jesus say about this subject when he was here on earth? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: World War II
Air Date: 6/12/2010
How did the USA become involved in WWII?

What led the United States ultimately, into WWII? What were the sentiments among the populace, just prior to entering the war? Before actually declaring war, how did the United States become involved in terms of helping supply our allies? What were some of the costs involved in this war? In particular, how many people died from the various nations involved and what was the total worldwide. A reminder about our brief lives is included at the end of this discussion, and how important it is to know that your soul is right with God, through Jesus Christ. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: D-Day
Air Date: 6/5/2010
We should remember the dangers that led to a Hitler coming to power

We review some of the events leading up to D-Day. How was it that Hitler could come to power so thoroughly? What were some of his beliefs that drove him to such evil behavior? Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: What Must I do to be Saved? - Part 2
Air Date: 5/29/2010

A continuation of this very important discussion, and this week we cover the work of Jesus Christ. How does God deal with our sin? What is Justification? Is Justification an act or a process? What is the gospel? God has done something for us in and through the Person of Jesus Christ. This work is something that we could not do ourselves. We are saved in Jesus Christ. What is the role of good works? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: What Must I do to be Saved?
Air Date: 5/22/2010
Why does mankind need to be saved, and how can he be saved?

The question "What must I do to be saved?" actually begs another question, and that is, why do I need to be saved in the first place? We discuss the fall of man into sin originally in Adam. All mankind descending from Adam by ordinary generation, sinned in him, and fell with him in his first transgression. What is the substitutionary atonement? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Law and Grace
Air Date: 5/15/2010
Is the Law gracious?

We begin our discussion this week, answering the question of how are the 10 commandments parsed in several Christian traditions: Reformed, Lutheran, Catholic. Is the law gracious? Does the law function as an accuser? Is the law a standard for the Christian life? Is grace evident in both Testaments, or only the New Testament? We also touch upon the 4th commandment in particular. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Law
Air Date: 5/8/2010
How the Law of God still applies today as we live under grace

What do some people mean when they say "I'm not under law, but grace?" What does the Bible mean by that statement? Is the moral law of God applicable to us? We discuss the moral law and how it is a reflection of the character of God. It also tells us what love is. How do we live the most fulfilling life that we can? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Marriage Part 2
Air Date: 5/1/2010
The marriage covenant

Marriage is under assault in our world, and we discuss the grace aspect as it relates to existing as well as broken marriages. We discuss the spirit of forgiveness. What are the reasons for divorce and what are the Biblical requirements allowing for remarriage? Who is the covenant between in marriage? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Marriage
Air Date: 4/24/2010
An institution of God from the early days of creation itself

Where does marriage originate? What does the Bible have to say in both Old and New Testaments? We discuss the sacredness of marriage and how it has been instituted by God in creation. It is an ordinance of creation to be honored by all. It is not a temporary arrangement. We review the cultural mandate and its implications regarding children. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Creation - Part 2
Air Date: 4/17/2010
A discussion of various schools of thought within the camps of those who hold to creation

We discuss various schools of thought regarding creation, all of which maintain the authority of Scripture. Basic areas of agreement are that all things are created by God, and He is transcendent over all things. There are areas of disagreement in terms of "how" God created our universe. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Creation
Air Date: 4/10/2010
God created all things out of nothing

Today on a Plain Answer we have kicked off a discussion of Biblical creation. The subject was huge and we hope there will be followup sessions. On today's program we read the creation account from Genesis 1, we discuss the concept of "ex nihilo," the Latin phrase meaning out of nothing - and that is applied to the Biblical record of creation. We discuss light and its origin. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Resurrection
Air Date: 4/3/2010
Christ's resurrection is the basis for future hope

The resurrection was a real bodily resurrection, not merely a resuscitation (or a reincarnation). Christianity arose out of historical facts with eye witnesses. The resurrection is the basis for the Christian's future hope and that we too, look forward to our own resurrection someday, with glorified bodies. Jesus reminds us of this when He says: "I am the resurrection and the life..." We also discuss the origin of Sunday worship and how God has changed the Christian sabbath to now be on Sunday rather than Saturday. We call it the Lord's day. It was the day upon which Pentecost came, and was also the day upon which John was "in the spirit." Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Has there Been an End of the Church Age?
Air Date: 3/27/2010
If Christ were to divorce His church, then there is no Christian faith!

Has the "Church age" ended? That's the assertion of one Bible teacher today. In this discussion we look at what he Bible itself has to say about this assertion. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Bible and Translations
Air Date: 3/20/2010
Is it OK to translate the Bible?

There are many translations of the Bible, but is it "OK" to translate the Bible? What was the practice of Jesus Himself with respect to one of the translations of His day? What are the two basic categories of Bible translations? We close discussing some historical examples of Bible translations and the penalties that some men had to endure for their labor of love. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Bible and its Origin
Air Date: 3/13/2010
How were these books recognized as canonical?

Where does the Bible come from? In this discussion we review that it is God-breathed, and how many men were moved by the Holy Spirit to record the library of books which comprise the Bible. Are there different genres to be observed? How were these books recognized as canonical? What was the role of the church in all this? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Immigration Part II
Air Date: 3/6/2010
If we have godly laws, how will that affect our immigration policy?

What are some Biblical examples of the proper treatment of aliens? What are some of the legal aspects? We share some examples of questions asked on the US naturalization test. What should our policies be if we try and implement godly laws in our land? Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: Immigration Part I
Air Date: 2/27/2010
How should we treat those who immigrate to our land?

What is a Christian perspective of immigration? How should we as Christians treat those who immigrate to our land? What is the roll of individuals and what is the role of government in a godly land? Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Creeds and Confessions II
Air Date: 2/20/2010
Free offer

We continue last week's discussion on creeds and confessions. First we review some basic creeds as listed in the Bible. We move to exploring some of the confessions of the Protestant Reformation, with a closer look at the Westminster Confession and the Shorter Catechism. ONLINE OFFER: If you download and listen to the podcast, you may order a free copy of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Just email us that you listened, and request a free copy today! Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Creeds and Confessions
Air Date: 2/13/2010
The beauty of creeds and their historical necessity

Why has the Christian church through the years felt it necessary to document the faith using Creeds and Confessions? Is there an advantage to it, and does it have Scriptural precedence? What are some early Christian creeds which we find from the Scriptures themselves? We begin to look at some of the confessions which came out of the Reformation. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Abortion, Part II
Air Date: 2/6/2010
When life begins, eugenics and selective breeding

We continue to delve into this topic, discussing when life begins, and the whole eugenics area and selective breeding. In the early days we find that the first feminists were actually against abortion, and a "woman's right to her body" is a relatively new argument. We look at the statistics of who in society has abortions, and find that the poor are three times more likely to have abortions. 37% African Americans, 22% Hispanic and 34% Whites have abortions, so the scale is tipped heavily in the direction of people of color having abortions. We address the myth of over population and briefly discuss the problems that Japan and European countries are facing due to declining birth rates. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: Abortion, Part I
Air Date: 1/30/2010
On what moral basis is abortion wrong?

Is Abortion wrong? If so, on what moral basis? When does life begin? We also discuss modern technology and how it helps us to see what is in the womb. We also discuss the great hope that there is for women facing the decision of an abortion, and the solution that God gives. We provide numbers of where to call in Ulster County if you need help. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: The Christian Calendar
Air Date: 1/23/2010

A Christian calendar can be a great aid to help edify us and help us to remember those things that God has done for us in Christ. What about objections to a Christian calendar? Our culture has been so highly secularized that we start to think nothing of celebrating Mother's Day, birthdays, etc, and yet if a church starts to make mention of the Christian calendar events such as Advent, or Epiphany, or Lent, then some become shy for fear of looking like "Roman Catholics." We discuss the Puritans and their stricter practice in this area. We conclude that a Christian calendar falls into the category of "Adiaphora" - a concept used in philosophy to indicate things which are outside of moral law - that is, actions which are neither morally mandated nor morally forbidden. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: Epiphany
Air Date: 1/16/2010
Early events in the life of Jesus

An interesting discussion on Epiphany. Why do some Christians celebrate Christmas on January 6? We take a look at some of the early events in the life of Jesus, including the visit of the Magi, His presence in the temple, and His baptism. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: Islam
Air Date: 1/9/2010

A listener asked us to cover the case of Rifqa Bary, and her running away from home, and how she was afraid that she would become a victim of an "honor killing" as imposed by her family. We discuss the larger topic of Islam, and delve into two main sects within that religion, as well as discuss Sharia law. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: The Manhattan Declaration
Air Date: 1/2/2010
Is it OK to sign it?

A listener asked us about The Manhattan Declaration, and if this declaration is worthwhile. The declaration was released on November 20, 2009 and there are a number of Christians who have signed the declaration. It deals with the sanctity of human life, the dignity of marriage between husband and wife, and the rights of conscience and religious liberty. It was Rev. Harry Reeder who pointed out that: "while being a call to unified Christian action in the engagement of the cultural issues of the day, this declaration does not purport to be a confessional or an ecclesiastical statement of theological unity." Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Second Coming of Christ
Air Date: 12/26/2009
The timing of His second coming is secret, but the future event is certain

The Second Coming of Christ is the "Blessed Hope" of the Christian. We must be ready for this event, and yet we understand that the Son of Man comes at an hour when we don't expect Him. We discuss the inappropriateness of setting dates for the return of Christ. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The 1st Coming of Christ
Air Date: 12/19/2009
And is it OK to celebrate Christmas?

How did the first coming of Jesus affect this world? Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25th? We review some of the sentiments of some Christians in the 1600's regarding the celebration. How has the spread of the Gospel influenced people? We review the words to the carol "Joy to the World," by Isaac Watts. Finally, Why did Jesus come into the world and what His life means to you personally, today. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The First Advent and events leading up to it
Air Date: 12/12/2009
Including Herod the Great

We look at the actions of Herod the Great, and the times of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. We discuss how scripture talks about the coming of the Lord - both first and second comings. What does the word Advent really mean? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Times Leading up to the First Advent
Air Date: 12/5/2009
Some real history prior to Christ's first coming

What were the times like prior to the first advent of our Lord Jesus Christ? What were some of the historical events that we see occurring during the 400 year intertestamental period? What was Herod the Great like? Listen as we discuss these and other events during this time of Advent. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Sacrament
Air Date: 11/28/2009
That sounds too Roman Catholic! (or does it?)

What is the Reformational view of Sacrament? Where did the term sacrament come from and is it legitimate to use the term? How many sacraments are there? What if a pastor becomes apostate, are the previous sacraments administered by him still valid? What does it mean that the sacraments are a sign and seal? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: sola scriptura
Air Date: 11/21/2009
Is the Bible God's inherent word, and are any new revelations to be added to it?

A Pastor is a minister of Word and Sacrament. We continue exploring two major distinctives of the Reformation, namely Word and Sacrament. The topic was so large, that this program is dedicated to the Word. What is meant by the assertion "sola scriptura" as heard from the Reformation onward? How do we look at Scripture - is it God's inherent word? What of continuing revelations, now that the canon of Scripture is complete? Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Missions Part 2
Air Date: 11/14/2009
Why is missions necessary and why continue to translate the Bible into many lanuages?

We continue to discuss the need for missionary endeavor. We discuss the cultural and evangelical mandates. We discuss the necessity of translating the Bible into the native tongue of tribes and nations. We review more accounts from the field as related by a missionary pilot. We also talk about how cultures have been transformed by the gospel of Christ. Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Jeremiah Diedrich (pilot), Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Missons Part 1
Air Date: 11/7/2009
Including an interview with a missionary pilot

Don't we have so many problems in our country, that we need to focus here first? Why missions? We review some missionary accounts from the field as related by a missionary pilot. What is the extent of the evangelistic mandate which Christ has given to His people? Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Jeremiah Diedrich (pilot), Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Reformation Day and Martin Luther
Air Date: 10/31/2009
Including the Five Solas

A lively discussion on Martin Luther, and continuing the theme this month of Reformation. The Augsburg Confession, the five Solas, Bible translation and more are discussed. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich and Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: Martin Luther
Air Date: 10/24/2009
His life

We take a deeper look at indulgences in this edition. Also a more in depth look at the life of Martin Luther. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Events leading up to the Reformation - Part II
Air Date: 10/17/2009
What were some of the abuses in the medieval church prior to Luther?

What were some of the abuses seen in the medieval church in the late 1400's and early 1500's, leading up to the time of Martin Luther? We discuss immorality in the church and it's affect upon society. We briefly discuss penance, purgatory, and indulgences. We address the often corrupting influences of wealth and power. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: Events leading up to the Reformation - Part I
Air Date: 10/10/2009
Including a discussion of original sin -vs- Palagianism

Why was a reformation of the medieval church needed? We also discuss the Biblical concept of original sin -vs- Palagianism. Participants: Rev. Mark Diedrich, Jeremiah Diedrich joins us on the side, and Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: The Church and Politics - Part II
Air Date: 10/3/2009
What happens worse case, when churches remain true and government become oppresive and evil?

What happens when a government heads in a wrong direction, and the church must take a stand for righteousness? What was the role of the church during Nazi Germany and how did the confessing churches take a stand? We look at the Declaration of Barmen. What is Sphere Sovereignty? We quickly address the Chinese Three Self Church. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Church and Politics - Part I
Air Date: 9/26/2009
What role does the church have in political involvement?

A listener raised the question: What role does the church have in political involvement? We explore the two church/political extremes as we see them in history. We note that according to Calvin, that politics can be a sacred profession. We note the importance that religion plays in politics. We discuss the difference seen in political involvement by Reformational Christianity as opposed to other forms of government under other systems, such as Islamic-run governments. What did Jesus mean when He said "My kingdom is not of this world?" Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The End of the Church Age - NOT
Air Date: 9/19/2009
God still has His church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it!

We have received various emails from folks who have been concerned with, and/or confused by, a popular teaching that says that the "end of the church age" has arrived. The assertion that we deal with, teaches specifically, that God has left all the churches and that now, Satan rules in all churches! This false teaching also asserts that we are no longer supposed to be baptized or have communion. What does the Bible really have to say about this, and how does the history of the church mitigate against such a view? We deal with this topic carefully and without casting stones or mentioning who this "popular" false teacher is. The Bible is full of passages which mitigate against this false teaching of the "end of the church age." There are also boundary conditions which exist concerning the very nature of Christ, such that a view like this cannot possibly be true. We discuss the visible church, the invisible church and show if we dissect these and throw one out while retaining the other, we encounter an impossible scenario with respect to the incarnation of Christ and with respect to His Person. Other questions surface as we probe this question. For example, what are the marks of the church? We also delve into churches which indeed have left the faith once delivered to the saints. We explore the definitions of heresy and schism. While some groups go all the way and deny the basic essentials of the Christian faith, our Lord promises us that He will continually be with His people and will preserve those that are His and that He will preserve the true church. The teaching that Christ is "no longer using the church," is another way of trying to kill off the work and ministry of Christ on earth through His church. We note that it is incomprehensible that we would have this kind of teaching. It is an attack upon the Bride of Christ. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Education - Part 2
Air Date: 9/12/2009
When did compulssory public education begin?

We continue answering the listener's question of "What was the progression of education in the American family since colonization?" As history progresses, the Industrial Revolution played an important part of the educational model. Immigration also affected education as the country needed to turn immigrants into "good" American citizens. By 1918, all the states in the Union have compulsory public education. Private schools continue, but parents who exercise that option, start paying "double." They have to pay their school taxes, as well as for private education. By the late nineteenth century, the Christian church lost control of education in this country. Losing control of higher education meant losing control of curriculum, teacher training and eventually we see Christianity "eased" out of the public schools. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: Education - Part 1
Air Date: 9/5/2009
Including how the Reformation changed education

The listener's question is: "What was the progression of education in the American family since colonization?" We discuss what an education is, and how we inherited our current educational model. We also probe other questions prompted by this original question. What was the purpose of a liberal arts education, and how did the Reformation change education? Also where were the first public schools established? Cotton Mather's quotes are explored. We also consider a quote from Cornelius Van Til (contained in Foundations of Christian Education - Addresses to Christian Teachers). Thomas Aquinas is also briefly mentioned, as well as the Belgic Confession. Since the topic of education is so large, we continue into the following week. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: The Role of Satan in the Believer's Life - Part II
Air Date: 8/29/2009
There is victory in Jesus Christ - that is the norm

A follow-on discussion including the distinctions between possession and oppression. The believer is exhorted to keep our eyes on Jesus, and not dwell on satanic activity. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The Role of Satan in the Believer's Life
Air Date: 8/22/2009
Our victory is in the reigning Christ

We discuss the limitations of the role of Satan in the believer's life. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: The First Amendment
Air Date: 8/15/2009
What was intended and what is not

The First Amendment states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." We discuss the establishment clause, the free exercise clause and how these came about. What were the ramifications of these in American History? The amendment specifically restricts the Federal Government, but what happened in the 1940's when the Supreme Court applied the first amendment to the states? The so called "Wall of Separation" is dealt with. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Just War
Air Date: 8/8/2009
When is it morally right to go to war?

What is the Just War tradition? When is it right for a Christian to go to war? Was the American Revolution a "just war?" These question and others are dealt with. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf

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A Plain Answer: Internationalism and it's dangers
Air Date: 8/1/2009

We investigate a quote from the Pope's recent pastoral letter, Caritas in Veritate, where he writes that there is a "strongly felt need" for a reform of the United Nations and of "economic institutions and international finance..." "There is," he says "urgent need of a true world political authority" with "effective power." We tackle this dangerous assertion with Biblical exposition, and with a perspective in history. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: Personal Salvation - It's necessity
Air Date: 7/25/2009
We can be saved as individuals even as God works in covenant communities

We investigate a quote from the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church of America - Rev. Katharine Jefforts Schori. In speaking of the crisis in her own church she says: "the overarching connection in all these crisis has to do with 'the great Western heresy' - that we can be saved as individuals, that any of us alone can be in a right relationship with God." This assertion is challenged using the plain teachings of Scripture. The individual is saved by God's free grace, i.e., by grace through faith alone. Participants: Dr. John Vance, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: John Calvin's thought - a Continuation
Air Date: 7/18/2009
More insights on John Calvin's influence upon government

A continuation of last week's session, with a look at man's total depravity, and how this conviction got fleshed out in the way government is structured with checks and balances. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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A Plain Answer: John Calvin's Thought on Western Culture and the American Revolution
Air Date: 7/11/2009
Would there even be an America without John Calvin's thoughts?

Celebrating the 500th birthday of John Calvin (July 10, 1509), this program looks at the thoughts of Reformer John Calvin. His thinking has dominated Western culture throughout the modern period, and in particular profoundly affected the thinking leading up to the American Revolution. Participants: Dr. Hans Vought, Rev. Mark Diedrich, Dan Elmendorf.

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Air Date: 0/0/0000

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